Wear and Osteolysis of Polyethylene Bearings

Fig. 13.1
Case example (preoperative AP radiograph)


Osteolysis and component loosening have been identified among the most common mechanisms for late total hip arthroplasty (THA) failure [1]. During normal activity, wear particles are released from metal-on-polyethylene (M-O-P) and ceramic-on-polyethylene (C-O-P) bearing surfaces. Adhesion and abrasion between the femoral head and polyethylene insert are the primary mechanisms for wear. Hydraulic pressure produced during normal hip movement forces joint fluid and polyethylene wear debris through the “effective joint space” [2].

Areas of the host bone-implant interface that are not sealed by circumferential bone contact, osseointegration, or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement bonding can allow access for polyethylene, metal, ceramic, or PMMA particles to the implant-bone interface. When exposed to particulate wear debris, macrophages initiate and osteoclasts mediate the process of bone resorption around initially stable implants [3, 4]. NFkappaB ligand (RANKL) , produced by osteoblastic stromal cells, fibroblasts, or activated T-cells, binds to receptors on the surface of osteoclast precursor cells and stimulates them to convert into active osteoclasts [5, 6]. Among biomaterials used in total hip arthroplasty, polyethylene has the highest potential to induce osteolysis, with sub-micrometer-sized particles more strongly associated with the osteolytic process than macroscopic debris [7]. Osteolysis also appears to be associated with more rapid release of polyethylene debris from the bearing surface, with higher volumetric wear and linear rates greater than 0.2 mm/year implicated with the development of radiographically evident osteolysis [8].

The radiographic presentation of osteolysis differs based on the patterns of particle access through the effective joint space around cemented and cementless total hip arthroplasty prostheses. For cemented components, the osteolytic process advances in a linear fashion along the cement-bone interface, beginning at the joint surface and extending to the most distant areas of bone-implant contact. The patterns of linear osteolysis around femoral and acetabular implants were first reported by Gruen and DeLee, respectively [9, 10]. When osteolysis develops in association with well-fixed, cementless components, the process results in a focal expansion within areas of the bone-host interface where the particles are able to gain access (Fig. 13.2) While implants may initially remain mechanically stable, progressive focal (balloon) osteolysis can undermine implant fixation and result in late loosening.


Fig. 13.2
Focal osteolysis behind a cementless acetabular component

Risk Factors Associated with the Complication

A variety of factors have been associated with either accelerated wear rates or catastrophic polyethylene liner failures. Kennedy et al. [11] reported an association of vertical acetabular component malposition with higher rates of osteolysis and linear polyethylene wear. Patil et al. [12] estimated that polyethylene liners placed in a position >45° of inclination were subject to a 40% increase in linear wear using a finite element analysis model. The utilization of larger head sizes and thinner polyethylene inserts has been associated with higher rates of wear and osteolysis with conventional polyethylene liners in total hip arthroplasty [13]. Berry et al. [14] reported catastrophic polyethylene liner failures only among inserts less than 5 mm thick. Polyethylene degradation can be accelerated under conditions intrinsic to the material. Sterilization processes used in the late twentieth century were occasionally performed in an oxygen-containing environment and this was associated with higher rates of wear and osteolysis [15, 16]. This process is notably magnified when the polyethylene remains in a non-implanted inventory for extended periods of time (shelf life). Puuolaka et al. [17] noted that polyethylene inserts with a shelf life greater than 3 years had a substantially higher rate of wear and osteolysis than those with a shorter time before implantation.


Irradiation introduced during the process of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) sterilization was noted to have an effect of reducing the linear and volumetric wear rate of polyethylene [18]. This cross-linking process increases the wear resistance of the polyethylene material in exchange for decreasing its fracture resistance. Several studies have now demonstrated a substantial reduction in the wear rate of highly cross-linked polyethylene used in contemporary total hip arthroplasty through the first 10 years after implantation, even when performed among younger patients [1921]. The use of a ceramic femoral head has demonstrated reduced wear rates when used with a conventional polyethylene bearing, but the benefits have not yet been substantiated when coupled against a highly cross-linked polyethylene liner [22, 23]. Improvements in the durability of highly cross-linked polyethylene have contributed to the availability of larger femoral heads for primary total hip arthroplasty. Selection of femoral head size for an individual patient should take several factors into account: patient factors associated with hip dislocation (female gender, diagnosis other than osteoarthritis), acetabular component size, and minimum polyethylene liner thickness, and risk for wear of the replaced acetabular liner during the expected remaining years of a patient’s life. While the stability of hip replacement constructs is improved with the use of larger femoral head sizes, increased contact between the larger femoral head and polyethylene liner can contribute to higher rate of volumetric polyethylene wear [24].


The diagnosis of polyethylene wear can be made from a review of radiographic imaging studies, particularly when the femoral head migrates in a superolateral direction (Fig. 13.3). The amount of linear wear occurring in an acetabular component may be harder to define for components placed with less than a 40° inclination angle as wear will occur more medial or central within the acetabular liner. Osteolysis can be noted by the presence of osteopenia and loss of normal trabecular architecture around the implant. Iliac and obturator oblique Judet radiographs may be helpful in defining the presence of osteolysis, size of the defects, and integrity of the posterior and anterior columns. Cross-sectional imaging using computed tomography (CT) scan can provide greater detail of the characteristics and size of osteolytic defects and may be helpful [25] (Fig. 13.4).


Fig. 13.3
Asymptomatic superolateral polyethylene wear and associated focal osteolysis


Fig. 13.4
CT scan visualizing posterior column osteolytic defect


Nonoperative Treatment

Asymptomatic patients with contained osteolytic defects may be treated without surgery. Symptoms of weakness around the hip may be addressed with rehabilitation and minor symptoms of discomfort may be alleviated with analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication. If a nonoperative treatment approach is considered for any patient after an initial diagnosis of osteolysis, consideration should be given to early radiographic follow-up (3–6 months), particularly if the lesion is larger. Annual surveillance of nonoperatively treated radiographic osteolysis would be recommended on an ongoing basis. Decision making regarding the appropriate timing of surgical intervention has not been clearly defined. Factors to consider include the age and activity level of the patient, track record of the implanted components, and patient preference. For example, in a younger, fit, active patient the threshold to recommend revision surgery will oftentimes be lower even if small areas of osteolysis are identified whereas continued observation is typically chosen in elderly patients with more medical comorbidities that may limit their activity and increase the risks of surgery.

Operative Treatment

Symptomatic patients with loose implants and patients with large osteolytic defects that threaten long-term implant stability should be approached with operative management. A variety of surgical approaches may be considered for the treatment of polyethylene wear and osteolysis . The specific approach that is selected for a given patient is dependent on the size of the osteolytic lesion, stability of the arthroplasty components, integrity of the implant’s locking mechanism, availability of structural bone for biologic fixation of revised components, and consideration of the age and overall physical health of the patient requiring surgical treatment. The decision to remove well-fixed components should occur with thoughtful consideration of the bone quality behind the implant and the availability of implants that are best suited to manage a spectrum of deficiencies on either the acetabular or the femoral sides of the hip. Given that instability is a common complication of isolated bearing surface changes, careful consideration must be given to component position when determining if component revision or retention is more appropriate. Regardless of the treatment approach selected, exchange of the polyethylene material and femoral head are central components of any revision procedure to address the bearing surface “wear generator.”

Component Retention

Component retention and bone grafting of osteolytic defects can be coupled with revision of the femoral head and polyethylene liner for patients with stable components, contained osteolytic defects, and a functioning acetabular liner locking mechanism [26]. It may also be reasonable to consider cementing a new acetabular liner into a retained acetabular shell if the locking mechanism is not mechanically sound but the position of the component is good and the metal shell is large enough to cement the desired liner into place [27, 28]. The major reported complication associated with a component retention approach is postoperative dislocation, and patients with smaller acetabular components may have a higher rate of mechanical failure of cemented liner fixation [29, 30].

There are three major decisions that are made during a component retention approach in revision hip surgery : (1) polyethylene material and design, (2) femoral head material, and (3) femoral head size. The decision on implant selection should take into account the desire to prevent prosthetic component instability—the most common complication after isolated head-liner exchange—and also the considerations of bearing surface wear and potentially adverse impact of placing a new modular femoral head onto a retained femoral implant.

Polyethylene Material and Design

Improvements in highly cross-linked polyethylene materials have been associated with low rates of polyethylene wear even when used for young and active patients with femoral head sizes 32 mm or less [19, 3133]. Contemporary polyethylene bearings provide several options that may be beneficial in different revision settings: neutral or elevated rims, neutral or lateralized offset, constraint, or combination of a mobile-bearing polyethylene femoral head against a metal acetabular liner (dual mobility). Kremers et al. have demonstrated a low risk for midterm re-revision when highly cross-linked polyethylene liners are utilized and no increase in risk of failure associated with the use of an elevated rim liner [34]. Specific acetabular components may provide the option for using either a constrained acetabular liner or a dual-mobility femoral head coupled with a metal acetabular liner. Both of these may be useful for cases where acetabular component position is acceptable, but hip abductor musculature does not provide adequate dynamic support.

Femoral Head Material

When combined with conventional polyethylene acetabular liners, ceramic femoral heads had demonstrated lower wear rates than cobalt chromium femoral heads [22]. Although contemporary studies assessing wear for hips using highly cross-linked polyethylene have not defined lower wear rates when ceramic heads are utilized, consideration may be given for the use of a ceramic femoral head among very young patients who are undergoing hip revision surgery for polyethylene wear with or without osteolysis. When the retained femoral component is made from a cobalt-chromium alloy, the selection of a cobalt-chromium femoral head should have limited potential for adverse trunnion-related behavior. When the retained femoral component is made from a titanium alloy, consideration may be given to the use of a ceramic femoral head, particularly if a large-diameter or long-length femoral head is selected [35]. Whenever a ceramic head is considered for use in a revision setting, the use of a titanium sleeve adapter provided by the femoral component manufacturer would be appropriate.

Femoral Head Size

While femoral head diameters ≥36 mm may improve hip stability during revision THA, studies have associated these larger head sizes with increased volumetric wear [24, 36]. Selecting a larger femoral head size can contribute to a lower risk for postoperative dislocation after revision during an isolated femoral head and polyethylene liner procedure. The decision to select a femoral head 36 mm or larger for use during a revision surgery should take into account three main considerations: (1) Can adequate stability be achieved with a femoral head 32 mm or less? (2) Does the diameter of the acetabular component support revision to a 36 mm or larger diameter femoral head with adequate retained polyethylene thickness? (3) Does the patient’s age support a greater weight being given to the importance of hip joint stability over long-term considerations of polyethylene wear?

The author performs revision surgery through a posterior approach. If the acetabular component position is in a low amount of anteversion (<20°) and the femoral component is not excessively anteverted, consideration is given for the use of a polyethylene liner with an elevated rim. A neutral polyethylene liner trial is selected if combined femoral and acetabular component anteversion is greater than 45°. A constrained liner is utilized for patients with inadequate hip abductor support (structural or functional) when accommodated by the acetabular component design. Consideration is occasionally made for a dual-mobility component if appropriate for the acetabular component system under the same considerations. For younger or more active patients with an acetabular component <60 mm diameter, strong consideration is given for the use of a 32 mm femoral head. For older patients (>70 years) with acetabular components ≥56 mm in diameter, a 36 mm femoral head is generally selected. Physiologic age is used to guide femoral head size determination for patients between 60 and 75 years of chronological age. Cobalt-chromium femoral heads are used for most cases, except in rare cases where corrosion is noted on the trunnion where a cobalt-chromium femoral head has been removed.

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Sep 6, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Wear and Osteolysis of Polyethylene Bearings

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