Major criteria
Minor criteria
Localized spontaneous pain
Reproduction of spontaneously perceived pain and altered sensations by pressure on the TrP
Spontaneous pain or altered sensations in the expected referred area for a given TrP
Elicitation of an LTR of muscle fibers by transverse “snapping” palpation or by needle insertion into the TrP
Taut, palpable band in an accessible muscle
Pain relieved by muscle stretching or injection of the TrP
Exquisite, localized tenderness in a precise point along the taut band
Certain degree of reduced range of motion
Medical Management
MPS treatment is directed at two primary targets: (1) treatment of the associated TrPs and (2) removal of the causative/perpetuating factors.
TrP Treatment
A number of treatments for the deactivation of TrPs have been described. The results of different studies and reviews demonstrate various modalities and techniques as being effective or ineffective. The principal methodologies are reported here.
Muscle Stretch and Spray and Stretch
Stretch is important in isolated TrPs of early onset, though appears to be somewhat less effective in long-standing, diffuse TrPs. The muscle containing the TrP should be stretched slowly to the point of discomfort. The theory behind the effectiveness of stretch in TrP inactivation is the belief that lengthening the sarcomeres reduces the local consumption of energy and interrupts the “energy crisis,” leading to muscle pain and TrP formation. On the other hand, stretching a painful muscle can stimulate sympathetic activity, inducing the TrP mechanism. In order to reduce this rebound phenomenon, it is preferable to first apply a vapocoolant spray to the overlying skin surface, which will inhibit pain as well as the reflex motor and autonomic responses in the CNS; the analgesic effect of cooling also permits more effective relaxation and stretching of the involved muscle groups (Mense, Simons, & Russell, 2001; Simons & Travell, 1999).
Local Tissue Stretch: The TrP Pressure Release
“Pressure release” replaces the old terminology “ischemic compression.” The provider applies gentle pressure, gradually increasing pressure on the TrP until an increase in resistance is encountered, correlating with the onset of patient discomfort. Pressure should be maintained, until palpable tension is released, then the finger is advanced further until further resistance is encountered. Again, the pressure is maintained until release of the tension; this process is repeated until tension is released throughout the involved area (Mense et al., 2001).
TrP Injection
TrP injection is the gold standard for treatment of MPS. It is superior to stretching alone and has been shown to be one of the most effective modalities for inactivating TrPs and providing prompt relief of symptoms. Scott, Guo, Barton, and Gerwin (2009) reviewed published reviews and randomized controlled trials on TrP injections and confirmed TrP injections to be an efficacious treatment, safe in the hands of trained clinicians, and that the addition of TrP injections to stretching maneuvers augments clinical outcomes.
In terms of the substances injected, many studies indicate that “dry needling” may be as effective as injection of local anesthetics. Ay, Evcik, and Tur (2010), who used randomized controlled trial, illustrated that both dry needling and lidocaine injection have significant, but comparable, effects in MPS symptomatology. Injections were coupled with home stretching exercises to maximize benefit. The efficacy of dry needling is most likely based on mechanical disruption of the integrity of dysfunctional end plates. Many practitioners still prefer to use local anesthetic for patient comfort, both during the procedure and afterwards, to promote the patient’s tolerance of post-procedure stretching exercises. In general, injection of any solution (including saline) may relieve symptoms by dissipating local sensitizing agents in the region of pain (Ay et al., 2010; Kalichman & Vulfsons, 2010; Mense et al., 2001).
Injection of botulinum toxin has also been anecdotally reported to reduce symptoms in myofascial pain disorders (Ho & Tan, 2007; Lang, 2002). However, a systemic review by Peloso et al. (2007) concluded that there is no supporting evidence for its use in the treatment of MPSs, as injection of botulinum toxin A was not superior to injection of local anesthetic.
Recommended Injection Technique
One recommended technique for injection of TrPs has been described by Hong (1994). The operator should rest the wrist on the patient’s body, then grasp the syringe between the thumb and the last two fingers, using the index finger to depress the plunger. This technique allows the operator improved control of the needle in the event that the patient moves unexpectedly during the procedure. The elicitation of a local twitch response during needle penetration would suggest greater efficacy of the injection.
Correction of Perpetuating Factors
Therapy for MPS should include identification and correction of factors that have promoted TrP formation. Therefore, postural abnormalities should be evaluated and treated, including ergonomic evaluations. Practitioners should address any anatomical defect contributing to muscle imbalance and repetitive strain/trauma (i.e., leg length discrepancy). Other perpetuating factors such as stress/mood disorders and sleep disorders should also be identified and corrected when possible (Edwards, 1988).
Pharmacological Therapy in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Intramuscular injection of diclofenac has shown significant pain relief in the treatment of MPS. However, this agent is of limited utility in the treatment of chronic MPS due to the multiple adverse risks associated with chronic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) usage (Frost, 1986). In general, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have shown limited benefit in the treatment of MPS. Amitriptyline was shown to be somewhat effective in reducing pain (Bendtsen & Jensen, 2000). As a drug class, muscle relaxers have shown little utility in treating MPS, possibly because the underlying pathophysiology in MPS is endplate dysfunction and not true “spasm” (Mense et al., 2001; Simons & Travell, 1999).
One recent open label study showed statistically significant reduction in pain scores among participants with trapezius MPS treated with tizanidine, a presynaptic alpha 2 agonist utilized as a muscle relaxant. In the study, anywhere from 2 mg daily to 4 mg three times daily was utilized, at the researcher’s discretion (Malanga, Gwynn, Smith, & Miller, 2002).
There is considerable overlap between MPSs and fibromyalgia. Thus, medications useful in the treatment of fibromyalgia are often utilized in myofascial pain disorders. Pregabalin, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and tramadol have all shown efficacy in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, there are no randomized controlled trials evaluating these agents in the treatment of MPSs. The management of fibromyalgia, a central sensitivity pain disorder, is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Ligament and Tendon Pain Conditions
Overuse disorders of tendons or “tendinopathies” typically affect young people (20–30 years old) and middle-aged people (40–60 years old) and are often difficult to manage. Histologically, these disorders are characterized by angiofibroblastic hyperplasia, including hypercellularity, neovascularization, increased protein synthesis, and disorganization of matrix, but not inflammation (Khan, Cook, Kannus, Maffulli, & Bonar, 2002; Kraushaar & Nirschl, 1999; Maffulli, Testa, Capasso et al., 2004; Rees, Maffulli, & Cook, 2009). The lack of inflammation, as well as poor clinical outcomes and adverse risk associated with repeated corticosteroid injections, has led many practitioners to utilize other injectates for ligament pain (such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), botulinum toxin, proteinases, and polidocanol). A systematic review of injections used in the treatment of various tendinopathies supports the use of corticosteroid injections for acute tendinopathies but conversely shows that corticosteroid injections are actually worse than other treatments for intermediate- and long-term management of chronic tendinopathies (Coombes, Bisset, & Vicenzino, 2010).
Tendinopathies can often become chronically painful conditions. Rotator cuff tendinopathies, lateral elbow epicondylosis, and Achilles tendinopathy are commonly seen in the chronic pain population. Unfortunately, there is a wide range of treatments but lack of consensus among physicians when treating these disorders. Such incongruency may be attributed to lack of understanding of the etiology of these conditions, including lack of understanding of the nociceptive properties of tendon tissues. Experimental studies have illustrated nociceptive characteristics of tendinous tissues. Gibson, Arendt-Nielson, and Graven-Nielson (2006) illustrated pain provocation in study subjects when hypertonic saline was injected into tendon tissue. Other studies have shown N-methyl-d-aspartate and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors to be functionally relevant in the pathophysiology of tendon pain, as peritendinous injections of glutamate and capsaicin, respectively, induced tendon nociception (Gibson, Arendt-Nielson, Sessle, & Graven-Nielson, 2009). With little understanding of the pathophysiology of tendon pain, there is little consensus in the treatment of chronic ligament and tendinous pain disorders. For chronic ligament pain, practitioners have injected various compounds around ligaments for years in attempts to produce a sclerosing effect (Dagenais, Haldeman, & Wooley, 2005). Despite the popularity of new injection therapies for tendinopathies, many questions still remain regarding their therapeutic effect as well as their mechanism of action.
General Approach
Relative Rest
Most practitioners agree that patients should be encouraged to avoid activities that continue to load the affected tendon, thereby exacerbating the condition. Relative rest prevents ongoing damage, reduces pain, and promotes healing. However, there are no clear recommendations for duration of rest. Practically, patients are often encouraged to avoid activities that exacerbate pain, while avoiding complete immobilization (to prevent atrophy and deconditioning).
While beneficial short term, there is little evidence to support cryotherapy in chronic tendinopathies. In the acute tendinopathy, icing may slow the release of blood and inflammatory agents from the surrounding vasculature secondary to reducing tissue metabolism. Authors of a 2004 systematic review of cryotherapy for soft tissue injuries concluded that application of ice should be performed through a wet towel for 10-min periods for greatest efficacy (Bleakley, McDonough, & MacAuley, 2004). While ice may help pain in chronic conditions due to the direct analgesic effects of cryotherapy, there is little evidence to support overall improvement in outcomes with icing in chronic tendinopathies.
Strengthening and Stretching
Once acute pain has subsided, strengthening and stretching exercises should be initiated. Eccentric strength training is particularly effective in treating tendinopathies and helps promote formation of new collagen. Eccentric contraction involves the lengthening of muscle fibers as the muscle contracts, preferentially loading the tendon. Such exercise has proved beneficial in Achilles tendinosus and patellar tendinosus and thus may be helpful in other tendinopathies (Alfredson, Pietila, Jonsson, & Lorentzon, 1998; Cannell, Taunton, Clement, Smith, & Khan, 2001; Ohberg, Lorentson, & Alfredson, 2004).
Neovascularization: A Potential Therapeutic Target for Chronic Tendinopathies?
Ultrasound evaluation of chronic Achilles and patellar tendinopathies, as well as immunohistochemical analyses of biopsies, has shown a possible relationship between a local vasculo-neural ingrowth and chronic tendon pain. Because of this finding, researchers have recently turned their attention towards injection of substances aimed at destruction of neovascularization in the affected tendons. Polidocanol, initially developed as a local anesthetic, is now commonly used as a vascular sclerosing agent. It has a selective effect in the vascular intimae causing vessel thrombosis. Literature suggests at least potential benefit with ultrasound-guided injection of polidocanol towards neovascularization in the intermediate term for patellar and Achilles tendinopathies (Alfredson & Ohberg, 2005; Hoksrud, Ohberg, Alfredson, & Bahr, 2006)
Growth Factors to Stimulate Tendon Healing
In an animal model, growth factors added to a ruptured tendon promote repair of the tendon (Aspenberg & Virchenko, 2004; Molloy, Wang, & Murrell, 2003). PRP has been promoted as an ideal autologous biological blood-derived product that can be exogenously applied to various tissues, where it releases platelet-derived growth factors and subsequently enhances wound healing, bone healing, and tendon healing. When platelets are activated, growth factors are released and enhance the body’s natural healing response (Samson, Gerhardt, & Mandelbaum, 2008). Unfortunately, a systematic review revealed little evidence to support administration of growth factors (such as PRP) for tendon healing. In regard to pain, a double-blind randomized controlled trial supported the injection of PRP over corticosteroids in the treatment of lateral epicondylalgia in the long term (Peerbooms, Sluimer, Bruijn, & Gosens, 2010). However, PRP was inferior in the short term. There are no randomized trials investigating the injection of autologous blood for treatment of tendinopathy.
Sodium Hyaluronate
Hyaluronic acid is an unbranched, high molecular weight polysaccharide and is a major component of synovial fluid, cartilage, and surrounding structures of arthroidial joints. The primary role of hyaluronic acid in these tissues is to maintain viscoelastic structural and functional characteristics. Petrella, Cogliano, Decaria, Mohamed, and Lee (2010) investigated the injection of sodium hyaluronate in 331 subjects with chronic severe lateral epicondylalgia and reported that it was largely effective in the short, intermediate, and long terms (moderate evidence).
Botulinum Toxin Injections
Botulinum toxin injections have shown some benefit in the treatment of lateral epicondylalgia. Injections into the painful area, 1 cm from the lateral epicondyle, were largely effective in the short term (moderate evidence). One rationale for this treatment is the notion that botulinum toxin reversibly paralyzes the extensor muscles, thus preventing repetitive microtrauma of the tendinous fibers at their origin from the osseous lateral epicondyle. However, botulinum toxin has been used in various other pain syndromes, and its exact mechanism for relieving pain remains largely unknown. Reduction in local nociceptive neurotransmitters may also be contributing to pain relief related to botulinum toxin injections (Placzek, Drescher, Deuretzbacher, Hempfing, & Meiss, 2007; Wong et al., 2005).
Systemic Analgesics
There is a dearth of literature to support chronic systemic medication management in the treatment of persistent painful tendinopathies. Two small case reports suggested duloxetine at 60 mg daily may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic refractory lateral epicondylitis (Wani, Dhar, Butt, Rather, & Sheikh, 2008). Chronic oral NSAIDs cannot be condoned due to significant adverse risks of chronic usage (primarily GI and renal effects).
Topical Treatments
In an extensive 2012 Cochrane Review, topical NSAIDs showed analgesic benefit over placebo in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain in adults (Derry, Moore, & Rabbie, 2012). However, the studies reviewed were primarily addressing chronic pain in the setting of osteoarthritis. Again, there is a dearth of literature regarding the treatment of chronic tendinopathies. A novel method of possibly managing tendinopathies is the application of nitroglycerin to the affected areas. Animal studies have suggested a role for nitric oxide in tendon healing through fibroblastic collagen synthesis (Johnson, Cadwallader, Scheffel, & Epperly, 2007). Nitroglycerin is denitrated by glutathione S-transferase; free nitrite ion is released, which is then converted to nitric oxide. Five studies on chronic tendinopathies have revealed analgesic benefit with the use of topical nitroglycerin in various forms (Kane, Ismail, & Calder, 2008; Paolini, Appleyard, Nelson, & Murrell 2003, 2004, 2005; Paolini, Murrell, Burch, & Ang, 2009).
Other Modalities
Although anecdotally effective, there is weak evidence to support treatments such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy, iontophoresis, and therapeutic ultrasonography (Wilson & Best, 2005).
Pain Related to Joint Conditions
Osteoarthritis has a high prevalence and is a significant cause of disability among the elderly. The most common joint involved in chronic osteoarthritis pain is the knee. Among other mechanisms, peripheral and central sensitization may contribute to pain perception in osteoarthritis (Imamura et al., 2008). Therefore, eliminating the inflammatory component of the pain generator may still not completely resolve the pain syndrome. Central sensitization may explain why some patients may still complain of knee pain after a total knee arthroplasty. The management of arthritis differs significantly between rheumatoid arthritis (or other inflammatory arthropathies) and osteoarthritis. Early referral to a specialist is recommended for any patient with rheumatoid arthritis or possible synovitis. Treatment of RA favors the use of a combination of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and analgesic treatment. Some patients respond rapidly and completely to disease-modifying treatments, further supporting the practice of early referral to appropriate specialists. Some of the analgesics often used are presented in Table 18.2.
Table 18.2
Analgesics in the management of chronic osteoarthritis pain
Drug | Dosage | Potential adverse effects |
Systemic agents | ||
Acetaminophen | Up to 3 g daily in healthy adults | Hepatic and renal toxicity in overdosage |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories | Dependent on individual drug | Gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding, renal toxicity, peripheral edemaa |
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors | Duloxetine—initiate 30 mg daily, escalate weekly up to at least 60 mg daily, max 120 mg daily as tolerated | Nausea, somnolence |
Less common—dizziness, tremor, sweating, blurry vision, anxiety | ||
Weak opioids | Tramadol—maximal 400 mg dailyb | Nausea, vomiting, somnolence, constipationc |
Tramadol, codeine | ||
Topical agents | ||
Capsaicin | 0.025 % cream, QID | Local skin irritation, burning, erythema |
Topical NSAID preparations (ketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen) | 1 g up to QID | Limited systemic effects, GI and renal toxicity possible |
Inflammatory Arthropathies
In those patients with persistent pain despite maximal DMARD therapy, other agents should be utilized to improve pain scores and quality of life. Generally, principles for pain treatment in patients with inflammatory arthropathies are the same as for other chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Goals are focused on maximizing function and quality of life, improving analgesia, while minimizing adverse effects of medications and therapies. A multinational panel of expert rheumatologists convened and developed a set of evidence-based guidelines for pain management by pharmacotherapy in inflammatory arthritis (Whittle, Colebatch, Buchbinder et al., 2012).
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
A review of the literature reveals 12 short-term randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of paracetamol in the treatment of pain associated with inflammatory arthritis. Although the evidence is weak, there was consensus among the experts that paracetamol is generally safe and effective. There is no consensus on dosing and intervals, and there is variation across countries in the maximum recommended dose. In the United States, it is now recommended to avoid exceeding 3 g daily of acetaminophen.
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
NSAIDs continue to be used widely for symptomatic treatment of RA and other inflammatory arthropathies (Emery & Suarez-Almazor, 2003). However, their use has diminished for chronic pain due to multiple adverse risks associated with chronic NSAID usage (i.e., GI toxicity, renal toxicity, edema). According to the multinational recommendations on pain management by pharmacotherapy in inflammatory arthritis, NSAIDs should be used at the lowest effective dose, either continuously or on demand, but paracetamol should be considered first in those patients with gastrointestinal comorbidities. When NSAIDs are required, the experts recommend either nonselective NSAIDs in combination with proton pump inhibitors or COX-2 selective inhibitors alone or in combination with PPI, with close surveillance for adverse events. In patients with inflammatory arthritis and preexisting hypertension, cardiovascular, or renal disease, paracetamol should be used first. NSAIDs (including COX-2 selective inhibitors) should generally be avoided or used with caution.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
There are eight randomized controlled trials in patients with RA, and a single trial in ankylosing spondylitis, evaluating the efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants as analgesics. The results of these trials were conflicting, and there is unclear evidence to support tricyclic antidepressants in the treatment of pain in inflammatory arthritis. However, there may be some role, and therefore expert opinion agrees that these agents may be used as adjuvants in the treatment of pain in inflammatory arthritis. There is insufficient evidence to support newer antidepressants (i.e., serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis (Whittle et al., 2012).
Surprisingly, there are no data regarding the use of anticonvulsants as analgesics in inflammatory arthritis. Nefopam, a centrally acting non-opioid analgesic, showed benefit over placebo in two short-term trials in RA, but the patients had greater adverse effects (Emery & Gibson, 1986; Richards, Whittle, & Buchbinder, 2012). One study showed benefit of topical capsaicin for knee pain in RA, but local skin irritation was a common effect (Deal, Schnitzer, Lipstein et al., 1991).
Ten randomized controlled trials studied “weak” opioids in the treatment of RA-associated pain. There is no clear definition of “weak” vs. “strong” opioid, but codeine, tilidine, pentazocine, dextropropoxyphene, and tramadol were considered “weak.” Meta-analysis of pain outcomes after 6 weeks of treatment showed that those patients treated with “weak” opioids reported superior global impression of clinical change (Boureau & Boccard, 1991; Brunnmuller, Zeidler, Alten, & GromnicaIhle, 2004; Lee, Lee, Park et al., 2006). However, those treated with opioids also had significantly more adverse effects than the placebo groups, and, after correcting for adverse effects, there was no difference between weak opioids and placebo in net efficacy.
There is very little evidence if any to support the use of chronic “strong” opioids in the treatment of RA-associated pain. Given the lack of evidence to support the use of strong opioids, and the significant potential for harm, the expert panel recommends that they should only be used in situations where other treatments have failed and supervised by a clinician experienced in the prescription of strong opioids.
Intra-articular Injections
Intra-articular Corticosteroid
A meta-analysis of intra-articular steroid injections to the knee in rheumatoid arthritis supported the effectiveness of the procedure. Five randomized controlled trials comparing intra-articular steroid injections to placebo illustrated that steroid injections improve pain, knee flexion and extension, knee circumference, morning stiffness, and duration of efficacy (up to 22 weeks in the steroid-treated group). Inflammatory arthritis appears to have a more favorable response to intra-articular steroid injections than osteoarthritis (Wallen & Gillies, 2006).
Intra-articular Hyaluronate
Hyaluronic acid is the major constituent of a 1–2 micron layer on the surface of articular cartilage as well as synovial fluid. In slow movements, solutions of hyaluronic acid act as lubricants and may contribute to absorbing shock in fast movements. Hyaluronic acid may serve to protect the articular cartilage surface and soft tissue surfaces from trauma from joint function. In arthritis, a degenerative process, the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid is reduced, thereby affecting its protective properties. Therefore, injection of intra-articular hyaluronic acid may help to reverse these changes and may also have some anti-inflammatory effects. While supported in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, however, there is a paucity of data for hyaluronic acid injections for inflammatory arthritis and therefore cannot be recommended at this time.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. OA is a major cause of pain and disability among the elderly population, but unfortunately has no cure. Therefore, therapeutic goals are focused on maximizing functionality and quality of life, improving analgesia, and limiting adverse medication effects. Patients with severe OA of the knee or hip who have failed to respond to more conservative measures usually go on to receive total joint arthroplasties (American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on Osteoarthritis Guidelines, 2000; Felson, 2000). Clinical guidelines for the management of OA enforce the importance of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches (American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on Osteoarthritis Guidelines, 2000; Zhang et al., 2005). In 2008, Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) released an evidence-based, expert consensus set of recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA; Zhang, Moskowitz, Nuki et al., 2008).
Nonpharmacological Approaches
Patient education and self-management techniques reduce pain scores and improve general well-being. All patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis should be educated about the objectives of treatment and importance of changes in lifestyle, exercise, pacing, weight reduction, and other measures to unload the damaged joint(s). Initially, focus should be on self-driven treatments rather than passive therapies, in an effort to get the patients more self-reliant and active in their treatment. According to the OARSI, the clinical status of patients can be improved by regular phone contact (Zhang et al., 2005). Again, this fact emphasizes the importance of engaging the patients in their management and encouraging them to be active participants in their care.
Weight loss should also be encouraged in those patients who are overweight. Weight reduction and a regular exercise program play an important role in reducing pain in symptomatic OA. For patients with hip OA, exercises in water may be effective to improve aerobic conditioning, allowing the patients to off-load the affected joint(s) (Felson, Zhang, Anthony, Naimark, & Anderson, 1992; Messier et al., 2004). Early in their treatment, patients may also benefit from referral to a physical therapist (PT) for evaluation and instruction in appropriate exercises to reduce pain and improve functional capacity. A comprehensive PT evaluation may also provide appropriate assistive devices (i.e., canes, walkers) when appropriate. Such walking aids can reduce pain in patients with OA of weight-bearing joints (i.e., knees, hips). Provision of assistive devices should be accompanied by appropriate instruction on the optimal use of a cane or crutch in the contralateral hand or frames or walkers for those patients with bilateral joint disease.
The OARSI guidelines also recommend appropriate footwear for all patients with symptomatic hip or knee OA. In some patients with medial tibiofemoral compartment osteoarthritis, lateral-wedged insoles have shown some benefit. These insoles are recommended in 12 out of 13 existing guidelines for the management of knee OA (Zhang et al., 2007).
The use of a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit may improve pain in some individuals with chronic pain in knee osteoarthritis. In a 2004 clinical study, TENS was found to be as effective as exercise and better than placebo for controlling arthritic pain (Cheing & Hui-Chan, 2004). The mechanism of action of TENS in the treatment of painful conditions remains controversial. In studies of experimental joint inflammation, TENS reduced spinal stimulatory neurotransmitters (glutamate, aspartate) and also activated descending modulatory receptors, including opioid, serotonin, and muscarinic receptors, reducing pain behaviors (Sluka, Vance, & Lisi, 2005).
Complementary Alternative Medicine
The scope of this chapter is to focus on traditional medical interventions in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes. However, acupuncture is becoming more and more accepted as a complementary and alternative treatment to traditional medical interventions. The 2008 OARSI consensus guidelines on the management of knee and hip OA state that acupuncture may be beneficial in the treatment of symptomatic knee OA, and therefore alternative treatments will be briefly discussed in this chapter. A 2001 systematic review of the evidence for the efficacy of acupuncture in knee osteoarthritis included seven randomized controlled trials and 393 patients. This review suggested that real acupuncture was more effective than a sham procedure in analgesia, but evidence supporting improved function was inconclusive (Ezzo et al., 2001). In addition, a 2007 RCT of 352 patients with knee OA showed a small, but statistically significant improvement in pain intensity in patients 2 and 6 weeks following true acupuncture (Foster et al., 2007).
Pharmacological Therapies
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
For mild to moderate OA pain, acetaminophen up to 4 g daily (recently reduced to 3 g daily in the United States due to concerns regarding long-term use and end-organ toxicity) has proven to be an effective analgesic. In a 2006 Cochrane systematic review, acetaminophen was superior to placebo in 5/7 trials, and pooled analysis of data on overall pain showed a small, but statistically significant reduction in pain. However, such a small reduction in pain score is of questionable clinical significance (Towheed, Maxwell, Judd, Catton, & Wells, 2006). Regardless, due to acetaminophen’s proven safety record, evidence of even modest improvements in analgesia, and low cost, it is universally accepted as a first-line pharmacotherapy in symptomatic OA, barring medical comorbidities limiting its usage (i.e., significant hepatic dysfunction).
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Practitioners have become more cognizant of the multiple adverse effects associated with chronic NSAID usage, leading to less prescriptions for chronic pain in osteoarthritis. Adverse effects associated with chronic NSAID usage include gastrointestinal events (perforation, ulceration, GI bleeds), peripheral edema, and renal insufficiency. There are additional cardiovascular risk factors associated with the long-term use of selective COX-2 inhibitors. For these reasons, oral NSAIDs should be limited to short-term pain control in most patients and are especially discouraged in patients over the age of 75 or in those patients with comorbidities increasing risk for GI events (Hochberg, Altman, April, Benkhalti et al., 2012).

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