The Liver

II Osteopathy of the Individual Organs


5 The Liver

6 The Gallbladder

7 The Stomach

8 The Duodenum

9 The Spleen

10 The Pancreas

11 The Peritoneum

12 The Jejunum and Ileum

13 The Colon

14 The Kidneys

15 The Urinary Bladder

16 The Uterus/Fallopian Tubes/Ovaries

17 The Thorax

5 The Liver


General Facts

Macroscopic subdivision of the liver is into:

image left and right lobe

image caudate lobe

image quadrate lobe

The liver is covered by peritoneum, except for the “bare area,” which is directly connected to the diaphragm. It weighs about 1.5–2.5 kg, although the effective weight is only about 400 g because the gravitational force of the thoracic organs (vacuum in the thorax), on the one hand, and the abdominal organ pressure, on the other, reduce it.

Blood flow through the liver is about 1.5 L/min.


The liver is located in the right upper abdomen below the diaphragm.

Cranial Boundary

image anterior: fifth intercostal space (ICS) on the right to the sixth ICS on the left

image on the left side; extending roughly to a vertical line through the body via the center of the left inguinal ligament

image posterior: T8–T9

Caudal Boundary

image anterior: lower costal arch ascending from right to left past the center line

image posterior: T11-T12

Topographic Relationships

image dorsolateral and anterior on the right: abdominal wall and ribs 8–11

image diaphragm

image gallbladder

image hepatic/cystic/common bile duct

image inferior vena cava

image portal vein

image proper hepatic artery


Fig. 5.1 Attachments of the liver.

image esophagus

image stomach

image right adrenal gland

image right kidney

image duodenum: superior and descending part

image right colic flexure

image indirect contact to pleura, lung, pericardium, and heart


image pressure in the abdominal cavity

image turgor

image coronary ligament

image left and right triangular ligament

image falciform ligament

image round ligament of the liver

image lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments)

image hepatorenal ligament

image inferior vena cava



Hepatic artery proper from the celiac trunk.


image portal vein (collects blood from the spleen, distal esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, upper rectum, pancreas, and gallbladder)

image inferior vena cava

Lymph Drainage

The lymphatic vessels run parallel to the blood vessels.


image sympathetic nervous system from T7 to T10 via the greater and lesser splanchnic nerve

image switchover in the celiac plexus

image vagus nerve

image The liver capsule is innervated via the phrenic nerve (C3–C5).

Organ Clock

Maximal time: 1–3a.m.

Minimal time: 1–3p.m.

Organ–Tooth Interrelationship

Organs and teeth have a relationship to each other that is comparable to the system of connective tissue zones on the back or the foot reflex zones. Disorders or even just functional disturbances of an organ are reflected in the weakening of a tooth, the adjoining gum, or the nearby mucous membranes. The tooth can hurt without a corresponding lesion being present. Likewise, it is possible that the tooth, gums, or mucous membranes are inflamed.

Similarly, a damaged tooth also affects the corresponding organ. This can reach the point where an organic disturbance can be cured only after the tooth or gums have healed up.

For osteopaths, it is therefore important to know the interrelationships of each organ and tooth, and to take countermeasures against misdiagnoses and mistreatments early on. For this reason, the tooth associated with the organ is identified here. In this context, always remember that the adjoining gum and mucous membranes are part of this relationship as well.

  • Canine tooth in the upper jaw on both sides

Movement Physiology according to Barral


The liver displays mobility in three planes, as follows.


Fig. 5.2 Mobility and motility of the liver in the frontal plane.

Frontal Plane

During inhalation, the diaphragm leads the lateral parts of the liver inferiorly to medially. Looked at from the front, the liver rotates in a counterclockwise direction.

The axis of movement is a sagittotransverse axis through the left triangular ligament.

Sagittal Plane

In this plane, the liver tilts with the cranial parts anteriorly while at the same time shifting the caudal edge posteriorly. The frontotransverse axis of movement runs approximately through the coronary ligament.


Fig. 5.3 Mobility and motility of the liver in the sagittal plane.

Transverse Plane

The liver carries out a leftward rotation along a frontosagittal axis through the inferior vena cava as an approximate anatomic landmark. Looked at from above, this is a counterclockwise rotation.


The motions of motility correspond in direction and axis to those of mobility.


Fig. 5.4 Mobility and motility of the liver in the transverse plane.


Metabolic Functions of the Liver

image lipolysis (metabolism of fatty acids up to coenzyme A)

image production of ketone bodies from fat, e.g., in hunger periods or in badly adjusted diabetes mellitus with bad breath smelling of acetone

image lipogenesis (production of triglycerides)

image glycogenesis and glycogenolysis

image gluconeogenesis (synthesis of glucose from lactate or amino acids)

image formation of proteins from amino acids (e.g., albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, prothrombin, vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors)

image breakdown of proteins, e.g., estrogen

image production of urea from brain—toxic ammonia, the product of protein breakdown

image breakdown and excretion of exogenous toxins, e.g., medications

image storage organ, e.g., for glycogen, or vitamin A or B12

image production and excretion of bile

image synthesis and processing of cholesterol

image location of blood production up to the sixth fetal month

The liver metabolizes all three basic elements of food (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) in different ways, therefore playing a dominant role in intermediary metabolism.


Symptoms that Require Medical Clarification

  • Icterus
  • Recurrent upper abdominal complaints
  • Fever of uncertain origin
  • Acute inflammation
  • Cachexia


Definition. The deposition of bilirubin causes a yellow coloration in blood plasma and connective tissue. With regard to connective tissue, the sclerae turn yellow first, followed by the skin. This phenomenon occurs when the concentration of bilirubin in the plasma exceeds 0.30–5 mmol/L.


  • Prehepatic icterus: the rate of erythrocyte breakdown is increased. With the liver functioning normally, the amount of accumulating hemoglobin is greater than the liver’s capacity to process it. A possible cause is a congenital hemolytic anemia, e.g., thalassemia.
  • Intrahepatic icterus: the liver cells are damaged and lose their ability to break down hemoglobin. A possible cause is acute hepatitis.


    Fig. 5.5 Microscopic anatomy of the liver. The oxygenrich blood from the branch of the hepatic artery proper and the oxygen-deficient but nutrient-rich blood from the portal vein together flow into the central vein. The numerous metabolic processes of the liver take place in the liver cells. The cells receive the necessary oxygen and “building blocks” from the mixed blood in the sinus of the liver.

image Posthepatic icterus (obstructive icterus): in this form of icterus, the bile ducts are compromised. They can be blocked both within the liver, e.g., in a cirrhosis, and outside the liver by a tumor or gallstones in the common bile duct. Additional causes are:

  • fatty liver
  • hepatitis
  • papillary stenosis
  • cholangitis
  • pancreatic head carcinoma
  • pancreatitis

Acute Hepatitis

Definition. Infection of the body with a pathogenic virus that affects the liver cells.

Hepatitis A

Infection. The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is most often transmitted fecally or orally, although sexual or perinatal transmission is also possible. One risk factor is traveling to southern vacation areas: even in Europe, a clear north-south divide exists in the spread of hepatitis A infection.

Clinical. The period of incubation is 14–40 days. Most frequently, we see a prodromal stage with flulike and gastrointestinal symptoms (feeling of fullness, lack of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, fever, joint pain). This is followed by the organ manifestation with icterus, sensitivity to pressure in the liver, signs of liver cell degradation, and in a fifth of all cases splenomegaly.

The course of the disease is an average of 4–8 weeks; life-long immunity remains. This type has neither virus carriers nor chronification.

Hepatitis B

Infection. In the case of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the path of transmission is parenteral (plus needle puncture wounds), sexual contact, or perinatal. Worldwide, about 200 million people are infected.

Clinical. The period of incubation is 60–120 days. A nonspecific preliminary stage can be missing; organ manifestation runs a much more serious and drawn-out course than in hepatitis A. Nevertheless, most hepatitis B infections are asymptomatic.

In 5–15% of infections, the acute form turns into the chronic form, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or a primary liver cell carcinoma. The disease takes a lethal course in 2–15% of all cases, but there are also healthy and infectious virus carriers.

Active immunization is advised.

Hepatitis D

Infection. The delta virus is attached to the B virus and utilizes parts of the HBV for its own reproduction. The path of infection is parenteral or by sexual contact. Endemic regions are southern Italy, the Balkans, the Near East, Africa, and South America.

Clinical. The period of incubation for simultaneous infection with HBV is 12–15 weeks. If a patient with persistent HBV is infected, the incubation period is clearly shorter, around 3 weeks.

The infection entails a serious negative effect on the liver, and not uncommonly also liver failure. Approximately 80% of hepatitis D virus (HDV) infections become chronic.

Protection against this infection is achieved by immunization against HBV.

Hepatitis C

Infection. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread via injection or sexual transmission. It is found in 0.5–1.5% of all blood donors. Anti-HCV is clearly more common in people who have experienced an HBV infection.

Clinical. The period of incubation is 5–12 weeks. Asymptomatic courses are possible. Nevertheless, 50% of infections take a chronic course, and transition to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma is not uncommon.

There is no immunization.

Hepatitis E

Infection. The path of transmission for the hepatitis E virus (HEV) is fecal-oral. In developing countries, it is held responsible for epidemics of HEV infection.

Clinical. The course is identical to that of hepatitis A. There are no chronic courses or healthy virus carriers.

Women who become infected with HEV in the last trimester of pregnancy die in about 25% of cases.

Chronic Hepatitis


This condition refers to inflammatory liver disorders that persist for 6 months or longer without improvement.


image HBV infection

image HCV infection

image HDV infection

image autoimmune hepatitis

image toxins (alcohol, medications)

Clinical. We distinguish between a persistent and an aggressive type. The persistent type is marked by nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, and diffuse upper abdominal complaints. The prognosis is favorable.

Aggressive chronic hepatitis manifests in a disease progression with not only nonspecific symptoms but also signs of liver cirrhosis, e.g., esophageal varices.

Fatty Liver

Definition. Fatty liver refers to an increase of fat deposits in the liver cells. If more than 50% of the cells are affected, we talk about a fatty liver. If less than 50% of cells are affected, we call the condition fatty degeneration of the liver.


image alcohol abuse

image adiposity

image diabetes mellitus

image pregnancy

image toxins, e.g., poisonous mushrooms

Clinical. In most cases, hepatomegaly manifests with no complaints. The symptoms depend on the cause.

Liver Damage from Alcohol

Definition. Toxic effect on the liver as a result of excess alcohol or alcohol abuse.


image fatty liver

image steatosis hepatitis or acute alcohol hepatitis with signs of liver insufficiency to the point of liver failure with:

  • pressure pain in the liver
  • nausea, and also weight loss
  • fever
  • icterus
  • ascites
  • hepatosplenomegaly
  • encephalopathy

image alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the Liver

Definition. Irreversible change in normal liver tissue with fibrosis and destruction of the physiologic microscopic lobe structure.


image alcohol

image HBV, HCV, HDV

image medications

image cystic fibrosis

image chronic right cardiac insufficiency

Clinical. Liver insufficiency with:

image structural tissue change: enlargement of the liver with hardening and bumpy surface (the liver shrinks terminally) and hypoperfusion of the liver

image icterus

image hepatic encephalopathy

image ascites and ankle edema (albumin deficiency)

image anemia

image a bleeding tendency

Estrogen dominance with:

image spider angioma

image men with loss of chest hair, abdominal baldness, testicular atrophy

image palmar erythema

image gynecomastia

Portal hypertension with:

image hypersplenism with bone marrow changes and pancytopenia and hemorrhagic diathesis

image splenomegaly

image esophageal varices

image caput medusae

image external hemorrhoids

image ascites

General symptoms:

image fatigue

image reduced productivity

image nonspecific upper abdominal complaints

image cachexia

Portal Hypertension

Definition. Increased pressure in the portal vein system of more than 15 mmHg.

Causes. The blood flow in the portal vein system is blocked. This obstruction in blood flow can be prehepatic, intrahepatic, or posthepatic.

Possible causes include:

image prehepatic: portal vein thrombosis

image intrahepatic: cirrhosis of the liver

image posthepatic: right cardiac insufficiency

Clinical. Development of portacaval bypass circuits with:

image esophageal varices

image caput medusae

image external hemorrhoids

image ascites (transudation of plasma fluid, e.g., via the mesenteric veins)

image splenomegaly

Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Definition. This is the most common malignant liver tumor. It develops from degenerated liver cells. Make sure that you distinguish it from liver metastases of extrahepatic tumors.


image alcohol abuse

image chronic HBV and HCV

image aflatoxin poisoning (ergot alkaloids)


image symptoms of a decompensated liver cirrhosis

image cachexia

Osteopathic Practice

Cardinal Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Icterus

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Mar 4, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on The Liver

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