© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Fredrick M. Wigley, Ariane L. Herrick and Nicholas A. Flavahan (eds.)Raynaud’s Phenomenon10.1007/978-1-4939-1526-2_1818. Design and Reporting of Randomised Controlled Trials for Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Research and Development, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Stott Lane, Salford, M6 8HD, UK
Key Points
RCTs play a crucial role in the identification of safe, effective treatments for Raynaud’s phenomenon, but must be well designed.
RCTs for Raynaud’s phenomenon are usually either of parallel group or crossover design.
Trials should be reported in sufficient detail to enable independent replication, in adherence to the CONSORT guidelines.
The seasonality of Raynaud’s phenomenon has to be taken into account when designing trials.
Primary and secondary outcomes must be clearly defined, and subgroup analyses should be kept to a minimum and specified before the trial begins.
If safe, effective treatments for Raynaud’s phenomenon are to be identified, randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are sure to play a crucial role in the process. It is imperative that trials are designed and conducted so as to answer clinically important research questions, and that this is done in a manner that is both ethical and scientifically valid. Scientific validity is a prerequisite for ethical research, as failure to meet these standards represents a waste both of patients’ time and of resources which could have been spent on more worthwhile projects. In this chapter, I shall expound some of the key features of RCTs and discuss the important methodological issues in the design and conduct of trials for Raynaud’s phenomenon, using recent examples from the literature. RCTs in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon pose particular challenges, including the influence of season (temperature) on symptoms, and heterogeneity between and within different subgroups of patients.
Trial Design
“Trial design” may refer generally to the methodological features of an RCT or more specifically to the type of trial that a given study can be classified as [1]. This chapter as a whole concerns trial design in the former, broader sense. In this section, the narrower meaning is discussed. Trials for RP usually adopt either a parallel group design (e.g. [2, 3]) or a crossover design (e.g. [4, 5]).
Parallel Group Design
In a parallel group design, patients are randomly allocated either to receive an experimental treatment or to a control group. The randomised allocation is performed to ensure that the characteristics of the patients in each arm of the study are similar. If there are systematic differences between the study arms, then any differences in outcome may not be wholly attributable to the intervention. Alternatively, such confounding due to group imbalances may mask or attenuate a treatment effect, causing promising interventions to be overlooked. The balancing of study arms in a parallel design is therefore crucial in order to preclude spurious estimates of the effect of the treatment. However, simple random allocation does not guarantee the balance of characteristics between study arms, particularly for small trials. Investigators may therefore wish to implement a stratified randomisation procedure, whereby patients are categorised according to one or more factors that are believed to be associated with the study outcome variables and are then randomised to receive either treatment or control in blocks. This prevents large imbalances between the groups in relation to the stratification factor/s; at most the imbalance will be half the size of the block. As an example, investigators may wish to achieve similar numbers of smokers in each arm of a trial for Raynaud’s phenomenon, due to the effects of smoking on the vasculature. This could be achieved by stratifying by smoking status. Prior to randomisation, a patient’s smoking status is established, and the patient is randomly allocated to the treatment or control arm using a randomisation list for smokers or non-smokers. At the analysis stage, adjustment should be made for the stratification variable using regression methods. Such an approach may be preferable to the exclusion of smokers from the study, as the latter strategy has an impact on the generalisability of the findings.
In addition to details of the randomisation procedure employed, trial reports should present separate summaries of the baseline characteristics for each arm of the study cohort so that a reader may judge to what extent the randomisation has been successful in the balancing of potential confounders [1]. Tests of statistical significance of differences in baseline characteristics between groups are to be avoided, as they are inappropriate for two reasons. Firstly, any differences between randomised groups must be due to chance, making the test redundant. Secondly, there may be a substantive confounding effect even if no significant difference between groups is found, making the test uninformative [6]. Whichever method of randomisation is employed, it is imperative that the randomisation list is concealed from the persons entering patients into the study, or else the allocation procedure will not be truly random. The steps taken to ensure allocation concealment should also be described in the trial report.
Patients in the control arm may receive either a placebo or an active treatment. In a parallel-group trial of losartan for Raynaud’s phenomenon (including both patients with primary Raynaud’s phenomenon and those with systemic sclerosis-related Raynaud’s phenomenon), Dziadzio et al. [7] used the calcium channel blocker nifedipine as a comparator drug. The use of an active control brings several potential advantages: it allows for a direct comparison to be made between an experimental and an established treatment; it may help to maintain the blinding of participants and investigators to the treatment allocation; it may be considered more acceptable from an ethical perspective to treat patients with an active drug rather than mere placebo, and this may be more acceptable to patients considering whether or not to participate. A benefit of the increased acceptability of using an active comparator is that investigators may then be more inclined to include patients with more severe symptoms, knowing that they will not be given placebo and thereby withheld treatment. These are precisely those patients for whom there is greatest need to identify effective treatments, so it is vital that they are included in trials. Problems with interpretation may arise however when no evidence of superiority is found from a direct comparison of experimental treatment versus active comparator. In such circumstances, it cannot be said that either treatment has been shown to have an effect. A common but misguided approach in this situation is to declare an effect to have been demonstrated in one or both groups on the basis of within-group changes. This reasoning cannot be justified, as a fundamental principle motivating the status of the RCT as a gold standard in research is that effectiveness of a treatment can only be declared on the basis of a direct comparison between randomised groups [8]. Investigators may therefore wish to include a placebo group in a trial, either as the sole comparator arm or alternatively as a third arm in addition to the experimental treatment and active control groups. The inclusion of a placebo arm may be recommended for several reasons [9]. The placebo arm acts as an internal standard, and a comparison between treatment and placebo arms serves to provide a direct assessment of the effect of the treatment over and above non-specific placebo effects. The inclusion of a placebo arm also enables investigators to distinguish adverse events attributable to the experimental treatment from those spontaneous events related to the disease.
Crossover Design
In an “AB/BA” crossover design, all patients recruited to the study receive both the experimental treatment “A” and the control “B”, which may be active or placebo (e.g. [5]). The order in which these are received is randomly allocated, so that a participant may undergo a period of A followed by a period of B, or else this sequence will be delivered in reverse. The two periods are separated by a washout phase, which must be of sufficient length to ensure that there are no persisting effects of the intervention delivered in the first period upon commencement of the second. Failure to include a sufficient washout phase in the design of a crossover study will compromise the investigators’ ability to make a valid inference relating to the effect of the experimental treatment, as carryover effects from the first period will obfuscate and potentially interfere with any effects in the second. These effects cannot be isolated at the analysis stage, so it is imperative that they are precluded through thoughtful design [10].
Senn notes how crossover trials may further be subject to period effects, where some secular trend in the experiment means that outcomes in the second period would be higher or lower than those in the first even if no treatment was administered. In the case of Raynaud’s phenomenon, this could plausibly manifest if all of the assessments in period 1 took place within a short timeframe, all of the assessments in period 2 were similarly grouped, and temperatures between the two periods of assessment were different enough to impact upon patient outcomes. Under such circumstances, it may be prudent to use one of the two methods described by Senn to adjust for period effects at the analysis stage. In practice, patients will usually be recruited into the study and assessed at different times, so that some participants will have completed period 2 before others have begun period 1. This means that a period effect may be apparent for some patients (e.g. those for whom temperatures were substantially different between treatment periods) but not others. Senn notes that although such interaction effects might add to the variability in the results, they should not prevent a valid assessment of the treatment effect. Advantages of the crossover design arise from the fact that each patient acts as their own control. Consequently, treatment effects are evaluated on the basis of within-patient comparisons, removing the effects of confounding and reducing the required sample size. The removal of sources of between-patient variability is particularly useful in a condition as heterogeneous as Raynaud’s phenomenon.
Placebo Effects/Blinding
When a treatment is administered, a patient and their clinicians may expect to see beneficial effects. These expectations may translate into the patient reporting that they feel better, even if there is no objective physiological improvement to their condition. We refer to this and related phenomena as “placebo effects”. When we talk of the effectiveness of a treatment, we are referring to any therapeutic effects over and above these non-specific placebo effects. A direct evaluation of the effect of an intervention therefore requires a randomised comparison with a placebo arm (e.g. [2]). The value of the comparison with placebo rests on the ignorance of the participant and the investigators regarding treatment allocation. To this end, it is preferable that participants and investigators are blind to the allocation in the study. Should the treatment allocation of patients become apparent, there is scope for both patients and investigators to alter their behaviour in a manner that will introduce bias to the study and impact upon the assessment of the treatment effect. Where the comparator is an active drug, a double-dummy design may be used to maintain blinding. Here, each patient is given two tablets (or whatever is the method of administration) resembling the two treatments. Only one of these is active, the other is placebo. A problem in clinical trials of Raynaud’s phenomenon is that patients may “guess” they are on active treatment because they experience vasodilatory side effects, thus negating the advantages of blinding. For example, in an RCT of crossover design, all 18 patients completing the study were able to state correctly whether they were receiving placebo or sildenafil [11].
The scenario where both investigators and patients are blind to the treatment allocation has historically been referred to by describing a study as “double-blind”. Given the tendency for modern trials to require the collaboration of multiple investigators performing different roles including the allocation of patients, the administration of treatment and the assessment of outcome, only some of whom may be blinded, this designation is no longer particularly informative, and may have run its course [12]. Given the considerable inconsistency in how this term is used, authors are instead encouraged to explicitly report the blinding status of all personnel who could feasibly introduce bias into the study [1].
The outcomes typically used in trials of Raynaud’s phenomenon include frequency of attacks [13], Raynaud’s Condition Score [5], duration of attacks [2] and (in studies of systemic sclerosis-related digital vasculopathy) numbers of digital ulcers and ulcer healing [3]. Patient-reported outcomes may be particularly susceptible to placebo effects. Taking steps to ensure adequate blinding is therefore of particular importance in trials of Raynaud’s phenomenon. For early-phase trials, it may be preferable to use more objective measures of mechanistic improvement, such as thermography, laser Doppler imaging [14], and finger systolic pressure measurements [15]. However, these non-invasive methods require further validation before they can be widely used as outcome measures (Chap. 13).
One proposal to deal with the high-level of placebo response in trials of Raynaud’s phenomenon is to include a placebo run-in period where all patients are given a placebo for some period prior to allocation to a study arm. Placebo responders are then withdrawn from the study. The use of a placebo run-in may be criticised on ethical, theoretical and empirical grounds. Firstly, Senn [16] notes that the use of a placebo run-in requires the deception of study participants so that all believe that they are taking an active treatment. The wilful deception of patients may be difficult to justify. Secondly, in the absence of a randomised “no placebo” group during the run-in, there is nothing to distinguish placebo response from natural changes over time. It is unrealistic to suppose that patients’ conditions will remain static in the absence of placebo effects; consequently it is likely that the use of a run-in will lead to the unwanted exclusion of those patients who show improvement for reasons unrelated to placebo response. There are clear implications for the generalisability of the findings of the trial. Ethical and theoretical considerations aside, it can be noted that in other clinical areas where a strong placebo response is usual (such as in trials of interventions for depression), inclusion of a placebo run-in period does not appear to have any impact on placebo response [17, 18].
Seasonality/Study Duration
In the discussion of crossover trials for Raynaud’s phenomenon above, it was noted that differences in temperature between treatment periods may obfuscate the effect of the experimental treatment. In fact, the seasonal variation in the condition also has implications for trials of parallel design. If patients were to join the trial at different times throughout the year there would be scope for differences in patient outcomes according to the season when their assessment took place, regardless of any treatment effect (or lack thereof). This would be of particular concern if there was systematic imbalance with respect to the timing of outcome assessments between the treatment arms. For this reason trials are often completed within a single winter season, and so trial duration is usually short. For parallel group trials, duration has usually been in the order of 4–6 weeks [2, 19–21]. If the concern of the study is more broad ranging than short-term safety and efficacy in Raynaud’s phenomenon, then a longer duration is likely to be required. Indeed, because Raynaud’s phenomenon is a long-term condition, there is a good rationale for long term trials.
An example of such a longer term study was a four-arm trial investigating the effectiveness of each of the calcium-channel blocker nifedipine and temperature biofeedback for the treatment of Raynaud’s phenomenon in comparison to control arms receiving placebo tablets or electromyographic feedback [22]. The investigators incorporated a longer follow-up while controlling for seasonal period effects by allowing some flexibility in the timing of the outcome assessment; the primary outcome was measured in a winter month approximately 1 year post-randomisation, so that the median follow-up time was 13.5 months. As a result of this flexibility, the duration of treatment will have varied amongst the patients. Provided that the durations did not systematically differ between the study arms however (so that, for example, patients in the nifedipine arm were not followed up for longer than the placebo tablet arm), this variation will not have introduced bias to the estimate of treatment effect. In fact, this variation in treatment duration may contribute to the general applicability of the results, as the situation more closely reflects what is observed in clinical practice than would a short-term trial conducted under tightly controlled experimental conditions.

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