Treatment Strategy for Malunion


Treatment Strategy for Malunion

Matt L. Graves

Fracture care is always a race between bone healing and construct failure. One of the end results of losing that race is a malunion. A malunion is a fracture that heals in any position that is nonanatomic.1 Based on this definition, defining when a malunion is present is not difficult; in contrast, defining when a malunion requires operative intervention is more challenging. The decision to proceed with surgical correction must take into account patient goals/expectations, comorbid conditions, current functional deficits, future consequences of nonanatomic loading, subjective complaints, and cosmetic effects.2 Once the decision is made to perform surgery, formulation of the surgical tactic requires a clear understanding of the etiology, the deformity, the surgical approach options, the osteotomy choices, the reduction plans, and the methods of stabilization. This chapter provides a broad overview of malunion management principles, and reviews the basic steps of a treatment strategy. Entire books have been written on this subject, so it is important to define reasonable expectations.35 Deformities can occur at any orthopaedic site, but the lower extremity long bones will be the model used to explain these principles and treatment strategy. Once the basic concepts are understood, they can be transferred to other orthopaedic sites with particular adjustments based on local needs. After studying this chapter, you should be able to accomplish the educational objectives set forth in Table 7.1 .

Primary Educational Objectives of This Chapter


  1. Quality fracture care is a process that requires adherence to basic principles.

  2. Deviation from the basic principles of fracture care leads to malunions and nonunions.

  3. Deformities can be systematically characterized by anyone with a basic understanding of anatomy and radiography.

  4. If bone metabolism is ignored, even the best technical procedure can yield poor results.

  5. Malunion reconstruction is best accomplished by surgeons with experience in complex fracture care and discernment regarding modes of failure.


  1. You should be able to systematically characterize complex lower extremity deformities.

  2. You should be able to proactively prevent expected failure modes based on basic mechanical principles and characterization of the initial displacement.


  1. Unbalanced forces create initial displacement and subsequent deformity. These forces must be qualified and the plan for correction must include specific resistance to them. Correction of deformity should be as atraumatic as possible and clearly thought out based on vectors of displacement.

  2. Both malunion and nonunion radiographs typically look like the original injury film with failed implants or implant/bone junctions.

  3. Although forces do not confine themselves to the planes we define, in order to systematically characterize a deformity, we evaluate displacement in three planes (axial/horizontal, coronal/frontal, sagittal) and differentiate between translation and angulation in each of those planes (Fig. 7.2).

  4. Although population averages are established, the best way to evaluate what is normal for a specific patient is to incorporate the contralateral noninjured extremity into the preoperative planning.

  5. To develop a clear understanding of a deformity, the entire extremity should be evaluated. The coronal/frontal plane mechanical axis determination requires a patella-centered hip-to-ankle radiograph. The sagittal plane mechanical axis determination requires a hip-to-ankle radiograph taken 90 degrees to the frontal plane.

  6. Successful malunion reconstruction requires explicitly matching the surgeon and patient goals/expectations preoperatively.

  7. Common osteotomy types include opening-wedge, closing-wedge, neutral wedge, single plane/oblique/mathematically directed, dome/crescentic, and clamshell. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type (Fig. 7.3).

  8. Complete acute corrections are not always possible secondary to neurovascular concerns. Gradual corrections may be required.

  9. Even when acute corrections are possible, they may uncover latent contractures. This should be discussed with the patient preoperatively, especially when lengthening is planned.

  10. Complications of malunion correction include, but are not limited to, nonunion, malunion (under- or overcorrection), nerve palsy, infection, wound healing issues, and acute compartment syndrome.

Discovering the Etiology (Failure Analysis)

Review of Basic Principles

Malunion reconstruction is labor and resource intensive. So it is important to understand that it is much easier to stop a malunion from occurring than it is to repair the damage once it has occurred. It is typically possible to prevent a malunion from occurring by strict adherence to the basic principles of fracture care.6 It logically follows that when a malunion is being addressed, a review of the basic principles of fracture care will provide clarity as to why the failure has occurred.

A fracture fixation construct is a structure that consists of the combination of an implant and bone. The stability of that construct is defined as the motion that occurs when it is subjected to physiological loading.6 Construct stability is relevant because fracture care is always a race between fracture healing and construct failure. The goal in fracture care is to win that race. The means by which the race is won include maximizing the environment for fracture healing and limiting the potential for construct failure. Maximizing the healing environment entails using atraumatic surgical techniques and addressing patient comorbidities, including bone metabolism issues. Limiting the potential for construct failure entails optimizing construct stability and controlling patient loading. Components of construct stability include the bone quality (docking site for the implant and the ability to share load), the original fracture pattern (simple vs complex), the surgical technique (quality of reduction and loading of bone), and the chosen implant (plate, rod, external fixator). Unfortunately, the surgeon does not control all of these components. When one or more of the components of construct stability are unfavorable, then greater care must be given to the other components. For instance, when the fracture pattern is complex and the bone quality is marginal, the surgical technique and chosen implant take on more importance.

Directional loading also makes a difference in fracture care. Biomechanical principles must be considered when evaluating injuries and failed fixation attempts. Structures obey the laws of nature; therefore, the procedural preferences of the surgeon must correspond with basic physics. Internal forces and external loads act on all fracture fixation constructs. Any fixation construct has a limited number of load cycles prior to failure. By considering these forces and loads, it is possible to design a fixation construct that minimizes failure potential. Unbalanced forces create displacement and subsequent deformity. These forces must be characterized, and the plan for fracture treatment must include specific resistance to them. When the plan is unclear, the unbalanced forces win. This is the reason that malunion radiographs typically look like the original injury films with hardware or implant/bone junction failure.

Contributing Categories

To systematically evaluate the etiology of failure, it is useful to break the problem down into contributing categories, such as injury factors, patient factors, and surgeon factors.1

Injury factors are beyond the surgeon′s control. All of these factors are manifestations of the original energy of the injury. The law of energy conservation states that energy in a system remains constant but may change forms. To evaluate an injury, it is helpful to know how this transformation occurs. Translation of Newton′s laws into orthopaedic trauma language helps to explain the process. Newton′s first law states that objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The second law states that when a force acts on an object, it causes an acceleration that is predictable based on the magnitude and direction of the force and the mass of the object. The third law states that for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction; but sometimes the object with the smaller mass may not be able to withstand the larger acceleration resulting from the interaction, and energy is transferred to a different form. To clarify, a car that hits a reinforced brick wall will stop moving forward and the human inside will absorb excess energy, overcoming the ultimate strength of his bones and soft tissue. This different form is recognizable radiographically by the complexity of the fracture pattern and the initial severity of displacement. It is recognizable clinically by the severity of soft tissue injury, the open or closed nature of the fracture, and the associated neurovascular insult. All of these serve as markers for the devitalization of bone fragments and the potential for a delayed healing response or a compromised healing environment.

When retrospectively evaluating these injury factors in malunion management, information should be gleaned from a review of the original injury films and a review of the operative records or discussion with the original surgeon. Failure to invest the time to do so may prevent a clear understanding of the cause of the malunion. More importantly, it places surgeons at a disadvantage for successful reconstruction of the malunion by limiting their understanding of the unbalanced forces that must be neutralized.

Patient factors are partially under the control of the surgeon. Some factors cannot be timely optimized but should be addressed nonetheless, such as obesity, traumatic brain injury, marginal bone quality, compromised immune function, systemic vascular diseases, hepatic/renal failure, and medications/treatments that affect bone and soft tissue quality and healing (corticosteroids, immunomodulators, anticoagulants, antibiotics, radiation therapy, etc.).713 Other factors can and should be optimized to maximize the chances of success, such as psychiatric disorders, endocrine/metabolic bone disorders, smoking, malnutrition, visual and balance abnormalities, syncope, limited upper extremity strength for protected weight bearing, bacterial carrier status, previous noncompliance, and family support/living situation.1418 Discovery requires a thorough history and can be completed more efficiently via a focused nonunion/malunion type inventory (Table 7.2) that can be completed prior to arrival or with the assistance of ancillary personnel. Failure to take the time to discover and deal with these associated issues puts the surgeon at a disadvantage for future successful reconstruction of the malunion.

Inventory of Diagnostic Considerations for Malunions/Nonunions

1. Do you have known issues with the following? Circle those that apply.


Symptoms or Definition

Malabsorption (including bypass procedures)

Light-colored, soft, bulky stools; dry hair or hair loss; edema; bloating; flatulence; explosive diarrhea

Parathyroid function

Frequent fractures, kidney stones, excessive urination, abdominal pain, nausea, easily fatigued, depression, forgetfulness

Thyroid function

Fatigue, cold or heat sensitivity, constipation or excessively frequent bowel movements, dry skin, unexplained weight gain or loss, thinning or brittle hair, depression or nervousness, muscle weakness and aching, excessive sweating

Vitamin D deficiency


Testosterone deficiency

Loss of sex drive, depression, difficulty concentrating, erectile dysfunction

Diabetes mellitus

Frequent urination, excessive thirst, increased hunger, apathy, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision

Kidney disease

Changes in urination, swelling, fatigue, skin rash, metallic taste, nausea,

Narcotic addiction

Compulsion to seek and use despite harmful consequences

Tobacco abuse

Excessive use despite harmful consequences

Seizure disorder requiring medication

Phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone, valproate

Psychiatric diagnoses

Depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder, borderline personality disorder


Temporary partial or complete loss of consciousness (e.g., fainting or passing out)

Visual abnormalities or other balance issues leading to falls


2. When did your original injury occur?

3. Where were you originally treated?

4. How many procedures were completed?

5. Can you provide the operative notes for these procedures?

6. Did you have a documented infection at any time during your treatment?

  1. Did your surgical incision(s) ever drain for > 1 week?

  2. Were you placed on antibiotics for > 24 hours for any of your procedures?

  3. Do you know if cultures were ever taken during one of your procedures?

  4. Did you ever see an infectious disease provider?

  5. Did you ever see a plastic surgeon?

  6. Did you have a long-term intravenous catheter (e.g., PICC line)?

  7. Have you been told you have a bacterial carrier status (e.g., MRSA, VRE)?

  8. Did you participate in decolonization protocols (e.g., chlorhexidine scrubs, Mupirocin nasal ointment application)?

7. Have you ever seen an endocrinologist, rheumatologist, or nutritionist?

8. Did you have postoperative weight-bearing precautions at any time during your care Did you follow them?

Surgeon factors include the additional energy imparted to the fracture by the original surgeon, and the violation of basic principles of fracture care. Fracture care can be challenging even for the most experienced traumatologist. As a malunion surgeon, it is important to recognize that even the best preoperative plans are not always effectively realized at the time of surgery. Surgery is a controlled form of trauma, and each additional step that must be taken has the potential to impart more energy to already compromised tissues. The energy imparted obeys the laws of energy conservation but can be more difficult to recognize and quantify. Telltale radiographic signs of overly aggressive surgery include unusual fixation montages, retained debris, implants placed in multiple planes that indicate circumferential stripping, and excessive screw density.19 Other common radiographic signs of the violation of basic principles include incorrect choice of desired stability for a given fracture (e.g., choosing absolute stability for a highly complex extra-articular fracture pattern), initial malreductions (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2), incorrect implant type (Fig. 7.3), incorrect implant sizing, imbalanced constructs, poor plate span width, irregular working lengths (Fig. 7.4), screws placed across malreduced fractures, disregard of directional loading (e.g., choosing an implant that commonly fails in the mode of the original fracture displacement), and unlocked intramedullary rods (Fig. 7.5). Clinical signs of potentially suboptimal surgery include unusually placed or irregular surgical scars, muscle atrophy secondary to denervation, and an asymmetric vascular examination not evidenced in the original history and physical. Discovering these surgeon factors requires a detailed study of the original documentation and radiographs as well as the early postoperative films. They can often be confirmed or clarified through communication with the original surgeon.

Malreduction of a subtrochanteric fracture following intramedullary nail placement.
Failure to reduce a tibial plateau fracture with knee subluxation as seen on a lateral radiograph.
Subtrochanteric fractures with incorrect implant selection and disregard of directional loading, leading to excessive collapse of the sliding implants and severe deformity.
Example of an imbalanced construct with a limited working length in the distal segment using a tibial nail.
Example of unlocked tibial nail.


There is no substitute for experience in failure analysis. An experienced trauma surgeon performs a proactive failure analysis when approaching both acute fractures and nonunion/malunion reconstruction. A goal for the end of the procedure should be established at the very beginning. The surgeon should be knowledgeable about historical failure modes, and should understand how specific patterns commonly displace and how specific implants commonly fail. The surest way of achieving success is for the surgeon to have as broad and deep an understanding as the problem requires. This good judgment typically evolves from experience, especially the experiences of past bad judgment. To optimize patient care, these learning curves should not be repeated. By explicitly studying failure, consulting more experienced surgeons, and studying the works of experts, good judgment can be achieved without patient harm.

Characterizing the Deformity

An understanding of the deformity requires interpretation of the physical exam and imaging, and a clear correlation between the two. Quality imaging reliably delineates the osseous anatomy, and physical exam findings should directly correlate with the imaging. When this is not the case, care should be taken to review soft tissue and psychiatric contributions to the deformity. Contractures, atrophy, learned behaviors, and even psychosomatic causes can provide the appearance of a deformity in the setting of normal osseous anatomy.

Radiographs are two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional structures. A basic principle of radiographic interpretation is that displacement is seen best when it is orthogonal (90 degrees) to the plane of the image. If deformities are noted in two planes (e.g., on the anteroposterior and lateral radiographs), then the actual deformity is larger than that noted in either plane. This maximal deformity plane can be discovered either radiographically (through obtaining multiple obliquely oriented radiographs until you reach the one that reveals the greatest deformity) or mathematically (through basic geometry). This maximal deformity plane has a corresponding nodeformity plane that is orthogonal to it. When viewing a radiograph in the no-deformity plane, the bone will appear straight. Discovering the maximal deformity and nodeformity planes has utility for specific types of corrections, which are discussed later in the chapter.

Although forces and deformities do not confine themselves to the planes that we define, in order to systematically characterize a deformity, we evaluate displacement in three planes (axial/horizontal, coronal/frontal, sagittal) and differentiate between translation and angulation in each of those planes (Fig. 7.6).20 The majority of the time, we characterize the deformity based on our standard planes of imaging. The anteroposterior (AP) view provides an understanding of coronal/frontal plane deformity. The lateral (LAT) view provides an understanding of sagittal plane deformity. Understanding the axial/horizontal plane, which is primarily rotational deformity and limb length, often requires a combination of physical exam and special imaging techniques (see Axial/Horizontal Plane, below). Within each of these planes, two types of displacement can occur: translation and angulation. Translation is defined as movement of a segment such that every point of the segment moves in the same direction over the same distance. This is differentiated from angulation, in which part of the segment does not move (center of rotation) and the remainder of the segment rotates around that immobile part (Fig. 7.7). Learning these planes and displacements will not only improve communication but also help the surgeon to more precisely define reduction techniques based on vectors of displacement. As previously noted, thinking mechanically and dissecting atraumatically are the keys to malunion prevention and treatment.

Definition of planes of deformity.
Deformity matrix comparing translation to angulation. In translation, every point of a segment moves in the same direction over the same distance. In angulation, one part of the segment does not move (center of rotation), whereas the remainder of the segment rotates around that immobile part.

Coronal or Frontal Plane

The frontal plane corresponds to the patella-forward position, with a few exceptions (e.g., altered patellofemoral mechanics, such as trochlear dysplasia or static patellar subluxation).21 This means that to adequately evaluate this plane, it is necessary to have a well-centered patellaforward radiograph, regardless of the position of the foot that this requires (Fig. 7.8). This necessitates either a knowledgeable X-ray technologist or the assistance of the operative surgeon. To ensure the image is ideal, the patella should rest in the center of the trochlea on the side being evaluated. Ideally both sides would be placed in the patella-forward position to facilitate comparison and determination of the patient′s normal anatomy. Occasionally, this bilateral position is impossible because of extreme rotational abnormalities or stiff joints.

Evaluating the coronal/frontal plane requires a patella-forward position radiograph, regardless of the position of the foot. (From Paley D, Herzenberg JE. Principles of Deformity Correction. New York: Springer-Verlag; 2003. Reprinted with permission.)

Hip to ankle standing films are ideal for assessing the mechanical axis of the extremity. The mechanical axis of the extremity is the weight-bearing axis and is defined by a line drawn from the center of the femoral head to the center of the ankle joint. The mechanical axis should traverse the center of the knee joint (8 mm ± 7 mm medial to the center of the knee joint).21 If the mechanical axis traverses the knee joint more lateral than the value noted above, then there is a lateral mechanical axis deviation, and attention should be paid to discovering at what site(s) the valgus is occurring (Fig. 7.9). If the mechanical axis deviates more medial than the value noted above, then the extremity is in varus and attention should be paid to discovering at what site or sites the varus is occurring. For posttraumatic deformities, the varus/valgus would be expected to occur at the site of the previous fracture. This does not mean that other sites should not be explicitly evaluated by drawing out angles at each level and comparing them to the contralateral uninjured side or population norms. To clarify through an example, a bicondylar tibial plateau fracture may heal in varus after lateral locked plating, creating a posttraumatic deformity. This may have been set up in the beginning, even with an appropriate reduction of the tibial plateau fracture, secondary to a varus distal femur creating a mechanically unsound situation from a preexisting medial mechanical axis deviation. Although the additional deformities may not be corrected, discussion of these preexisting deformities with the patient will help set realistic expectations and help to explain one source of failure.

Radiograph of standing hip to ankle, demonstrating a lateral mechanical axis deviation on the right side, secondary to a valgus deformity, which is primarily at the distal femoral level. Note the left side could not be evaluated because the radiograph does not reveal the patella-center position, which defines the frontal plane.

In cases in which the contralateral extremity was injured, it is extremely helpful to have baseline knowledge of population norms (Fig. 7.10). These norms should be either committed to memory or kept close by for reference even in acute fracture treatment. These norms have been defined based on mechanical and anatomic axis lines (anatomic axis lines are drawn by connecting multiple center positions of the canal for a specific bone). Anatomic axis lines are especially helpful intraoperatively during correction as the field of view for the fluoroscopy machine is limited.

Population norms for the coronal plane. JLCA, joint line convergence angle; MPTA, medial proximal tibial angle; LDTA, lateral distal tibial angle; MNSA, medial neck shaft angle; MPFA, medial proximal femoral angle; aLDFA, lateral distal femoral angle relative to the anatomic axis. (From Paley D, Herzenberg JE. Principles of Deformity Correction. New York: Springer-Verlag; 2003. Reprinted with permission.)

A common way to radiographically define the angulation of a deformity is to draw the anatomic axis lines of the different segments of the deformed bone and measure the angle created by those lines. If the lines do not intersect in the bone at the deformity, then translation is also present (Fig. 7.11). When long segments are not present (e.g., metaphyseal deformity) or when the deformity occurs over a large area (e.g., bowing rather than acute angulation), then anatomic axis lines are difficult to draw. In these cases, it is useful to consider alternative methods of defining the deformity. One alternative way to radiographically define the angulation of a deformity is to superimpose the contralateral side image onto the deformed side. This can be done with a tracing, if the facility has a radiograph printer. This is an extremely powerful learning exercise in that it requires an intense focus on both normal anatomy and the deformity. Average dimensions, contours, and shadows become intuitive, and the gestalt is learned and clarified.22

Translation is present when the anatomic axis lines of the different segments of a deformed bone do not intersect within the bone at the site of the deformity.

Clinical evaluation of the patient with coronal plane angulation or translation is completed by observing the limb, preferably both in the supine and in the standing position. The standing position helps magnify the contribution of ligamentous laxity and muscle atrophy by providing dynamic loading. Observing just the unloaded limb in the supine position can lead to an underestimation of the functional deficit created by the deformity. The clinical findings and radiographic findings should logically correlate (e.g., if a patient appeared bow-legged, then the expectation is to find a medial mechanical axis deviation and varus occurring at one or more sites on the standing patella-forward radiograph). When the radiographs do not clearly correlate with the physical exam findings, care must taken to evaluate alternative sources of deformity (e.g., soft tissue contractures, ligamentous deficiencies, psychiatrically driven pseudodeformities).

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