Basic Immunology for the Pediatrician


Innate immunity

Adaptive immunity

Physical barriers

Skin, mucous membrane

Mucosal immune system

Cellular component


Macrophages and dendritic cells

Natural killer cells

T and B lymphocytes

Soluble molecules (circulating in the blood)


C-reactive protein

Mannose-binding lectin

Cytokines (IL-1,TNF,IFN-α)

Antibodies (immunoglobulins)

Cytokines like IL-4, IL-17, and IFN-γ

Time to response

Minutes to hours


Memory generation



Innate Immune Response

As the innate immune response is an immediate and a broad based response, the sensing of the pathogen is done by recognizing particular molecular patterns present on microbial surfaces called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). These PAMPs are recognized by pattern recognition receptors like Toll-like receptors (TLRs), inflammosome, or NOD2.

TLRs [3] are a family of multiple receptors. Of these TLRs 1 to 9 have been well characterized. Different TLRs differ in their ligand recognition, adapter molecules involved in activation, and expression on different cells (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2
Human Toll-like receptors


Cell types


Adaptor molecule used




Dendritic cells

B lymphocytes

Multiple triacyl lipopeptides






Myeloid dendritic cells

Lipoteichoic acid HSP70

Zymosan (beta-glucan)




Dendritic cells

B lymphocytes



Double-stranded RNA

poly I:C






Dendritic cells

B lymphocytes

Intestinal epithelium


Heat shock proteins


Heparan sulfate







Dendritic cells

Intestinal epithelium




Multiple diacyl lipopeptides





Dendritic cells

B lymphocytes

Single-stranded RNA





Dendritic cells

Single-stranded RNA





Dendritic cells

B lymphocytes

Unmethylated CpG

Oligodeoxynucleotide DNA


Intra cellular

In addition, two other families of receptors sense PAMPs in the cytoplasm: NOD-like receptors (NLRs), inflammasomes, and RIG-like helicases (RLHs). Inflammasomes are multicomponent complexes that contain a NLR-containing protein that recognizes the microbe, adaptor proteins that bring together different molecules, and caspase 1 which activates pro-IL-1 and pro-IL-18 to active IL-1 and IL-18 [4]. These 2 cytokines cause a severe pro-inflammatory response. This is dealt in more detail in the chapter on auto-inflammatory syndromes.

Effector Cells and Molecules


They are the major players in acute inflammation, and their main function is phagocytosis of microbe and subsequent killing of the microbe by an oxidative “burst” leading to release of reactive oxygen species as well as release of neutrophil granule content containing acidic and alkaline phosphatases, defensins, and peroxidase.


Macrophages are another group of phagocytic cells which are larger than neutrophils and are predominantly involved in chronic inflammation. In addition to their phagocytic and microbicidal activity, they also bridge the innate immune response to the adaptive immune response by presenting the antigen to T lymphocytes.

Dendritic Cells (DC)

Like macrophages, dendritic cells also present the antigen to the T-helper cell. They are also called professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Naïve or immature DCs can take up the antigen but are poor APCs [5]. On activation by TLR signaling they become mature DCs and acquire co-stimulatory molecules, and thus become efficient at processing the antigen and presenting it to CD4 cells. In addition they secrete chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18) that attracts naive T cells toward the dendritic cell in the lymph nodes thus increasing the interaction between DCs and T cells.

Natural Killer (NK) Cell

They comprise about 5–10 % of circulating lymphocytes and as the name suggests, they have an inherent property to kill the target cell. The usual targets are virus-infected cells or tumor cells. NK cells have killer activation receptors and killer inhibition receptors on their cell surface in addition to receptor for immunoglobulin type G [6]. The inhibiting receptors interact with MHC class I molecules on cells and thus prevent killing of normal cells. A cell such as a tumor or virus-infected cell that lacks MHC class I will be recognized by NK cells and be killed by induction of apoptosis or by release of perforins and granzyme from its granules. NK cells also secrete IFN-γ and thus augment the CD8 T-cell response against virally infected cells. In addition, NK cells can also kill cells coated by antibodies by binding to them via IgG receptors by a mechanism termed antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC).

Complement Products

The complement system primarily helps to fight bacterial infections by generating multiple complement products during its activation. Complement system can be activated by immune complexes, bacterial products, or mannose binding lectins [7]. Early complement products like C4b and C2a act as opsonins and help in the phagocytosis of bacteria by neutrophils and macrophages. C3a and C5a act as chemo-attractants and help in recruiting neutrophils to the site of inflammation and as anaphylatoxins help in release of histamine from basophils and mast cells. The complex formed at the end by late complement components causes lysis of the bacterial cell.

Adaptive Immune Response

Though for understanding we often separate the innate and adaptive immune response, in reality they are interlinked [1, 2]. The adaptive immune system mainly consists of multiple types of lymphocytes, the major subset being T and B lymphocytes. The bone marrow is the major site of hematopoiesis and gives rise to different blood cells. Most of the hematopoietic cells mature in the bone marrow except for the T cells that migrate to the thymus for their complete maturation.

T Lymphocytes

T cells can be broadly divided into CD4 or T-helper (Th) and CD8 or T cytotoxic cells (Tc). CD4 Th cells are divided into many different subsets based on the cytokine produced, transcription factor needed for their development, and chemokine receptors expressed by them (Fig. 2.1) [8]. Depending on the kind of pathogen or inciting stimuli, different subsets of Th cells are generated.


Fig. 2.1
Different T-helper (Th) cell subsets along with their signature transcription factors and the cytokines produced by them

The T cells recognize the antigen in context with the MHC on the antigen-presenting cell (APC). MHC is located on chromosome 6 and codes for class I and Class II HLA antigens. HLA A, B, and C comprise HLA Class I antigens, whereas HLA-DR, DP, and DQ comprise HLA Class II antigens. HLA class I molecule consists of alpha chain associated with invariant beta 2 microglobulin, whereas HLA class II molecule consists of two chains: alpha and beta. The APCs have to process the antigen into a small peptide and then express it on the cell surface in context with MHC for a T cell to recognize it. CD4 T cells recognize antigens in context with MHC class II, whereas CD8 cells recognize antigen in context with MHC class I. The CD8 cells are mainly cytotoxic and thus kill the target cell bearing the antigen, whereas CD4 cells mainly produce cytokines on activation as well as provide help to B cells to produce antibodies.

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Oct 25, 2017 | Posted by in RHEUMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Basic Immunology for the Pediatrician

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