Breast cancer

38 Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting women: 1 in 10 women develop the disease in the UK. All women aged 50 to 70 years in the UK are currently invited for mammography. Less than 1% of breast cancers occur in males, where prognosis is worse because they present later.

Clinical features

Breast cancer can present with specific features (Fig. 3.38.1), during screening (mammography; Fig. 3.38.2), which has reduced mortality by 30%, or as metastatic disease (back pain (vertebrae), breathlessness (lungs), jaundice/abdominal distension (liver)).


Ductal carcinoma is the most common type. The rarer variants (lobular, tubular, cribriform, mucinous, medullary) have distinctive histological appearances and a better prognosis.

Jul 3, 2016 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on Breast cancer

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