Tibiotalar Arthrodesis
Aaron J. Rubinstein, MD
Siddhant K. Mehta, MD, PhD
Sheldon S. Lin, MD
Dr. Lin or an immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of DJ Orthopaedics and Wright Medical Technology Inc. and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society. Neither of the following authors nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this chapter: Dr. Rubinstein and Dr. Mehta.
This chapter is adapted from Mehta SK, Abidi NA, Lin SS: Tibiotalar Arthrodesis in Flatow E, Colvin AC, eds: Atlas of Essential Orthopaedic Procedures. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2013, pp 509-514.
Ankle arthritis represents degenerative changes of the tibiotalar joint that often results in limited range of motion, severe pain, and difficulty in ambulation. Surgical management must be considered in patients with end-stage ankle arthritis refractory to nonsurgical treatment. Tibiotalar (ankle) arthrodesis has been the mainstay of treatment for over 50 years, providing predictable symptomatic relief in patients with severe, end-stage ankle arthritis. This chapter will discuss indications and contraindications, describe general principles and preoperative imaging, and detail the surgical technique for open ankle arthrodesis. Additionally, we will expand upon the use of bioadjuvant therapies in attaining a successful fusion, and comment on the current surgical outcomes.
Appropriate patient selection for ankle arthrodesis is of paramount importance to achieve favorable outcomes.1 A common indication for ankle arthrodesis is posttraumatic arthritis, which can occur secondary to ankle fractures, tibial plafond fractures, or less commonly, chronic ankle instability. Other indications include rheumatoid arthritis, infection, primary osteoarthritis, or salvage of a failed total ankle arthroplasty. Relative indications for this procedure include deformity—varus, valgus, or equinus—that may cause pain or interfere with activities of daily living.
Contraindications for ankle arthrodesis include acute infection or chronic untreated osteomyelitis, as well as osteonecrosis of a significant portion of the talar body. Severe osteopenia is a relative contraindication, as it would hinder optimal screw purchase for a stable fixation. Peripheral neuropathy, such as in patients with diabetes mellitus, may also be a relative contraindication as a higher incidence of nonunion or postoperative infection has been observed.
Radiographic assessment is performed with conventional radiographs (ie, weight-bearing ankle series) and advanced imaging modalities (MRI, CT, nuclear imaging). Routine radiographs should include weight-bearing AP, lateral, and mortise views of the ankle (Figure 1). A
weight-bearing study is critical in providing a more accurate approximation of the presence and degree of cartilage thinning than a non-weight-bearing study.
weight-bearing study is critical in providing a more accurate approximation of the presence and degree of cartilage thinning than a non-weight-bearing study.
Typical degenerative changes include joint space narrowing, osteophyte formation, subchondral bone cysts, and subchondral bone sclerosis. The presence of joint incongruency, malalignment, or dislocation should also be noted. Additionally, in inflammatory arthritis, joint subluxation, large erosions, and bone destruction may be observed. End-stage rheumatoid arthritis is noted by malalignment, displacement, and ankylosis of the joints of the foot and ankle. Furthermore, advanced imaging can allow for evaluation of the subtalar joint for concomitant arthritis (CT scan), as well as provide useful preoperative information such as evidence of osteonecrosis of the talus (MRI) or presence of infection (nuclear medicine study).
Rigid fixation, adequate compression, and a favorable biologic environment are known to be key components for osseous healing, and a successful fusion construct across the tibiotalar articulation. A stable fixation can be achieved through an external fixator device or internal fixation, performed arthroscopically or through an open approach. Selection of the surgical technique should be based on the underlying disorder. As a general rule, external fixators are preferred for patients undergoing arthrodesis for a preexisting septic joint and for patients with severe osteopenia. Arthroscopic arthrodesis or the “mini-open” arthrodesis should be used only for patients with minimal deformity. Open arthrodesis is appropriate for patients with significant ankle deformity and foot and ankle malalignment.1
Regardless of the surgical technique chosen, the optimal postoperative position of the affected foot and ankle joint is the same. The foot should be externally rotated 20° to 30° relative to the tibia, with the ankle joint in neutral flexion (zero degrees), 5° to 10° of external rotation, and slight valgus (5°).2 This position provides the optimal extremity alignment and allows for accommodation of hip and knee motion during ambulation. Fusion of the ankle in plantar flexion results in genu recurvatum when placing the foot flat on the floor. Subsequently, laxity of the medial collateral ligament of the knee develops, secondary to the externally rotated gait that patients adopt to avoid “rolling over” a plantarflexed foot.2
Although internal compression arthrodesis with two or three cannulated screws is successful and continues to be a common procedure for the management of ankle arthritis, it may not be adequate for certain patient groups.1 The arthrodesis technique must be modified for patients with compromised soft tissues, with nonunion after previous arthrodesis attempts, or with neuropathic ankle joints. Patients with symptomatic nonunion, osteonecrosis of the talus, or Charcot arthropathy frequently require substantial débridement of devitalized bone from the talus. Bone grafting with or without the use of orthobiologics can be used in these patients to regain some of the lost height, but often tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis is required to achieve a successful fusion. More rigid internal fixation is a part of almost all fusion techniques used in these difficult situations. Furthermore, supplemental plating at the medial, lateral, or anterior aspects of the tibiotalar joint has been shown to provide a secure fixation and thus increases fusion rates and improves stability at the fusion site.3,4,5,6
Patient Positioning
The patient is placed in a supine position at the immediate edge of the operating table. A sandbag is placed under the ipsilateral hip to internally rotate the leg and improve exposure of the lateral aspect of the foot and ankle. The limb is prepared and draped appropriately to ensure adequate exposure. The foot and ankle are exsanguinated with an Esmarch elastic wrap, and a tourniquet is inflated on the upper third of the thigh. The surgeon operates from the foot of the table.

Video 88.1 Tibiotalar arthrodesis
Special Instruments/Equipment/Implants
The following instruments and equipment should be on hand: microsagittal saw and/or osteotomes, curets/osteotomes, 7.3-mm cannulated screws, 4.0- or 4.5-mm cannulated screws, and plating systems (optional).
Surgical Technique
Numerous approaches and techniques exist to achieve a stable ankle arthrodesis.7 This section will focus on open ankle arthrodesis using a two-incision transfibular exposure and a transarticular cross-screw fixation technique supplemented with fibular-onlay strut grafting and anterior plating. The complete procedure can be seen in the video supplement.
Open ankle arthrodesis can be used for any patient but is particularly useful for patients with severe ankle joint deformity because it provides better visualization of the joint and improved access for bone resection, correction of deformity, and screw placement. It is performed through a two-incision transfibular exposure. The first incision is marked and made directly over the fibula, beginning approximately 10 cm proximal to the tip of the fibula and extending distally along the fibular shaft toward the base of the fourth metatarsal (Figure 2, A). This incision uses the internervous plane that lies between the peroneal muscles (superficial peroneal nerve) and extensors (deep
peroneal nerve) as the dissection is being performed down to subcutaneous bone. After the distal 10 cm of the fibula has been exposed, the superior peroneal retinaculum is incised posteriorly and the peroneal tendons are mobilized while the sural and superficial peroneal nerves are protected. The exposure is performed carefully to maintain full-thickness flaps and to identify and protect tendons and neurovascular structures.
peroneal nerve) as the dissection is being performed down to subcutaneous bone. After the distal 10 cm of the fibula has been exposed, the superior peroneal retinaculum is incised posteriorly and the peroneal tendons are mobilized while the sural and superficial peroneal nerves are protected. The exposure is performed carefully to maintain full-thickness flaps and to identify and protect tendons and neurovascular structures.
The periosteum is stripped from the fibula anteriorly and minimally posteriorly using an osteotome or curet (Figure 2, B). The deep incision is then extended across medially to expose the distal tibia and the tibiotalar articulation and distally to expose the posterior facet of the subtalar joint and the sinus tarsi area. The soft tissue from the distal end of the tibia and the talar neck to the medial malleolus is stripped with a periosteal elevator.
An oscillating saw is used to create a fibular osteotomy approximately 4 to 6 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus while the soft-tissue attachments at the posterolateral aspect and distal end of the fibula are preserved (Figure 3, A). The syndesmosis is then débrided of intervening cartilage, soft tissues, and cortical bone, after which exposure of the tibiotalar joint can be enhanced. A sagittal cut of the fibula is made to resect the medial fibular fragment to be morcellized and used for autologous bone grafting (Figure 3, B). The remaining fibula is then turned down and away from the arthrodesis site to provide adequate exposure to the posteromedial aspect of the tibia (Figure 3, C). The blood supply to this lateral fibular fragment is maintained; because of the preserved ligamentous attachments, this fragment is later used as a fibular-onlay strut graft to serve as a lateral buttress.
Sharp dissection is used through the lateral incision to elevate the scarred ankle capsule and strip soft-tissue attachments from the joint both anteriorly and posteriorly. Retractors are placed as needed to expose the ankle mortise and protect soft tissues while bone cuts are made. The tibiotalar joint is then manually denuded of cartilage and subchondral cortical bone with curets and/or osteotomes. Following joint preparation, tibiotalar fusion alignment should be inspected directly and via fluoroscopic image intensification. Additional correction can be achieved using osteotomes or, if needed, autologous bone block placement.
One option (which we prefer not to perform because of its potential to “burn the bone”) is to create two flat surfaces. Using a broad osteotome or an oscillating saw, a cut perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia is made at the level of the apex of the dome of the articular surface, allowing removal of the tibial plafond. The cut should cross the ankle joint but stop just where the medial malleolus begins. The medial malleolus serves to provide an area of solid fixation for the lateral-to-medial screw and preserve the medial blood supply to the talus through the deltoid ligament.
Next, the foot is placed in proper alignment for arthrodesis. The talus is positioned so that the forefoot is in 5° to 10° of external rotation and the hindfoot is in 5° of valgus, with zero degrees of dorsiflexion and displacement so that the posterior margins of the talus and tibia are flush. A cut through the dome of the talus is then made parallel to the distal tibial cut, resecting approximately 3 to 5 mm of bone. The joint surfaces are brought together, and alignment is assessed. To correct for malalignment, further bony resection from the distal tibial end is performed.
The second incision is made after distal tibial and talar bony resection. Exposure of the medial malleolus is achieved through a longitudinal 6-cm anteromedial incision made along the anterior third of the medial malleolus, dissecting through subcutaneous tissue and fat while full-thickness flaps are maintained (Figure 4). The ankle capsule and periosteum are carefully removed. The remaining joint surfaces are inspected carefully for residual cartilage and sclerotic bone. All joint surfaces are drilled or curetted until bleeding bone is noted. The tibiotalar joint surfaces are apposed, and satisfactory alignment is obtained.

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