Fig. 22.1
Intramedullary nailing is an excellent treatment for segmental tibia fractures. At the same time this technique can be a surgical challenge due to the free-floating central fragment or short proximal or distal fragments. (a, b) Preoperative anteroposterior and lateral views of segmental fracture of the right tibia. (c, d) Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral views. Intramedullary nailing with double proximal and triple distal interlocking has been performed (e, f) Anteroposterior and lateral views after 1 year. Uneventful healing has been achieved
22.2 Preoperative Assessment and Operative Technique
22.2.1 Soft-Tissue Assessment
The soft-tissue envelope is the most important component in the evaluation and subsequent care of tibia fractures. One third of the tibia has no muscle cover and lies directly beneath the skin. Therefore, most open and closed tibia fractures are associated with an injury to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The extent and location of swelling and bruising should be assessed first. Fracture blisters are a sign of massive soft-tissue swelling with pressure on the skin from inside and should be a warning to delay any intervention. Next, the skin must be assessed for intra-dermal swelling. When this occurs, the normal skin lines are lost and the skin appears shiny and smooth. Especially in distal tibia fractures, early surgery may not be safe. In case of massive swelling, intramedullary nailing must be delayed until the skin starts to wrinkle again. While waiting for the condition of the soft tissues to improve, the limb should be stabilized by splinting, traction, or preferably by temporary external fixation. Compartment syndrome occurs more often with tibia fractures than with other long-bone fractures [20]. Causes can be swelling, bleeding, ischemia, or rebound edema following restoration of vascularity (reperfusion injury). The anterior compartment is most commonly involved [21]. Any of the signs of compartment syndrome, including severe pain, pain with passive stretch, and localized loss of sensation require immediate action, either measurement of compartment pressure or operative release by fasciotomy. This release must be combined with appropriate fracture fixation.
The pulses must be assessed. A missing pulse in an otherwise healthy leg must raise suspicion of vascular damage, especially in a displaced fracture which involves the proximal tibia. In tibia fractures, nerve injuries are less common than arterial injuries, but neurological status of the limb must still be accurately assessed.
22.2.2 Radiography
Radiographic imaging of the tibia is usually confined to standard anteroposterior and lateral images, which should include the knee and ankle joints.
Additional imaging is rarely required in fresh fractures and yet the imaging must be carried out in a proper way since standard radiographic methods used to image the tibia during intramedullary nail insertion may be subject to error [22]. Firstly, identifying the correct anteroposterior radiographic view of the proximal tibia by using simple limb rotation may be difficult for mechanically unstable and comminuted tibia fractures. Secondly, “parallax error” may cause incorrect apparent displacement or location of an object (such as a predetermined entry point) because of the difference in perspective between two radiographic points of view. Thirdly, “magnification error” can cause misleading assumptions regarding the actual size and distance between objects in the radiograph because of joint positioning problems and joint contracture (Fig. 22.2a, b). These effects can be minimized by proper, fixed positioning of the patient during radiographic preoperative assessment. This approach can help in reducing the stated difficulties, providing more accurate determination of the nail insertion point and angle and, thus, minimize limb malalignment and malunions [23].

Fig. 22.2
Standard radiographic methods may be subject to errors: (a) Parallax error because of the difference in perspective between two radiographic points of view. (b) Magnification error which is more significant when the source is near the patient. The size of structures nearest to that source are exaggerated
22.2.3 Insertion Point and Angle
The entry point for nail introduction should be monitored by an image intensifier in both planes before commencing the procedure. The particular location of the insertion point is a determining factor in postoperative tibia malalignment and malunion of proximal or segmental tibia fracture fixation cases. Eccentric nail insertion will result in a valgus or varus tilt of the proximal fragment.
The proximal nail entry point is not in line with the medullary canal in the sagittal plane, and so its exact position varies depending on the design and stiffness of the nail. The benefits of each type of nail should be considered carefully. In the coronal plane, the entry point must remain extraarticular and be centered over the medullary canal, if there is a short proximal fragment.
There is, however, contradictory evidence in the literature for what concerns the location of the ideal entry portal. Samuelson et al. [24] introduced nails to cadaveric bones in a retrograde fashion through the center of the tibial plafond towards proximally and identified the exit point of the nail at the tibia plateau, being the exact entry point to the canal center. They found that the optimal insertion point is approximately 8 mm medial from the anterior intercondylar tubercle, cautioning against the use of any kind of lateral insertion. To the contrary, both Lang et al. [2] and Freedman and Johnson [25] implicated their valgus malalignment results to medial nail entry points. Lembcke et al. [26] cautioned against eccentric approaches, noting that medial and lateral insertion points can cause valgus and varus deformities, respectively.
Carr et al. [27] measured the mechanical strains in the proximal tibial fracture fragment during intramedullary nail insertion. They compared the bursting strains generated by using the nail insertion site, recommended by the manufacturers of several types of commercially available nails with the strains generated by using the most proximal insertion site, just anterior to the tibia plateau in the midline. They found that the strain in the lateral cortex was significantly increased for the Lottes nail when using a distal starting point. Similarly, increases in anteromedial surface strains were noted for the Russell-Taylor nail when using a distal starting point. However, changes in nail insertion location had no effect when using the Grosse-Kempf nail. It follows that the geometry and mechanical rigidity of the nail is highly relevant for the choice of the optimal insertion site.
22.2.4 Surgical Approaches
When operative stabilization of tibia shaft fractures in skeletally mature patients is indicated, intramedullary nailing through an infrapatellar entry portal is the standard of care. The entry point can be reached by retracting the patella tendon or splitting it. The approach used depends on the surgeons experience and preference [24, 28].
Intramedullary nailing of more proximal tibia fractures or extremely comminuted/segmental tibia fractures can be very challenging because of the need to perform the procedure with the knee flexed. To overcome this challenge, intramedullary nailing with the knee in a semiextended position has been proposed [29]. Proponents of the semiextended technique suggest that valgus and procurvatum malalignment have been more easily avoided when the knee is maintained in extension. In addition, by maintaining the knee in extension throughout the entirety of the case, anteroposterior and lateral imaging of the tibia is facilitated. Tornetta described a proximal medial arthrotomy to allow lateral subluxation of the patella [30], whereas Cole [21] described a suprapatellar approach using a midline quadriceps tendon insertion site to perform intramedullary nailing (Fig. 22.3a–d). The primary concern with this technique has been the potential for damage to the articular surface of the patellofemoral joint. If the patella and femoral trochlea are properly protected using a cannulated trocard, however, the articular surfaces should be protected from scuffing and subjected only to compressive pressures [29]. In proximal quarter fractures, a lateral parapatellar incision helps ensure a proper entry point and prevents fracture displacement during nail insertion [29].

Fig. 22.3
The suprapatellar approach is a new technique for treatment of the tibia fractures that include short proximal fragments. (a) Protected insertion of the guide wire. (b) Protected insertion of the nail. (c, d) Typical displacement of the proximal fragment is avoided. Anteroposterior and lateral views of the proximal tibia after nail insertion
22.2.5 Choice of Nail
Intramedullary nails are tubular, solid, or cannulated. Reamed and non-reamed nails are, in essence, similar implants which splint the bone from within; the difference lies in the technique of insertion. Intramedullary nails inserted with reaming are tubular and tend to be used with a large diameter. They have a long, proven record of success and are to be favored for closed fractures and nonunions. Intramedullary nails inserted without reaming are solid or cannulated and smaller in diameter (8–10 mm). They were originally introduced as a temporary and minimally invasive splint for open fractures, but proved to be useful for definitive fixation and became popular even for the treatment of closed fractures [31, 32].
The extent of reaming should be adjusted to ensure that the intramedullary nail will pass the isthmus easily and permit the insertion of a large enough nail to provide stability. In most cases, this means a nail with a diameter of 11–12 mm in acute fractures. In delayed unions or nonunions, even larger nails may be required for better stability [4]. Reaming
Although most surgeons agree that intramedullary nails are the preferred treatment, the choice of reamed versus non-reamed nail insertion remains controversial. Generally speaking, reaming of the medullary canal, with placement of a large nail to ensure optimal biomechanical stability while promoting healing, and the use of a non-reamed nail, to maintain blood flow to the cortical bone to promote healing, both have strong rationale and ardent advocates.
Research supporting the use of reamed intramedullary nails has focused on the increased blood flow to soft tissues and their superior biomechanical stability. For example, Schemitsch et al. have shown in a sheep tibia fracture model that reaming prior to nail insertion significantly increases muscle and surrounding soft tissue blood flow in comparison to unreamed nails [33]. This increase persists for up to 6 weeks. Utvag et al. confirmed these findings in a rat femoral fracture model [34]. Increased blood flow to soft tissue may also improve cortical blood flow: Grundnes and colleagues have demonstrated five-fold increases in cortical blood flow following reamed nailing of rat femora when compared to the control [35]. In addition to possible advantages from increased blood flow, investigators have documented the biomechanical superiority of large diameter nails versus smaller diameter nails [36, 37].
Massive destruction of the endosteal blood supply (up to 70 %) following intramedullary reaming has been independently reported by Rhinelander [38] and Olerud and Stromberg [39]. Using a similar model, Hupel et al. have demonstrated that a non-reamed intramedullary nail allows superior cortical revascularization at 11 weeks when compared to a tight-fitting nail [13]. Schemitsch has shown that significant increases in cortical bone porosity are associated with reamed intramedullary nails [40]. In a canine tibia fracture model, on the other hand, Klein et al. have shown that non-reamed nailing also disturbs cortical circulation [41].
In summary, experimental data suggest that reamed nails offer greater biomechanical stability and increased soft tissue blood flow, while non-reamed nails preserve blood flow to the bone (Fig. 22.4a–f). While both arguments are persuasive, evidence of the impacts of these biologic alterations on outcomes that are important to patients would assist in guiding clinical practice. Clinical studies that were carried out in the past few years left the traumatology community with only partial evidence. At the end of the chapter we will relate in detail to these clinical research studies.

Fig. 22.4
Intramedullary Nailing may be very effective in the treatment of diaphysial fractures of the tibia. (a, b) Preoperative anteroposterior views of different oblique fractures of the right tibia. (c, d) The use of non-reamed intramedullary nailing is an easy and short procedure. Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral views after non-reamed intramedullary nailing of the tibia fracture showed in (a) (e, f) The use of the reamed nail makes for a better biomechanical fit. Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral views after reamed intramedullary nailing of the tibia fracture showed in (b) Locking and Dynamization
Locking with bolts or interlocking screws is mandatory for small-diameter nails in order to improve stability in a wide medullary canal. Locking is also recommended in all other situations unless the nail has achieved excellent endosteal contact above and below a stable midshaft fracture. The interlocking screws are usually inserted from the medial or anterior aspect. During distal locking, the saphenous vein and/or nerve can be injured if care is not taken to identify and protect them during drilling and screw insertion.
Most intramedullary nails have the option of either static or dynamic locking (Fig. 22.5a–f). Both provide rotational stability, but dynamic locking allows compression at the fracture site while controlling axial alignment and rotation (controlled dynamization). Dynamization can be achieved by using a single proximal screw, placed in the proximal part of the oval locking hole in the nail. Unstable fracture patterns, such as long oblique fractures (42-A2) or multifragmentary fractures (B and C types) should have static locking with two proximal screws and at least two distal screws. If one of the screws is placed in the dynamic slot, this leaves the option of secondary dynamization by removal of the static interlocking screw. However, in statically locked nails, dynamization is rarely required unless there is a gap wider than 2 mm that will probably delay fracture healing [42]. The expert tibia nail (ETN®) allows the surgeon to compress the fracture by up to a maximum of 7 mm, and so it should be possible to prevent fracture gaps using this nail. In an atrophic or poorly vascularized healing response, other methods of stimulating fracture union are necessary, such as the exchange to a reamed, larger diameter nail [40].

Fig. 22.5
Examples of the use of interlocking screws. (a, b) Intramedullary nailing of a proximal quarter tibia fracture with a reamed tibial nail and proximal static interlocking. Later removal of the lower proximal screw will allow for dynamization and closure of the fracture gap. Intraoperative anteroposterior and lateral views (c, d) Multiple interlocking guarantees adequate stability even if the distal fragment is relatively short. Intraoperative anteroposterior and lateral views after intramedullary nailing of a distal third tibia fracture and triple interlocking. (e, f) The expert tibia nail (ETN®) is used to achieve better fixation of a short fragment based on very distal screws inserted from different angles. Intraoperative anteroposterior and lateral views after intramedullary nailing of a distal fourth tibia fracture and triple interlocking
22.3 Outcome
22.3.1 Nonunion
Both nonunion [43, 44] and infection at the implant-bone interface [45, 46] may necessitate a second operation to promote fracture healing. Because of the risks and costs to the patient, and the costs to the health care system, reoperation represents an important adverse event from both individual and societal points of view. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [47] suggested that reamed intramedullary nailing of distal femur and tibia fractures results in significantly fewer nonunions than non-reamed nailing (Fig. 22.6a–g). Evaluation of fracture subgroups further suggested a large treatment effect favoring reamed nails in femur fractures, but a less persuasive effect in tibia fractures.

Fig. 22.6
Non-union of a diaphyseal tibia fracture which was caused by both biological and biomechanical factors. There was periosteal stripping of the bone ends and a bone defect on the one hand. A non-reamed small implant had been inserted on the other hand. Subsequent treatment included reaming, insertion of a thicker nail and later dynamization. Ultimately, union of the fracture was achieved. (a) Preoperative anteroposterior view of right plurifragfmental midschaft lower leg fracture. (b, c) Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral views after intramedullary nailing with small hollow nail (d, e) Bending of the nail after full weight bearing was allowed. Anteroposterior and lateral view (f, g) Healing is achieved after surgical revision, nail removal, reaming and implantation of a thicker nail. Anteroposterior and lateral views
Because the biology of open tibia fractures is different from that of closed fractures, the relative impact of reamed and non-reamed nailing may differ in these sub-populations. The significant soft tissue damage and stripping of the periosteum from the cortical bone, which is common in open fractures, has the potential to compromise blood supply to that region [48]; therefore, the preservation of endosteal, or intramedullary, blood supply may be more important. Opponents of reamed nailing believe that the disruption of endosteal blood supply, as a result of intramedullary reaming, increases the risk of nonunion for the open fracture. To clarify this issue, a second meta-analysis was conducted examining evidence regarding the treatment of open tibia fractures [49]. Two small randomized controlled trials that compared reamed and non-reamed nailing procedures were identified. There was a trend in favor of reamed nails in the risk of re-operation in comparison to non-reamed nails (Fig. 22.7a–e). The trends in favor of reamed nails in open tibia fractures are consistent with other findings [10].

Fig. 22.7
Segmental tibia fracture which was treated by a non-reamed narrow tibia nail. Due to mechanical instability, the fracture did not heal. Exchange to a reamed nail was required to achieve union. (a) Preoperative anteroposterior view of left segmental tibia fracture. (b, c) Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral views showing delayed union and bending of the proximal static interlocking screw. A thin, non-reamed intramedullary nail had been inserted (d, e) Exchange nailing with a thicker nail. Anteroposterior and lateral views showing complete fracture healing
Despite the results of these two meta-analyses, uncertainty about the optimal treatment for tibia fractures remains. Reasons for this uncertainty ensue:
The tibia differs biologically from the femur because it does not have a circumferential soft tissue envelope that provides the periosteal blood supply to the bone. While the intact soft tissue envelope around the femur is adequate to maintain blood supply to the bone and promote fracture healing following intramedullary reaming, this may not be the case for tibia shaft fractures. Thus, the biological case for reaming is weaker in tibia fractures.
While the evidence from the first meta-analysis strongly favors the use of reamed intramedullary nails in the treatment of femur fractures, the effects of reamed nails in tibia fractures are not as persuasive.
Current opinions in the treatment of tibia shaft fractures among orthopaedic trauma surgeons remain divergent.
A survey of a 20 % random sample of members of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association was conducted [50]. Of the 60 respondents who treat tibia fractures, 35 (58 %) indicated that they thought reamed nails were superior and 25 indicated (42 %) that they thought non-reamed nails were the same or better than reamed nails. For open tibia fractures: 31 (52 %) believed non-reamed nails were superior whereas 29 (48 %) believed reamed nails were the same or better. The results demonstrate a lack of predominant nail preference for both open and closed fractures. These findings were supported in a large international survey of surgeons [51]. Only a large randomized controlled trial would resolve the remaining, legitimate, scientific uncertainty, and the continuing controversy in the clinical community.

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