Supportive Devices

Chapter 34 Supportive Devices

34.1 Elastic Supports (Compression Supports)

34.2 Lines

Lines are medical devices that use tubing to infuse fluid, infuse or obtain blood, or monitor hemodynamics. Whereas central lines access a patient’s heart from a peripheral vessel, peripheral lines access the patient’s circulation from a peripheral vessel. Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitors measure the pressure of brain tissue against the skull.1,2 Concerns when treating patients who have these lines are listed below.

A critical concern when treating patients is the dislodgment of IV lines or catheters because it can lead to a fatal air embolism. See Philips and Lee (1990),3 Zafonte et al (1996),4 and an Ohio lawsuit5 below.

Jun 22, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Supportive Devices

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