Fig. 21.1
Medial and lateral McKeever hemiarthroplasty implants

Fig. 21.2
Two-piece first-generation UKA implant
Second-generation implants were introduced in the 1980s, and corrected many of the problems noted with first-generation procedures. The implants were made wider to resurface the involved compartment and resist subsidence. The tibial implants were metal-backed to decrease focal stresses on the tibial bone. This led to a resultant thinning of the overall poly thickness of the tibial components. In some designs, peripheral polyethylene was only 2 mm thick (Fig. 21.3). Concerns over polyethylene wear led to modifications of the tibial implants. The articular geometry was made more congruent with thicker polyethylene and/or use of all-polyethylene tibial implants. This increased conformity in fixed-bearing knees led to increased interface stresses, particularly on the femoral side, and an increased rate of femoral loosening was noted with these implants [10]. However, increased conformity, when associated with mobile-bearing implants, performed well, both at early and long-term follow-up [11, 12].

Fig. 21.3
(a) Radiograph of second-generation metal-backed tibial UKA. (b) Metal-backed tibial implant demonstrating the thin polyethylene at the peripheral margin of the implant
The surgical technique for implantation of UKAs has evolved over the last four decades from primarily a freehand procedure to current techniques that use highly instrumented systems that facilitate proper alignment of the limb, as well as implant-to-implant alignment. This is accomplished using both intramedullary and extramedullary alignment guides that mate the tibial and distal femoral resections. In the early 2000s, the evolution of minimally invasive surgery led to smaller incisions, less dissection, and new instruments for implanting UKAs. Those changes decreased hospital stays and costs and in combination with improved pain management and rapid recovery protocols sped the recovery following surgery [13, 14]. However, performing this procedure through a 3-in. incision did increase the technical difficulty and raised the possibility of higher failure rates.
Where UKA fits into the treatment of the patient with knee arthritis continues to evolve. In comparison with high tibial osteotomy (HTO ), it offers the following advantages: higher early and late success, fewer complications, and restoration of a relatively neutral mechanical axis rather than creation of a secondary deformity [15, 16]. The advantages of UKA, when compared with TKA, include better proprioception, increased range of motion, more normal gait, preservation of bone stock, and restoration of more normal knee kinematics with preservation of both the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) . Preference for UKA in patients with a UKA in one knee and TKA in the opposite knee has been documented by several authors [17–21].
Several studies have documented 10-year survivorship of UKA ranging from 70% to 98%. While a handful of 10-year follow-ups of UKA equal the results of 10-year follow-ups of TKA, the majority of reported series approach—but do not equal—the results of long-term follow-up of TKA [11, 12, 22–27].
Data from the 2013 Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR) reveal that the use of UKA has dropped by 49% compared to its use in 2003. In 2003, UKA represented 14.5% of knee replacement procedures; in 2013 UKA was 4.1% of the procedures. This registry notes a 10-year revision rate for TKA to be 5.6% compared to 15.1% for UKA [28].
Review of more current results for UKA reveals single-center/single-surgeon series particularly from designing surgeons or early adopters demonstrate excellent results at greater than 10-year follow-up [11, 12, 29]. However, multicenter studies and review of various registries reveal higher failure rates particularly when compared to similar follow-up for TKA [30–33].
Curtin et al. compared 2848 UKAs with 61,767 TKAs using the Medicare 5% national sample data base between 2001 and 2007. The authors noted revision rates at 2 years of 3.6% for UKA versus 1.5% for TKA and, at 5 years, a revision rate of 4.7% for UKA versus 2.0% for TKA [34]. Liddle et al., using data from the National Joint Registry for England and Wales extracted in August 2012, compared 25,334 UKAs and matched these with 75,996 TKAs. The 8-year survivorship for UKA was 87% versus 95% for TKA. Mortality complications and length of stay were all higher for TKA versus UKA [35]. Niinimake et al., using data from the Finnish Registry, reported in 2014 on 4713 UKAs versus 83,511 TKAs; they looked at revision for any reason during the period 1985 to 2011. They found that the 2-year survivorship for a UKA was 81% versus 93% for TKA. The 15-year survivorship for UKA was 70% versus 89% for TKA [36].
Indications for Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
The indications for UKA have evolved and have had an impact on the failure rate of the procedure. The classic indications, as noted by Kozen and Scott [37], include patients with degenerative arthritis in one compartment, age greater than 60 years old, weight less than 82 kg, low-impact work/lifestyle, minimal rest pain, minimum flexion of 90° with less than 5° of flexion contracture, angular deformity less than 10° of varus or 15° of valgus, intact anterior cruciate ligament, and intact opposite compartment. Using these criteria, the use of UKA has been reported to vary from 6 to 30% of patients undergoing knee arthroplasty [12, 38, 39]. Some authors have advocated use of UKA in the younger, more active patient as the first in a series of arthroplasties because of the perceived ease of revisability [40, 41]. While the incidence of osteoarthritis has remained constant, the use of UKA has increased in the early twenty-first century due in part to the popularity of minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Over the last decade, the use of UKA has declined as reflected in the AOANJRR data, but it remains a viable option for OA of one compartment of the knee [28].
Factors that Contribute to Failure
Similar to any joint reconstructive procedure, there are patient-related factors, surgical technique factors, and implant-related factors that can contribute to failure.
The ideal diagnosis for unicompartmental arthroplasty is osteoarthritis or osteonecrosis without metaphyseal involvement involving either the medial or lateral compartment of the knee. Patients with inflammatory arthritis or chondrocalcinosis should be avoided. Some authors have noted increased failure rates in obese patient [9, 26]. Younger-aged patients (40–60 years old) were not associated with a higher revision rate [40]. However, the recent AOANJRR noted a significantly higher revision rate in patients less than 65 years old [28].
Surgical technique has evolved over the last two decades with use of intramedullary/extramedullary instruments, computer-assisted techniques, and robotic guidance. Some argue that UKA is technically more demanding than TKA, with a larger learning curve. If technical errors do occur, UKA is less forgiving than TKA. The experience of the surgeon and/or center has been associated with the rate of failure for this procedure [30]. In one study, a specialty center had a lower failure rate versus results from a multicenter group with less experienced surgeons. Seven of eight revisions in this series occurred in the first ten procedures at each hospital [41]. Review of data from the Swedish Knee Registry revealed the risk of revision for failed UKA to be 1.63 times greater for less experienced surgeons versus a more experienced group. In the United States, 70% of TKAs are performed by surgeons who perform 30 or fewer a year. If the indications for UKA are 10–20% of patients considered for arthroplasty, then the question of the minimum number of procedures to maintain proficiency is warranted.
Most authors have advocated slight undercorrection of the deformity in UKA to avoid overload of the unresurfaced opposite compartment. On the tibial side, avoidance of varus placement of the tibial component is important to avoid increase stress on the cancellous bone. The importance of implant-to-implant alignment and proper soft tissue tensioning have also been advocated. Bone cuts are conservative, but the surgeon must avoid overstuffing the compartment with implant. This leads to overcorrection and subluxation of the implants and joints. Extensive soft tissue releases are not necessary in patients undergoing UKA, as deformity is not typically significant. Fixation with cement has led to better short- and long-term results in UKA, versus use of cementless implants, and appears to be the most appropriate fixation at this time.
First-generation implants had all-polyethylene tibial components . Several authors cited thin polyethylene—less than 6 mm in thickness—as a risk factor for failure in these first-generation implants. Second-generation implants with metal backing had overall thinner polyethylene, particularly at the periphery, which led to an increase of polyethylene wear as a failure mode [9]. White et al. reported that the wear pattern of varus knees with early disease is anterior and peripheral. Retrieval of these second-generation implants revealed a similar pattern of wear [42]. Thus, the greatest stresses were placed on the thinnest polyethylene (Fig. 21.4). Polyethylene sterilized with gamma radiation in air and a long shelf life led to early catastrophic failure in a series of UKAs reported by McGovern et al. At a mean of 18 months after index UKA, 49% of the implants were either revised or scheduled for revision secondary to polyethylene wear [43].

Fig. 21.4
Metal-backed tibial component with wear through of the peripheral polyethylene in a pattern similar to anteromedial wear in an osteoarthritic varus knee
Current UKA implants are resurfacing in nature . Fixed-bearing implants attempt to strike a balance between optimizing contact area and limiting constraint between the implants. Modular systems avoid thinner polyethylene at the locking mechanism and use polyethylene that avoids oxidative degradation. Mobile-bearing implants have a more constraining surface geometry, but fixation is not compromised due to the mobile bearing. Current designs of fixed and mobile-bearing implants make polyethylene wear in the first decade of use unusual.
Mechanisms of Failure
Mechanisms of failure have varied over the last three decades and from various studies. The most common causes are component loosening, progressive arthritis, polyethylene wear, and mechanical problems.
Loosening of UKAs has been a primary cause of failure since the 1970s. Current designs, which are resurfacing implants, typically use some form of distal femoral resection and a more conservative tibial cut, making revision of the tibial side less challenging. The tibial cut for a medial UKA is very similar to the medial portion of a standard tibial cut for a TKA. The incidence of subsidence in association with loosening has also decreased, leading to smaller defects on removal of these implants. However, loosening on the tibial side is still the most common cause of failure in both single-center and joint registry reports .
Progressive Arthritis
Progression of disease has been associated with longer-term follow-up and technical errors such as overcorrection of deformity. Sierra et al. noted progressive arthritis as a cause of failure in 34% of 175 failed UKAs [44]. While some authors have reported the presence of patellofemoral degenerative changes at the time of index UKA, failure of UKA secondary to advanced patellofemoral arthrosis is rare. However, one report noted a 28% incidence of patellar impingement on the anterior edge of the femoral component. Twenty of 28 patients had erosive changes noted on the patella. This was more common in lateral compartment replacements (40%) versus medial compartment replacements (28%) [45].
Polyethylene Wear
Wear was rarely encountered in first-generation implants, but with the introduction of metal backing in modular implants and the associated thinning of polyethylene, wear became a predominant form of failure in second-generation implants. These and other design defects mentioned earlier have generally been corrected and, along with the use of high-quality polyethylene sterilized in a manner to avoid oxidative degradation, have decreased premature failure of the implant secondary to polyethylene wear .
Mechanical Problems
Mechanical issues can range from instability caused by flexion/extension mismatches, problems related to implant malpositioning, and bearing dislocation in mobile-bearing implants (Fig. 21.5).

Fig. 21.5
Lateral radiograph demonstrating anterior dislocation of a mobile-bearing polyethylene insert
Revision of Failed Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
The initial evaluation of a patient with a painful UKA is similar to that of a patient with a painful TKA, and the approach outlined in Chap. 3 is used. As previously noted, revision for pain without a clear-cut etiology of the pain is only rarely successful. The surgeon must ask: “What has failed?”
Failure of polyethylene in a modular implant can be associated with an intact femoral component and tibial base plate, loosening of one or both implants, and associated osteolysis. Failure of fixation may occur with one or both implants and may be associated with some degree of bone loss. Progression of disease most likely will involve the opposite compartment, but occasionally the patellofemoral joint. This is confirmed with weight-bearing radiographs, as well as a sunrise view of the patella .
Revision Options
Depending on the cause of failure, options range from insert exchange to conversion to total knee arthroplasty.
Insert exchange: Indications include polyethylene wear, modular implant with intact fixation both on the tibial and femoral sides, acceptable implant design, and the absence of progression of disease in the opposite compartment and patellofemoral joint (Fig. 21.6).

Fig. 21.6
(a) A 62-year-old patient postoperative medial UKA. (b) Patient 3 years after index UKA presents with pain and swelling secondary to polyethylene wear. (c) Workup negative for infection and loosening. Failure secondary to oxidative degeneration of polyethylene liner. Implant fixation and design satisfactory, so revision of liner performed
Revision to unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: Revision to UKA may be indicated with loosening or failure of one or both implants, indications for UKA still present, no damage to the opposite compartment, and suitable bone stock available for revision.
Conversion to total knee arthroplasty: Conversion to TKA is indicated in the majority of failed UKAs. If any doubt exists regarding the indications for lesser procedures noted previously, conversion to TKA should be used .
Revision Technique
Preoperative Evaluation
After a complete history and physical examination, radiographs including standing AP, lateral, and sunrise views are obtained looking for signs of failure and possible bone loss. Three-foot AP views are obtained to check alignment and planned cuts at revision. Templating for revision TKA is performed with attention to joint line restoration, need for augments or stems, and appropriate sizing.

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