Chapter 45 Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction
Surgical Overview
• A UCL reconstruction, using a palmaris longus tendon graft, is performed using a combination of open and arthroscopic surgery.
Rehabilitation Overview
• The rehabilitation program following UCL reconstruction begins immediately after surgery, with the patient instructed in a home exercise program.
• The program emphasizes early, controlled motion so as to avoid any excessive passive stretching later in the program. This will allow the graft to remain as tight as possible until the patient is allowed to return to activity.
• The program also limits excessive stress to the wrist and elbow during the early phases to allow optimal soft tissue healing.
• Following kinetic chain principles, improved proximal strength and efficiency should reduce stress on the elbow.
• The program is based on the patient beginning an interval throwing program at 4 months post-surgery and a hitting program at 5 months.