to Increase Rrange of Movement and Flexibility

CHAPTER SEVEN Exercise to Increase Range of Movement and Flexibility

This chapter discusses factors affecting normal and limited range of movement. Methods of assessing range of movement are considered. Principles of exercise design, exercise prescription for increasing range of movement and the training adaptations seen in response to a successful exercise programme are addressed.




Articular structures

After prolonged immobilization, 32 weeks, the articular structures become the main limiting factor to movement (Trudel 2000). The mechanism of intra-articular limitation is not clear, although the proliferation of intra-articular connective tissue, increase in collagen cross-linking and adaptive shortening of the capsule have all been suggested (Trudel 2000).


The lack of longitudinal force through a muscle during immobilization leads to tissue remodelling to accommodate the new shortened resting length. Muscles immobilized in a shortened position over a period of time demonstrate a reduction in sarcomeres (Goldspink et al 1974), and an increase in the proportion of connective tissue which results in a decrease in joint ROM and compliance of the muscle (Williams 1988). These changes in sarcomeres can be seen as early as 24 hours after immobilization (McLachlan 1983). There is evidence from animal studies demonstrating that after a period of 2 weeks of immobilization the main factor limiting movement is muscle shortening.


After a period of immobilization there is a change to the organization of the collagen within the muscle, leading to an increase in the number of perpendicularly orientated collagen fibres, which connect two adjacent muscle fibres (Jarvinen et al 2002). Chains of collagen molecules contain cross-links which weld them into a strong unit. It has been suggested that during immobilization there is a change in chemical structure and loss of water within the collagen which leads to the fibres coming into close contact with one another. This close contact is thought to lead to the formation of abnormal crossbridges, leading to an increase in tissue stiffness (Alter 2004).

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Nov 7, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on to Increase Rrange of Movement and Flexibility

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