Surgical Rehabilitation of the Tetraplegic Upper Extremity

Muscle strength grade

Muscle function


No active range of motion, no palpable muscle contraction


No active range of motion, palpable muscle contraction only


Reduced active range of motion – not against gravity, no muscle resistance


Full active range of motion, no muscle resistance


Full active range of motion, reduced muscle resistance


Full active range of motion, normal muscle resistance

Table 18.2
International classification of surgery of the hand in tetraplegia – with additional resources for nerve transfers


Spinal cord segment

Possible muscle transfers

Possible axon sources for nerve transfers


≥ C5

No transferable muscle below elbow

Musculocutaneous nerve branches to coracobrachialis and brachialis muscle



Brachioradialis (BR)

Axillary nerve branches to deltoid and teres minor muscles



+ Extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL)

Radial nerve branches to supinator or ECRB muscles



+ Extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB)



+ Pronator teres (PT)



+ Flexor carpi radialis (FCR)



+ Extensor digitorum



+ Extensor pollicis longus



+ Flexor digitorum



No intrinsic hand muscles

10 (X)


  • 2.

    Joint range of motion: Passive joint motion, above all in the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, MCP, and PIP joints, is prerequisite for reconstruction. Tenodesis effect during wrist extension (hand closure) and flexion (hand opening) and joint stability (primarily thumb CMC joint) is preferable but not required for reconstruction.


  • 3.

    Sensibility testing: Sensory examination focuses on cutaneous afferences with a 2-point discrimination of 10 mm or better in the thumb for cutaneous control (Cu); otherwise ocular control (O) is required [10].


  • 4.

    Special aspects: Neuromuscular examination also considers brachial plexus lesions, entrapment neuropathies, spine deformity, thoraco-scapular stability, spasticity, and contractures. Pain and swelling are relative contraindications and need to be treated before surgery [3, 12].


      Therapeutic Options

      Nonoperative Treatment

      Dedicated physiotherapy and occupational therapy including splinting optimize preoperative circumstances and postoperative function. It provides the “other half” of rehabilitation by patient motivation, retraining of transferred tendons, edema control, and contracture prevention and is, besides input from rehab specialists and the patients themselves, essential for successful rehabilitation [3, 13, 14].

      Surgical Treatment

      Indications for Surgery

      Specific requirements must be met preoperatively (Table 18.3).

      Table 18.3
      Preoperative requirements in tetraplegia surgery


      Neurological functional plateau – no further recovery expected


      Emotional stability – accepting the consequences of injuries


      Realistic expectations and postoperative goals


      No open wounds or pressure sores (decubitus), no infections (e.g., bladder)


      Motivation and ability of the patient to cooperate actively in aftertreatment


      Treatment plan based on clinical examination and counseling of the patient


      Available donor muscles (muscle strength grade ≥M4)


      Free passive joint mobility [3, 8, 10, 25]

      Time Management

      The abovementioned conditions are usually achieved after completing the first rehabilitation, yet strict time rules (e.g., no operations before 1 year since injury) are not appropriate. Neurological stability may be achieved after 3–6 months in complete tetraplegia. Early surgery has many advantages, such as faster reintegration. Often, however, financial, family, or work-related problems must be solved first. Notably, a tendon transfer reconstruction remains feasible even decades after SCI. In incomplete SCI, functional recovery takes longer so that treatment plans should be developed only after complete regeneration spasticity control [12].

      Regarding nerve transfers, muscles in SCI can be categorized into:

      1. 1.

        Still functional muscles innervated by the supralesional segment


      2. 2.

        Muscles with damaged anterior horn cells and lower motor neuron denervation


      3. 3.

        Paralyzed muscles innervated by infralesional segment


      The first group represents potential donor nerves; the nerves to the latter two groups are potential recipients. Early surgery (within 1 year) is critical, as neuromuscular end-plate degeneration makes the denervated muscle refractory to eventual reanimation (after about 2 years). In upper motoneuron lesions, neuromuscular degeneration is slowed which may extend the time window for successful nerve transfers [15, 16].

      Goals of Surgery

      Surgical operations aim at better daily life performance (Table 18.4).

      Table 18.4
      Surgical procedures (excluding nerve transfers) to achieve patients’ ability goals

      Ability goal

      Functional goal


      Stabilizing elbow in space, reaching overhead objects, propelling wheelchair, stabilizing trunk

      Elbow extension

      Reconstruction of triceps function

      Posterior deltoid-triceps


      Use of utensils, hand writing, propelling wheelchair

      Hand closure

      Reconstruction of grip
      Reconstruction of passive key pinch



      CMC 1 arthrodesis

      Reconstruction of active key grip


      CMC I arthrodesis

      Split FPL-EPL tenodesis

      Reconstruction of finger flexion

      ECRL-to-FDP 2–4

      Reaching for objects, e. g., glass, thumb and finger positioning for improved grasp control

      Hand opening

      Reconstruction of thumb and finger extensors
      Passive opening

      CMC I arthrodesis

      EPL to extensor retinaculum attachment
      Active opening

      PT-EDC and EPL/APL
      Thumb stabilization

      ELK procedure, CMC 1 arthrodesis
      Reconstruction of intrinsics

      Zancolli-Lasso tenodesis

      House tenodesis


      Reconstructive algorithms depend on the level of paralysis (Table 18.5).

      Table 18.5
      Surgical algorithms according to International Classification (IC)

      IC group

      Recommended surgical procedure


      Abducted shoulder (anterior deltoid muscle transfer)

      Flexion contracture of the elbow (biceps tendon Z-tenotomy)

      Supinated but not contracted forearm (Zancolli biceps rerouting – check presence of supinator muscle!)

      Fixed supination contracture – osteotomy of radius


      BR-to-ECRB for active wrist extension

      Moberg’s key pinch procedure

      ELK procedure


      BR-to-FPL (active key pinch)

      CMC 1 fusion

      ELK procedure

      EPL tenodesis to dorsal forearm fascia



      ECRL-to-FDP 2–4

      ELK procedure

      House intrinsic procedure

      CMC 1 fusion

      EPL tenodesis



      ECRL-to-FDP 2–4

      ELK procedure

      House intrinsic procedure

      CMC 1 fusion

      EPL tenodesis



      ECRL-to-FDP 2–4

      ELK procedure

      House intrinsic procedure

      CMC 1 fusion

      EPL tenodesis



      ECRL-to-FDP 2–4

      ELK procedure

      House intrinsic procedure

      EDM-to-APB transfer




      ECRL-to-FDP II-IV

      ELK procedure (if required)

      House intrinsic procedure

      EDM-to-APB or EIP-to-APB



      ECRB-activated ADPB

      Opponens plasty (EIP, EDM, FCU)

      Active Zancolli lasso procedure (ECU)

      House intrinsic procedure


      House intrinsic procedure


      Pathological postures (MP joints fixed in hyperextension, lack of any functioning intrinsic muscles, wrist fixed either in flexion or extension, etc.)

      Release of contracted muscles, joint capsules, tendon lengthenings

      Surgical Techniques

      Reconstruction of Elbow Extension

      Elbow extension is critical for overhead activities, weight shifting, and transfers and greatly increases wheelchair propulsion and workspace of the hand by 800 %. Elbow restoration should precede grip reconstructions because:

      • Use of a hand that cannot reach out is limited.

      • Elbow extension stabilizes the trunk in the wheel chair.

      • Stability enables more controlled hand use.

      • Tendon transfer functions (e.g., using brachioradialis) improve with antagonistic elbow extension.

      Procedures to restore triceps function include:

      1. 1.

        Tendon transfer (posterior deltoid-to-triceps or biceps-to-triceps transfer ) [7, 8, 17]


      2. 2.

        Nerve transfer (axillary or musculocutaneous nerve fascicles) [15, 16]


      Posterior deltoid transfer reliably restores triceps function in C5/C6 tetraplegia (Fig. 18.1a, b). Candidates for biceps transfer usually demonstrate intact and functional brachialis and supinator muscles and elbow flexion contracture exceeding approximately 20°. Both techniques are time proven and provide improved arm control useful in many daily activities. Alternatively, triceps reanimation is possible by transferring fascicles of axillary (branches to posterior portion of deltoid or teres minor muscle) or musculocutaneous (brachialis branch) nerve [15, 16].


      Fig. 18.1
      (a) C5–C6 tetraplegic patient demonstrates his restored elbow extension after posterior deltoid-to-triceps reconstructions. (b) After reconstruction of elbow extension by posterior deltoid-to-triceps muscle transfer, the operated arm is immobilized in an arm rest between training sessions in elbow extension and 30° of shoulder abduction to protect the tendon attachment, e.g., from excessive shoulder adduction. Elbow flexion is then increased by 10–15° per week using an adjustable orthosis until full flexion is allowed

      Reconstruction of Forearm Pronation

      Supination contracture due to imbalance between the functional biceps brachii and supinators and weak or paralyzed pronators seriously impairs hand function and increases the risk of gravity-induced wrist extension contracture. Restoration of forearm pronation re-enabling key pinch is possible by:

      1. 1.

        Distal biceps tendon rerouting, if necessary with interosseous membrane release [17]


      2. 2.

        Dorsal brachioradialis transfer during BR-to-FPL transfer to achieve simultaneous thumb flexion and forearm pronation [3]


      3. 3.

        Derotation osteotomy of the radius [18]


      Reconstruction of Wrist Extension

      1. 1.

        BR-to-ECRB tendon transfer

        Reconstruction of active wrist extension is highly important to enable wrist-related tenodesis effect. If wrist extension is absent (IC group 0 and 1), the brachioradialis (only IC group 1) can be transferred onto the ECRB for wrist extension-driven key pinch after additional FPL-to-radius tenodesis (Moberg procedure) [7].


      2. 2.

        Nerve transposition from above the elbow

        If antigravity wrist extension is absent and cannot be restored by tendon transfer because donors lack below elbow (group 0) in C5 tetraplegia, tenodesis grip can be restored by brachialis motor nerve transfer to the ECRL motor branch and FPL-to-radius tenodesis [19].


      Positioning and Stabilization of the Thumb

      Interphalangeal (IP) joint hyperflexion disturbs thumb function if extrinsic flexor function is preserved or reconstructed (e.g., by FPL reanimation) but intrinsic or extrinsic thumb extensors are paralyzed. The EPL-loop-knot (ELK) procedure has advantages compared to FPL split tenodesis or arthrodesis (Fig. 18.2) [20].


      Fig. 18.2
      EPL-loop-knot (ELK) procedure to stabilize the thumb interphalangeal joint and prevent it from hyperextension: The EPL tendon is mobilized and elevated with a hook and then duplicated by forming a loop of the tendon and suturing this loop onto the tendon itself proximally

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