Decompression of Pronator and Anterior Interosseous Syndromes
E. Bruce Toby
Adam M. Goodyear
Kyle P. Ritter
Pronator and anterior interosseous syndromes are compression neuropathies of the median nerve and its main branch, the anterior interosseous nerve (AIN), at the elbow, and proximal forearm.
The median nerve passes in the distal upper arm between the brachialis and the medial intermuscular septum, with the brachial artery sitting lateral to it.
A rare supracondylar process may arise from the distal aspect of the humerus, giving origin to a fibrous band extending to the medial epicondyle. This is the ligament of Struthers.
If a ligament of Struthers is present, the median nerve passes underneath it.
At the elbow, the median nerve sits underneath the lacertus fibrosus and then typically passes between the superficial (humeral) head and the deep (ulnar) head of the pronator teres.
In 20% of individuals, the deep head is absent or consists of a small fibrous band.
Motor branches to the palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor digitorum profundus typically branch from the median nerve in an ulnar direction proximal to the pronator teres.
Under the pronator teres, the AIN branches in a radial direction from the median nerve, and both pass underneath the fibrous arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis.
The surgeon should be cognizant of the cutaneous nerves passing over the antecubital and proximal forearm region. Damage to these nerves can result in numbness and paresthesia as well as symptomatic neuromas in the forearm.
Anomalous muscles and nerve branches may be present, the most common of which is the so-called Martin-Gruber anastomosis.
The surgeon should also be aware of more proximal or distal branching of the AIN from the median nerve.
The Martin-Gruber anastomosis, which occurs in about 15% of the population, consists of branches from either the median nerve or AIN to the ulnar nerve.
Compression of the median nerve in the proximal forearm is rare compared with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Median nerve compression in the proximal forearm has been labeled as either pronator syndrome or anterior interosseous syndrome.
The true incidence of median nerve compression in the proximal forearm is difficult to ascertain, as is the relative contribution of the various potential impinging structures.
Numerous studies have shown that the most common causes of median nerve compression in the region of the elbow and proximal forearm seem to be fascial bands and muscular anomalies of the pronator teres and the fibrous arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis.3,6
Less common sites of nerve compression include the lacertus fibrosus and the ligament of Struthers (in cases with an existing supracondylar process).
A large number of additional structures have been identified as potential sources of compression of the median nerve. These include an accessory bicipital aponeurosis8 and a variety of anomalous muscles, the most frequently cited of which is the accessory head of the flexor pollicis longus muscle, or Gantzer muscle.
A persistent median artery penetrating the median nerve also has been described.4
Space-occupying lesions such as lipomas or scarring from trauma can result in nerve compression.
Anterior interosseous syndrome caused by nerve compression must be differentiated from Parsonage-Turner syndrome or mononeuritis.
Compression of the median nerve in the forearm often is transient due to excessive physical activity or swelling from injury.
Recovery from Parsonage-Turner syndrome can be prolonged, but the prognosis usually is good without surgical decompression.
The natural history and prognosis of pronator syndrome is not well understood.
Classically, pronator syndrome presents as paresthesia in the median nerve distribution with minimal or no weakness. The patient also may complain of pain localized to the proximal forearm that is increased with activities. There may be a focal area of increased pain localizing to the specific area of compression.
In severe cases, weakness of the anterior interosseous innervated muscles—the flexor pollicis longus, the index and long flexor digitorum profundus, and the pronator quadratus—might be seen as well as select thenar muscles.
Theoretically, patients may have paresthesia in the distribution of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve, in contrast to carpal tunnel syndrome.
AIN syndrome presents as diminished motor function of the index (and long) flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus without injury or specific known cause.
The patient typically complains of spontaneous loss of dexterity and voices specific complaints related to flexion of the thumb interphalangeal (IP) joint and/or index distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint.
Decreased sensation is not a common presenting symptom.
In cases of space-occupying lesions or scarring from trauma compressing the nerve, one would expect to see sensory symptoms as well as motor abnormalities.
Patients suffering from Parsonage-Turner syndrome often will experience a prodromal viral-type illness together with significant pain for several days or weeks before the onset of weakness.
Physical examinations to perform include the following:
Pronator compression test. Paresthesia in the median nerve distribution within 30 seconds is considered a positive test. The test is nonspecific and can be seen with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Resisted proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint flexion of long finger. Paresthesia in the median nerve distribution and pain in the forearm are considered a positive test. The test is thought to be consistent with compression of the median nerve at the fibrous arcade of the flexor digitorum superficialis.
Resisted pronation test. Paresthesia in the median nerve distribution and pain are considered a positive test. A positive finding is consistent with compression of the median nerve by the pronator teres.
Elbow flexion test. Paresthesia and pain are considered a positive test. A positive test is thought to be consistent with lacertus fibrosus compression of the median nerve.
Electrodiagnostic studies are often not helpful in pronator syndrome. Numerous studies have shown that symptoms and outcome of surgery do not correlate well with electrodiagnostic studies.
In anterior interosseous syndrome, electrodiagnostic studies will confirm denervation of the anterior interosseous muscles.
Electrodiagnostic studies are most valuable in the diagnosis of proximal median nerve compression for ruling out carpal tunnel syndrome.
Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are valuable tests for identifying space-occupying lesions such as lipomas or ganglions.
MRI can be a useful investigation to evaluate anterior interosseous syndrome showing edema within the pronator quadratus.1
Plain radiographs of the proximal forearm and elbow may reveal a supracondylar process or anatomic variation.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Mononeuritis or Parsonage-Turner syndrome
Other form of neuritis
In the acute phase, rest, immobilization, and avoidance of aggravating activities, such as repetitive pronation and heavy gripping, should be recommended.
Forearm stretching exercises can be tried in chronic cases.
Modalities such as ultrasound and electrostimulation have been advocated, although there is limited validation of their usefulness.
Nerve gliding and nerve mobilization remain controversial.
Spontaneous recovery does appear to occur in the majority of patients with anterior interosseous syndrome, although recovery can take up to 12 months.7,10Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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