The Elbow, Wrist and Hand


The Elbow, Wrist
and Hand


Over the last century, the use of thrust manipulation to treat upper extremity pathologies has increased progressively. Today manipulation is now used as an adjunctive therapy for a range of upper limb disorders, including lateral epicondylitis, nursemaid’s elbow, post-traumatic elbow stiffness, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and many more (Lason and Peeters, 2014). Advocates of manual therapy consider manipulation a relatively safe and effective approach to treat upper extremity disorders. In addition, they claim that a great majority of patients with musculoskeletal pathologies can benefit from manipulative procedures (Paterson and Burn, 2012).

Practitioners of manipulative therapy use various techniques depending on the upper extremity joint and/or lesion being treated. The therapeutic goal of these practitioners is to apply a procedure that is well tolerated by the recipient and yields the best result. They primarily aim to reduce inflammation, alleviate spasticity, correct malalignment of bones, decrease overload of forces, promote faster healing and increase upper extremity strength, endurance and flexibility (Saunders et al., 2015). In general, they usually utilise two manipulation approaches for manual correction of upper extremity abnormalities: high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust (HVLAT) and mobilisation.

However, despite many positive claims by the advocates of manual therapy, there has been a lack of quality research and evidence in support of manipulation of the upper extremity (Bronfort et al., 2010). Given the limited evidence with regard to the therapy, the benefits and risks associated with upper extremity manipulation are yet not explored (Brantingham et al., 2013; McHardy et al., 2008). Therefore, before deciding to perform a manipulative procedure, a practitioner must make sure that no absolute contraindication or red flag for serious pathology is present. Moreover, because adequate knowledge, good technical skill, extensive experience and sound clinical reasoning play an important role in preventing incidence of adverse events following manipulation, it is of critical importance for practitioners to have appropriate training and education (World Health Organization, 2005; Ernst, 2007; Brantingham et al., 2013).

The purpose of this chapter is to help practitioners diagnose serious pathologies of the upper extremity. However, as we have already discussed the shoulder region in a separate chapter, this chapter will particularly focus on the elbow, wrist and hand. In addition, this chapter will also describe the various joints of these structures, the range of motion in these joints, some common injuries to the regions and the red flags for manipulation.


In human anatomy, the upper extremity is the region that extends from the deltoid region to the hand. It includes all the structures from the shoulder to the hand. The elbow acts as a mechanical link between the shoulder and the hand. The major functions of the elbow comprise placing the hand in space, serving as a hinge or support for the forearm and affording fine movements of the hand and wrist (Alcid, Ahmad and Lee, 2004).

In contrast, the hand and wrist comprise a complex system of static and dynamic structures, consisting of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin. Together they perform a variety of complex tasks, including object handling, providing oppositional grip, communicating and various other tasks in daily life (Doyle, 2003).

Table 14.1 The joints of the elbow, wrist and hand

Joint name



Elbow joint

A highly congruous and stable joint

Forms a complex hinge between three bones: the humerus, the ulna and the radius

Involves three separate articulations: the humeroulnar joint, the humeroradial joint and the superior radioulnar joint

Surrounded by a single fibrous capsule that encloses the entire joint complex

Provides the arm with much of its versatility and allows the hand to move towards and away from the body

Allows flexion and extension of the upper arm as well as supination and pronation of the forearm and wrist

Humeroulnar joint

A synovial hinge joint, which is one of the three joints that constitute the elbow

Composed of two bones: the humerus and the ulna

Originates from the trochlear notch of the ulna to the trochlear of the humeral condyle

Involves articulation between the humerus and the ulna

Allows flexion and extension of the elbow

Humeroradial joint

A ball-and-socket joint, which is one of the three joints that constitute the elbow

Originates from the superior aspect of the radial head to the capitulum of the humeral condyle

Involves articulation between the humerus and the radius

Allows flexion and extension of the elbow with rotation of the radial head on the capitellum

Superior radioulnar joint

A pivot-type synovial joint that is encapsulated within the elbow’s synovial tissue

Originates from the head of the radius to the radial notch of the ulna

Allows pronation or supination movement of the elbow

Radiocarpal joint

A major synovial joint formed between the forearm and the hand

Connects the distal radius to the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum

Contributes to the stability of the wrist

Allows the wrist to move along two axes

Supports flexion, extension, adduction and abduction of the wrist

Intercarpal joints

Synovial joints that involve articulations between the individual carpal bones of the wrist

Subdivided into three sets of articulations: joints of the proximal row, joints of the distal row and joints between these two rows

Contribute to total wrist mobility

Midcarpal joint

A synovial, S-shaped joint formed between the proximal and distal carpal rows

Composed of a very extensive and irregular joint cavity

Allows the initial phase of wrist flexion and extension

Carpometacarpal joints

Synovial joints formed between the distal row of carpal bones and the proximal row of metacarpal bones

Supported by some strong ligaments, including the carpometacarpal and pisometacarpal ligaments

Contribute to the palmar arch system in the hand

Intermetacarpal joints

Plane synovial joints formed between the metacarpals

Occur between the bases of the second, third, fourth and fifth metacarpal bones

Strengthened by a group of ligaments, including the dorsal, palmar and interosseous metacarpal ligaments

Permit some flexion-extension and adjunct rotation

Metacarpophalangeal joints

Condyloid-type joints that connect the distal head of metacarpals to the proximal phalanges of the fingers

Supported by a number of ligaments, including the strong palmar and collateral ligaments

Allow movement of the fingers in different directions (e.g. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circumduction)

Interphalangeal joints

Hinge joints formed between the phalanges of the fingers

Connect the heads of the phalanges to the bases of the next distal phalanges

Subdivided into two sets of articulations: proximal interphalangeal joints and distal interphalangeal joints

Allow flexion and extension movements

Sources: Alcid et al. (2004); Kuxhaus (2008); Fornalski, Gupta and Lee (2003); McCann and Wise (2011); Standring (2008); Doyle (2003)

Range of Motion

The elbow joint is a complex hinge between three bones and thus involves three separate articulations: the humeroulnar joint, the humeroradial joint and the radioulnar joint. These three joints comprise a single compound joint and work in coordination to allow flexion and extension of the upper arm and, at the same time, supination and pronation of the forearm and wrist (Villaseñor-Ovies et al., 2012).

Table 14.2 Normal range of motion of the elbow joint

Movement type

Range of motion








Source: Norkin and White (2009)

Table 14.3 Range of motion of elbow for activities of daily living

Movement type

Range of motion








Sources: Vasen et al. (1995); Morrey, Askew and Chao (1981)

In contrast to the elbow joint, the hand and wrist have an incredible range of motion and help assist in a wide range of activities of daily living.

Table 14.4 Normal range of motion of the wrist

Movement type

Range of motion





Radial deviation


Ulnar deviation


Source: Norkin and White (2009)

Table 14.5 Functional and average range of motion of the wrist

Motion unit

Range of motion


Functional range of motion in ADL

45° of flexion

50° of extension

15° of radial deviation

40° of ulnar deviation

Brigstocke et al. (2013)

Average range of motion in ADL

50° of flexion

51° of extension

12° of radial deviation

40° of ulnar deviation

Nelson et al. (1994)

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Sep 17, 2017 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on The Elbow, Wrist and Hand

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Table 14.6 Normal range of motion of the finger joints

Joint name

Motion type


Metacarpophalangeal joint





Proximal interphalangeal joint




Distal interphalangeal joint