© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Olufemi R. Ayeni, Jón Karlsson, Marc J Philippon and Marc R. Safran (eds.)Diagnosis and Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement10.1007/978-3-319-32000-7_1616. The Evidence for Rehabilitation After Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Surgery: A Guide to Postsurgical Rehabilitation and Supporting Evidence
Clinical Operations and Development, DSD Management, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Hip Preservation Program, The West End Physiotherapy Clinic, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Private Practice Division, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada
16.1 Introduction
16.3 Prehabilitation
16.4.1 Recommended Interventions
16.5.1 Recommended Interventions
16.6.1 Recommended Interventions
16.8.1 Resistance Training
16.8.2 Aerobic Training
16.8.3 Agility Training
16.10 Outcome Measurement
16.1 Introduction
The global interest in hip arthroscopy cases and related scientific literature continues to evolve [1–4]. Recent advancements in the understanding of hip biomechanics have led to the development of techniques to correct femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and repair and/or preserve the labrum during hip arthroscopy. Although considerable attention in the literature is devoted to diagnosis and operative treatment, the information about postoperative rehabilitation and outcomes has been slower to emerge. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to identify a rehabilitation framework following arthroscopic intervention for FAI. Presently, the rehabilitation protocols available in the literature have minimal support from clinical outcome data [4]. The utilization of validated, patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures should be a key component to guide postoperative management.
16.2 Postoperative Rehabilitation Framework
The framework is developed from the critical appraisal of the available evidence in order to guide clinical practice. Current evidence supports a postoperative period of restricted weight-bearing and mobility restrictions; however, the specific interventions within the postoperative phases are variable with no comparative trials published to date [5]. Understanding the complex relationship among the bony architecture of the acetabulum and femur, the labrum, as well as the proximate soft tissues (i.e., ligaments and muscles) is important to optimize postoperative rehabilitation. Case reports and case series designs (level IV evidence [6]) identify the need to balance the healing properties of tissues, with restoration of hip motion, stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, and reestablishing muscular coordination and balance in the lower extremity and lower kinetic chain. However, existing reports are descriptive in nature; hence the superiority of a particular program cannot be determined. Clinicians require more than “general guidelines” and/or orthopedic surgeon recommendations to augment postoperative clinical outcomes.
Available studies describe successful postoperative outcomes utilizing a four- or five-phase rehabilitation program [4, 5, 7–9, 23, 34]. In order to bridge the gap between clinical practice consensus and evidence, this chapter will outline a five-phase framework for hip arthroscopy rehabilitation based on:
Healing milestones based on tissue properties and integrity at specific postoperative timelines of recovery [9, 34]
Recognizing the patient’s preoperative health status and activity level, as well as postoperative physical demands and participation levels
Current best evidence – case reports and case series designs, as well as clinician’s expert opinion, and level IV and V evidence, respectively [6] – to identify interventions to address impairments of body function and structure, activity limitations, and participation restrictions associated with the postoperative rehabilitation [10]
16.3 Prehabilitation
Prehabilitation typically refers to improving the functional capacity of a patient to be able to withstand the stressors of pain and inflammation, functional limitations, and participation restrictions associated with a hip arthroscopic procedure. If a patient maintains a higher level of functional ability before a surgery, they may recover more quickly through the rehabilitation process postoperatively [95]. To optimize postoperative timelines to achieve maximal recovery and functional outcomes, it is important to identify and manage pain and any predisposing factors that may contribute to a patient’s hip pathology [11].
Griffen et al. [12] described the value and importance of preoperative management for patients preparing for hip arthroscopy. Establishing preoperative baseline functional and PRO measures can aid in a patient’s predicted postoperative outcome. The emphasis generally revolves around patient education and pain management. Managing perioperative pain is crucial for the success of hip arthroscopy. There are many pain management strategies, some of the common ones include:
Education and counseling around activity modification and controlling aggravating factors and avoiding positions (e.g., sitting in low, soft chairs) that create impingement on the joint and lead to intra- and extra-articular pain.
The utilization of superficial thermal agents (i.e., cryotherapy, heat) and electrical physical agents (i.e., electrical stimulation – transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)) to aid in pain mitigation. The contraindications/precautions for electrophysical agents, Special Issue (62:5) of Physiotherapy Canada by Houghton, Nussbaum, and Hoens, provide further details regarding the appropriate use and application of these electrophysical agents (EPAs) [16].
Improving gait mechanics with/without assistive devices to reduce compensatory movement strategies that may lead to muscle weakness and inhibition resulting in other pathologies (i.e., tendinopathies, bursitis). Gait training with assistive devices, when used correctly, can reduce the amount of force through the hip joint and reduce intra-articular pain and inflammation.
Patient education related to the arthroscopic procedure, postoperative care and expectations, as well as predicted outcomes, is an important element for the surgical pathway of care. Knowledge around expectations for postoperative restrictions and common pitfalls is necessary to promote postoperative compliance. Understanding the potential benefits of assistive devices can also facilitate postoperative recovery. Collaborating with an occupational therapist (OT) to ensure adaptive equipment is available and in place in the patient’s home and/or workplace (i.e., raised toilet seat, grab bars, shower bench, seat cushions, sock aid) can help protect healing tissue and uphold postoperative restrictions.
As the growing body of research on pain science continues to evolve it needs to be acknowledged as an appropriate patient education intervention for those undergoing an arthroscopic procedure. Given the average timeline to diagnosis of FAI has been shown to be up to 3.1 years [96], it would be rational to expect changes in central pain processing and central sensitization. Additionally, psychological and behavioral factors, such as depression, fear-avoidance beliefs, and pain catastrophizing, often require intervention. A patient’s familiarity with pain expectations and strategies to best control postoperative pain and inflammation has the potential to reduce the anxiety and threat of those symptoms. Mitigating the threat of pain may allow damaged tissues to heal to the best extent possible in a few weeks or months without any prolongation or chronicity. Thus, evaluation from a modern pain science perspective and patient education from a therapeutic neuroscience approach may lead to superior rehabilitation outcomes [98]. Another probable fear-provoking postoperative symptom that requires education is nerve dysfunction or neuropraxia. Dippmann (2014) demonstrated that 46 % of patients reported symptoms of nerve dysfunction within the first 6 weeks following hip arthroscopy [99]. It is important for patients to understand the nerve injury may be caused from external compression (related to surgical table setup and perineal post) causing ischemia to the nerve and/or the traction time applied during the arthroscopic procedure. Patients need to be aware that this is often a temporary issue; once nerve conduction is restored, recovery is spontaneous within a period of days up to 3 months [3, 17]. In the Dippmann (2014) study, 18 % of patients reported nerve dysfunction at 1 year postoperatively. There are a small proportion of documented cases that do not fully recover. The nerves most commonly affected are the pudendal and sciatic. Pudendal neuralgia is one of the most commonly reported complications following hip arthroscopy [100]. The diagnosis of pudendal neuralgia tends to get overlooked despite patients presenting with perineal hypesthesia and dysesthesia. Pailhé (2013) demonstrated that the incidence of pudendal neuralgia is two percent, which was previously underestimated in the literature [100].
To improve a patient’s functional capacity preoperatively, it is advised that clinicians assess movement patterns to reduce compensatory strategies that lead to joint pain [18]. Interventions to address altered motor control strategies in the lumbo-pelvic-hip region, hip-muscle weakness and inhibition, imbalances in the lower kinetic chain, and postural malalignment must be addressed cautiously [11]. Preoperative teaching of correct gait mechanics using assisted devices (i.e., crutches) within the prescribed postoperative weight-bearing restrictions can help eliminate persistent pain-avoidance strategies. Also, teaching appropriateness and correct execution of postoperative exercises may help improve neuromuscular efficiency to induce compensatory changes in muscle activation patterns and facilitate early functional stability [19]. It is essential that a patient be aware of the timely commencement for postoperative rehabilitation to maximize his/her recovery.
One of the most beneficial components of prehabilitation is the formation of a patient’s support network. In addition to family and friends, establishing a rehabilitation team is of critical importance. In particular, research on the therapeutic alliance acknowledges the importance of a positive interpersonal relationship between a clinician and patient and recognizes this to be an essential component of patient-centered care [13, 14]. Building trust and establishing an emotional bond with a patient are critical dimensions of the therapeutic alliance that lead to therapeutic progress [15]. Recent evidence supports the theory that biopsychosocial factors, especially the therapeutic alliance, may account for up to 60 % of a clinical outcome [14]. The findings of this study suggest that the alliance between patient and clinician positively correlates with clinical outcomes for individuals in physical rehabilitation settings, including treatment adherence and treatment satisfaction [14]. Failing to acknowledge the importance of the therapeutic alliance and the need to understand the patient’s goals can interfere with clinical outcomes.
16.4 Phase I: Maximum Protection (Day 1–3 Weeks)
Phase I overview: the primary rehabilitation goals are (1) to reduce postoperative pain and inflammation, (2) limit the stress to the femoral neck and labrum (if repaired/reconstructed), and (3) protect the integrity of the soft tissues, in particular the capsule. The secondary focus is to commence restoration of uniplanar range of motion (ROM) and normalization of gait with an assistive device.
Systematic review of the literature states hip arthroscopy has an overall complication rate around four percent. There is a very low rate of major complications such as dislocation, fracture, infection, and avascular necrosis [24]. Nevertheless, a hip arthroscopic procedure requires that clinicians take into consideration the excision of the anterior capsule (capsulotomy), osteochondroplasty to remove the bony abnormality, and the location of the labral tear (if present and repaired/reconstructed). Appropriate healing of a labral repair/reconstruction can restore multiple aspects of hip mechanics, including regulation of synovial fluid flow, maintenance of a suction seal and joint stability, proprioception, and force transmission to the articular cartilage [8, 26–29]. The hip fluid seal, in addition to regulating intra-articular fluid pressurization, contributes to hip stability. Evidence supports that labral repair and reconstruction improves distractive stability at small displacements and reduces micro-instability within the hip joint. Additionally, the capsule contributes to the suction effect by providing distractive stability at larger displacement forces [97]. As a clinician, being aware of capsular and/or labral alterations during FAI surgery is imperative to know which interventions to apply versus avoid early into the rehabilitation process to enable the restoration of stability and function. This phase also requires significant patient education to uphold postoperative restrictions in weight bearing, ROM, and muscle activation to avoid the many possible pitfalls.
The utilization of weight-bearing restrictions is critical to reduce the risk of fracture [3, 25] and to optimize healing of the labral repair/reconstruction (if applicable) [20]. Osteochondroplasty (resection of the bone) of the femoral head-neck junction for a cam impingement and/or acetabular rim for pincer FAI warrants protection to prevent a femoral neck fracture or stress fracture. Commonly, a labral repair accompanies FAI surgery and also requires load protection [4]. The most common documented area of labral tears occurs in the anterior-superior region, which bears the most loads and experiences the greatest shear forces [8]. Without appropriate load restrictions, inflammation will linger and delay tissue healing, which may negatively impact later phases of the rehabilitation process. The majority of patients are prescribed protected weight bearing with underarm crutches postoperatively [4, 5, 7–9, 21–23, 34]. The percentage of protected weight bearing is variable throughout the literature. Weight-bearing status tends to be dependent on the surgeon’s orders and, if additional considerations occur at the time of surgery, related to the extent of the procedure and the healing timelines for the involved tissues (i.e., bone, cartilage, labrum). Patients and clinicians need to adhere to the suggested weight-bearing guidelines and be instructed to progress gradually, in collaboration with the treating surgeon. Typically, patients will be instructed to apply 10 kg (approximately 22 lb) of load onto the surgical extremity during phase I [9, 22, 34]. Additionally, throughout gait retraining it is important that the patient initiates flat-foot contact with the surgical limb. Avoiding toe-touch weight bearing may decrease iliopsoas irritation by reducing sustained hip flexion [8]. Clinicians must ensure gait training with the appropriate assistive device on level surfaces, as well as stairs are addressed with the patient.
The capsulotomy is used to improve visualization and instrument maneuverability [3] during hip arthroscopy by many surgeons, and its integrity should be protected throughout early postoperative rehabilitation. Pushing a patient through painful ROM and/or end-range stretching can result in capsular laxity and hypermobility [5]. Focal laxity most commonly occurs as anterior capsular laxity secondary to repetitive movements involving hip external rotation and/or extension, possibly resulting in iliofemoral ligament insufficiency [30]. Thus, ROM restrictions have been implemented to allow the capsule appropriate healing. Additionally, adhering to these ROM restrictions reduces stresses (i.e., compressive and shear) to the labrum, which can reduce the likelihood of failure of the labral repair and/or reconstruction [31, 101]. Hip ROM is addressed in all three planes of motion within the following limitations: anecdotally extension within 0–10°, external rotation under 10° [4], abduction under 25° [31], and flexion less than 90°. Clinicians must avoid combined movements at this stage, especially extension-abduction-external rotation due to the associated risk of dislocation. With regard to flexion, Sink et al. (2010) demonstrated that the anterior-superior cartilage damage coincided with the area of FAI when the hip was positioned into flexion and internal rotation [32], hence another reason to avoid combined movements of the hip during this phase. Upholding these ROM restrictions will help reestablish the passive structures [33] and avoid hypermobility/instability later on in the recovery process. Panjabi (1992) presented the conceptual basis of a stabilizing system in the spine through three subsystems: (1) passive, (2) active, and (3) neural. The passive subsystem he affirmed can be extrapolated to the bones, capsules, and ligaments of the hip joint. Restoration of passive stability is important, as there are documented cases of over-resection of the bone from the acetabular rim for pincer FAI that may also predispose the hip to structural instability [25].
Other factors that may influence the protection phase of the rehabilitation protocol include whether a capsular repair occurred, microfracture procedure was performed, psoas tendon was released, or biological solutions [3] were introduced into the joint. Some surgeons advocate for the utilization of a rigid, postoperative hip brace that is combined with crutches for ambulation. When prescribed, it is often used for additional protection of the repair and to preserve ROM restrictions [23]. Communication with the surgeon and the rehabilitation team becomes of utmost importance to ensure that the appropriate restrictions are applied in each individual case [4]. Poor verbal or nonverbal communication between the primary clinician and the surgeon is a major link to postoperative pitfalls and likely suboptimal patient clinical outcomes.
16.4.1 Recommended Interventions Manual Therapy
The clinician, within the patient’s pain tolerance, can commence a series of passive ROM immediately postoperatively. These physiological movements must not bring the range to a point beyond the above noted restrictions. Restoring internal rotation before external rotation [22] due to ROM limitations can reduce the incidence of intra-articular adhesions [32]. Additionally, the utilization of gentle circumduction [7, 23, 34] ROM for the hip joint in this early phase of the rehabilitation process has evidence to support favorable outcomes [7, 8, 23, 34, 35]. Both strategies, especially circumduction [37], are integral to reduce postoperative adhesions (fibrosis). These adhesions, if formed, can result in ongoing pain and dysfunction, which has a negative impact on recovery and may be an associated cause of revision surgery [36, 37]. Therapeutic Exercise
Early controlled mobility can begin through the use of a stationary bike. Gentle motion through the joint can facilitate joint lubrication [38]. The patient should be limited to an upright frame with an adjustable seat that prevents the hip from flexing beyond 90°. If any stress (soreness) is experienced in the hip flexors, adjust the pedaling to a pendular motion and ensure the contralateral side is being used to assist [34]. There should be no resistance during this phase, and the patient may progress as tolerated for 20 minutes up to two sessions per day [34, 39].
The patient, within his/her pain tolerance, can commence a series of active assisted exercises. There is caution not to push the range of motion to a point of discomfort either with exercise or in daily activities. Some case series and surgeon protocols recommended the use of a continuous passive motion (CPMTM) unit immediately postoperatively to facilitate a gradual restoration of hip flexion and to limit intra-articular adhesions. There are no strict guidelines for its use; commonly documented surgeon preferences are 4–8 hours per day, for up to 6 weeks postoperatively. Performing a hip pendulum within a small arc of motion of the hip joint may be a suitable exercise to endure the benefits of hip circumduction at home. In order to prevent a flexion contracture, and begin to restore hip extension, the patient is encouraged to lie prone (on the stomach) for at least 2 hours per day [23, 31]. This can be progressed to include a gentle lengthening of rectus femoris via adding knee flexion (heel to bum); subsequently a modified Thomas position over the side of the bed can be utilized.
Patients must participate in therapeutic exercises to reestablish postural awareness for a neutral lumbar spine. Once established, retraining the motor control of the lumbo-pelvic stabilizers is important in this first phase. Lumbo-pelvic stabilization refers to the inner unit, which is comprised of the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidi, and the diaphragm [40]. An increasingly common approach used within the management of low back pain has been low-load, high-repetition training of the abdominal and trunk muscles (stabilizers), to improve the control and activation of the back and abdominal muscles [49].
Clinicians must consider the degree of neuropraxia that results from irritation of the neurovascular structures within the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex from the sustained traction of the procedure or from the external compression from the surgical setup [3]. A neuropraxia results in decreased motor unit recruitment [45]. The effect of dysfunction must be taken into account when considering strengthening exercises due to the altered connection between the neurological system (in particular the brain) and targeted muscles [45]. Albeit some case studies initiate isometric exercises for the quadriceps and gluteal muscles during this phase, strengthening is generally delayed until neuropraxia subsides [4, 34]. Electrophysical Agents (EPAs)
It is important to manage the pain and inflammatory consequences of a hip arthroscopy procedure. The most commonly applied intervention to address both impairments is cryotherapy. While the research continues to evolve, there is good evidence for the utilization of cryotherapy in situations of inflammation and pain [41]. Another (preferred) option is the combination of cold and compression units, such as the Cryo/Cuff or Game ReadyTM [42]. This type of unit provides both cold and compression simultaneously and has been shown to be both safe and effective [43, 44]. Anytime clinicians integrate EPAs into a treatment plan, clinical judgment must be used to determine how to “titrate the dose” specific to the depth of the tissue and clear any contraindications and precautions [16] for patient safety. Patient Education
A patient’s overall health behaviors and recovery can be significantly improved depending on the process by which a clinician imparts information to patients and their support network (i.e., family members). Comprehension of the arthroscopic procedure and compliance with postoperative restrictions are crucial to avoiding known pitfalls in recovery. Restrictions such as avoiding prolonged sitting on low soft surfaces, not pivoting on or actively lifting the surgical limb, avoiding sit-ups, crossing the legs, and walking for exercise must be understood. As well, maintaining appropriate bed mobility, safe positioning, and hygiene of incisions can greatly impact postoperative recovery [34]. Patients must be mindful that rehabilitation programs should not reproduce pain and exacerbate their symptoms. It is critical that clinicians emphasize the importance of not irritating the hip flexors (i.e., psoas major and rectus femoris) during activities of daily living (ADLs) and prescribed exercises to reduce the risk of developing tendinopathy [30].
16.5 Phase II: Mobility and Neuromuscular Retraining (3–6 Weeks)
Phase II overview: the primary rehabilitation goals are to (1) restore uniplanar ROM, (2) restore lumbo-pelvic core stability, (3) reestablish neuromuscular control, and (4) normalize gait with an assistive device. The clinician should continue to focus on (1) limiting the stress to the femoral neck, (2) reducing postoperative pain and inflammation, and (3) protecting the integrity of the soft tissues, in particular, the capsule and labrum (if repaired).
Phase II is centered on restoring mobility of the hip joint with a moderate focus on protection given that the majority of restrictions are supported throughout this phase. With the understanding that each phase in the rehabilitation process builds upon the previous, clinicians must continue to respect the ROM restrictions associated with the capsulotomy and labral repair (if applicable). The aim is to progressively regain 80 % of full ROM by the end of this phase [34]. Gaining mobility too slowly may result in residual stiffness and intra-articular adhesions, which can result in unnecessary load and shear forces applied within the joint and delay recovery. Conversely, pushing a patient through painful ROM and/or aggressive end-range stretching of the hip capsule (especially anterior) may result in hypermobility or micro-instability [5]. Simultaneously, the need to reduce muscle inhibition through isolated muscle activation in order to regain correct neuromuscular control is a fundamental element [23]. Normalization of gait with the appropriate assistive device, while respecting the healing process, is critical at this phase to restore movement patterns and load transfer. Lastly, patient compliance with restrictions and activity modifications remains important throughout this phase.
Following a hip arthroscopic procedure, simply restoring mechanical restraints is not enough for a functional recovery of the hip. Neuromuscular training enhances unconscious motor responses by stimulating both afferent signals and central mechanisms responsible for static and dynamic joint stability [46]. A lag in the neuromuscular reaction time can result in dynamic joint instability with recurrent episodes of joint deterioration and possible subluxation. Information about the position and movement of the hip comes from the mechanoreceptors located in and around the articular tissues. Disruption to the mechanoreceptors creates an inhibitory effect on the normal neuromuscular system. The objectives of neuromuscular retraining following FAI surgery are to improve the central nervous system’s (CNS) ability to generate and relearn optimal muscle-firing patterns, diminish movement coordination impairments, and achieve a state of readiness in the muscles to manage joint forces that results in enhanced motor control and dynamic joint stability [46, 47, 50, 55]. Another goal is to obtain equilibrium of loaded segments in static and dynamic situations and acquire postural control in situations resembling conditions of daily life and more strenuous activities [19]. It is important to appreciate the focus in this phase on neuromuscular training versus strength training, which focuses on increasing motor output. Neuromuscular training aims principally at improving quality and efficiency of movements [19]. Meaningful repetition of the retraining movements over time is necessary to cause lasting change [48]. Hence, neuromuscular control will prime the system for strengthening in phase III. Placing emphasis on strengthening before restoration of mobility and neuromuscular control often leads to compensatory movement patterns that precipitate soft tissue irritation (i.e., tendinopathy, bursitis).
16.5.1 Recommended Interventions Manual Therapy
Passive physiological movements must not bring the ROM into pain reproduction, or to a degree beyond the prescribed restrictions. Hip ROM continues to be addressed in all three planes of motion within altered limitations: extension to 15°, external rotation under 20° [4], and no combined extension-abduction-external rotation until the end of phase II. Hip flexion can be increased to 120 degrees (at discretion of surgeon) and internal rotation can be fully restored throughout the sagittal plane.
Clinicians can select from multiple techniques to restore the mobility of the hip joint: passive physiological ROM, joint mobilizations, Mobilizations with Movement (MWM), and Muscle Energy Techniques (METs). Passive techniques need to remain within R2 (range into mild resistance) [60], pain-free, and isolated to the hip joint to avoid excessive strain on the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints. It is important to note that mobilization of the joint capsule without definitive clinical findings (i.e., early capsular end-feel) and reasoning may be detrimental to the patient’s recovery [34]. The preferred methods of manual techniques that build upon passive ROM are MWM and METs. Through biomechanical and neurophysiological effects, MWM can attain hip centeredness/centration [53] to improve and maintain pain-free hip mobility. Joint centration may enable the neurological system to normalize muscle tone around the hip complex and optimize movement efficiency and reduce the likelihood of soft tissue impingement. Gains in hip mobility using METs may be attributed to the nature of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) exercises, which are primarily designed to maximize improvements in mobility. These techniques utilize the neuromuscular system’s inhibitory reflexes to improve muscular relaxation and greater stretch magnitude [51]. Regardless of chosen manual technique, the common pitfall is inappropriate dosing and aggressiveness applied to the healing (soft) tissues.
Myofascial (aka soft tissue) mobilization is commonly integrated into this phase to manage and alter the increased postoperative muscle tone that develops. The primary areas of focus are the adductor group, tensor fascia lata, and rectus femoris. Clinically, it appears while other pelvic and hip stabilizers are inhibited due to pain and/or neuromuscular dysfunction, the adductors are often the first muscle group to compensate. Research has demonstrated that the adductor longus acts as a hip flexor and the adductor magnus acts as a hip extensor [52]. Following hip arthroscopy, the psoas muscle is often inhibited. Clinically, the tensor fascia lata and rectus femoris are superficial hip flexors, which tend to compensate for the lack of function of the psoas and become overused and irritated throughout the postoperative rehabilitation process [34]. These muscles in addition to the gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis, quadratus lumborum, and paraspinals all benefit from myofascial mobilization to reduce tone throughout the rehabilitation process. Scar tissue at the portal sites requires special attention to restore full hip mobility. The degree of myofascial mobilization that has been identified to aid in a patient’s postoperative recovery can benefit from concurrent treatment in an interprofessional model of care (i.e., registered massage therapist).
There is limited evidence to looking specifically at rhythmic stabilization in the hip. However, there is strong evidence to support its benefit in the shoulder and lower back pain literature [50, 51, 54]. An adjunct to the implementation of specific interventions that restore neuromuscular control during this phase of rehabilitation can be rhythmic stabilization and reciprocal submaximal isometric muscle contractions of the deep internal and external rotators of the hips [54, 61]. Additionally, PNF is used with rhythmic stabilization and slow reversal holds to reestablish proprioception and dynamic stabilization of the hip joint. The main objective is to enable the unconscious process of interpreting and integrating the peripheral sensations received by the CNS into appropriate motor responses [50]. These drills are to facilitate appropriate agonist/antagonist muscle cocontractions. Efficient coactivation assists in restoring muscle balance around the hip, thus enhancing joint congruency and joint compression [54]. Research indicates a significant increase in joint ROM, as well as dynamic and static muscle endurance following concentrated rhythmic stabilization training [51]. Rhythmic stabilization exercises in the open-chain position can encourage cocontraction of the musculature about the hip, providing a foundation for dynamic neuromuscular stabilization. Initially, these drills should focus on all three anatomical planes of motion of the hip joint, although avoiding the sagittal plane (due to hip flexor irritation) until the end of the phase, as long as the technique is pain-free [30]. Therapeutic Exercise
Continued use of a stationary bike to facilitate lubrication and nutrients via the synovial fluid is recommended [38]. The patient remains limited to an upright frame with an adjustable seat that prevents the hip from flexing beyond 90°. Progressing to mild resistance toward the end of this phase can occur as long as no stress is experienced in the hip flexors. The duration may progress as tolerated for 30 min up to two sessions per day [34, 39]. For those patients who are prescribed a CPM and continue to use it into phase II, generally have their daily usage reduced as the duration on the bike increases.
The patient will progress the series of active assisted exercises into stretching/self-mobilization to restore the ROM of the hip joint. It is important that these stretches address capsular and soft tissue end-feels [47] within the prescribed restrictions. The emphasis is placed on hip flexor and adductor stretching to avoid myotendinous inflammation and intra-articular adhesions [8]. There is caution not to push the stretches to a point of pain and to target the hip joint specifically. At this phase, introducing strategies to perform ROM exercises of pelvis-on-femur rotation (pelvic dissociation) needs to accompany femur-in-pelvis rotation in all three planes of motion [31]. Common exercises are performed in supine, prone, half-kneel, and quadruped positions to address the ROM goals. Implementation of a foam roller regimen for self-myofascial mobilization to improve tissue extensibility and reduce muscle tone is often introduced in the later portion of this phase to augment ROM exercises. There is also level V evidence that a foam roller can increase muscle activation, which may have a positive impact on normalizing movement patterns and motor control around the hip joint [56].
Neuromuscular retraining exercises prescribed will have emphasis put on the efficiency and quality of each movement [19]. The emphasis needs to be placed on the ability of the CNS to properly recruit the correct muscles to produce and reduce force, as well as dynamically stabilize the body’s structure in all three planes of motion. The introduction of active ROM exercises at the hip joint (single plane) and in movement synergies of all joints in the surgical limb is to be performed within the correct movement pattern and with acceptable muscle coordination [47]. These exercises may begin gravity-eliminated and progress to against-gravity providing they do not exacerbate symptoms. Again, hip flexion is to be avoided until later in this phase due to the low threshold for irritation [30, 34]. In a small percentage of patients, active external rotation may be avoided up to 6 weeks to avoid tone and spasm of the obturator internus muscle in cases of exacerbation of pelvic girdle pain [57]. Additionally, optimization of neuromuscular control, based on biomechanical and neuromuscular principles, aims to improve sensorimotor control and achieve compensatory functional stability. Using sensorimotor exercises for balance and proprioception to drive muscle activation patterns can be initiated at this stage as long as weight-bearing restrictions are maintained. Improving load transfer onto the surgical limb through weight shifting with assisted devices (e.g., side-side, front-back, diagonal patterns) is a critical step for normalizing gait.
With the introduction of neuromuscular training, the clinician must be monitoring the kinesthetic input and quality of the movement patterns and not simply counting the number of sets and repetitions [50]. Clinicians too often feel compelled to progress patients by giving them “new” exercises at each therapy session. It cannot be stressed enough that it is not beneficial to prescribe exercises that patients do not have the proprioceptive ability to perform. It is important to observe the quality of an exercise or movement. Proprioceptive deficits, fatigue, and/or weaknesses in specific muscles can lead to compensatory and faulty movement patterns. Faulty patterns are then integrated into unconscious motor programs that perpetuate preoperative dysfunction. More specifically, a faulty firing pattern of the gluteal muscles reduces their stabilization capabilities at the hip joint and potentially allows for excessive anterior translation and levering of the femoral head during hip extension. If these patterns are not corrected early, any joint and tissue structures along the lower kinetic chain [63] become susceptible to injury or irritation (i.e., tendinopathies, bursitis, micro-instability). Therefore, clinical reasoning and judgment must be applied to reeducate firing patterns prior to initiating any strengthening and/or dynamic and loaded activity.
Emphasizing lumbo-pelvic stabilization continues simultaneously with the addition of neuromuscular retraining. Once the sequencing and timing of the inner unit have been achieved, progressive exercises to strengthen the core can begin. Furthermore, incorporating progressive loading exercises (i.e., quadruped positions, bridging) to challenge rotational stability (transverse motion plane) is endorsed [4, 34]. A thorough assessment of the lumbo-pelvic region is necessary and will need to be continually monitored throughout phase III as the rehabilitation is concentrated around the twenty-seven muscles acting upon the hip joint [64]. A stable core is required for the primary movers and stabilizers of the hip and lower extremity to function optimally [59]. Anecdotally, inadequate stability and faulty movement patterns contribute to hip flexor dysfunction and persistent tendinopathy. If a patient continues to demonstrate clinical signs and symptoms of a dysfunctional core by the end of phase II, collaboration with a pelvic health physical therapist (PT) can be effective in preparing the patient for phase III success. Pelvic health PTs are trained to perform intravaginal and intrarectal digital assessments with patients of all genders in order to determine the relative strength and tone of the different pelvic floor muscles. Patients with inadequate core function would benefit from confirmation of proper performance of Kegel exercises through digital internal examination or biofeedback [77]. This way of assessment and treatment makes it possible to assign specific interventions and protocols to address individual muscle imbalances.
Normalization of gait is an essential focus in this phase. Patients and clinicians need to adhere to the suggested weight-bearing guidelines that typically get increased to 50 % load onto the surgical limb by 4 weeks postoperatively, anecdotally. It is important that clinicians ensure gait training occurs with the appropriate assistive device on level surfaces with correct mechanics at foot contact, weight acceptance (load transfer), functional extension, and a progressive swing phase. Inappropriate use of assistive devices and amplified weight-bearing status increases the patient’s risk for complication (i.e., tendinitis, fracture, failed repair/reconstruction). The use of hydrotherapy in retraining gait and weight acceptance is very effective once the incisions are healed [31, 34]. Additionally, the AlterGTM (antigravity treadmill) can be introduced by approximately week four postoperatively to restore gait mechanics through controlled loading that preserves the weight-bearing restrictions. There is level V evidence that the AlterG is an effective modality for achieving earlier functional recovery in level overground gait and may supplement cardiovascular training [58].
Orthopedic surgeons tend to remove weight-bearing restrictions by 6 weeks postoperatively and prescribe weight bearing as tolerated. Thus, by the end of this phase, the requirements for a normalized gait are to have no notable Trendelenburg or modified Trendelenburg sign, full hip extension from mid-stance to toe off, and normal progression of the extremity through swing phase such that the lumbo-pelvic complex is not rotating in the transverse plane to facilitate lower extremity advancement [34]. Electrophysical Agents (EPAs)
It is important to continue managing the pain and inflammatory consequences from the arthroscopic procedure through the application of cryotherapy or Cryo/Cuff. At this stage some clinicians support the use of electrical stimulation (e-stim) for pain relief (TENS) and/or muscle reeducation (neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)). With the inclusion of e-stim, clinicians once again must use their skills in clinical reasoning to determine how to “titrate the dose,” apply the current for maximal therapeutic benefit, and clear any contraindications and precautions [16] for patient safety. Patient Education
It is important to continue to educate patients on the arthroscopic procedure, postoperative care and restrictions, healing expectations, activity modifications, and positioning [34]. Comprehension and compliance of postoperative restrictions are crucial to facilitate the recovery process and avoid common pitfalls, especially when patients often feel ahead of the recovery process and the current status of their healing tissues in phase II. Patients need to be reminded that their rehabilitation program should not reproduce pain and exacerbate their symptoms. Early excessive activity and rapid progressions of rehabilitation intensity can delay the recovery process.
16.6 Phase III: Muscle Balance and Strengthening (6–12 Weeks)
Phase III overview: the primary rehabilitation goals are to (1) restore full hip ROM, (2) reestablish muscle balance through neuromuscular control and muscle strengthening, (3) optimize proprioception, (4) demonstrate dynamic lumbo-pelvic stability during low-demand exercises, and (5) normalize gait without an assistive device. The clinician should continue to monitor (1) pain and inflammation; (2) the integrity of soft tissues, in particular, the hip flexors, capsule, and labrum (if repaired/reconstructed); and (3) patient adherence to activity modification guidelines.
This phase is based on minimal protection of the surgical procedure. In the majority of cases, patients have their restrictions removed by the beginning of phase III following their postoperative appointment with the surgeon. Endorsement to restore full return of ROM hrough the inclusion of combined hip movements, plus the appropriate weaning of assistive devices to restore loading forces and normalize gait. Thus, it is important in this phase to monitor the pain score of the patient during ADLs. Patients should regain function and independence in ADLs without discomfort by the completion of this phase [34].
Following a hip arthroscopic procedure, restoring muscle balance requires three components: (1) adequate muscle length-tension relationships, (2) appropriate muscle recruitment via subconscious neuromotor pathways, and (3) optimal muscle power and endurance. Adequate stability and motor control of the lumbo-pelvic girdle in low-demand weight-bearing activities are important to restore surgical limb loading and normalize gait cycle early within this phase. Additionally, clinical expertise suggests that Manual Muscle Test (MMT) grading of greater than or equal to 4/5 should be achieved for all hip girdle musculature by the end of this phase. Strength impairments of the trunk, hip, and lower extremity identified through clinical reasoning should be addressed by the commencement of this phase. It is recommended that any asymmetrical muscle weakness be addressed with a strengthening program for the specific weakened individual muscle and/or muscle group. Strength and endurance exercises should build upon the activation improvements of the deep glutei and hip rotators from phase II. However, clinicians must ensure that the patient can actively perform the correct movement pattern within an adequate arc of motion, as well as demonstrate correct firing patterns and timing prior to adding resistance exercises. Following an osteochondroplasty, patients likely have an increase in physiological internal/external arc of motion (particularly in flexion), as well as an increase in abduction range. Clinically, these increases in range of motion seem to be dependent on patient age. Thus, it is important to enhance the activation and strength of the deep hip rotators to control the greater ROM.
16.6.1 Recommended Interventions Manual Therapy
As in phase II, clinicians can select from multiple techniques to restore the mobility of the hip joint: passive physiological ROM, joint mobilizations, MWM, and METs. Even though the goal in this phase is to restore full combined (tri-planar) ROM, the passive techniques must still be within R2 [60], remain pain-free, and isolated to the hip joint to avoid excessive strain on the joints above and below the hip. The principle of joint centration is still encouraged to optimize joint congruency and establish normalized muscle tone around the joint to avoid any soft tissue impingement. Progressive myofascial mobilization techniques are utilized in this phase to address hypertonicity and/or shortening of the myofascial system, as well as adverse tension in the neural system. Addressing muscle groups and fascial planes that are limiting tri-planar movement patterns requires attention and appropriate dosing to restore full hip mobility. It is important to address myofascial restrictions right at the end ranges of motion. Common interventions in the rehabilitation environment include clinician applied hands-on techniques (i.e., ART®, Soft Tissue Release) and/or instrument-assisted tissue release techniques. Furthermore, interprofessional collaboration with other rehabilitation providers (i.e., registered massage therapist, chiropractors) remains important during this phase to address myofascial limitations. Anecdotally, addressing the myofascial limitations prior to any residual capsular tightness tends to facilitate recovery. It is important to repeat that mobilizing the joint capsule without conclusive clinical (arthrokinematic and/or capsular) findings and reasoning may be detrimental to a patient’s recovery [34].

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