Upper Extremity Pain

Tendon-related conditions

Nerve-related conditions

Muscle-related conditions

Joint-related conditions

Bursa-related conditions

Pain syndrome

Bicipital tendinitis

Digital neuritis

Cramp of the hand

Acromioclavicular syndrome

Bursitis/cellulitis of the hand or elbow

Arm myalgia

Dupuytren’s contracture

Lateral antebrachial neuritis

Tension neck syndrome

Cervical degenerative disease

Olecranon bursitis



Pronator teres syndrome

Glenohumeral joint degenerative disease

Subdeltoid bursitis

Cervicobrachial fibromyalgia

Intersection syndrome

Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment

Painful first metacarpal

Forearm myalgia

Linburg’s syndrome

Wartenberg’s syndrome

Intrinsic hand myalgia

Tendon disorders (forearm and hand)

Levator scapulae myalgia

Triceps tendonitis


Shoulder pain

Scapulothoracic pain syndrome

Trigger finger

Status post whiplash


Trapezius myalgia

Nonspecific Condition

A nonspecific condition category has also been included in the classification of Boocock et al. (2009). It is characterized by pain in the muscles, tendons, nerves, or joints, without evidence of a specific combination of symptoms and signs typical for one of the specific MSK disorders (Sluiter et al., 2001). Discomfort, fatigue, limited movement, and loss of muscle power can also be described. They have been grouped under the headings of “nonspecific diffuse forearm pain,” “nonspecific upper limb disorder,” and “nonspecific upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders” by different authors (Boocock et al., 2009; Harrington et al., 1998; Helliwell et al., 2003). As there are no diagnostic criteria, no study on specific interventions were found for the treatment of nonspecific conditions.

Clinical Interventions for Workers with WRUED

Conservative interventions such as those used by rehabilitation professionals play a major role in the treatment of WRUED (Piligian et al., 2000). In fact, several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluated the effectiveness of these interventions in workers suffering from WRUED. Furthermore, at least three systematic reviews (Burton et al., 2009; Crawford & Laiou, 2007; Dick, Graveling, Munro, & Walker-Bone, 2011) and a Cochrane review (Verhagen et al., 2007) have been published on this topic. The next section will look at the results of the RCTs specifically designed for workers with WRUED and will summarize the conclusions of the systematic and Cochrane reviews. Of note, no RCT was found on the effects of surgical interventions specifically for workers suffering from WRUED.

E xercises : The effectiveness of exercise programs has been specifically assessed in at least five RCTs for workers with WRUED. First, Waling et al. allocated 103 women with nonspecific work-related neck/shoulder pain to one of the three exercise groups (strength training, endurance training, or coordination training) or a control group (Waling, Sundelin, Ahlgren, & Jarvholm, 2000). The results showed that all three exercise programs were better than no treatment (Waling et al., 2000). The exercise programs led to similar decreases in pain, indicating that the exact type of exercises may be of weak importance to achieve pain reduction (Waling et al., 2000). Two RCTs also looked at the efficacy of exercises as an add-on treatment in workers with upper extremity complaints. In the RCT by Omer et al., 50 workers with head, neck, shoulder, back, and wrist pain (most of them diagnosed as myofascial pain syndrome and CTS) were randomized into two groups: Group 1—mobilization, stretching, strengthening, and relaxation exercises 5 days a week for a period of 2 months, following a training course (education); or Group 2—training course only (Omer, Ozcan, Karan, & Ketenci, 2003/2004). The results showed that the program performed by Group 1 led to a higher reduction of pain and depression level in the short term as compared to Group 2. The long-term effect was not evaluated. In contrast, van den Heuvel et al. evaluated the effects of taking regular breaks and performing physical exercises for work-related neck and upper extremity disorders among computer workers and did not find any additional effect of the exercises (van Den Ende et al., 1996). In their study, 208 computer workers were randomized into a control group, one intervention group stimulated to take extra breaks, and one intervention group stimulated to perform exercises during the extra breaks (four physical exercises lasting 45 s) during an 8-week period. Intensity of performed exercises could have led to the differences in efficacy observed in these two studies.

Hagberg et al. evaluated whether isometric shoulder endurance was better than isometric shoulder strength training to reduce pain and perceived exertion and to increase shoulder function in 69 female industrial workers with nonspecific neck/shoulder pain (Hagberg, Harms-Ringdahl, Nisell, & Hjelm, 2000). Both training programs led to a significant decrease in pain. Finally, in an RCT using a crossover design, Sjögren et al. looked at the effects of a workplace physical exercise intervention on the perceived intensity of headache and the intensity of symptoms in the neck and shoulders. Fifty-three office workers reporting headache and neck and shoulder symptoms were allocated into one of the two treatment sequence groups: physical exercise intervention (15 weeks, progressive light resistance training and guidance on postural and movement control) followed by no intervention (15 weeks); or no intervention followed by physical exercise intervention. While the intervention led to a decrease in the intensity of headache and neck symptoms, it had no effect on shoulder symptoms. Based on the results of these RCTs, Verhagen et al., in their Cochrane review, concluded that there is conflicting evidence concerning the efficacy of exercises over no treatment or as an add-on treatment (Verhagen et al., 2006). No differences between various kinds of exercises were found.

M anual Therapy : Bang et al. evaluated the effect of manual therapy as an add-on treatment to exercises (Bang & Deyle, 2000). In their study, 52 workers diagnosed with RC syndrome were randomly assigned to the exercise group (supervised flexibility and strengthening exercises) or to the manual therapy group (same program with manual physical therapy). Subjects in both groups experienced significant decreases in pain and disability, but there was significantly more improvement in the manual therapy group. There is limited evidence for the efficacy of manual therapy for workers with RC syndrome as an add-on treatment to exercises (Verhagen et al., 2006). No evidence on manual therapy was found for other WRUEDs.

E rgonomics: Two RCTs evaluating the effects of ergonomic programs for workers with WRUED were found. First, Ketola et al. evaluated the effects of an intensive ergonomic approach and education on workstation changes and MSK disorders among workers who used a video display unit (Ketola et al., 2002). One hundred and twenty-five workers with symptoms in the neck, shoulders, or upper limb region were allocated to one of the three groups: intensive ergonomics (worksite visit by physiotherapists, workstation evaluation, and adjustments); ergonomic education (1-h training session in ergonomics); or reference (one-page leaflet). Conclusions were that, after 2 months, both the intensive ergonomics approach and education in ergonomics helped reduce MSK discomfort. The positive effects on discomfort were seen primarily for the shoulder, neck, and upper back areas. In an RCT by Lundblad, Elert, and Gerdle (1999), 97 female industrial workers with neck/shoulder complaints were randomized into one of the three groups: physiotherapy group (treatment according to an ergonomic program, 16 weeks); Feldenkrais group (education according to the Feldenkrais methodology, 16 weeks); or control group (no intervention). The ergonomic program had no effect at 1 year on neck and shoulder complaints and on disability. Furthermore, there was no difference between the Feldenkrais therapy (exercises) and the ergonomic program. Therefore, based on the results of these studies, there is conflicting evidence concerning the effectiveness of ergonomic programs over no treatment (Verhagen et al., 2006).

Three RCTs were found on the effects of computer keyboards with alternative geometry on workers with WRUED. First, Tittiranonda, Rempel, Armstrong, and Burastero (1999) compared the efficacy of a long-term (6-month) use of alternative geometry computer keyboards (three different keyboards were tested) or a placebo (standard keyboard as placebo) in computer users with CTS and wrist or forearm tendonitis. The use of two of the three types of alternative geometry computer keyboards led to an improving trend in pain severity and hand function following 6 months of use. Of note, a significant correlation was found between improvement of pain severity and greater satisfaction with the keyboards (Tittiranonda et al., 1999). Rempel et al. evaluated the effects of keyboard keyswitch design on computer users with hand paresthesias (Rempel, Tittiranonda, Burastero, Hudes, & So, 1999). Twenty computer users were assigned to one of the two groups for 12 weeks: a modified keyboard (looser keys with greater damping) or an unmodified keyboard. The use of the modified keyboard resulted in a significant reduction in pain. Finally, Ripat et al. randomized 68 symptomatic workers with WRUED to either a group receiving a commercially available ergonomic keyboard or a group receiving a modified version of the same keyboard designed to reduce activation force, vibration, and key travel (Ripat et al., 2006). At 6 months, both standard and ergonomic keyboard groups showed significantly reduced symptom severity and significantly improved functional status. Therefore, there is limited evidence that computer keyboards with altered force displacement characteristics or altered geometry are effective in reducing symptoms (Dick et al., 2011; Verhagen et al., 2006). Ergonomics will be further discussed later in the section on workplace interventions.

G raded Exposure to PainRelated Fear : Some evidence suggests that pain-related fear influences the functional level of workers with WRUED (Huis ’t Veld, Vollenbroek-Hutten, Groothuis-Oudshoorn, & Hermens, 2007; Karsdorp, Nijst, Goossens, & Vlaeyen, 2010). In studies performed on patients with low back pain (LBP) and neck pain, improved functional level has been demonstrated following interventions targeting catastrophic thinking and pain-related fear, also called graded exposure in vivo (GEXP) (Boersma et al., 2004; de Jong et al., 2008; Leeuw et al., 2007, 2008). While no RCT has, to our knowledge, evaluated the effect of GEXP in workers with WRUED, de Jong et al. evaluated this intervention in eight patients with WRUED reporting pain-related fear using a sequential single-case experimental phase design (de Jong, Vlaeyen, van Eijsden, Loo, & Onghena, 2012). The aim of GEXP was resumption of valued activities and restoration of a normal daily function, rather than pain reduction. Results showed that when GEXP was introduced, levels of pain catastrophizing and pain-related fear decreased significantly (de Jong et al., 2012). Clinically relevant improvements were also observed for pain and disability (de Jong et al., 2012). This study shows the potential of this intervention following WRUED. In conclusion, for the treatment of WRUED, exercises and ergonomic adjustments may be considered, despite the fact that the amount of evidence is still small (Staal et al., 2007). The lack of well-designed studies available for this population prevents from formulating more definite statements (Staal et al., 2007).

Return to Work

Outcomes of interest used in studies of WRUED have been highly inconsistent (Burton et al., 2009). Among them, work-related outcomes in WRUED have been relatively understudied (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). Because work outcomes do not necessarily correlate well with other health outcomes (Pransky, Loisel, & Anema, 2011), focusing specifically on RTW is essential in cases of WRUED. RTW has been defined and operationalized in many different ways (Schultz, Stowell, Feuerstein, & Gatchel, 2007). For example, cross-sectional dichotomous measures of RTW have been used in many studies, but these do not take into account recurrence of work absence after RTW (Dionne et al., 2007). Also, a worker may RTW, but not necessarily go back to the previous employer/job (Schultz et al., 2007). Other operationalizations of RTW have hence been proposed. For instance, Johnson, Baldwin, and Butler (1998) described four patterns of RTW for injured workers: RTW on first attempt, no RTW following no attempts, RTW after several attempts, and no RTW after several attempts. To this day, there is still no agreed upon taxonomy for RTW (Schultz et al., 2007). Furthermore, to add to the confusion, in studies attempting to identify predictors of occupational outcomes after injury, such as those affecting the upper extremity, the focus has mostly been on risk factors for occupational disability (e.g., sick leave, sickness absence), rather than on factors associated with going back to work (Schultz et al., 2007). Hence, in this section, we will present results of studies and reviews that include outcomes of work disability and RTW.

The Problem of Return to Work

In the last few decades, there has been an increasing number of compensation claims for WRUED (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). Similar to LBP, only a minority of workers with WRUED are absent from work for lengthy amounts of time, possibly 5 %, but this fraction of workers is associated with the greatest share of indemnity costs (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). Approximately one-third of workers with WRUED have been found to be at risk for prolonged work instability (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). WRUED, like LBP, is also characterized by recurrence in work absences (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). According to the results of a study by Baldwin and Butler (2006), most workers with WRUED RTW at least once, but they are even more susceptible to multiple work absences than workers with LBP. Among the group of workers who were off work at least once, 26 % of those presenting WRUED reported a second absence, while this percentage was 18 % for workers with LBP (Baldwin & Butler, 2006). Reviewing the literature shows that occupational disability and delays in RTW for WRUED are problematic, but a majority of workers eventually RTW (although they may present recurrent absences).

Predictors of Return to Work

On a theoretical and conceptual level, different models found in the literature show the potential influence of a great number of factors, spanning from the individual, to the workplace, to societal contexts, on RTW and occupational disability (Schultz et al., 2007). As an example, Loisel et al. visually presented what they call the “arena in work disability prevention,” a figure that highlights the multiple influences and interrelationships between aspects related to the workplace system, the legislative and insurance system, the healthcare system, and the worker’s personal system and coping (Loisel et al., 2005). The work disability problem is viewed from an individual and public health viewpoint. Work disability and failure to RTW are further regarded as multicausal (Briand, Durand, St-Arnaud, & Corbiere, 2008; Pransky et al., 2011), although the actual causal factors are yet to be identified.

On an empirical level, a limited number of studies have been conducted on predictors of RTW in workers with WRUED (Bot et al., 2007; Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010). Investigated factors have been classified in different ways. For example, Ijzelenberg et al. identified individual factors, work-related physical factors, as well as work-related psychosocial risk factors (Ijzelenberg, Molenaar, & Burdorf, 2004). Feuerstein et al. distinguished individual psychosocial variables, including job stress and satisfaction, from organizational psychosocial variables, encompassing co-worker support, for instance (Feuerstein, Shaw, Nicholas, & Huang, 2004). In a narrative review, Pomerance classified factors that delay or prevent RTW of workers with WRUED more generally as intrinsic or extrinsic to the worker (Pomerance, 2009). Inspired by these various conceptualizations and classifications, we present here findings regarding predictors of RTW in cases of WRUED on the individual, organizational, and system levels. However, we acknowledge that these categories are not mutually exclusive and are interrelated.

I ndividualLevel Factors: Individual-level factors include sociodemographic, injury-related, and psychosocial variables. Based on findings from Pomerance’s (2009) review, women RTW up to 50 % later than men, while age has an unclear effect on RTW (Pomerance, 2009). Clay et al. recently published a systematic review on early prognostic determinants of RTW after acute orthopedic trauma resulting in upper or lower extremity injuries, some of which occurred during work (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010). In this review, women were also at higher risk of prolonged work disability (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010). The authors found that younger individuals, those with higher than average self-efficacy, and those with higher education are off work for a shorter time (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010). Blue-collar workers and severely injured individuals were found to be at higher risk of prolonged work disability (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010). Other individual-level factors that have been found to be associated with RTW include duration of work experience (Baldwin & Butler, 2006), pain attitudes (Clay, Newstead, Watson, & McClure, 2010), pain intensity (Feuerstein, Shaw, Lincoln, Miller, & Wood, 2003; Pomerance, 2009), behavioral factors (e.g., doctor shopping, recurrent absence from work), stress, coping skills, job satisfaction, and expectations (Clay, Newstead, Watson, et al., 2010; Pomerance, 2009). The role of individual factors in explaining RTW for workers with WRUED, especially individual psychosocial factors, however merits further study (Bongers et al., 2006).

O rganizationalLevel Factors : Organizational factors associated with RTW in workers with WRUED include physical, as well as psychosocial factors. Bot et al. conducted a prospective longitudinal study specifically looking at work-related physical and psychological workplace factors associated with sick leave in workers who consult their general practitioners for neck or upper extremity complaints (Bot et al., 2007). They found that heavy physical work increased the risk of sick leave, while prolonged sitting reduced sick leave in the subgroup of workers who worried a lot about their pain. Psychosocial workplace factors were not found to be related to sick leave in this study. According to the results of Burton et al.’s review, available studies indicate that there is strong evidence that workplace psychosocial factors, including beliefs, perceptions, and work organization, are associated with upper extremity disorders for numerous outcomes including symptom development and work absence (Burton et al., 2009). In Clay et al.’s systematic review (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010), none of the included studies were found to have considered factors related to the work organization. The role of psychosocial work conditions, such as employer or co-worker support, in explaining RTW for workers with upper extremity disorders has also been given relatively little attention (Bongers et al., 2006).

SystemLevel Factors : System-level factors associated with RTW are related to healthcare and insurance systems, for instance. Although they may also be viewed as individual-level factors, compensation status and active litigation were found to be associated with delayed RTW in Pomerance’s (2009) review. In Clay et al.’s review (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010), workers not receiving compensation were also off work for a shorter time. The healthcare response (e.g., physician approach, stakeholder collaboration) is another example of system-level factors influencing RTW in workers with WRUED (Pomerance, 2009). Because they did not view compensation as a system-level factor, Clay et al. stated they did not find any studies on policy/system factors. Still, this indicates that further study is required (Clay, Newstead, & McClure, 2010).

Intervention and Prevention in the Workplace

Faced with the burden of WRUED on the personal and societal levels, a great number of interventions have been put forward in the broad healthcare field. Because multiple factors contribute to the onset of WRUED and their persistence over time, the interventions to put into place should target these different factors (Briand et al., 2008; Burton et al., 2009; Feuerstein & Harrington, 2006; Kennedy et al., 2010; Noonan & Wagner, 2010; Pransky, Robertson, & Moon, 2002; Staal et al., 2007). Based on a review, Kennedy et al. concluded that single interventions tended to offer no effects, hence suggesting that different types of interventions should be combined (Kennedy et al., 2010). Current evidence does not support providing purely biomedical or workplace interventions alone (Burton et al., 2009). A multimodal approach based on a biopsychosocial model is preferred (Burton et al., 2009). Although there is wide consensus that multiple types of interventions are needed, the actual ingredients to put together vary across authors and the literature focusing specifically on WRUED is still emerging (Burton et al., 2009; Loisel et al., 2005). This section will focus on workplace-based interventions and prevention. Dick et al. defined a workplace intervention as “any action at a worker’s place of work to improve the outcome of an existing upper limb disorder” (Dick et al., 2011). Kennedy et al. defined occupational health and safety interventions as interventions carried out in the workplace or mandated by the employer and “designed to reduce or prevent MSK symptoms, signs, disorders, injuries, claims and lost time” (Kennedy et al., 2010).

Usual healthcare interventions do not routinely entail workplace interventions. Indeed, rehabilitation programs traditionally focus on worker-related interventions, while workplace interventions such as disability management programs instigated by employers and insurers include changes in the work environment (Kennedy et al., 2010), such as organizational policy changes and physical workplace adjustments (Baril & Berthelette, 2000). Rehabilitation programs do not usually involve the employers who are observers in the RTW process but, in disability management programs, the employers take charge (at least partially) of the occupational disability (Shrey, 1996). Nonetheless, in some workplaces, clinical interventions take place on-site (e.g., physical therapy clinics, Kennedy et al., 2010), while certain rehabilitation programs also include workplace visits. Moreover, previous reviews on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce symptoms or prevent WRUED have mostly focused on clinical rather than workplace interventions (Kennedy et al., 2010).

Like many articles found in the literature (Burton et al., 2009), published reviews often include a broader range of MSK disorders than just upper extremity disorders (Kennedy et al., 2010). In a 2009 systematic review of RCTs on the effectiveness of workplace interventions aiming at RTW, van Oostrom et al. only found one study of workers with WRUED (van Oostrom et al., 2009). Their overall conclusion for the six studies retained was that, in comparison to usual care or clinical interventions, workplace interventions including changes in workplace station, organization, and environment, as well as case management, are effective to reduce sickness absence, but not for improving health outcomes such as pain and symptoms (van Oostrom et al., 2009). In a content analysis of studies on RTW interventions for workers with various MSK conditions, Briand et al. reported that the essential components of RTW programs are centralized coordination, formal psychological and occupational interventions, changes in the workplace environment, contact between stakeholders, and interventions to promote concerted action between them (Briand et al., 2008).


Ergonomics is probably the form of workplace intervention most often cited and studied in the literature specifically on WRUED. Nonetheless, there is great variety and confusion regarding the nature of ergonomics, terms used to refer to ergonomics, as well as content of ergonomics-related interventions (Loisel et al., 2005). For example, according to Dick et al., ergonomic training includes education sessions for workers and also more action-based training, both varying in length and intensity (Dick et al., 2011). As for ergonomic interventions, they include actions such as workstation assessments and adjustments (Dick et al., 2011). There has also been a call for ergonomics to go beyond posture and forces in order to consider aspects such as work styles, gender, and weight (Feuerstein & Harrington, 2006). In a recent systematic review, Dick et al. examined the effectiveness of workplace interventions for WRUED, mainly ergonomics, to prevent or reduce sickness absence, retain one’s normal job, or prevent ill-health/retirement (Dick et al., 2011). In this review, upper limb disorders included CTS, nonspecific arm pain, extensor tenosynovitis, and lateral epicondylitis but excluded neck/shoulder pain. Based on their detailed analyses of 28 papers, the authors found limited evidence for the use of alternative keyboards to reduce CTS and tenosynovitis and lacking evidence for workplace interventions for epicondylitis (Dick et al., 2011). Similar findings were obtained in a systematic review on the use of specific keyboards with alternative force displacement of the keys or alternative geometry for workers with CTS (Verhagen et al., 2009). Another review by Burton et al. also found limited evidence for alternative mouse or keyboards to reduce pain in office workers and insufficient evidence for changes in equipment in the manufacturing industry (Burton et al., 2009). Studies on the effectiveness of arm supports showed moderate evidence of positive effects (Kennedy et al., 2010). Dick et al. concluded that there was moderate evidence that ergonomic work redesign targeting equipment or work organization does not reduce the incidence and prevalence of WRUED (Dick et al., 2011), although such interventions may improve worker comfort, which is non-negligible (Burton et al., 2009). Mixed results have indeed been reported for the effectiveness of ergonomic training and interventions (Dick et al., 2011). Also, according to Burton et al., giving too much attention to ergonomic interventions may send the message that work is the major cause of WRUED (Burton et al., 2009), which may be damaging for the worker because the epidemiology of the condition does not support such an affirmation. Furthermore, adopting a purely ergonomic approach to intervention is insufficient (Feuerstein & Harrington, 2006), although these forms of interventions have been by far the most prevalent. For example, Kennedy et al. found strong evidence that workstation adjustments alone are not effective (Kennedy et al., 2010). Integrating interventions addressing ergonomic and psychosocial factors, for instance, could be helpful in promoting return to regular work of workers having suffered an upper extremity injury (Shaw, Feuerstein, Lincoln, Miller, & Wood, 2001).

Work Organization and Other Interventions

Other workplace interventions have been discussed in the literature. For example, the potential role of case managers has been recommended to facilitate RTW following upper extremity injury (Burton et al., 2009; Shaw et al., 2001). Case managers can help workers address barriers to their RTW (e.g., by obtaining workplace accommodations and engaging workers in active problem-solving) (Shaw et al., 2001). In their review, Bongers et al. found inconclusive evidence for a positive effect of task rotation, task enrichment, and added rest breaks on upper extremity disorders and, at the most, promising evidence for management engagement (Bongers et al., 2006). The need to individually screen each worker to identify problem areas in order to consequently target the best-fitting interventions has also been suggested (Noonan & Wagner, 2010). Other examples of interventions in the workplace include training programs for stress control, promoting physical activity, and offering wellness programs, but little is known of their effectiveness in WRUED (Pransky et al., 2002). Kennedy et al. found mixed evidence for the effectiveness of exercise programs, and exercise programs combined with ergonomics training (Kennedy et al., 2010). There was moderate evidence that biofeedback and job stress management training taken separately were not effective. The evidence was limited for rest breaks and insufficient for rest breaks combined with exercise. Modified work, taking the form of “light duties,” or gradual RTW through increasing demands in performance and time on the job may allow workers to gradually resume their tasks and reintegrate into the workplace, hopefully reducing stress, anxiety, and other psychosocial factors that may prevent RTW (Noonan & Wagner, 2010). Individual-level and organizational-level interventions may act on worker stress, for example, and consequently help alleviate upper extremity symptoms (Bongers et al., 2006). Studies examining the effectiveness of other work interventions such as work organization are rather scarce. This has notably been justified by the methodological challenges they entail (Bongers et al., 2006).


Preventive efforts need to address modifiable risk factors (Bongers et al., 2006; Staal et al., 2007). However, further work is needed in the area of prevention of WRUED. Overall, as a field, work disability prevention is emerging (Loisel et al., 2005). Compared to LBP, upper extremity disorders have received much less attention in work disability prevention (Loisel et al., 2005). The effectiveness of interventions aiming to prevent the development of WRUED, thought as primary prevention, has been largely understudied (Bongers et al., 2006). For instance, the evidence on the effectiveness of broad injury prevention programs and injury prevention programs with physical therapy was insufficient in a recent systematic review by Kennedy et al. examining the effectiveness of occupational health and safety interventions on upper extremity disorders in terms of symptoms, signs, disorders, injuries, claims, or lost time (mostly in office work) (Kennedy et al., 2010). Briand et al. described RTW interventions as tertiary prevention, aiming to reduce the consequences of work absence, while the goal of secondary prevention interventions is to avoid absence from work (Briand et al., 2008). In the literature addressing specifically the prevention of WRUED, distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention measures have not been routinely made. Studies also often address more than one level of action. In Kennedy et al.’s review, some of the studies addressed only primary (n = 9) or secondary prevention (n = 8), 15 were a mix of both, two were a mix of secondary and tertiary prevention, and two others were a mix of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention (Kennedy et al., 2010). Overall, the authors concluded that the level of evidence was mixed for the effectiveness of occupational health and safety interventions on upper extremity disorders outcomes, with medium- and high-quality studies having provided inconsistent results (Kennedy et al., 2010). Such pooled results do not allow to distinguish the effectiveness of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Future studies related to prevention in cases of WRUED should clearly identify their level(s) of action in order to help develop knowledge in this area and identify the best targets of action to aim for in order to improve effectiveness of preventive efforts. For instance, Staal et al. suggested that because incapacitating WRUED only affect a minority of the working population, preventive efforts should only target high-risk groups or workers already presenting symptoms (Staal et al., 2007).

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