Upper limb pain

Chapter 19 Upper limb pain

Case 19.4


Vicky is a 38-year-old woman reporting to your clinic complaining of frequent episodes of pain, tingling and numbness in both of her hands, greater on the right. The hand pain may be intense at times and is described as sharp and burning. These symptoms wake her up multiple times each night, especially if she sleeps with her wrists bent. She has to get out of bed and walk around shaking her hands in order for the symptoms to resolve enough to allow her to go back to sleep. She has had these symptoms off and on for almost a year and they are progressively getting worse. Vicky works as a graphic designer and spends many hours at the computer each day using a mouse. She experiences the hand symptoms while working at the computer and has also noticed pain and stiffness throughout her neck and upper back while working. These symptoms are worse with the overtime she has been working recently. She has also noticed that she is clumsy and frequently drops things. Vicky denies any significant health history, trauma, or musculoskeletal injuries. Her only medication is birth control pills. She does report a family history of similar symptoms in her mother and brother, related to factory work.

Physical examination

Vitals •Pulse rate/min 76
  •Respiratory rate/min 12
  •Blood pressure mm Hg 118/68
  •Height (cm) 178
  •Weight (kg) 79
  •BMI 24.9
  •Temperature (degrees C) 36.5
HEENT Unremarkable  
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