Chapter 2 After completing this chapter, the student will be able to perform the following: 1 Compare and contrast performance vs. fitness. 2 List the cumulative effects of the strain of peak performance. 3 Identify the experts who work with athletes. 4 List goals and outcomes common for this population. 1. Compare and contrast performance vs. fitness. 2. List the cumulative effects of the strain of peak performance. Experts specializing in the care of athletes are sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, exercise physiologists, and sports psychologists (Box 2-1). It is especially important for athletes to work under the direction of these professionals to ensure proper sports form and training protocols. The professional athlete is more likely to have access to these professionals than are recreational and amateur athletes, who may not have the financial resources to hire training personnel and can incur injury because of inappropriate training protocols.
What Is Sports Massage?
Performance vs. Fitness
Peak Performance is not Peak Fitness
What Is Sports Massage?