The Evidence for the Treatment of Cartilage Injuries in FAI Surgery

Grade 0

No signs of OA

Grade 1

Mild OA: Increased sclerosis, minimal joint space narrowing, no or minimal loss of head sphericity

Grade 2

Moderate OA: Small cysts, moderate joint space narrowing, moderate loss of head sphericity

Grade 3

Severe OA: Large cysts, severe joint space narrowing, severe deformity of the head

Tönnis [62]

Tönnis [63]

Tönnis and Heinecke [64]

An anteroposterior (AP) view of the pelvis evaluates the hips for osteoarthritis and other findings including:

  • The acetabulum for dysplasia, overhang or degrees of retroversion

  • The femoral head for osteonecrosis or remodelling or pistol grip deformity

  • The sacroiliac joints for arthritis

  • The lower lumbar spine

Because standard AP and lateral views of the hip can miss important abnormalities in patients with FAI, axial Lauenstein view radiography [11, 40], in which the hip is flexed 90° and abducted 20°, should be ordered. An axial Lauenstein view is about comparable to a 45° axial Dunn view [17, 35].

Gdalevitch et al. [25] studied delamination cysts seen on the preoperative anteroposterior and/or frog lateral radiographs of the hip and found that they accurately predicted acetabular cartilage delamination, especially in hips with non-traumatic labrum tears. Such delamination cysts have been previously unrecognized as radiographic signs useful for the preoperative identification of acetabular cartilage delamination in patients with labrum tears. Finding such cysts may help to facilitate the selection of the right type of surgery and also determining prognosis [25].

Furthermore, patients with CAM-type FAI with an alpha angle of 65° or more are associated with an increased risk of cartilage injury but a concomitant increasing acetabular coverage appears to have a protective effect [5]. The alpha angle is measured on axial views between two lines from the centre of the femoral head through the middle of the femoral neck and through a point where the contour of the femoral head-neck junction exceeds the radius of the femoral head [48]. An angle exceeding 50° is an indicator of an abnormally shaped femoral head-neck contour [60] increasing the risk for CAM impingement. One may also measure the anterior offset, which has been defined as the difference in radius between the anterior femoral head and the anterior femoral neck on a cross-table axial view of the proximal femur. Tannast et al. [60] have suggested that as a general rule for clinical practice, an anterior offset less than 10 mm is a strong indicator for cam-type impingement. CT

CT is useful for the detection of bone cysts in the acetabulum and in the femoral neck. In a recent paper by Sahin et al. [55], CT arthrography seemed to have an equal sensitivity and a higher specificity than MR arthrography for the detection of labral pathology. MR arthrography was better, but not statistically significant, in demonstrating acetabular and femoral cartilage pathology [55]. One may also use 3D CT to assess cam morphology and to assess anteroinferior iliac spine (AIIS) for subspinous impingement. MRI

In a recent study Sutter et al. [59] showed that MR arthrography was superior to conventional MRI for detecting labral tears and acetabular cartilage defects and showed a higher interobserver agreement. For femoral cartilage lesions, both modalities yielded comparable results. The use of specific cartilage protocols like delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 mapping is suggested. The limitation of the dGEMRIC technique is the need to do an intra-articular injection followed by letting the patient exercise before the scanning. Arthroscopy

It is possible to use the ICRS classification system to describe hip cartilage lesions. The advantage of such a system in terms of local lesions is the depth description related to the post-operative follow-up of a cartilage repair. The classification could then also be used for MRI evaluation of lesion fill post-surgery [12]. See Table 14.2.

Table 14.2
Hip cartilage classifications

Outerbridge classification:

ICRS Classification

Beck’s Hip Cartilage Classification:

Acetabular Cartilage Damage—the ALAD classification

MA HORN Classification of Acetabular Rim Articular Cartilage Lesions

Grade 0:

Normal cartilage

Grade I:

Cartilage with softening and swelling:

Grade II:

A partial- thickness detect with fissures on the surface that do not reach subchondral bone or exceed 1.5 cm in diameter

Grade III:

Fissuring to the level of subchondral bone in an area with a diameter more than 15 cm

Grade IV:

Exposed subchondral bone

Grade 0:

Normal cartilage

Grade I:

Lesions are superficial fissures and cracks

Grade II:

Lesions down to less than 50 % cartilage depth

Grade III:

Lesions that extend through >50 % of the cartilage thickness are classified as ICRS 3a–d

Grade IV:

Lesions extending through the subchondral bone

Articular cartilage

0. Normal

Macroscopically sound cartilage

1. Softening. Malacia

Roughening of surface, fibrillation

2. Pitting malacia

Roughening. partially thinning and full-thickness defects or deep fissuring to bone

3. Debonding

Loss of fixation to the subchondral bone, macroscopically sound cartilage, caipet phenomenon

4. Cleavage

Loss of fixation to tie subchondral bone: frayed edges, thinning of cartilage, flap

5. Defect

Full-thickness defect


Normal cartilage


Softening of tie adj acent cartilage ALAD2

Early peal of the cartilage (caipet delamination)


Large flap of the cartilage

ALAD 4; Loss of cartilage

Softening of cartilage (Focal defect Extensive)

-with la bral-chondral separation -without labral-chondral separation

Bubble: cartilage detached from bone with an intact periphery -with la bral-chondral separation -without labral-chondral separation

Pocket: cartilage detach ed from bone with free/open edge

Flap: cartilage detached from bone with more than one edge free

Exposed bone/no coverage;

MA HORN j M ulticenter Arthroscopic Hip Outcomes Research Network

Outerbridge. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1961 Nov:43-B:752–7

Brittberg Winalski. J Bans Joint Surf Am. 2003; 85-A Suppl 2:58–69

Back et al. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004:413: 67–73

Safran MR, Hariri S: Hip Arthroscopy Assessment Toolsand Outcomes OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN ORTHOPAEDICS 20(4): 264–277, 2010

Beck et al. J Bona Joint Juts Br. 2005:87(7): 1012–1013

El Bitar et al., J Am Acad Orthop Sag. 2014 Jan: 22(1): 46–56

Konan et al. have developed a classification system for the acetabulum: grade 0, normal articular cartilage lesions; grade 1, softening or wave sign; grade 2, cleavage lesion; grade 3, delamination; and grade 4, exposed bone. The site of the lesion is further classed as A, B or C based on whether the lesion is less than one-third of the distance from the acetabular rim to the cotyloid fossa, one-third to two-thirds of the same distance and greater than two-thirds of the distance, respectively [38].

Outerbridge classification is a system originally developed for the evaluation of chondromalacia of the patellae. It has been used by many surgeons to describe cartilage lesions at all different sites. It does not take any consideration of the cartilage depth related to the grading of severity (see Table 14.2). Beck’s classification [6, 7, 18] describes more the appearance of the traumatized cartilage tissue and has a similarity to the American Hip Institute’s ALAD classification (http://​www.​americanhipinsti​tute.​org/​references/​content/​acetabular-cartilage-damage-alad-classification). See Table 14.2.

The authors suggest that when describing the lesions the ICRS classification could be used together with either the Beck’s or ALAD’s classification. An ALAD 3 could be a mixture of an ICRS II and III. An ALAD 4 could be from ICRS II–IV, while a Beck’s full-thickness defect is either an ICRS 3 or 4. Furthermore, of interest to use is also the Multicenter Arthroscopy of the Hip Outcomes Research Network (MAHORN) classification that provides a useful system for describing labral and chondral injuries with precise assessment of the types of lesions and its location within the hip joint [54] See Table 14.2.

14.3.3 Outcome Scores

Thorborg et al. [61] have recently done a review on patient-reported outcome (PRO) scores for patients with hip and groin pain. They suggested that HAGOS, HOS, IHOT-12 and IHOT-33 can all be recommended for assessment of young-aged to middle-aged adults with pain related to the hip joint, undergoing non-surgical treatment or hip arthroscopy [61]. However, in another recent review, Ramisetty and colleagues [52] found that iHOT-33 scored the best of all the PRO tools and was their choice out of the different hip outcome scores recommended for future use in hip preservation surgery.

14.4 Treatment Options

All cartilage lesions can be treated as related to cartilage lesions in other joints. The treatment choices are:

  • Refixation of chondral flaps (more unique for the hip, not normally done in other joints)

  • Bone marrow stimulation techniques

  • Augmented bone marrow stimulation techniques

  • Chondrogenic tissue-based implants (auto- and allo-osteochondral grafts)

  • Chondrogenic cell-based implants (chondrocyte or mesenchymal stem cells grafts)

  • Synthetic implants

  • Mini-metal implants

For very large defects with large bone loss, still open surgery remains an important option. However, this chapter is related to patients with FAI meaning that the techniques described in this chapter are mainly the arthroscopic alternatives.

Unfortunately, very little evidence exists to tell which technology would be the best alternative and no RCTs exist so far.

14.4.1 Debridement and/or Refixation of Chondral Flaps

In general, as for other joints, the alternatives to do only debridement of injured cartilage exist. Fontana et al. carried out a controlled retrospective study of 30 patients affected by a post-traumatic hip chondropathy of the third or fourth degree, according to the Outerbridge classification, measuring 2 cm2 in area or more. Of these patients, 15 underwent arthroscopic autologous chondrocyte implantation, whereas the other 15 underwent arthroscopic debridement. In both groups the mean follow-up was approximately 74 months (range, 72–76 months). The mean size of the defect was 2.6 cm2. The patients who underwent ACI (group A) improved significantly more compared with the group that underwent debridement alone (group B).

However, in contrary to other joints, several surgeons are trying to preserve a healthy chondral flap by microfracturing of the underlying bone and completing a refixation of the chondral flap with fibrin glue. In the largest study on articular cartilage repair of the hip, Stafford et al. [57] used fibrin glue/adhesive to treat 43 patients with delaminated articular cartilage. The average follow-up was 28 months. The authors reported significant improvement in the modified Harris hip score (MHHS) pain subscale, with an average score of 21.8 preoperatively and an average score of 35.8 post-operatively.

They concluded that this type of articular cartilage repair is appropriate only for small lesions of delaminated cartilage. However, Hariri et al. [31] found that those chondral flaps are more dead than alive with a cell viability of less than 32 % and showing an abnormal biochemistry. The flaps may function as scaffolds but they are pieces of dead tissue.

14.4.2 Bone Marrow Stimulation Techniques, Simple or Augmented Microfracture (MFX) or Deep Nano-Drilling with Curved Power Drills

The indication for using microfracture technique in the hip is lesions with size less than 2 cm2. The MFX technique is same as for other joints. A debridement is first performed in order to produce a defect with vertical walls and a clean bony bottom. Insertions of the instruments are aided by the use of a slotted cannula. Higher degree angle-tipped awls (i.e. up to 90°) are used. Holes are prepared to 2–4 mm depth and 3–5 mm apart. Recently, a modification of the microfracture technique has been presented where 1 mm thick needles are used to be drilled deeper down in the subchondral bone. The technique is called nano-drilling or nano-fracture and the depth will be down to 9 mm and otherwise same management as with simple microfracture technique [10]. In defects between 2 and 3 cm or after failed simple bone marrow stimulation, an augmented bone marrow stimulation technique may be used. Reports on Microfracture Technique in Hip Surgeries

Karthikeyan et al. [36] report that 20 patients who underwent arthroscopic surgery for FAI had a localized full-thickness acetabular chondral defect treated by microfracture and then underwent a later second-look hip arthroscopic procedure. The size of the full-thickness defect was measured at the primary arthroscopic procedure. At an average follow-up of 17 months, 19 of the 20 patients had a mean fill of 96 ± 7 % with macroscopically good-quality repair tissue. One patient had only a 25 % fill with poor quality repair tissue. Histologically, the tissue was found to be composed of primarily fibrocartilage with some staining for type II collagen in the region closest to the bone. Philippon et al. [51] studied nine patients that underwent revision hip arthroscopy for a variety of procedures after undergoing microfracture for treatment of a full-thickness chondral defect of the acetabulum at primary arthroscopy. The size of the chondral defect was measured during primary arthroscopy, and the percent fill of the defect and repair grade were noted at revision hip arthroscopy. Eight of the nine patients had 95–100 % coverage of an isolated acetabular chondral lesion or acetabular lesion associated with a femoral head lesion, with grade 1 or 2 appearance of the repair product at an average of 20 months follow-up. Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC)

The bone marrow stimulation area is covered with a collagen membrane or a hyaluronic acid membrane [23, 42]. Leunig et al. [42] treated six patients with AMIC in the hip between 2009 and 2010. Post-operative Oxford hip scores ranged from 13 to 17, UCLA activity scores ranged from 5 to 10, and MOCART scores ranged from 55 to 75. Also PLGA/polydioxanone membranes have been tested as a possible clinical application [24]. Blood Clot Enhancement

The bone marrow stimulation area is filled with a thermo-stabilizing gel acting as an enhancement of the normal blood clot formation attracting the ingrowth of bone marrow cells. [58]. See also section with the description of operative technique. Scaffolds for Enhancement of Bone Marrow Cell Ingrowth

Carbon fibres may be used to improve the strength of the ingrowing repair tissue [16]. Carbon rods can be introduced arthroscopically. The carbon rods are an alternative when the lesions are surrounded by thin cartilage as seen in an early osteoarthritis. No published results exist with the carbon implants regarding hip implantations.

Other synthetic porous scaffolds may be used with similar purpose. Mosaicplasty and Osteochondral Allografts

Mosaicplasty is a technique typically reserved for open surgery of the hip. There are opportunities to use mosaicplasties when there are very large ostochondral defects.

Girard et al. [27] treated 10 patients for femoral cartilage damage by an osteochondral mosaicplasty of the femoral head through a trochanteric flap with surgical dislocation of the hip. At a mean follow-up of 29.2 months, the autograft plugs were well incorporated at the site of osteochondroplasty in the femoral head with intact cartilage over them and smooth interfaces between articulating bony surface. Similarly Meyers [46] has shown the efficacy of allograft use in the hip for large osteochondral defects and osteonecrosis in young patients. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation

A few case reports exist on autologous chondrocyte implantation with first- and second-generation ACI. Those reports have been on open surgery [2, 47]. Murakibhavi et al. [47] concluded that the short-term results of ACI for osteochondral lesions of the hip suggest that if good early results are obtained, they are observed to continue for at least 5 years. They also found that there is a high failure rate in those with preoperative cyst formation in the hip.

However, hip cartilage lesion treatment with the 3rd-generation ACI with cell scaffolds like MACI or with cell-seeded grafts like Hyalograft can be completed arthroscopically. Mancini and Fontana [45] reviewed 57 consecutive patients that were treated with the MACI (n = 26) or AMIC (n = 31) technique. Patients were assessed preoperatively and up to 5 years using the MHHS to compare outcomes. The modified Harris hip score continued to improve up to 3 years post-operatively and remained stable over time until the final 5-year follow-up. Statistically significant differences between the groups were not observed. The authors suggest that both arthroscopic MACI and AMIC are relevant procedures to repair medium-sized chondral defects on the acetabular side of the hip found during treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement. Being a one-stage procedure and less expensive, AMIC seemed to be a preferable technique compared to ACI. However, the study was not randomized and the lesions were medium sized.

The 4th-Generation ACI

s are one-stage procedures that we will see more of in the future. One such technique is the CAIS (cartilage autograft implantation system) where autologous fragments of cartilage are placed in fibrin glue and spread out on a resorbable membrane [15]. This membrane may be implanted arthroscopically into the hip joint. The CAIS technology may also be used similarly with allograft fragments [19]. Another 4th-generation ACI is when chondrocytes are isolated during the surgery in the OR and then mixed with a stem cell mixture aspirated from the iliac crest. The two cell types are seeded together on a restorable membrane for a final arthroscopic implantation [8]. Synthetic Implants

Field et al. [22] have described the grafting of chondral defects and subchondral cysts of the acetabular socket using a synthetic osteochondral plug. Computed tomography and MRI at 6 months confirmed the stability of the osteochondral plugs and on-going healing. Vundelinckx et al. [65] reported a short-term 6-month follow-up of synthetic plug implantation of caput femoris osteochondral lesions. The HOOS score improved and the patient was satisfied after those short months. No long-term results have been published. Mini-Metal Implants

HemiCAP (Contoured Articular Prosthetic) hip resurfacing system has been used in young patients with osteochondral lesions of the caput femoris. However, no long-term results are available [34, 41].

14.5 Example of an Emerging Arthroscopic Cartilage Repair Technique

Here we describe an example of a cartilage repair method for the hip where the technique could be used for several of above-mentioned methods. We have used BST-CarGel to illustrate the possibilities for local repair of hip cartilage defects. It is a soluble polymer scaffold containing the polysaccharide chitosan, which is dispersed throughout uncoagulated whole blood in the OR and then delivered to a surgically prepared cartilage lesion.

The gel allows normal clot formation, reinforces the clot, impedes retraction, increases adhesivity and ensures prolonged residency of both the clot and critical tissue repair factors [58]. The soluble and physiological characteristics of this chitosan polymer solution permit its combination with freshly drawn autologous whole blood to form a hybrid polymer-blood mixture. This mixture can be applied to cartilage and bone surfaces of prepared lesions, regardless of its geometry and size, to which it adheres and solidifies as a polymer-stabilized hybrid clot [32].

14.5.1 One-Stage Implantation of a Bone Marrow Augmentation Gel

Hip arthroscopic surgery is performed with the patient placed in supine position on a traction table. Hip joint is distracted and standard anterolateral portal is used as viewing portal. Distal mid-anterior (DMA) and distal lateral (DL) portals are used as working portals (Fig. 14.1). An image intensifier is used to evaluate distraction and to guide accurate portal placement. Pre-positioning of the anterolateral portal is performed with a 15 cm, 18G arthroscopic needle. DMA and DL portals are created under arthroscopic view control, and the integrity of the articular cartilage is then further assessed using a probe (Fig. 14.2). The irrigation pressure is set at 40–60 mmHg with the use of an arthroscopy pump.
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