The finger joints are incredible. They are effective and precise, mobile yet stable. This chapter presents an anatomical atlas to help the reader understand the detailed anatomy, kinematics, blood supply, and innervation of all the finger joints from the DIP to the CMC. Particular emphasis is placed on the precise structure and function of the collateral ligaments; the mechanics of the joints can be understood through the concept of two different centers of rotation of the joints: one osteocartilaginous and one ligamentous.
Key words
finger joint – anatomy – biomechanics – innervation – kinematics – collateral ligaments – blood supply – center of rotation1 The Anatomy and Functional Importance of Finger Joints: A Short Atlas
1.1 Introduction
The wonderful diversity of hand function is achieved through the large freedom of movement of the fingers, which allows both stability and precise alignment of the finger joints. As Aristotle observes: “The hand is the ‘tool of tools’” (Aristotle, Parts of animals IV 10, 687a: 8–10).
The anatomy, biomechanics, and mode of action of the finger and thumb joints are illustrated throughout this chapter.

1.2 Suggested Readings
- 1 Aleksandrowicz R, Pagowski S, Seyfried A. Anatomic-geometric and kinematic analysis of the metacarpo-phalangeal articulation of the III digit of human hand.. Folia Morphol (Warsz) 1974; 33 (4) 353-361 PubMed 4548679
- 2 Allison DM. Anatomy of the collateral ligaments of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Am 2005; 30 (5) 1026-1031 PubMed 16182063
- 3 Ash HE, Unsworth A. Proximal interphalangeal joint dimensions for the design of a surface replacement prosthesis.. Proc Inst Mech Eng H 1996; 210 (2) 95-108 PubMed 8688122
- 4 Bade H, Schubert M, Koebke J. Functional morphology of the deep transverse metacarpal ligament.. Ann Anat 1994; 176 (5) 443-450 PubMed 7978341
- 5 Bain GI, Polites N, Higgs BG, Heptinstall RJ, McGrath AM. The functional range of motion of the finger joints.. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2015; 40 (4) 406-411 PubMed 24859993
- 6 Bogumill GP. A morphologic study of the relationship of collateral ligaments to growth plates in the digits.. J Hand Surg Am 1983; 8 (1) 74-79 PubMed 6827060
- 7 Bowers WH, Wolf Jr JW, Nehil JL, Bittinger S. The proximal interphalangeal joint volar plate. I. An anatomical and biomechanical study.. J Hand Surg Am 1980; 5 (1) 79-88 PubMed 7365222
- 9 BurfeindH. Zur Biomechanik des Fingers unter Berücksichtigung der Krümmungsinkongruenz der Gelenkflächen. Göttingen: Cuvillier;2003
- 11 Chen J, Tan J, Zhang AX. In vivo length changes of the proximal interphalangeal joint proper and accessory collateral ligaments during flexion.. J Hand Surg Am 2015; 40 (6) 1130-1137 PubMed 25703864
- 12 Chikenji T, Suzuki D, Fujimiya M, Moriya T, Tsubota S. Distribution of nerve endings in the human proximal interphalangeal joint and surrounding structures.. J Hand Surg Am 2010; 35 (8) 1286-1293 PubMed 20630670
- 13 Degeorges R, Parasie J, Mitton D, Imbert N, Goubier J-N, Lavaste F. Three-dimensional rotations of human three-joint fingers: an optoelectronic measurement. Preliminary results.. Surg Radiol Anat 2005; 27 (1) 43-50 PubMed 15316760
- 14 Dubousset J.. Les phénomènes de rotation lors de la préhension au niveau des doigts.. Ann Chir 1971; 25: 19-20; C935–945 18261659
- 15 Dumont C, Albus G, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Fanghänel J, Stürmer KM, Nägerl H. Morphology of the interphalangeal joint surface and its functional relevance.. J Hand Surg Am 2008; 33 (1) 9-18 PubMed 18261659
- 16 Dumont C, Burfeind H, Kubein-Meesenburg D et al. Physiological functions of the human finger.. J Physiol Pharmacol 2008; 59 (Suppl. Suppl 5) 69-74 PubMed 19075326
- 17 Dumont C, Ziehn C, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Fanghanel J, Sturmer KM, Nagerl H. Quantified contours of curvature in metacarpophalangeal joints.. J Hand Surg Am 2009; 34A: 317-325 PubMed 19181233
- 18 Dy CJ, Tucker SM, Kok PL, Hearns KA, Carlson MG. Anatomy of the radial collateral ligament of the index metacarpophalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Am 2013; 38 (1) 124-128 PubMed 23200946
- 19 Dzwierzynski WW, Pintar F, Matloub HS, Yoganandan N. Biomechanics of the intact and surgically repaired proximal interphalangeal joint collateral ligaments.. J Hand Surg Am 1996; 21 (4) 679-683 PubMed 8842966
- 21 Fick R. Handbuch der Anatomie und Mechanik der Gelenke Band 1–3. In: Bardeleben CV, ed. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Jena: Gustav Fischer; 1904–1911
- 22 Gad P. The anatomy of the volar part of the capsules of the finger joints.. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1967; 49 (2) 362-367 PubMed 6026521
- 23 Gigis PI, Kuczynski K. The distal interphalangeal joints of human fingers.. J Hand Surg Am 1982; 7 (2) 176-182 PubMed 7069173
- 24 Hakstian RW, Tubiana R. Ulnar deviation of the fingers: the role of joint structure and function.. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1967; 49 (2) 299-316 PubMed 6018732
- 25 Hendry JM, Mainprize J, McMillan C, Binhammer P. Structural comparison of the finger proximal interphalangeal joint surfaces and those of the third toe: suitability for joint reconstruction.. J Hand Surg Am 2011; 36A: 1022-1027 PubMed 21511403
- 26 KaplanEB. Functional and Surgical Anatomy of the Hand. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Company;1965:39–45
- 27 Kataoka T, Moritomo H, Miyake J, Murase T, Yoshikawa H, Sugamoto K. Changes in shape and length of the collateral and accessory collateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal joint during flexion.. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2011A; 93 (14) 1318-1325 PubMed 21792498
- 28 Kenesi C. Les articulations interphalangiennes des doigts.. Anat Clin 1981; 3: 39-47 NOT_FOUND
- 29 Kenesi C, Deroide JP. A propos de la synoviale de l’articulation méracarpo-phalangienne. Application chiruricale à la synovectomie par voie dorsale.. Arch Anat Pathol (Paris) 1971; 19 (4) 409-414 PubMed 5147242
- 30 Kiefhaber TR, Stern PJ, Grood ES. Lateral stability of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Am 1986; 11 (5) 661-669 PubMed 3760491
- 32 Koo BS, Song Y, Sung Y-K, Lee S, Jun J-B. Prevalence and distribution of sesamoid bones in the hand determined using digital tomosynthesis.. Clin Anat 2017; 30 (5) 608-613 PubMed 28340518
- 33 Kuczynski K. The proximal interphalangeal joint. Anatomy and causes of stiffness in the fingers.. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1968; 50 (3) 656-663 PubMed 5726917
- 34 Kuczynski K. Less-known aspects of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the human hand.. Hand 1975; 7 (1) 31-33 PubMed 1116781
- 35 Landsmeer JMF. Anatomical and functional investigations on the articulation of the human fingers.. Acta Anat Suppl (Basel) 1955; 25 (24) (Suppl. Suppl.24) 1-69 PubMed 13301208
- 36 Lawrence T, Trail IA, Noble J. Morphological measurements of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg [Br] 2004; 29 (3) 244-249 PubMed 15142695
- 37 Lee SWJ, Ng ZY, Fogg QA. Three-dimensional analysis of the palmar plate and collateral ligaments at the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2014; 39 (4) 391-397 PubMed 23739145
- 38 Leibovic SJ, Bowers WH. Anatomy of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. Hand Clin 1994; 10 (2) 169-178 PubMed 8040195
- 39 Loubert PV, Masterson TJ, Schroeder MS, Mazza AM. Proximity of collateral ligament origin to the axis of rotation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the finger.. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2007; 37 (4) 179-185 PubMed 17469670
- 40 Minami A, An K-N, Cooney III WP, Linscheid RL, Chao EYS. Ligamentous structures of the metacarpophalangeal joint: a quantitative anatomic study.. J Orthop Res 1984; 1 (4) 361-368 PubMed 6491785
- 41 Minamikawa Y, Horii E, Amadio PC, Cooney WP, Linscheid RL, An K-N. Stability and constraint of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Am 1993; 18 (2) 198-204 PubMed 8463578
- 42 Pagowski S, Piekarski K. Biomechanics of metacarpophalangeal joint.. J Biomech 1977; 10 (3) 205-209 PubMed 858726
- 43 Pang EQ, Yao J. Anatomy and biomechanics of the finger proximal interphalangeal joint.. Hand Clin 2018; 34 (2) 121-126 PubMed 29625632
- 44 Pastrana MJ, Zaidenberg EE, Palumbo D, Cesca FJ, Zaidenberg CR. Innervation of the proximal interphalangeal joint. An anatomical study.. J Hand Surg Am 2019; 44 (5) 422.e1-422.e5 PubMed 30172449
- 45 Podolsky D, Mainprize J, McMillan C, Binhammer P. Comparison of third toe joint cartilage thickness to that of the finger proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint to determine suitability for transplantation in PIP joint reconstruction.. J Hand Surg Am 2011; 36 (12) 1950-1958 PubMed 22051232
- 46 Rhee RY, Reading G, Wray RC. A biomechanical study of the collateral ligaments of the proximal interphalangeal joint.. J Hand Surg Am 1992; 17 (1) 157-163 PubMed 1538100
- 47 Saito S, Suzuki Y. Biomechanics of the volar plate of the proximal interphalangeal joint: a dynamic ultrasonographic study.. J Hand Surg Am 2011; 36 (2) 265-271 PubMed 21276889
- 48 Sandhu SS, Dreckmann S, Binhammer PA. Change in the collateral and accessory collateral ligament lengths of the proximal interphalangeal joint using cadaveric model three-dimensional laser scanning.. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2016; 41 (4) 380-385 PubMed 26261228
- 49 Schultz RJ, Storace A, Krishnamurthy S. Metacarpophalangeal joint motion and the role of the collateral ligaments.. Int Orthop 1987; 11 (2) 149-155 PubMed 3610409
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- 54 Sun YC, Sheng XM, Chen J, Qian ZW. In vivo metacarpophalanageal joint collateral ligament length changes during flexion.. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2017; 42 (6) 610-615 PubMed 28488458
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