Around the anus

20 Around the anus

The conditions that occur around the anus are very common but are very distressing for the patient.


A fistula is an abnormal communication between two epithelial surfaces (Fig. 3.20.1B). It presents as a painful discharging opening onto the skin. Fistula-in-ano can be classified by site: intersphincteric (70%; low), transphincteric (25%; low or high), suprasphincteric (5%; high) and extrasphincteric (<1%; supralevator, high). The fistula may be carefully probed to identify the tract, and MRI provides detail in complicated cases. Fistulae can also be classified by type, using the ‘surgical sieve’ (p. 16):

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Jul 3, 2016 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on Around the anus

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