Age Group, # (%)
Age Group, # (%)
5–9 years
10–14 years
15–19 years
5–9 years
10–14 years
15–19 years
6 (20.7)
36 (17.5)
12 (4.8)
Ice hockey
74 (12.5)
52 (16.3)
56 (9.1)
580 (11.4)
257 (9.5)
0 (0.0)
11 (14.5)
53 (11.9)
0 (0.0)
30 (10.0)
87 (10.6)
21 (4.4)
24 (7.1)
6 (6.7)
89 (6.4)
76 (8.7)
5 (2.4)
24 (5.2)
20 (13.6)
12 (4.6)
40 (6.2)
17 (6.9)
0 (0.0)
12 (3.8)
6 (3.7)
9 (2.5)
178 (5.3)
140 (7.3)
13 (3.5)
17 (4.8)
6 (10.2)
36 (3.5)
17 (4.8)
35 (3.2)
40 (3.8)
8 (3.7)
54 (2.8)
152 (4.4)
67 (5.4)
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
13 (5.2)
8 (1.5)
96 (3.2)
107 (7.0)
39 (2.7)
110 (2.8)
53 (3.5)
18 (6.6)
15 (2.2)
6 (2.3)
33 (1.8)
23 (3.2)
6 (1.6)
76 (2.7)
31 (1.7)
0 (0.0)
15 (2.6)
5 (1.5)
0 (0.0)
7 (2.3)
Gender differences in SRCs have been documented. SRCs were more common in females than males in gender-comparable sports [34, 35]. In football (soccer), basketball, and ice hockey, SRCs were more common in females than males [34, 35]. It is not clear from the literature whether the concussion incidence data showing a consistent increased risk in females compared with males in similar sports is a true difference or reflects a reporting bias, as females tend to be more honest in reporting injuries than males [34, 35].
All of these statistics are likely underestimations of the true incidence of SRCs among children and youth as most studies using ED injury surveillance systems only capture patients presenting to EDs for treatment. Patients who sought care at another medical facility such as an urgent care center, a family doctor or pediatrician’s office, walk-in clinic, physiotherapist or chiropractor, and those patients who did not seek medical care are not captured by ED-based injury surveillance systems [3, 14, 20–33]. Another reason for underestimation of concussion incidence results from some athletes not reporting concussions because of a fear of being taken out of play [14, 36].
The 2012 Zurich consensus statement on concussion is the most recognized and followed guideline for sport-related concussions [4]. The Zurich statement deals primarily with concussions in adults, although they do address pediatric and adolescent issues. The Canadian Paediatric Society has had concussion guidelines since 2006 which have been most recently updated in 2014 [5]. The American Academy of Pediatrics has had guidelines since 2010, and have specific guidelines for students returning to school following a concussion [6, 37]. Most recently, the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation has published pediatric-specific concussion guidelines [10]. All of the pediatric guidelines are based on the Zurich principles.
Concussion is defined as “a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces” [4]. This process results “in the rapid onset of short-lived impairment of neurological function that resolves spontaneously” [4]. In some cases, symptoms and signs may evolve over minutes to hours following the injury. A direct hit to the head/face/neck or elsewhere on the body which transfers an impulsive force to the head can cause a concussion, resulting in a range of clinical symptoms that typically resolve in a sequential course. The majority of concussions do not involve a loss of consciousness. The acute symptoms of concussion are indicative of a functional injury to the brain (i.e., how the brain works) rather than a structural injury, such as a hemorrhage or contusion [4].
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and head injury (HI) are often used interchangeably with concussion in the literature which can be confusing [4]. TBI and HI are not specific conditions and refer to a group of brain injuries of varying types and severity resulting from variable causes [12]. Concussion is a specific medical diagnosis and is a subset of TBI and HI, which also include skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage [4, 20, 38].
Signs and Symptoms
There are many clinical signs and symptoms that may develop following a concussion. Features of SRCs are summarized in Table 11.2 and include symptoms/physical changes, behavioral changes, cognitive impairment, and sleep disturbances [4–6]. The cognitive effects of concussion, such as impaired attention, concentration and memory; slowed processing speed; and decreased ability to learn, can negatively affect a student’s scholastic achievements [7–9].
Table 11.2
Features of sport-related concussion
Symptoms/physical signs | Behavioral changes | Cognitive impairment | Sleep disturbances |
Headache Nausea/vomiting Dizziness Visual disturbances Photophobia Phonophobia Loss of consciousness Amnesia Loss of balance or poor Coordination Decreased playing ability | Irritability Emotional lability Sadness Anxiety Inappropriate emotions | Slowed reaction times Difficulty concentrating Difficulty remembering Confusion Feeling in a fog Feeling dazed | Drowsiness Trouble falling asleep Sleeping more than usual Sleeping less than usual |
If a head injury is suspected and an athlete exhibits one or more of these components, a concussion should be assumed and appropriate management initiated [4–6, 10]. In younger children, signs and symptoms may be more subtle and more difficult to elicit because of limited ability to communicate [5, 39]. Concussion signs and symptoms may evolve over minutes to hours following injury [4]. Typically symptoms resolve in 10 days in adults and older adolescents [4], but children and younger adolescents typically take longer, often 3–4 weeks or longer [4, 7–9, 40–47].
Evaluation of Acute Concussion
On Site
Any child or adolescent who sustains a head injury while participating in a sport or recreational activity should immediately stop and be removed from the activity. If medical personnel are present, the athlete should be assessed using accepted emergency management procedures (airway, breathing, circulation). In an unconscious athlete, a cervical spine injury must be assumed and appropriate c-spine precautions should be initiated, including immobilization with board and collar and emergent transfer to hospital [4–6, 10, 48].
A conscious athlete should be assessed for signs and symptoms of concussion by medically trained personnel using a sideline assessment tool, such as the Sideline Concussion Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3) for ages 13 years and older or the Child SCAT3 for ages 5–12 years [4, 49, 50]. The Child SCAT3 allows for parental input in the assessment of younger children.
The assessment of concussion should include a neurological exam and evaluation of cognitive function, including memory, attention, and concentration. If the athlete is deemed to be stable, he/she should not be left alone and should be closely observed for signs of deterioration [4–6, 10, 48]. The athlete should not return to play (RTP) on the day of injury and should not return to full participation until symptoms have completely resolved and clearance has been obtained by an experienced medical professional [4–6, 10, 48].
If medical personnel are not available on site, a responsible, trained adult, ideally the coach, trainer, or parent, should assess the injured athlete using the Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT) [4, 5, 51]. Urgent medical assessment should be arranged and the athlete should not return to play until medically cleared [4–6, 10].
In Office/ED
Many child and youth sport activities and recreational activities occur without medical personnel on site. Therefore, the office or ED is the first point of contact for many injured athletes. A comprehensive medical assessment of a potentially concussed athlete should include a detailed history and thorough neurological exam. The history should elicit potential risk factors for prolonged recovery, such as previous head and facial injuries, including previous diagnoses of concussion; history of headaches/migraines in the patient and family; sleeping difficulties; learning disabilities or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); and mental health issues [4–6]. The neurological exam should assess mental status, cognitive function, gait and balance. An important part of the assessment is the determination of the need for urgent imaging and management of other injuries [4]. The SCAT3 and ChildSCAT3 can be used in the office/ED setting for both initial and serial follow-up assessments [4–6, 49, 50].
If stable following initial assessment, an injured athlete should be observed at home by a responsible adult for the next 24–48 h for signs of deterioration, such as vomiting, decreased level of consciousness, worsening headache, or seizure activity. Patients should not be woken during the night, unless there are signs of deterioration, as sleep is an important part of concussion recovery. Signs of deterioration could indicate a more severe injury than a concussion that may require emergent medical management. The presence of any of these signs requires emergent reevaluation in the ED [5, 6].
Diagnostic Imaging
Routine neuroimaging tests, such as skull X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are not required for diagnosis of concussion. As concussion is a functional injury, not a structural injury, X-rays, CTs, and MRIs usually do not indicate any structural injury. Diagnostic tests should only be obtained if there is suspicion of a structural injury (decreased level of consciousness or prolonged loss of consciousness, seizure, focal neurological deficits) [4–6, 52].
There are specialized imaging techniques, such as functional MRI (fMRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), which may indicate functional and physiological abnormalities associated with concussion. However, these techniques are not routinely available and are largely experimental [4].
Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological (NP) testing in various forms has been shown to be beneficial in assessing cognitive status in the setting of concussion [4, 53, 54]. It can be helpful in concussion management, particularly with respect to return to play decisions [4]. When used, NP testing is usually done once the patient is clinically symptom-free [4]. If NP testing is performed, it should be viewed as one component of the assessment process, in addition to clinical assessment and judgment, and not used as the sole basis for making management decisions [4, 5].
Pre-injury baseline testing may be helpful in the management of concussion; however, universal baseline testing is not recommended because of a lack of evidence to support this assertion [4, 48, 54, 55]. Particularly in children and adolescents, where rapid cognitive improvements between the ages of 9 and 15 years can confound NP results, the cost and lack of availability/resources make widespread pre-injury baseline testing impractical [4, 5, 39, 55, 56].
In certain cases, formal age-appropriate NP testing by a trained neuropsychologist may be necessary to aid the management of concussion [4, 5]. For instance, in athletes who have sustained multiple concussions or who are experiencing prolonged symptoms, formal NP testing may identify specific cognitive deficits that may help with educational planning [4, 5, 48, 54].
Consensus agreement is that rest, both cognitive and physical, is the key to management of concussion, although there is little evidence regarding the optimal length and type of rest [4–6, 10]. One study in high school and college athletes did find that physical and cognitive rest immediately after injury, as well as later during recovery, improved concussion symptoms and performance on computerized NP tests [57]. Physical rest includes avoiding sports participation, exercise, physical education classes, and recreational activities such as cycling or playfighting with friends or siblings. Cognitive rest involves limiting activities that require mental exertion, such as reading, video games, television, and school/homework. As symptoms begin to resolve, usually within 24–48 h, athletes can gradually increase cognitive tasks, including school, and social activities, as long as symptoms are not worsened by these activities [4–6, 9, 10, 58].
No medications have been studied in the treatment of acute concussion in children and adolescents. Acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen may help decrease the severity and duration of headache following concussion [5, 6, 10]. Medications have been used to treat specific prolonged symptoms of concussion, such as sleep disturbances, headache and mental health issues [5, 10, 59]. Medications that can mask the signs and symptoms of concussion should not be taken when returning to sport participation [4, 5].
Return to Learn
In order to facilitate cognitive rest and allow concussion symptoms to diminish, injured student athletes may require a brief absence from school (usually a couple of days at most) [5, 6, 10, 37]. Once symptoms start to improve and students can increase cognitive tasks without exacerbating their symptoms, a gradual return to school can be initiated, starting with half days or only certain classes (Table 11.3) [5, 6, 10, 37, 48, 58, 60–62]. Students do not need to be completely symptom-free before returning to school; however, modifications and/or accommodations to their schedule and/or workload may be required (Table 11.4) [5, 6, 37, 48, 58, 60–62]. Students must return to a full academic load prior to returning to sports [5]. If a prolonged absence from school is required because of severe, persistent symptoms, referral to a specialist with experience in concussion and/or a neuropsychologist may be necessary to aid with education planning [5].
Table 11.3
Graduated Return to Learn (RTL) protocol*
Stage | Tasks |
Cognitive rest | Decrease and limit cognitive tasks and screen time at home. No school |
Increase cognitive tasks | As symptoms improve, slowly increase cognitive tasks at home in 15–20 min increments |
Resume modified school attendance | As symptoms continue to improve, resume school attendance. Start with half-days or only certain classes (avoid gym, music, shop). Limit homework assignments to 15–20 min blocks |
Increase school attendance | Gradually increase school attendance to full days as symptoms allow. Specific accommodations may be required to avoid symptom exacerbation (See Table 11.4). Tests should be limited to one per day in a quiet area, with unlimited time and frequent breaks |
Return to Play protocol (RTP) | Once symptom-free and back to full-time school attendance without accommodations, the student can start with graduated RTP (Table 11.5) |
Table 11.4
Academic accommodations for concussed students
Postconcussion symptom | Effect of school attendance | Accommodation |
Headache | Difficulty concentrating | Frequent breaks, quiet area, hydration |
Fatigue | Decreased attention, concentration | Frequent breaks, shortened day, only certain classes |
Photophobia/phonophobia | Worsening symptoms (headache) | Sunglasses, ear plugs or headphones, avoid noisy areas (cafeterias, assemblies, sport events, music class), limit computer work
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