Fig. 24.1
While the extent of the diseased bone may not be clear in a plain X-ray, it may be clear in an MRI
Aggressive resection of the necrotic bone can result in shortening of the foot. Though it may not be visually appealing to the patient, biomechanically this can be advantageous. A shortened foot results in a smaller moment lever arm during the stance to propulsion phases of the gait and reduces the forefoot pressure. Though the maximum involvement in neuroarthropathy may be in the midfoot, Armstrong et al. have found that the peak pressure was in the forefoot [40]; therefore, reducing this pressure by shortening the foot may be biomechanically beneficial. It may also indirectly reduce the mechanical stress applied to the midfoot, contributing to the survival of the internal fixation devices. Though the patient needs to be aware of this potential shortening of the foot, because the reconstruction straightens the overlapped midfoot, the foot may not appear significantly shorter than preoperative length to many patients (Fig. 24.2). The patients should however be notified about digital deformities or non-purchasing digits that it may cause (Fig. 24.3).

Fig. 24.2
(a) A Charcot foot may already appear shortened due to the overlapping of the midfoot. (b) Aggressive resection of the diseased midfoot bones may not necessarily result in a shorter appearing foot

Fig. 24.3
Shortening of the midfoot can lead to non-purchasing digits due to loss of extensor and flexor stabilization
It is not advisable to use nonviable osteobiologics to replace the necrotic Charcot bone. Not only the evidence for use of such products are lacking, replacing such a large defect and to achieve stable union is difficult even in healthy individuals. Because pathophysiology of neuroarthropathy involves inhibited anti-inflammatory process (Fig. 24.4), introduction of reactive foreign materials, excessive inflammatory cytokines, and growth factors may result in a vicious, uncontrolled, inflammatory cycle.

Fig. 24.4
Inhibition of the physiological anti-inflammatory feedback system due to neuropathy can result in excessive catabolic activities and a Charcot process
A minimal amount of nonreactive material may be indicated to fill a small void given that most of the arthrodesis sites are in close proximity. Some mesenchymal cell-based products are thought to have anti-inflammatory effect in the local tissue via paracrine signaling [41–43] though this phenomenon is yet to be tested in a Charcot clinical study. Research in this area is lacking understandably due to its relatively low prevalence of the disease.
Another caveat to aggressive resection of the necrotic tissue is that it often results in mismatching of the forefoot to the rearfoot. Because forefoot is wider than the rearfoot, it may not be possible to align both medial and lateral columns onto the remaining rearfoot (Fig. 24.5). If needs to be chosen, aligning the medial column is far more critical than the lateral column. It is advisable to align the first ray with the long axis of the talus even though the lateral column alignment may be compromised.

Fig. 24.5
Resection of cuneiforms and distal cuboid resulting in the fifth metatarsal not articulating with the rearfoot when the medial column is aligned due to the wider forefoot to the narrower rearfoot
When resecting the midfoot, it is also important to avoid severe abduction or adduction. The midfoot often needs to be resected uniformly across from medial to lateral even when Charcot is affecting one side. When neuroarthropathy affects mainly the medial side and only the medial necrotic bone is aggressively resected, the significant shortening of the medial column can result in excessive forefoot adduction. This is biomechanically intolerable; therefore, resection of the healthy lateral column may be necessary to achieve balanced medial and lateral columns.
After arthrodesis sites are prepared, the forefoot is impacted onto the rearfoot and fixations are applied. Though it is a surgeon’s preference, some fundamental of fixation should be reviewed.
Many of the screws are positioning and beaming in nature in Charcot reconstruction rather than compression. It is more critical for the screws to be strong and resistant to bending. Unlike elective arthrodesis surgeries in non-neuroarthropathic patients, bone healing is expected to be prolonged, and patients are less likely to be able to off-load the operative foot effectively. It should be noted that stainless steel, solid screws are far stronger than titanium and cannulated screws given the same size. Additionally, the core diameter, rather than the outer diameter, of the screw determines the overall shearing and bending resistance.
One also needs to remember that fatigue property and ductility of the screws play a role in the long-term stability. Because of the cold-working process in stainless steel, the ductility is significantly compromised when compared to titanium. Therefore, once the metal is bent or contoured, it becomes more brittle. This concept is particularly important when considering plate fixation.
Pullout strength is significantly better with titanium since the friction is greater due to its osseointegration. Though it is a useful property for a rigid, long-term fixation, removal of such screws is more difficult. Biocompatibility is superior with titanium, yet that of stainless steel is still sufficient, and nickel allergy is rare. When a patient needs an MRI in the future, titanium avoids signal void effects.
For plate fixation, abovementioned metallurgy is still relevant. The plate fixation, however, requires more molding to a contour of the osseous structures; therefore, ductility of the metal cannot be over-emphasized.
External fixation has been popular in Charcot reconstruction [44–47]. It can provide extra stability, dynamic compression if necessary, potential earlier weight-bearing, postoperative deformity correction, and bypassing of an infected area via spanning/bridging (Fig. 24.6). One always however needs to remember that the use of such fixation, especially with combination of other internal fixations and osteobiologics, is very expensive. Cost effectiveness of such construct has not been thoroughly studied. In addition, when it is used as a sole fixation, one has to remember that the external fixation may need to be removed prematurely to avoid pin tract infection prior to bone healing. In combination with internal fixation, it may add extra stability, but a long-term clinical benefit is in question [48]. Pin tract infection is also common [49], yet for a more salvage-type procedure where internal fixation is already attempted or not feasible, external fixation may be the only option (Fig. 24.7).

Fig. 24.6
After resection of infected midfoot bones, antibiotic impregnated bone substitute was packed in the dead space. External fixation was utilized to stabilize the foot while managing the infection and also to gradually reduce the deformity while compressing the forefoot onto the rearfoot to prepare for future arthrodesis with internal fixation

Fig. 24.7
After an infected retrograde intramedullary nail was removed, a multiplanar external fixation was utilized to maintain stability
Gradual correction with dynamic multiplanar external fixation may be another option (Fig. 24.8); however, pin tract infection can be even more prevalent in these immunocompromised patients, especially with the motion and potential loosening of the transfixation wires. Internal fixation can be applied in the second stage with a minimally invasive approach after deformity is corrected [46].

Fig. 24.8
(a) A patient with midfoot osteomyelitis underwent excision of the osteomyelitic bone and gradual correction of the deformity prior to a second-stage internal fixation. (b) The patient needed a deformity correction in the frontal and sagittal planes. The hinges of the multiplanar external fixation device were placed over the apices of the deformity. (c) The forefoot transfixation wires are also “walked” distally to distract the forefoot
Besides types of fixation, orientation of fixation is also important. The weakest point of fixation will be at the level of Charcot bone or the fusion site. The purpose of fixation is normally to stabilize the area until union. However, in Charcot patients, pseudoarthrosis or nonunion is not uncommon. Therefore, fixations need to withstand the weight-bearing force for a long period of time. A long-term structural support may be more important than short-term rigidity in this population.
For midfoot neuroarthropathy , it is important to establish a stable medial column. An unstable medial column can result in a recurrent collapse and/or abduction or adduction of the forefoot. There are several ways to establish long-term stabilization of the medial column. The most common methods are the beaming techniques that are established by an intramedullary screw or a plate-screw construct. An intramedullary screw is inserted in the first ray through the first metatarsal phalangeal joint, through the posterior aspect of the talus or base of the first metatarsal (Fig. 24.9). While a cannulated screw will allow much easier and precise insertion, such a screw is significantly weaker than a solid one. A solid, large core diameter screw is recommended for a stronger construct. If inserted in a retrograding fashion through the first metatarsophalangeal joint, a headless screw is needed. An approximately 3 cm incision can be made plantar to the first metatarsophalangeal joint longitudinally. The joint is then dorsiflexed, and the plantar plate and capsule are incised to expose the head of the first metatarsal bone from the plantar surgical wound. Once exposed, the midfoot is reduced to the plantigrade orientation, and a guide wire is inserted though the first ray before reaming. The reaming can be performed over the guide wire utilizing cannulated instruments that are appropriate for the solid screw size. A good reaming is necessary to insert a large diameter screw without fracturing the first metatarsal.

Fig. 24.9
(a) A beaming intramedullary screw is inserted through the plantar incision placed over the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The hallux is dorsiflexed to allow the screw to be in the long axis of the first metatarsal. Alternatively, a screw can be inserted from (b) the posterior aspect of the talus or (c) plantar aspect of the first metatarsal base
In order to achieve stability, the beaming screw often needs to reach all the way to the talus even if the talonavicular joint is not affected by neuroarthropathy nor prepared for arthrodesis (Fig. 24.10). The navicular or medial cuneiform is not robust enough to hold the beaming screw in a Charcot patient (Fig. 24.10). As mentioned earlier, when extensive resection of the midfoot is done, the first metatarsal may not align with the long axis of the talus as the first metatarsal may sit medial to the talus in the transverse plane. The first ray may need to be translated laterally or angulated medially to capture the talus.

Fig. 24.10
(a) Even though the talonavicular joint was not affected by neuroarthropathy, the beaming intramedullary screw was inserted all the way to the talus for additional stability. (b) Without talar purchase, the navicular is not robust enough to maintain the medial column beam
Alternatively, a plate fixation can be utilized to “beam” the medial column. Often a locking plate-screw construct is utilized for this purpose as it can achieve stronger angular stability at the plate-screw interface. A locking plate-screw construct does not rely on friction created on the plate-bone interface; therefore, preservation of periosteal vascular supply can be managed. With minimally invasive dissection technique, this theoretically aids in bone healing. Yet, clinical benefit of locking plate in Charcot surgery is not extensively studied.
An additional interfragmentary screw may aid more rigidity by achieving absolute stability via compression across the fusion site rather than relying solely on locking plate-screw construct, often used for relative stability. Relative stability, with flexible fixation without compression, in theory can result in secondary bone healing via more biological fixation. However, this needs to rely on natural bone callus formation. In these high-risk neuropathic patients with abnormal biology, this may be difficult. It is unknown at this point which of the healing process, between primary and secondary bone healing, is better in Charcot patients. Yet, it should be reminded that bone healing in neuropathic patients is significantly prolonged, and the fixation devices may fail prior to bone callus formation. On the other hand, excessive rigidity may transfer the stress or strain to other areas and can cause a fracture or acute Charcot process (Fig. 24.11).

Fig. 24.11
Though this diabetic patient with severe neuropathy up to the level of the midleg did not develop a Charcot ankle after open reduction and internal fixation, the rigid construct resulted in transfer of the stress and a fracture proximally
Orientation of the plate significantly changes the strength of the beam. A plate applied to the dorsal aspect of the first ray is more subject to bending and fatiguing than one placed on the medial aspect (Fig. 24.12). When the plate is placed in a vertical orientation, like a floor joist, it is much harder to fail with weight-bearing.

Fig. 24.12
(a) A dorsal plate may fail with weight-bearing force. (b) A medial beaming plate is stronger under weight-bearing force due to its vertical orientation. (c) A plantar tension banding plate may not work with fragile dorsal cortices
Application of the plate more plantarly can result in conversion of the weight-bearing force into compression force via tension banding (Fig. 24.12). However, in order for tension banding to work, the bones must have a strong dorsal cortex. Many Charcot bones are fragile; therefore, a care must be taken to inspect the quality of the bone before attempting this technique.
For transfixation screws, longer screws with multiple cortical purchases are always more stable than unicortical purchases.
For the central rays and the lateral columns, the same principles are applied. While alignment of the lesser rays are not as critical in the transverse plane once the medial column is established, a patient will not be able to tolerate the malalignment in the frontal or sagittal planes. It can result in forefoot plantar ulceration secondary to increase in focal pressure or a fixation failure if bone healing is delayed.
In the ankle, fixation and deformity correction are little more forgiving. The larger structures with more parallel orientation of the joint to the ground surface afford more stable construct via fixations, such as retrograding intramedullary nail, multiplanar external fixation, and more robust plating systems.
Unlike the midfoot, shortening in the ankle is not beneficial however. Though a permanent brace, such as CROW or AFO, may add some height, a significantly shortened limb may not be any more functional than a proximally amputated extremity with a good prosthesis (Fig. 24.13).

Fig. 24.13
After 6 years from an index talectomy with tibiocalcaneal fusion with external fixation, bony union never took place. Without internal fixation, it resulted in a recurrent dislocation and subsequent below the knee amputation
Talectomy with tibiocalcaneal fusion (Boyd’s procedure) is often utilized for a severe ankle neuroarthropathy (Fig. 24.14). The procedure however results in significant shortening and operative trauma in the extremity. Despite, this can be the only option in many patients short of major amputation . For those with severe, chronic deformity, this may be the only feasible procedure since acute correction without significant shortening may compromise neurovascular structures (Fig. 24.15).

Fig. 24.14
Acute correction of (a) severe, chronic deformity may be possible with (b) a simultaneous talectomy and shortening of the limb

Fig. 24.15
An acute correction of chronic deformity may result in necrosis due to overstretching of the neurovascular structures
Addition of bone graft material even with osteobiologic supplementation is not advisable for the same reasons discussed earlier. Surgical trauma itself will “reactivate” the vicious inflammatory cycle (Fig. 24.4), and the bone substitute may be resorbed or “washed out” in the process (Fig. 24.16). An off-label use of bisphosphonates has been suggested to be useful in inhibiting the neuroarthropathic inflammatory process, but the clinical results are inconsistent [50–52].

Fig. 24.16
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP7) with demineralized bone matrix (DBM) was utilized in attempt to assist the midfoot fusion. However, (a) the osteobiologics were completely dissolved along with the postoperative inflammation, and (b) the correction was lost
For fixation in ankle Charcot reconstruction, an intramedullary nail can provide tremendous stability without needing to have significant foreign material underneath the surgical incision. Shah and De demonstrated that the union rate with a retrograde intramedullary nail was higher than that with a unilateral external fixation [53]. However, if infected, a salvage procedure is more difficult.
On the other hand, plate fixation may be better managed in a case of infection because intramedullary tracking of infection may be less likely. However, having the fixations right underneath the incision can be problematic, as postoperative dehiscence of the incision is not uncommon in a Charcot reconstructive surgery. Screw fixation is least stable. Yet, in cases of arthroscopic or minimal incision approach of the ankle arthrodesis, screw fixation can be executed via stab incisions, minimizing operative trauma.
A use of bone stimulator has been studied in Charcot patients [54, 55], yet the effectiveness of bone stimulator in this population is still questionable. Again, having meaningful statistics in a clinical study in this relatively rare disease is challenging.
There is no good evidence for use of prophylactic antibiotics in elective foot and ankle surgeries; however, in other areas, especially when hardware is utilized, a routine use of preoperative antibiotics is recommended [56]. There is no evidence for using antibiotics past 24 h after surgery. The Surgical Care Improvement Program (SCIP) guideline recommends against use of antibiotics for more than 24 h after the surgery [57]. Though the guideline was not derived from data in Charcot reconstructive surgeries, a justification to deviate from the guideline may be difficult.
Minimizing hematoma in the surgical site is highly recommended. Charcot reconstructive surgery can traumatic, and many patients often possess major bleeding disorders and/or calcified vessels. Coupled with prolonged surgery and creation of a dead space from extensive resection of necrotic soft tissue and bones, these patients are in high risk for developing hematoma. Hematoma can be minimized by utilizing a drain, releasing the tourniquet prior to closure to identify and eliminate major bleeding, managing medically for a bleeding disorder, adjusting pharmacological agents preoperatively, and applying a compressive dressing and cryotherapy.
Application of compressive dressing and cryotherapy should be done with caution since most of these patients have a significant sensory loss (Fig. 24.17). They are not able to detect abnormal pressure or extreme temperature even after the postoperative block wears off. Education regarding bandaging and cryotherapy and instruction for discontinuation or reporting adverse events are important. Frequent skin inspection and simple vascular examination should also be encouraged. Application of cryotherapy is not indicated at the level of sensory loss [58]. It needs to be proximal enough that the patient is able to feel any discomfort when too cold.

Fig. 24.17
A tight bandage in a neuropathic patient can result in necrosis of the skin
Management of Specific Complications
Hardware Failure
Hardware failure is common in Charcot reconstructive surgeries. When hardware fails, there are a couple of options, including explantation. However, before deciding on a treatment plan, one must investigate the reason for the failure. The reasons can include: infection, inadequate fixation from the previous procedure, high BMI, prolonged bone healing, and unreasonably early weight-bearing.
Charcot reconstruction requires sturdier fixation than most of other reconstructions. When evaluating plain radiographs, one can evaluate the size and orientation of the previous hardware. If the size and orientation of the fixations are adequate in the previous surgery, one can reason that the cause of the failure was due to one or more of other reasons mentioned above. If the size and orientation of the fixations were inadequate, it can be due to the surgical error but still cannot automatically rule out other causes, as more than one cause can be responsible for the failure.
A careful history and physical examination is useful to rule out most of the above-mentioned reasons for the failure. High BMI and excessively early weight-bearing can be ruled out from physical examination and careful history taking, respectively. Infection, however, is more difficult to evaluate (see infected hardware) since acute Charcot process can mimic an infectious process.
In most of the cases, prolonged bone healing due to underlying poor biology is responsible for the hardware fatigue and failure. If this is the case, a surgeon has to decide if a revision surgery would be of any benefit when these underlying medical conditions still exist (Fig. 24.18).

Fig. 24.18
When severe neuropathy resulting in osteolysis and hardware failure, revision surgery without modification of underlying medical condition will most likely fail again. This particular patient was non-symptomatic and did not require removal of hardware or revision surgery
Many failed fixation devices may not be symptomatic. However, when fixation devices are protruding and/or prohibiting wound healing, removal of such implant may be necessary (Fig. 24.19). A prolonged wound closure may lead to colonization and infection. If not infected, an off-label use of a vacuum-assisted wound closure system may be used to grow granulation tissue over the hardware. Hardware removal is necessary to close the wound otherwise.

Fig. 24.19
The underlying plate and screws are prohibiting wound healing
Some superficial screws can be removed from the open wound in a clinic. When rigid and deep, the patient may need to go to the operating room for removal. Even if stability is compromised, exposed hardware, when resulting in wound complication or infection, may need to be removed. Less foreign material in the open wound can result in better granulation and wound healing. In general, closed soft tissue envelope should be prioritized over stability of the fixation in this high-risk immunocompromised group of patients. A hardware removal may be coupled with application of negative pressure wound therapy to speed up granulation.
Deeper hardware, such as an intramedullary screw or nail, is much more difficult to manage when it fails. Infection and correction of malunion are the few indications for the removal of such deep hardware, as the additional procedure can be very traumatic for the patient (see malunion, nonunion, infected hardware).
Non-Healing Wound
Unlike a typical neurotrophic ulcer from pressure, wound healing complication in Charcot reconstruction may be subject to a larger problem. Assessing causes of the wound healing complication is necessary before management. Infection, hematoma, lack of biology, and extensive trauma from surgery can all lead to such a complication.
After adjusting for covariates (age, gender, race, BMI, any comorbidity, glycated hemoglobin, and serum glucose), Humphers et al. found that the significant factors associated with postoperative wound healing complication among the diabetics were elevated glycated hemoglobin and the presence of more than one comorbidity. With each % of glycated hemoglobin, the odds of wound healing complication increased by a factor of 1.28. On the other hand, the presence of any comorbidity increased the odds of the complication by a factor of 1.97. Within the comorbidities, neuropathy, high BMI, and smoking history were the ones associated with wound healing complication.
For orthopedic trauma , it has been demonstrated that obesity is a risk factor for wound healing complication [36–41]. Increased tension on the fascial edges at the time of closure with associated increased tissue pressure may reduce microperfusion and oxygen to cause surgical dehiscence [42, 43]. Hematoma and seroma formation are also more common in obese patients and can result in decreased tissue oxygenation and delayed healing [44].
The impact of smoking on wound healing complications has been well studied. Adverse effects of smoking on wound healing include: a temporary reduction in tissue perfusion and oxygenation, impairment of inflammatory cell functions and oxidative bactericidal mechanisms, and attenuation of reparative cell functions including synthesis and deposition of collagen [45]. Smoking cessation therefore is important prior to any revision surgeries. Initiation of smoking cession program 4 weeks prior to elective surgery has been shown to reduce postoperative complications significantly [59]. However, immediate postoperative cessation in orthopedic trauma did not show clinically significantly detectable benefits [60].
While a long-term glycemic control, measured in glycated hemoglobin, have obvious benefit in wound healing, tight management of perioperative serum glucose level may not. While in general perioperative serum glucose control has been believed to be an important factor [1, 2, 7, 13, 17, 23, 25–28], it did not have any statistically significant association with postoperative wound healing complication in foot and ankle procedures [35]. In addition, perioperative serum glucose level can significantly fluctuate. While some literature support tight perioperative glycemic control [29, 30], it remains a controversial topic, as a randomized trial did not demonstrate any added benefit [31].
Nutrient supplementation may be also beneficial in this patient group. Multivitamins, protein, and immune-enhancing supplementation are suggested to be effective [61–70]. Optimizing nutritional requirement is needed prior to considering surgical management.
Besides biology of the patient, biomechanics, ill-fitting brace/shoe, and infection (see osteomyelitis) can be responsible for non-healing open wounds. If available, pedobarograph is useful in assessing the degree and location of the planter pressure (Fig. 24.20). Without significant focal pressure present in the pedobarograph, one can deduce that the cause of the open wound can be due to lack of biology, compliance, or underlying infection.

Fig. 24.20
(a) The pedobarograph shows an obvious increase in plantar calcaneal pressure in this patient with a plantar heel ulcer secondary to overlengthening of the Achilles tendon. (b) After flexor hallucis longus tendon transfer, the plantar pressure is reduced and the ulcer is healed
Conservatively, these open wounds can be treated with any advanced wound care modalities; however, in many situations, aggressive off-loading may be necessary in this population. Off-loading can be achieved by reducing both focal pressure and activity level. Therefore, a cumbersome total contact cast, rather than off-loading boots or shoes, is more effective in healing wounds, as it also reduces the activity level significantly [71].
Though many of the focal pressures can be accommodated with a brace or shoes, some do not respond to orthotic management. Exostectomy or planing should be attempted if indicated prior to considering reconstructive surgery. With a general rule, a rigid Charcot foot is more manageable with exostectomy or planing (Fig. 24.21), while more flexible Charcot foot can result in further collapse. Ligamentous structures, which stabilize osseous structures, are often disrupted even with a simple exostectomy (Fig. 24.22). Simultaneous internal or external fixation without arthrodesis may be considered, but the long-term benefit of this is unclear (Fig. 24.23).

Fig. 24.21
(a) The patient developed a chronic plantar wound secondary to the rocker bottom foot type. (b) This chronic rigid Charcot foot was treated with plantar exostectomy. (c) Though normal foot architecture is not restored, the patient has not needed reconstructive surgery

Fig. 24.22
To reach the bony prominence, plantar soft tissues including ligamentous structures are violated

Fig. 24.23
An acute Charcot dislocation with chronic lateral ankle wound was stabilized without arthrodesis, followed by advanced wound care modalities
It should be reminded that the simple exostectomy could also initiate the viscous inflammatory process and potentially result in a recurrent acute Charcot process. This may propagate the rocker bottom foot and may worsen the biomechanics. Prolonged immobilization, tight glucose control, and possibly the off-label use of bisphosphonates may be helpful to prevent the occurrence of a neuropathic inflammatory process. Off-loading external fixation has been suggested by a few, but the cost utility is unclear in this situation.
Transfer lesions to the forefoot (from plantarflexed forefoot in malunion or under-corrected equinus) or subcalcaneal area (from over correction of equinus) can also be common. Percutaneous osteotomy with or without fixation can raise the corresponding metatarsal bone to off-load the metatarsal head in those with submetatarsal ulceration. A flexor hallucis longus tendon transfer may reduce enough pressure to heal the subcalcaneal lesion (Fig. 24.20).
Definition of malunion may be significantly different in a Charcot population than other foot and ankle conditions. In many Charcot cases, restoration of anatomical architecture of the foot and ankle may not be necessary, practical, or even beneficial. A “plantigrade ” foot is the term often used to describe the final, acceptable result in diabetic Charcot reconstruction. This often means a reasonably functional and “brace-able” foot that can withstand the activities of daily living. The functional foot does not necessarily always provide a propulsive gait.
One of the most important aspects of Charcot reconstruction is to achieve the plantigrade foot without focal pressure points that predispose to future neuropathic ulcerations. Severe malunion may lead to biomechanical problems that result in increased plantar, medial, lateral, and even dorsal pressure in a brace. When underlying arthrodesis is solidly fused, one may want to consider exostectomy, partial resection, or amputation before reconstruction to minimize operative trauma. It is difficult for a patient to go through multiple rehabilitation processes in a short period of time from multiple reconstructive surgeries. Inactivity and deconditioning in these patients significantly affect their mortality and quality of life. A long, thorough discussion with a patient and his/her family is critical before deciding to revise the malunion.
Pain is usually not a symptom from malunion in a neuropathic patient. When painful, there may be an underlying nonunion. In a subtle case, evaluation with a CT scan can aid identifying nonunions.
Malunion can be resulted from a previous poor surgery, infection, progressive deformity before union, and/or newly onset of acute Charcot arthropathy. If the reason is due to progression of deformity before union, then the cause of the delay union should be investigated (see nonunion). If a recurrent acute neuroarthropathy is not resulting in severe deformity, then the patient should be treated conservatively with protected weight-bearing with a total contact cast or complete off-loading with a wheelchair if practical. If the main cause of the nonunion was due to poor previous surgery and the patient is relatively healthy and undisturbed (still possessing adequate vascular supply, non-compromised skin and bone stock), revision reconstructive surgery may be indicated.
Some of those general pearls used for primary Charcot reconstruction can be applied for a revision surgery. However, one needs to remember that neurovascular structure is further compromised, and these patients may be significantly deconditioned from the previous surgery.
Understanding location of previous incisions is extremely important. It can help predict the status of the remaining functional neurovascular structures. These surviving neurovascular structures should be preserved at all cost. Less invasive technique is often needed to preserve those neurovascular supplies (Fig. 24.24).

Fig. 24.24
While the close reduction with external fixation did not reduce the deformity fully, a subsequent minimally invasive open reduction and internal fixation with 3 cm incision over the tarsometatarsal joint, performed after the acute Charcot phase, provided an adequate reduction of the deformity and permanent fixation. Though naviculocuneiform and talonavicular joints were not prepared for arthrodesis, the beaming screw was inserted all the way down to the talus for additional stability
To start planning for a revisional reconstructive surgery , the rearfoot alignment to the leg should be evaluated first. The calcaneus should be directly under the mechanical axis of the lower extremity or slightly lateral to it, as a varus ankle and foot is extremely difficult to brace. In some instances, a simple calcaneal slide osteotomy is enough to shift the center of pressure to relieve the symptoms, such as ulceration or progression of the deformity. Similarly, presence of equinus should also be inspected. Often, these patients have some type of posterior muscle group lengthening procedures in the past. Overlengthening of the previously lengthened posterior soft tissue structures should be avoided, as a excessively dorsiflexed calcaneus is significantly more difficult to manage than equinus.

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