Venous Disorders

Venous Disorders

Varicose Veins (Varices)

Varicose veins are found in approximately 35% of all adults. The degree of pathology varies substantially depending on the extent, type, and location.

Primary varices develop in predisposed individuals on the basis of congenital weakness of the vein walls. Secondary varices are most commonly the result of past thrombophlebitis. Nevertheless, degenerative processes in the vein walls can also play a role, as adaptation to constant false or excessive strain after blockages.

Varicose veins can also develop from prolonged standing, pinching clothing, chronic constipation, obesity, and so on. Finally, pregnancy also frequently leads to cardiac edemas and varices.


Tingling, feeling of coldness or heaviness, and pain in the legs, especially after prolonged sitting or standing.

Feet and joints can swell.

Nightly cramps in the calf.

Suggested Therapy

The treatment of varicose veins is one of the main applications of cupping, increasing blood circulation and accelerating the discharge of infectious fluid collections. By cupping, you can decongest the area of the damaged vessel and prevent the formation of varicose veins.

Tick Before a patient decides to undergo surgery to remove varicose veins, it is worth applying cupping therapy, which can often avoid surgical intervention. Although the patient may experience relief after surgery, the old state often returns within only a few years.

Tick In pronounced varicosis, the two methods of varicosclerozation and stripping cannot be used. In such cases, only consistent treatment with cupping and compression is effective.

Dry cupping in the crease between the buttocks and thighs. Initially three to four treatments per week.

Depending on success, repeat treatments every 5 or 7 days.

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Aug 10, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Venous Disorders

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