Fig. 7.1
Predicted Neck Disability Index (NDI) trajectories with 95 % confidence limits and predicted probability of membership (%). Suggested cut-offs for the NDI are 0–8 % (no pain and disability), 10–28 % (mild pain and disability), 30–48 % (moderate pain and disability), 50–68 % (severe pain and disability), and >70 % complete disability (MacDermid et al., 2009, with permission)
Mental health pathways have also been explored via measurement of post-traumatic stress symptom (PTSD) levels using the Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (Foa, Riggs, Dancu, & Rothbaum, 1993). Trajectory modelling identified that (Fig. 7.2) 17 % of individuals will follow a trajectory of initial moderate/severe post-traumatic stress symptoms that persist for at least 12 months; 43 % will follow a trajectory of moderate initial symptoms that decrease but remain at mild to moderate (subclinical) levels for at least 12 months (the duration of the study) and 40 % will be resilient to the injury (Sterling et al., 2010). Additionally it has been shown that PTSD is present in approximately 20–30 % of individuals with chronic WAD (Dunne, Kenardy, & Sterling, 2012b; Sterling et al., 2010). These figures are significant as they are similar to the prevalence of PTSD in individuals admitted to hospital following ‘more severe’ motor vehicle injuries (O’Donnell, Creamer, Bryant, Schnyder, & Shalev, 2003). These data indicate that health outcomes following whiplash injury are poor and less favourable than originally thought, particularly as whiplash is both classified and often considered a ‘minor’ injury.

Fig. 7.2
Predicted Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale (PDS) trajectories with 95 % confidence limits and predicted probability of membership (%). Suggested cut-offs for the PDS total symptom severity score are 0 no rating, 1–10 mild, 11–20 moderate, 21–35 moderate to severe, and ≥36 severe (McCarthy, 2008, with permission)
Prognostic Indicators for Poor Recovery
In view of the propensity to develop chronic pain and disability following a whiplash injury, it is important to be able to identify those at risk of poor recovery, as well as those with a favourable recovery pathway. This would assist in the triaging of injured people to the most appropriate interventions and optimally improve health outcomes. There are now numerous primary studies, and several systematic reviews, available that have investigated various factors for their capacity to predict those at risk. All systematic reviews conclude that initial levels of pain and/or disability soon after the MVC are consistent predictors of poor functional recovery. A recent phase 3 prognostic study also validated early higher disability levels as being predictive of later functional disability at 12 months post-injury (Sterling et al., 2012). These two factors have strong and consistent data available to support their prognostic capacity and should now be considered as requiring mandatory evaluation in the assessment of the patient with acute WAD. While most studies have evaluated these factors for prediction of physical health outcomes such as disability, several studies also show that initially higher levels of pain can predict poor psychological outcomes including later depression and PTSD symptoms (Phillips, Carroll, Cassidy, & Cote, 2010; Sterling, Hendrikz, & Kenardy, 2011).
Other factors, both physical and psychosocial, have also been studied, and several show promise as emerging prognostic factors. The physical factor with most consistent evidence is that of cold hyperalgesia or lowered cold pain thresholds. Cold hyperalgesia has been shown to predict levels of pain-related disability 12 months post-injury (Sterling et al., 2006) and psychological outcomes (Sterling, Hendrikz, et al., 2011); decreased cold pain tolerance (measured with the cold pressor test) also predicted ongoing disability (Kasch, Qerama, Bach, & Jensen, 2005). A recent systematic review concluded that there is now moderate evidence available to support cold hyperalgesia as an adverse prognostic indicator (Goldsmith, Wright, Bell, & Rushton, 2012). Other sensory measures, such as lowered pressure pain thresholds (mechanical hyperalgesia) show inconsistent prognostic capacity. Walton et al. (2011) showed that decreased pressure pain thresholds over a distal site in the leg predicted neck pain-related disability at 3 months post-injury, but other studies have shown that this factor is not an independent predictor of later disability (Sterling et al., 2006). The exact mechanisms underlying the hyperalgesic responses are not clearly understood but are generally acknowledged to reflect augmented nociceptive processing in the central nervous system or central hyperexcitability (Curatolo, Arendt-Nielsen, & Petersen-Felix, 2004; Stone, Vicenzino, Lim, & Sterling, 2013).
To date, few movement or motor function-related factors demonstrate prognostic ability. Conflicting results have been found for the predictive capacity of neck range of movement (Walton, Pretty, MacDermid, & Teasell, 2009), while other factors, such as neck motor control, proprioceptive deficits and eye movement control, have not demonstrated predictive capacity, despite investigation in several studies (Kongsted, Leboeuf-Yde, Korsholm, & Bendix, 2008; Sterling et al., 2006). Psychosocial factors have also undergone extensive evaluation as predictors of poor recovery following whiplash injury. The more recent systematic reviews indicate that there is evidence for predictive capacity of symptoms of PTSD, lower self-efficacy, pain catastrophising and depressed mood (Walton et al., 2009; Williamson, Williams, Gates, & Lamb, 2008). Recent studies indicate that lower expectations of recovery are also predictive of poor recovery (Carroll, Holm, Ferrari, Ozegovic, & Cassidy, 2009; Holm, Carroll, Cassidy, Skillgate, & Ahlbom, 2008).
Most systematic reviews of prognosis have noted shortcomings in many of the primary cohort studies, including inconsistencies between studies in time from injury until baseline data collection, use of various and sometimes invalidated outcome measures and the lack of blinded outcome assessment among others (Carroll et al., 2008; Kamper et al., 2008; Walton et al., 2009). Additionally most have been phase 1 or exploratory studies, with few confirmatory or validation studies conducted (Sterling, Carroll, Kasch, Kamper, & Stemper, 2011). In light of this, the recent international summit meeting of researchers in this area recommended a preliminary ‘core set’ of predictors that may be considered as ‘flags’ or guides for clinicians to gauge a patient’s prognosis (Sterling, Carroll, et al., 2011). The ‘core set’ included the following factors: self-reported pain levels, self-reported disability, neck range of movement, the presence of cold and mechanical hyperalgesia and measures of psychosocial factors (probably PTSD symptoms, but also other factors if indicated, such as depression, pain catastrophising, recovery beliefs and expectations among others) (Sterling, Carroll, et al., 2011). Since the publication of the summit outcomes and recommendations, a recent study has performed validation of a set of prognostic indicators, including initial disability, cold hyperalgesia, age and PTSD symptoms. The results indicated that while the predictive set was not precise in predicting a specific disability score at 12 months post-injury, it showed good accuracy to discriminate participants with moderate/severe disability at 12 months post-injury (Sterling et al., 2012). It was argued that this is a clinically relevant finding as practitioners aim to broadly identify patients likely to experience ongoing pain and disability. Such a validation study is rare in this area of research and goes some way towards providing greater confidence for the use of these measures in the early assessment of whiplash injury. It should also be highlighted that, while the knowledge of prognostic indicators has made great gains, it remains unclear as to whether or not the modification of the factors with targeted intervention strategies will improve outcomes for injured people. This will be the next logical progression for research of the whiplash condition.
Aetiological Processes Underlying the Whiplash Condition
One of the most controversial and unresolved issues surrounding WAD is the presence or not of a specific peripheral lesion of some kind. The current thinking is probably that there is convergent evidence available from various study types indicting that a peripheral lesion is likely to be present, at least initially, in some injured people (Curatolo et al., 2011). Data from bioengineering studies have identified the potential for lesions to occur (Yoganandan, Pintar, & Cusick, 2002): cadaveric studies where clear lesions are demonstrated in non-survivors of an MVC (Taylor & Taylor, 1996) and clinical studies identifying zygapophyseal joint involvement in a proportion of people with chronic WAD (Lord, Barnsley, Wallis, & Bogduk, 1996) support this proposal. Nevertheless, the clinical determination of specific injured-neck structures associated with a whiplash injury remains difficult, most likely due to the insensitivity of current imaging technologies (Ronnen, De Korte, & Brink, 1996; Steinberg, Ovadia, Nissan, Menahem, & Dekel, 2005). Furthermore, aside from some structures such as the zygapophyseal joint, it is also not clear how management approaches would change the target specific lesions even if they could be identified. It has also been argued that some features of WAD, such as hyperalgesia and pain, can occur in the absence of a specific peripheral lesion, but could be as consequence of factors such as those related to stress-system responses (McLean, 2011). In fact, results of animal studies have demonstrated that stress exposure by itself can induce hyperalgesia and allodynia in the absence of tissue trauma (McLean, 2011). For these reasons, much investigation focusing on the identification of potential underlying processes of the whiplash condition has been undertaken and has proven to be a fruitful area of research. Specifically, research has investigated changes in nociceptive processing, muscle and motor dysfunction, stress-related responses and psychological factors.
Changes in Nociceptive Processing
Most studies have utilised measures of quantitative sensory testing to provide an understanding of nociceptive processes. Both positive and negative sensory responses have been found to various stimuli, including hyperalgesia, allodynia as well as hypoaesthetic changes (Chien, Eliav, & Sterling, 2009; Sterling, Jull, Vicenzino, & Kenardy, 2003). Most sensory changes are widespread in nature, meaning that they are found not only over the injured area (cervical spine) but also in areas remote to the injured site, including both upper and lower limbs. These widespread sensory disturbances infer the presence of disturbed central nervous system processing which may be either facilitatory (sensitised) processes or a loss of inhibitory processes (Curatolo & Sterling, 2011). In the case of chronic WAD, two recent systematic reviews concluded that there is strong evidence of central hyperexcitability in chronic WAD (Stone et al., 2013; Van Oosterwijck, Nijs, Meeus, & Paul, 2013). These changes are not unique to WAD, but have been consistently demonstrated across many conditions including other musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis (Bajaj, Bajaj, Graven-Nielsen, & Arendt-Nielsen, 2001), tennis elbow (Coombes, Bisset, & Vicenzino, 2012), temporomandibular joint pain (Ayesh, Jensen, & Svensson, 2007), cervical radiculopathy (Chien, Eliav, & Sterling, 2008) as well as in chronic post-surgical pain (Gottrup, Andersen, Arendt-Nielsen, & Jensen, 2000). However, there does appear to be some differences in sensory presentation among various musculoskeletal conditions. For example, cold hyperalgesia found in patients with chronic WAD, reporting moderate/severe pain and disability, seems to be greater than that observed in patients with tennis elbow and low back pain (Coombes et al., 2012; Lewis, Souvlis, & Sterling, 2010; Sterling, Jull, Vicenzino, et al., 2003), although a direct within-study comparison is yet to be undertaken. Another example is that neck pain of non-traumatic origin does not seem to display such overt sensory changes, with hyperalgesia confined to the cervical spine and little evidence of spread to distal areas (Chien, Eliav, & Sterling, 2010; Elliott et al., 2008). Taken together, these findings suggest that different nociceptive processing mechanisms likely underlie various musculoskeletal conditions, and this has implications for management where different strategies may be required depending upon the patient’s presentation, as opposed to the diagnosed condition per se.
In comparison to other musculoskeletal conditions, there has been greater research of the transition from acute to chronic WAD, most probably due to the defined onset of symptoms by a specific event. In prospective cohort studies, it has emerged that sensory disturbances are also associated with the transition from acute to chronic pain after whiplash injury. The presence of generalised hyperalgesia to a variety of stimuli, including pressure, cold and heat, has been shown to occur predominantly in individuals with acute WAD, higher pain and disability (Sterling, Jull, Vicenzino, & Kenardy, 2004) and subsequent poor recovery (Sterling, Jull, Vicenzino, Kenardy, & Darnell, 2005). Importantly, some of the sensory changes demonstrate a capacity to predict individuals at risk of poor recovery. As outlined earlier, the early presence of cold hyperalgesia is emerging as a consistent prognostic factor (Goldsmith et al., 2012). Initial studies demonstrated that, in addition to initial moderate pain, decreased neck movement, older age and PTSD symptoms, cold hyperalgesia predicted higher levels of pain and disability at both 6 months and 2–3 years post-injury (Sterling et al., 2005, 2006). Decreased cold pain tolerance, measured using the cold pressor test, has also shown predictive capacity (Kasch et al., 2005).
Of course, the sensory responses measured require a cognitive response from the person being tested, either to report pain threshold or tolerance, and thus it remains a self-report measure (and, as such, may be influenced by many other factors). Nevertheless, there is evidence of spinal cord hyperexcitability in WAD via measurement of the nociceptive flexion response. This test measures reflex muscle activity in the hamstrings following electrical stimulation over the sural nerve at the ankle, and it reflects spinal cord processes (France, Rhudy, & McGlone, 2009). Lower thresholds for reflex elicitation have been demonstrated in both acute and chronic WAD (Banic et al., 2004; Sterling, 2010). As this test does not require a cognitive response from the participant, it could be deemed a more ‘objective’ measure of central hyperexcitability, although it should be noted that descending processes (e.g. anxiety) may influence the test outcome (Banic et al., 2004).
In summary, current evidence suggests that some central nervous system pain processes are augmented from soon after injury in those individuals who do not recover following whiplash injury. The reasons as to why this group manifests more profound changes in pain processes are not clear, but there are numerous possibilities including, but not limited to, the nature, extent and duration of the original injury providing peripheral nociceptive input to the central nervous system; stress-related responses; psychological augmentation; poorer health before the injury; or a genetic predisposition. Irrespective of the cause of the changes, the data indicate that consideration of these processes in the early management of WAD will be required.
Movement and Motor-Related Disturbances
Movement and motor-related disturbances have been well investigated in both acute and chronic WAD. Loss of neck range of movement is one of the cardinal signs of WAD, which is included in the current Quebec Task Force classification system of the injury (Spitzer et al., 1995). Numerous studies have also documented its presence (Dall’Alba, Sterling, Trealeven, Edwards, & Jull, 2001; Kasch et al., 2008; Sterling, Jull, Vizenzino, Kenardy, & Darnell, 2003). While the measurement of neck movement is a staple of the clinical examination, its capacity to predict later outcome is equivocal (Walton et al., 2009). Neuromuscular control deficits have also been found to be present in patients with WAD. Neck muscle strength is decreased around all axes of motion (Lindstrom, Schomacher, Farina, Rechter, & Falla, 2011), and these changes are also accompanied by alterations in muscle strategies. The presence of neck pain is associated with alterations in task-related modulation of neck muscle activity so that motor control of the cervical spine is achieved by alternative, presumably less efficient, combinations of muscle synergistic activities. For example, altered performance on a task of upper-cervical flexion performed in the supine position is present in whiplash (Jull, 2000; Sterling, Jull, Vizenzino, et al., 2003), as well as in neck pain of non-traumatic origin (Falla, Jull, & Hodges, 2004) and cervicogenic headache (Jull et al., 2002). In this test, individuals with neck pain perform the movement of upper-cervical flexion with much greater activity in the superficial neck muscles than when performed by individuals without neck pain, and these changes are proposed to represent disturbed neuromuscular control (Falla et al., 2004). Altered patterns of muscle recruitment are not unique to whiplash, and similar changes have also been observed in neck pain of non-traumatic or insidious onset (idiopathic neck pain) (Jull, Kristjansson, & Dall’Alba, 2004; Nederhand, Hermens, Ijzerman, Turk, & Zilvold, 2002; Woodhouse & Vasseljen, 2008). These findings suggest that the ‘driver’ of such motor changes may be more due to the nociceptive input rather than the injury itself.
Structural morphological changes to muscles have also been found. Elliott et al. (2006, 2010) demonstrated the presence of fatty infiltrate in both deep and superficial cervical muscles of individuals with chronic WAD, compared to an asymptomatic control group. In contrast to neuromuscular control deficits outlined above, preliminary data indicate that similar morphological changes are not apparent in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain (Elliott et al., 2008). In a later cohort study, it was found that the fatty muscle infiltrate seems to develop at a time point between 1 and 3 months post-injury and that greater fatty deposits are present in those people reporting higher levels of pain and disability and who show poorer recovery at 6 months (Elliott et al., 2011). The processes that lead to the development of the muscle changes are yet to be elucidated, with possible options including muscle changes due to disuse, possible neural injury or even inflammatory processes (Elliott et al., 2011). While these scenarios require investigation, preliminary analyses indicate a relationship between stress-related symptoms and the fatty infiltrate, suggesting that stress-related responses may be at play in influencing motor and muscle function (Elliott et al., 2011). This proposal also requires further research, but data supporting a detrimental role of stress responses on tissue healing has been found elsewhere (Walburn, Vedhara, Hankins, Rixon, & Weinman, 2009).
Dysfunction of sensorimotor control is also a feature of both acute and chronic WAD. Greater joint repositioning errors have been found in patients with chronic WAD and also in those within weeks of their injury and with moderate/severe pain and disability (Sterling, Jull, Vizenzino, et al., 2003; Treleaven, Jull, & Sterling, 2003). Loss of balance and disturbed neck-influenced eye movement control are present in patients with chronic WAD (Treleaven, Jull, & Low choy, 2005; Treleaven, Jull, & LowChoy, 2005), but their presence in the acute stage of the injury are yet to be determined. It is important to note that sensorimotor disturbances seem to be greater in patients who also report dizziness in association with their neck pain (Treleaven, Jull, & LowChoy, 2005; Treleaven et al., 2003). It should also be noted that the majority of the documented movement and motor disturbances are not unique to whiplash-related neck pain, but are also found to be present in individuals with non-traumatic neck pain of insidious onset (Jull et al., 2004; Treleaven, 2008). Thus, it could be extrapolated that they are not involved in the initiation and maintenance of whiplash-related pain and disability, but rather are sequelae of as yet unexplained nociceptive processes. This is not to say that management approaches directed at improving motor dysfunction should not be provided to patients with whiplash. Rather, the identification of motor deficits alone may not equip the clinician with useful information to either gauge prognosis or potential responsiveness to physical interventions.
Stress-Related Responses
In contrast to many other musculoskeletal conditions that have a more insidious onset, whiplash is precipitated by a traumatic event, namely the motor vehicle crash. It has now been consistently shown that many whiplash-injured individuals report symptoms of PTSD (Buitenhuis, DeJong, Jaspers, & Groothoff, 2006; Sterling & Kenardy, 2006; Sullivan et al., 2009), and it is likely that physiological stress-system responses may also contribute to later poor health outcomes. In light of this, models have been proposed to theoretically link stress-system responses (e.g. sympathetic nervous system activity) to recovery outcomes, as well as to other clinical features of WAD, including hyperalgesia, muscle and motor disturbances (McLean, Clauw, Abelson, & Liberzon, 2005; Passatore & Roatta, 2006). Indeed, there is preliminary evidence available indicating that sympathetic nervous system disturbances are present in WAD. Decreased peripheral vasoconstriction in the hands, following a provocative manoeuvre of deep inspiration, has been shown in acute and chronic WAD when compared to health asymptomatic controls (Sterling, Jull, Vicenzino, et al., 2003), although the significance of these findings on recovery is not clear as this measure has not been shown to be associated with later physical or mental health outcomes (Sterling et al., 2006). In a small study (n = 20) of chronic WAD, reduced reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis, a closely interacting system to the autonomic system, has been demonstrated (Gaab et al., 2005). Decreased heart rate variability has also been found in participants with chronic WAD and showed a moderate association with pain and disability levels (Stone & Sterling, 2009). These findings of disturbances in various aspects of autonomic system functioning suggest that further investigation is warranted in order to elucidate what roles these processes play in WAD.
Some injured people may also be more likely to have genetic variants influencing stress-system function that increase the risk of acute and chronic pain. Perhaps the most well known of such variants are those related to the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) enzyme. COMT is the primary enzyme that degrades catecholamines, including adrenaline and noradrenaline, and increased levels of catecholamines have been shown to produce allodynia and hyperalgesia (Nackley et al., 2007). Genetic variations located in the central haploblock of the gene encoding for COMT have been shown to influence COMT activity (Chen, Lipska, & Halim, 2004; Zhu, Lipsky, & Xu, 2004). Three common variations, or haplotypes, within this haploblock have been identified (Diatchenko et al., 2005). The LPS haplotype codes for the highest enzyme activity and is associated with the highest pain tolerance and reduced risk of acute (McLean et al., 2011) and chronic (Diatchenko et al., 2005) pain. The APS haplotype codes for comparably less enzyme activity and is associated with average pain tolerance. The HPS haplotype codes for the least enzyme activity and is associated with increased risk of chronic pain (Diatchenko et al., 2005). Preliminary data indicate that, in acute WAD, a COMT pain vulnerable genotype is associated with more severe neck pain, headache and dizziness and more dissociative symptoms assessed very early post-injury in the emergency department (McLean et al., 2011). It is yet to be determined if this genotype will be predictive of later recovery, but such findings would have important implications for the early management of whiplash injury. For example, the early targeting of physiological stress responses via medication such as propranolol has been shown to decrease pain in individuals with temporomandibular disorder and COMT HPS haplotype (Tchivilera et al., 2010), and such approaches could be beneficial in the management of WAD.
Recent data also indicate that stress-related responses may influence the physical presentation of individuals with WAD. Associations between the presence of hyperalgesia (lowered pain thresholds) and PTSD symptoms have been demonstrated (Sterling, Hendrikz, et al., 2011; Sterling & Kenardy, 2006). In a preliminary within-subject study, trauma-avoidance symptoms were shown to be associated with less activity in the subsequent hours following symptom recording (Sterling & Chadwick, 2010), indicating a possible influence of stress on motor activity/function. A subsequent study demonstrated an association between early PTSD symptoms (1-month post-injury) and later morphological muscle changes (fatty infiltrate identified with MRI) at 6 months post-injury (Elliott et al., 2011). These latter findings are intriguing and consistent with evidence that stress may have a detrimental effect on tissue healing (Walburn et al., 2009). The findings may also have implications for the management of WAD. Current clinical practice guidelines recommend the maintenance and encouragement of movement and activity (MAA, 2007; TRACsa, 2008), and the results of these studies suggest that addressing early stress responses may assist in achieving these goals of treatment. In summary, investigation of physiological stress-system responses and what role they play in health outcomes following whiplash injury is at an early stage. Nevertheless, if stress-system responses contribute to poor health outcomes following whiplash injury in vulnerable individuals, then treatments that attenuate these responses might be useful.
Psychosocial Factors
As with any painful musculoskeletal condition, relationships between psychosocial factors and health outcomes have been well documented, and this is no different for whiplash. It is generally considered that psychosocial factors do not, by themselves alone, fully explain poor recovery following the injury, but they likely interact with other processes and play a role in the persistence of symptoms. In the case of whiplash injury, some factors, including PTSD symptoms (Buitenhuis et al., 2006; Sterling et al., 2012), pain catastrophising (Walton et al., 2009) and negative expectations of recovery (Holm et al., 2008), have shown prognostic capacity in some studies. Other psychological factors including depression (Carroll, Liu, Holm, Cassidy, & Cote, 2011; Walton et al., 2009) and fear of movement (Pedler & Sterling, 2011; Williamson et al., 2008) have conflicting evidence for prognosis, with some studies showing an association with poor recovery and others finding no association.
Some authors have proposed that WAD should be considered in line with neck pain as a whole and should not be viewed as a different condition (Haldeman, Carroll, Cassidy, Schubert, & Nygren, 2008). However, differences between whiplash-initiated neck pain and non-traumatic type of neck pain have been demonstrated. As discussed earlier in this chapter, the sensory presentations of traumatic versus non-traumatic neck pain are different, suggesting variations in the central processing of nociceptive processes between the two types of neck pain (Chien et al., 2010; Elliott et al., 2008). Psychosocial differences are also present. WAD is initiated by a traumatic event, usually an MVC. PTSD is a common psychosocial sequelae following MVCs (Kuch, Cox, Evans, & Shulman, 1994), yet it is only recently that there has been increasing recognition of a shared pattern of aetiology between WAD and PTSD (McFarlane, Ellis, Barton, Browne, & Van Hooff, 2008). The effect of the distress surrounding the crash itself as opposed to, or in addition to, distress about neck pain may have a significant influence on outcome. Recent data indicate that PTSD symptoms are prevalent in individuals who have sustained whiplash injuries following motor vehicle accidents (Buitenhuis et al., 2006; Sterling, Kenardy, Jull, & Vicenzino, 2003; Sullivan et al., 2009). The early presence of PTSD symptoms have been shown to be associated with poor functional recovery from the injury (Buitenhuis et al., 2006; Sterling et al., 2005, 2012). The earlier presented Fig. 7.2 illustrated distinct recovery trajectories for PTSD following whiplash injury (Sterling et al., 2010). A significant proportion (10–25 %) of whiplash-injured individuals also meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in addition to the cardinal signs of neck pain (Buitenhuis et al., 2006; Jaspers, 1998; Mayou & Bryant, 2002), and this comorbidity of pain and PTSD may contribute to poor recovery following the injury.
The development of pain/disability and PTSD symptoms seems to be related, and research has begun to focus on the potential shared neurobiological pathways between PTSD and pain (Asmundson, Coons, Taylor, & Katz, 2002; McLean et al., 2005). In regard to research of WAD, in addition to PTSD symptoms predicting pain-related disability following injury, the reverse relationship also exists where initially higher pain levels predict later PTSD symptoms (Sterling, Hendrikz, et al., 2011). In this study, cold hyperalgesia also predicted both pain-related disability and PTSD symptoms (Sterling, Hendrikz, et al., 2011). Furthermore, it has been shown that the developmental trajectories for pain-related disability and PTSD symptoms occur mostly in synchrony (Sterling, Hendrikz, et al., 2011), as seen in Figs. 7.3 and 7.4. That is, there was a high probability (88 %) of an injured individual having a trajectory of low disability if their PTSD symptom trajectory was also at low levels. Conversely, there was a 75 % chance of having a resilient PTSD symptom trajectory if the disability trajectory was mild. Clinically, these findings suggest that, for trajectories of lower levels of disability, there is a good chance that the patient will show psychosocial resilience to the injury. The picture becomes less clear when disability trajectories are at higher levels. Nevertheless, in people with whiplash injury and initial or ongoing moderate to severe disability, clinicians should consider the possibility of PTSD symptoms being present in tandem at some level.

Fig. 7.3
Probability of membership in a NDI trajectory groups, given a Posttraumatic PDS trajectory group. Total probability within a PDS groups = 1.00, with permission

Fig. 7.4
Probability of membership in a Posttraumatic PDS trajectory groups, given a NDI trajectory group. Total probability within a NDI groups = 1.00, with permission
Further exploration of the relationship between pain-related disability and PTSD symptoms has been conducted in experimental studies. Interventions aimed at improving PTSD symptoms had been shown to also have effects on decreasing pain and disability. In a preliminary randomised controlled trial, Dunne et al. (2012b) showed that trauma-focussed cognitive-behaviour treatment, an evidence-based treatment for PTSD (NHMRC, 2007), resulted in clinically relevant changes in pain and disability, in addition to expected decreases in PTSD symptoms and PTSD diagnosis in patients with chronic WAD. In a later study, also in chronic WAD, it was shown that a trauma-cue exposure resulted in greater cold and mechanical hyperalgesia measured at sites over the cervical spine (Dunne, Kenardy, & Sterling, 2012a). Thus data are accumulating, demonstrating close relationships among the pain, disability and PTSD symptoms following whiplash injury.
Perceived injustice, defined as a cognitive appraisal characterised by a propensity to blame others for one’s current suffering and a tendency to exaggerate the severity and permanence of one’s injury-related losses (Sullivan et al., 2009), is a relatively new concept that, in view of the compensable nature of whiplash injury, would appear to be relevant. Initial investigations provide support for this proposal, where perceived injustice was the best single predictor of prolonged work absence after whiplash injury, even when controlling for variables of physical function (Sullivan et al., 2008). Further studies have shown that perceived injustice predicted the persistence of PTSD symptoms during a rehabilitation programme for chronic WAD (Sullivan et al., 2009) and that it moderated the relationship between pain and depressive symptoms (again in chronic WAD) (Scott & Sullivan, 2012). These studies have been cross-sectional in design, and further evaluation of the prognostic capacity of perceived injustice in an inception-cohort study is required. In summary, many of the pain-related psychosocial features shown to be present in other musculoskeletal conditions are involved in whiplash pain and disability. Additionally, psychosocial factors related to the injury or incident (MVC), namely PTSD symptoms, also appear to play an important role in the presentation and outcomes following whiplash injury.
Environmental and Sociocultural Considerations
There is little doubt that environmental and sociocultural factors contribute to the problem of whiplash. Depending upon the jurisdiction, many injured people will be required to engage with insurance, legal and health systems during their management process. It is generally considered that when an injured person receives compensation, then long-term health outcomes are worse (Cameron & Gabbe, 2009). However, more recently, the complexity of the issue surrounding compensation-related factors and health outcomes has become more recognised. Connelly and Spearing (2011) argue that there are numerous flaws surrounding studies investigating the role of compensation-related factors on health outcomes that require consideration. These include sample-selection bias, comparisons made between different jurisdictional compensation schemes and the case of reverse causality whereby the person with worse health outcomes is more likely to pursue a claim for compensation (Connelly & Spearing, 2011). Other authors also conclude that the quality of the evidence in this area is limited and that caution is required in the interpretation of study findings (Elbers, Hulst, Cuijpers, Akkermans, & Bruinvels, 2013). In a recent systematic review of the role of compensation-related factors on whiplash outcomes, it was concluded that there is no clear evidence to support the idea that compensation and its related processes lead to worse health (Spearing, Connelly, Gargett, & Sterling, 2012). In contrast to these findings, other studies have found that filing a claim for whiplash compensation is associated with subsequent poorer health outcomes, but that this effect occurs only in those with lesser symptoms, indicating a possible differential effect on subgroups of injured people (Sterling et al., 2010).
In summary on this vexing and emotive issue, Carroll, Connelly, et al. (2011) conclude that ‘Crucially, researchers and their audiences must also take care not to overgeneralize or confuse different aspects of WAD compensation. A study of one aspect of the compensation system cannot be used to draw conclusions about compensation as a whole, and because of the complexity of the compensation system and its intrinsic nature within a greater societal context, findings from one jurisdiction cannot necessarily be generalised to other jurisdictions’. Finally, as in other investigations exploring the complex question of how to prevent the transition to chronic WAD, in studying the role of compensation and compensation-related factors, it is important to retain a broad-based conceptualization of WAD and WAD recovery that includes recognition of the broad range of biological, psychological, societal, and economic factors that combine and interact to define and determine how people recover from WAD’.
Implications for the Assessment of Whiplash Associated Disorders
As has been outlined in this chapter, there is now overwhelming evidence supporting WAD to be a heterogeneous condition with varied physical and psychosocial processes at play. Adding to the complexity are the environmental constraints under which whiplash is often managed, including interactions with insurance, legal and health systems, which cannot be ignored as potential influences on the presentation and health outcomes of WAD. There is also now greater understanding of factors predictive of poor recovery following whiplash injury, and it would seem important that these are considered in the initial assessment of the patient with acute WAD. The International Summit Meeting on WAD, held in 2011, proposed a core set of prognostic factors based on available evidence to be used as ‘flags’ to assist in the identification of individuals at risk of non-recovery (Sterling, Carroll, et al., 2011). Based on this predictive set, the following factors should be included for assessment:
Self-reported levels of pain. This is the most consistent predictor of poor functional recovery (Kamper et al., 2008; Walton et al., 2009).Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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