Vestibular Rehab: From Cawthorne–Cooksey to Vertigo School

, Antonio Cesarani2 and Guido Brugnoni3

“Don Carlo Gnocchi” Foundation, Milano, Italy

UOC Audiologia Dip. Scienze Cliniche e Comunità, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy

Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milano, Italy



Vestibular rehabilitation is a special rehabilitation of motion intolerance and imbalance problems. Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is an exercise-based treatment programme designed to promote vestibular adaptation and substitution. The goals of VR are (1) to enhance gaze stability, (2) to enhance postural stability, (3) to avoid vertigo and (4) to improve activities of daily living.

Rehabilitation is mainly a teaching process that begins in the brainstem and cerebellum and leads to a radical reorganization of both subcortical and cortical sensorimotor pattern by which patient learns how to manage her/his disease, to cope with her/his symptoms, to recover her/his impairment and to avoid disability. Thus, as far as our experience is concerned, the keyword of balance control rehab is learning. The other two keywords of rehabilitative medicine, in general, are efficacy and efficiency. We named our rehab approach Vertigo School because, combining Cawthorne–Cooksey protocol and MCS model, we have prepared disease-specific programmes that can be customized on the basis of the diagnosis of treatment Vertigo School approach, which is inspired by Back School and Neck School principles.

4.1 Introduction

The human equilibrium system derives much of its strength and plasticity from the fact that the specific neuronal and growing software is moulded in childhood during the maturation phase, under the influence of permanent information from the world we live in. The software overlying the structural, sensorial and central nervous hardware creates the so-called space concept within the brain. Failures of the sensory inputs as well as of the central balance regulation may lead to various expressions of the illness such as vertigo, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, nystagmus, head and body instability, changes in cardiac rhythm and metabolic alterations. The system has many inborn possibilities for internal stabilization and compensation; in fact after injuries there are different neurophysiological phenomena involved in the restoration of balance control [1].

The milestones of the early spontaneous static compensation mark the re-establishment of static gaze stability, which provides a common coordinate frame for the brain to interpret residual vestibular information in the context of visual, somatosensory and visceral signals that convey gravitoinertial information. Stabilization of the head orientation and the eye orientation (suppression of spontaneous nystagmus) appears to be necessary [2].

Two modes of neural plasticity occur in the vestibular system following vestibular loss (e.g. due to neuritis): one mode being the limited central compensation for the loss and the second mode being some restoration of peripheral vestibular function [3].

The symptoms of a vestibular lesion, vertigo, dizziness and unsteadiness (VDU), are thought to result from changes in the activity of vestibular sensorimotor reflexes. Since the vestibular nuclei must be intact for recovery to occur, many investigations have focused on studying these neurons after lesions. At present, the neuronal plasticity underlying early recovery from the static symptoms is not fully understood, but rebalancing of excitatory synaptic drive bilaterally is essential for vestibular compensation to proceed [4].

4.2 Vestibular Compensation

Vestibular compensation involves multiple, parallel plastic processes at various sites in the brain. Experimental evidence suggests that adaptive changes in the sensitivity of ipsilesional vestibular neurons to the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine, changes in the electrophysiological excitability of vestibular neurons, changes in the inhibitory control of the brainstem vestibular networks by the cerebellum, gliosis and neurogenesis in the ipsilesional vestibular nuclei and activity-dependent reorganization of the synaptic connectivity of the vestibular pathways are mechanisms involved in compensation [5].

Rehabilitation specifically acts activating one or more of the neurophysiological phenomena of vestibular compensation. They are as follows [6, 7]:

Restitution can be defined as a complete reparation after a temporarily limited lesion.

Adaptation means that the human equilibrium system can adapt itself to physiologically, as well as pathologically, altered conditions. The central regulatory system can alter the sensitivity of the vestibular, retinal and other receptors used to regulate equilibrium. It comprises all phenomena which ensure that a patient with a persisting peripheral dysfunctional state attains a normal – or near-normal – behaviour in relation to his/her space orientation and balance in rest as well as when executing movements. He/She again maintains his/her erect standing position and has no more “odd” feeling categorized as vertigo or dizziness. Hereto a number of mechanisms contribute, acting at different levels of the central nervous system. The first definition can be applied to adaptation in the strict physiological sense: a change of response during application of a stimulus, as, e.g. a prolonged acceleration which brings about a response decline. Fatigue is characterized by a response decline which develops slowly. It increases with stimulus intensity and progresses indefinitely with time. Such adaptation is characterized by a response decline which develops rapidly at first and thereafter slowly, finally reaching a constant or fully adapted level. Adaptation phenomena in the same time sense are also attributed to a mechanism at the level of the cupola, which is also direction specific. The second definition fits the broader concept of adaptation. The messages sent by the sense organs into the brainstem are more and more suppressed and prevented from reaching the higher centres the longer the steady state in the surrounding world persists. The subject has adapted itself to conditions imposed by the outer world. Yet the slightest change in stimulatory conditions not pertaining to the steady state will alarm.

Habituation is defined by the reduction of the intensity and duration of the subjective vestibular reactions, for example, vertigo and nausea in the case of seasickness. Habituation is a term used in the sense that repeated exposure to a “mismatched” sensory situation (e.g. during caloric testing, postural vertigo, motion sickness conditions) induces such changes in the central processing as to annihilate the undesirable effects and to do so with a prolonged effect. It has been based upon the development of conditioned compensatory reactions to oppose inappropriate responses associated with visuo-vestibular conflicts and exposure to unusual motion environments. The basic characteristics of vestibular habituation, regarding oculomotor aspects, are:

  • Acquisition, which is manifested by a progressive decline of VOR response during the period of stimulation.

  • Retention, which is manifested by the persistence of modified VOR response after a period of rest. It is cumulative and long persisting.

  • Certain specificity for the habituating stimulus transfer, which is manifested by the presence of a modification in responses evoked either by patterns of vestibular stimulation different from those used to provoke habituation or by other sensory stimulation, such as optokinetic stimulation.

Habituation is a specific phenomenon. The possibility of obtaining unilateral habituation by unidirectional vestibular stimulations suggests that habituation is due to selective mechanisms that modify not only the gain but also the dynamic characteristics of the VOR. Unilateral habituation to step stimulation has been shown in the cat. VOR habituation is direction specific. It proves that right and left VOR pathways can be controlled separately in order to obtain a greater system adaptability. Habituation is a central mechanism for which vestibular stimulation is not a necessary condition, since exposure to purely non-vestibular input led to vestibular habituation. The production of nystagmus by the habituating stimulus seems unrelated to the efficacy. The habituating stimulus must produce the same subjective sensation of motion as that produced by true body motion in order to habituate vestibular nystagmus. Habituation represents the simplest type of negative learning: stimuli that have lost their significance for the individual are eliminated

Compensation describes another type of central nervous counter-regulation as a result of functional deterioration due to a vestibular or other equilibrium lesion. It utilizes supplementary functions which are added so that an overlay of additionally activated functions covers the underlying equilibrium lesions by means of its neuronal plasticity. However primary lesion continues to exist and can, in the case of a special conflict, manifest itself in the clinical phenomenology. Compensation is a term used in the context of phenomena which are described after unilateral failure of vestibular function. Restricted to the vestibular sphere, it includes those phenomena which cause the imbalance of vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospinal responses seen immediately after an acute unilateral failure of the vestibular system disappear. This compensation at the vestibular level consists in the disappearance of all asymmetries (static and dynamic) in the ocular and vestibulospinal responses. In many cases substitutive interactions by visual and proprioceptive systems are required as well as some more central processes of reorganization of the reflexes in order to reach a sufficient adaptation level. Compensation is a learning process. The phenomenon resembles a sensorimotor relearning process implicating the activity of many integrative CNS structures. Active sensorimotor exploration provides the information to detect the errors and to correct them. Repetition of trials promotes the restructure of the motor programmes. Compensation implies reorganization of the remaining structures. Changes induced by the lesion as such would not necessarily lead to functional appropriate adaptation, but rather to randomly formed synapses which may or may not be mismatched to functional needs. This “rewiring” does not result in functionally meaningless outcome, but rather leads to a new and complex circuitry, the activity of which is appropriate for the restoration of normal function. It is a goal-directed process induced by some recognized “error” in the system and directed to its elimination. Thus compensation may be defined as an error-controlled and goal-directed learning process.

These phenomena lead to different levels of recovery. Recovery is essentially due to the integration of different levels of substitution:

  • Sensorial substitution, in which the movement of the subject is identical to the one before lesion but the subject uses different sets of sensory receptors for triggering and control

  • Functional substitution, in which the neuronal mechanisms subtending the movement have been changed but still belong to the subsystems normally used by the subject

  • Behavioural substitution, by which the nervous system calls for new motor behaviours not belonging to its normal repertoire

Knowledge of the recovery phenomena following human balance control disturbance (VDU) is fundamental for planning a correct treatment.

Acute vestibular lesion is a good model to explain the main neurophysiological processes involved in the recovery of equilibrium function. Its evolution has been broadly studied in animals and it can be schematically subdivided into different stages:

  • Critical stage: immediately after the lesion, the animal exhibits severe symptoms of imbalance including rapid spontaneous nystagmus, severe head deviation and forced circling and rolling toward the deafferented side.

  • Acute stage: it is marked by a rapid partial recovery of asymmetry.

  • Compensatory stage: the animal’s recovery becomes maximal.

The duration of each period is species dependent as is the level of recovery achieved.

Generally speaking, the evolution of a lesion can be interpreted into three stages of damage:

  • The primary damage: the lesion that induces the onset of symptomatology

  • The secondary damage: the pathological modification of the compensatory systems

  • The tertiary damage: chronicization of pathological adaptive phenomena

Treatment had to be pointed to limit primary damage (usually by means of pharmacotherapy), to reduce secondary damage and to avoid tertiary damage.

According to the MCS model, we can simplify the course of the disease hypothesizing that each phenomenon acts separately and consequently from each other.

The first mechanism following a vestibular injury is adaptation, acting by activation of the internuclear inhibition [8] that is aimed to reduce the activity of the healthy vestibular nuclei. In compensation considered at vestibular level, the commissural fibres play an important role, especially for dynamic compensation. The influence of the remaining labyrinth upon the deafferented nucleus can take place via the commissural fibres, which are the natural means of reciprocal influencing. Another early mechanism is the inhibitory influence of the cerebellum. It has been called the “first line of defence”. It is considered a reset to zero as a preliminary requirement to the subsequent recalibration process. This can be considered a mechanic phase of compensation. This phase is activated by feedback signals.

Vestibular inhibition is supported by the first compensation phenomenon: sensorial substitution. In particular, vision experience is critical for the acquisition and maintenance of recovery for the abnormally reduced VOR gain created by unilateral vestibular lesion. There has been evidence for the effect of darkness upon the evolution of the lateral head tilt, in the cat, after hemilabyrinthectomy [7, 9]. When put back in the dark at a late postoperative stage, already-compensated animals lose their symmetrical head position. Static visual input is a necessary condition for compensation of both ocular and postural deficits. Vision provides a sensory supply in place of the deficient vestibular supply. This supposes an increased sensitivity of the neurons of the vestibular nuclei for fast changes in the environment. Sensorial substitution is rapidly followed by and it is based on the law of “redundancy.” Human balance control is multisensorial based. In this way a vestibular sensorial input deficit may be compensated by reducing inhibition of cervical or other proprioceptive information or increasing visual inputs to the vestibular nuclei. The choice of which sensorial input will substitute the loss input is based on individual preference.

The second phase is recalibration that requires modification of the calibration of the subsystems. It is often accompanied by habituation phenomena. This can be considered the cybernetic phase of compensation [10].

The last phase of compensation is radical reorganization of balance control. The law is the equifinality that is behavioural substitution. Sensorial inputs, activity of vestibular nuclei, motor outputs and in general sensorimotor patterns are reorganized to allow the same function: equilibrium. Structural reorganization leads to a total or partial recovery of function and involves plastic structural changes and/or more global functional rearrangements of the neuronal networks, which are generally considered as the main processes underlying behavioural adaptations. This is the synergetic phase. This is the ultimate goal of the treatment.

4.3 Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is a special rehabilitation of motion intolerance and imbalance problems. Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is an exercise-based treatment programme designed to promote vestibular adaptation and substitution. The goals of VR are (1) to enhance gaze stability, (2) to enhance postural stability, (3) to avoid vertigo and (4) to improve activities of daily living. VR facilitates vestibular recovery mechanisms: vestibular adaptation, substitution by the other eye-movement systems, substitution by vision, somatosensory cues, other postural strategies and habituation. The key exercises for VR are head–eye movements with various body postures and activities and maintaining balance with a reduced support base with various orientations of the head and trunk while performing various upper-extremity tasks, repeating the movements provoking vertigo and exposing patients gradually to various sensory and motor environments. VR is indicated for any stable but poorly compensated vestibular lesion, regardless of the patient’s age, the cause and symptom duration and intensity.

The concept of head, body and coordinated eye exercises as a treatment for vestibular disorders is actually over 70 years. As far back as the mid-1940s, an English otolaryngologist, Sir Terence Cawthorne [11], observed that some patients who experienced dizziness did better or recovered sooner when performing rapid head movements. In cooperation with a physiotherapist, Cooksey [12], they developed a regimen of exercises which, with some modifications, are frequently still used today. The earliest vestibular rehabilitation, thus based on the so-called Cawthorne–Cooksey exercises, was developed to treat patients with labyrinth injury resulting from surgery or head injury. Their value in managing all forms of peripheral vestibular disorders rapidly became apparent, and they now form the mainstay of treatment for this group of patients. Cawthorne–Cooksey [13] protocol is shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1
Cawthorne–Cooksey protocol

In bed or sitting

Eye movements – at first slow, then quick

Up and down

From side to side

Focusing on the finger moving from 3 feet to 1 foot away from face

Head movements – at first slow, then quick, later with eyes closed

Bending forward and backward

Turning from side to side


Eye movements and head movements as above

Shoulder shrugging and circling

Bending forward and picking up objects from the ground


Eye, head and shoulder movements as before

Changing form sitting to standing position with eyes open and then closed

Throwing a small ball from hand to hand (above eye level)

Throwing a ball from hand to hand under knee

Changing from sitting to standing and turning around in between

Moving about (in class)

Circle around centre person who will throw a large ball and to whom it will be returned

Walk across room with eyes open and then closed

Walk up and down the slope with eyes open and then closed

Walk up and down the steps with eyes open and then closed

Any game involving stooping and stretching and aiming such as bowling and basketball

4.4 Vertigo School

Generally speaking, the exercises for vestibular rehabilitation can be categorized [14, 15] into two types: (1) physical therapy for vestibular hypofunction and (2) canalith repositioning therapy for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

This point of view, on one hand, is reductive and, on the other, is wrong.

The eye–head and head–body exercises of Cawthorne–Cooksey protocol, combined with proprioceptive exercises (so-called balance rehabilitation therapy, balance retraining therapy), may be used to improve static and dynamic balance control in the major part of the diseases and disturbances that provoke vertigo, dizziness and/or unsteadiness (VDU).

Furthermore, under the point of view of rehabilitative medicine, physical therapy that promotes functional restoration despite the persistence of the lesion is considered rehabilitation, exercises or manoeuvres that solve both the impairment and the “lesion”, as in the case of BPPV, in which one has to consider reeducation. Even if the two terms are used synonymously, they regard two completely different approaches and have completely different goals and outcome expectations. In other words, the aim of reeducation is restitutio ad integrum, while the aim of rehabilitation is restitutio ad functionem.

Rehabilitation is mainly a teaching process that begins in the brainstem and the cerebellum and leads to a radical reorganization of both subcortical and cortical sensorimotor pattern by which the patient learns how to manage her/his disease, to cope her/his symptoms, to recover her/his impairment and to avoid disability. Thus, as far as our experience is concerned, the keyword of balance control rehab is learning. The other two keywords of rehabilitative medicine, in general, are efficacy and efficiency Thus, the scope of our approach is to rehab the major part of patients complaining VDU, despite the disease, as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Each pathological condition induces VDU through specific key mechanisms and thus rehab recognizes specific key points for specific treatments. Furthermore, rehab has to be as more customized as possible.

We named our rehab approach Vertigo School because, combining Cawthorne–Cooksey protocol and MCS model, we can prepare disease-specific programmes that can be customized on the basis of the diagnosis of treatment (see Chap. 2). The term vertigo is used in this context as generally used by population and thus as generic synonymous of VDU.

Vertigo School approach is inspired by Back School and Neck School principles.

The Back School method was developed in 1969 by Mariane Zachrisson Forssell, with the goal of preventing and avoiding recurrent episodes of low back pain. The programme is composed of 4 sessions lasting approximately 45 min, each session being organized by theoretical components, which include anatomy and spinal biomechanics, epidemiology, physiopathology of the most frequent back disorders, posture, ergonomics, common treatment modalities and a practical component (exercises for the maintenance of a “healthy back”) [16].

The Neck School [17, 18] is based on multimodal treatment emphasizing proprioceptive exercises with both neck lecture and activated home exercise and neck lecture with a recommendation of exercise in patients with chronic nonspecific neck pain.

Our VDU rehab protocols are based on the same mix of educational and training approach. Vertigo School is organized into three phases:








Home training


4.4.1 Counselling

The role of the doctor in balance control rehab is three folded:


To formulate the diagnosis of treatment in order to provide to rehabilitator the main guidelines of treatment of a specific patient



To plan the drug treatment of both the symptoms (VDU) and the cause of vestibular disorder that provokes those symptoms in that specific patient



To take care of patient in order to correct also lifestyle, if necessary, in order to avoid disability and to stabilize the therapeutic results


When the patient is proposed for a rehabilitation programme, it is necessary to explicate to her/him in the simplest way [19]:

  • Which is the role of the vestibular system in the human balance control?

  • What is vertigo and dizziness?

  • Which are recovery phenomena of a vestibular disorder?

  • Which is the natural course of the patient’s disturbance (that is to say, the time planning of the disease and its natural recovery)?

  • What is vestibular rehab and what is its role in ameliorating both the natural course and the functional recover?

  • Which are the patient’s general health disturbances that may interfere on both VDU and the recovery?

  • Which aspects of her/his lifestyle have to be modified to improve the outcome, to stabilize the results and to avoid relapses?

Regarding lifestyle for each vestibular disturbance, specific indications will be provided into the following dedicated chapter.

Any more, there are some general, but not generic, suggestions that may be provided as in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2
General suggestions to improve global health and thus balance control

Control own Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI is correlated to body fatness and it is calculated as body weight (in kilos) divided by square height (in metres); e.g. a subject weighed 70 k and 1.74 m height has a BMI as follows: 70/(1.74 × 1.74) = 23.1. Normal values are between 18.5 and 24.9 (World Health Organization, WHO)

Perform regular and constant aerobic physical activity: e.g. rapid walking (not running nor jogging) 30′ a day three times/week

Restrict calorie intake (particularly soft drinks)

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