and Claudio Chillemi2

Sapienza University of Rome, Latina, Italy

Latina, Italy



This is a semiquantitative score calculated on a cartilage segmentation on 15 or 6 areas. Images are scored on the basis of 14 articular structures and features: cartilage, bone marrow, subchondral cysts, bone remodeling and marginal osteophytes, menisci, cruciate ligaments, collateral ligaments, synovitis, loose bodies, and periarticular cysts/bursae. We report cartilage section of the score that is calculated on the basis of signal and morphology changes: 0 point assigned for the absence of signal or morphological changes on cartilage areas; (1) increased signal with fluid-sensitive intermediate-weighted sequences (see lemma Cartilage, Semiquantitative​ Morphologic Assessment); (2) partial-thickness chondral defect width < 1 cm, 2.5, full-thickness chondral defect width < 1 cm; (3) several areas of partial-normal thickness defects intermixed with areas of normal thickness or a partial-thickness defect more extensive than 1 cm but less than 75 % of the region; (4) diffuse loss of chondral layer (≥75 % of the region); (5) multiple areas with full-thickness defects (grade 2.5) or a full-thickness defect wider than 1 cm but less than 75 % of the region; and (6) diffuse (≥75 % of the region) full-thickness defects.

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Aug 14, 2017 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on W

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