Spine Trauma

Fig. 9.1
Spinal anatomy. (a) Top image: lumbar spine anatomy. (b) Lower image: upper cervical spine anatomy


Fig. 9.2
Spinal nerve. (a) Top image: lumbar spine roots exiting below the pedicle of their respective vertebral body. (b) Lower image: cervical spine nerve roots exiting above the pedicle of their respective vertebral body

Spine Trauma Overview


Injuries to the spine are most commonly secondary to high-energy trauma in the young but secondary to low energy forces, with minimal or even no trauma, in the elderly. In the cervical spine, injuries occur in 2–3 % of all patients who sustain blunt trauma [3]. Injuries are more common at the upper cervical region compared to the subaxial cervical spine with injuries most commonly secondary to high-energy trauma such as motor vehicle accidents or falls from height in the young as opposed to low-velocity falls in the elderly [47]. At the thoracic and lumbar spine, most isolated fractures are related to osteoporosis and involve minimal trauma. Osteoporosis leads to approximately 750,000 vertebral fractures each year in the United States [8]. Conversely, only about 15,000 thoracic or lumbar fractures related to trauma are reported annually [9].

Most spine fractures occur at the thoracic and lumbar regions, accounting for more than half of all spinal injuries in trauma victims with 60 % of those fractures occurring between the T11 and L2 vertebral levels [1012]. Although spinal cord injury is exceptionally rare with osteoporotic fractures, neurologic injury occurs in one-fourth of traumatic thoracic and lumbar fractures [12]. Overall, neurologic injury following thoracic or lumbar trauma is 3 % [12]. This rate is significantly lower than the rate of spinal cord injury after cervical spine fractures as spinal cord injury after cervical trauma accounts for 65 % of all traumatic spinal cord injuries [13].

The presence of a spinal cord injury dramatically affects a patient’s mortality risk and his ultimate function and quality of life. For patients with a spinal cord injury, the overall mortality during the initial hospitalization was 17 % based on a study in the early 1980s, but more recently, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center estimates the mortality of traumatic spinal cord injury to be 2.6 % [1, 14]. However, some have suggested that the number is actually closer to 5–10 % [15].

Initial Care

The goal of any intervention following spine trauma is to achieve spinal stability. White and Panjabi describe clinical spinal stability as the “ability of the spine under physiologic loads to limit patterns of displacement so as not to damage or irritate the spinal cord or nerve roots and, in addition, to prevent incapacitating deformity or pain caused by structural changes” [16].

Any patient who has sustained a high-energy trauma should be assumed to have a spine injury until proven otherwise. In fact, at least 6 % of all trauma patients sustain a spine injury [1]. As a general rule, all trauma patients need to be fully investigated for spinal injury. Before proceeding with any intervention in the trauma setting, establishing the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) and applying the Advanced Trauma Life Support protocols are paramount. Field management of trauma victims requires vigilance for the possibility of an unstable spinal injury until spinal injury is definitively excluded or treated. Proper extrication of the patient and immobilization of the cervical spine at the accident scene are critical to avoid further neurologic injury [17]. The head and the neck need to be aligned with the long axis of the trunk and immobilized in this position with the use of a cervical collar, sandbags, tape, and spine board. Cervical extension should be avoided because it narrows the spinal canal more than flexion [18]. Logrolling precautions must be maintained, although logrolling has been shown to allow some degree of motion at the spinal injury site [19].

As part of the initial evaluation of ABCs, assessment of vital signs including blood pressure and heart rate may reveal abnormalities that must be accurately diagnosed to prevent potential catastrophe. Unlike other trauma patients who are more likely to suffer from hemorrhagic shock, patients with spine trauma may instead be in a state of neurogenic shock, which must be distinguished for safe resuscitation (Table 9.1) [20, 21]. Neurogenic shock results from a loss of sympathetic outflow leading to hypotension with simultaneous bradycardia in the face of warm extremities and a normal urine output. It is generally treated with administration of vasopressors (e.g., dopamine), whereas treatment with fluid resuscitation, if confused with hemorrhagic shock, can actually precipitate pulmonary edema. A more favorable neurologic recovery has been found in those whose mean arterial pressure is maintained above 85 mmHg, allowing for adequate perfusion of the cord [22].

Table 9.1
Comparison of neurogenic and hypovolemic shock

Neurogenic shock

Hypovolemic shock


Loss of sympathetic outflow

Loss of circulating blood volume

Blood pressure



Heart rate



Urine output




Warm extremities

Cool extremities

After acute stabilization, other injuries must be assessed. While a primary lesion may be suspected at a particular spinal level, injuries at noncontiguous levels have been reported to occur in as many as 15–20 % of patients [23]. Although cervical spine fractures are unlikely to be associated with an abdominal injury, with a reported rate of 2.6 % of cases, chest and abdominal injuries are commonly identified in patients with thoracic and lumbar fractures [24].

Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination, identifying any potential neurologic deficits, is critical for guiding management. A methodical evaluation of motor and sensory groups for each spine level must be performed (Table 9.2). Based on this examination, an American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) score may be assigned. The ASIA classification is graded from A, complete motor and sensory deficit, to E, completely intact neurologic exam. Distal motor function and sacral sparing are important for prognosis [25]. In fact, even in those who are initially found to have a motor complete lesion, the return of sacral pinprick sensation by 4 weeks post-injury carries an improved prognosis of regaining ambulatory potential [26, 27]. Similarly, pinprick preservation in more than 50 % of the lower extremity dermatomes L2–S1 in the first 72 h of injury is associated with improved prognosis for ambulation [28].

Table 9.2
Myotome and dermatome spine exam






Lateral shoulder/arm



Biceps/wrist extensors

Lateral forearm/thumb and index finger



Triceps/wrist flexors

Middle finger



Hand intrinsics/finger flexors

Ring and little finger/medial forearm


Hand intrinsics/finger abductors

Medial arm/axilla



Upper thigh proximal lateral/distal medial


Quadriceps/hip adductors

Middle thigh proximal lateral/distal medial


Tibialis anterior

Upper thigh laterally crossing knee/medial leg

Patella tendon


Extensor hallucis longus/gluteus medius

Lateral thigh and leg



Posterior thigh/leg

Achilles tendon

Although an ASIA score is given on admission, it is reassessed and rescored with each successive exam. The score may also be lower secondary to spinal shock [28]. Spinal shock occurs when the physical energy of the inciting trauma causes immediate depolarization of axonal membranes in the neural tissue, resulting in a functional neurologic deficit that exceeds the actual tissue disruption. Spinal shock may be related to depolarization of the entire cord. Spinal reflexes caudal to the injury are depressed. Typically, the effects of spinal shock resolve within 24 h, but some effects, such as return of deep tendon reflexes, may take weeks or even months [28]. Unfortunately, the delayed plantar reflex, the first sign of emergence from spinal shock, is present only transiently and can easily be missed. The return of other reflexes, such as the bulbocavernosus, cremasteric, or anal wink, may take several more days to return.

Neurologic Injury

Spinal cord injuries may be either complete or incomplete. Complete injuries affect motor and sensation below the level of the injury such that no function exists. Incomplete injuries are more varied (Table 9.3). The most common site of spinal cord injury is the cervical region, accounting for 50–64 % of traumatic spinal cord injuries, with incomplete injuries outnumbering complete ones by nearly a 2:1 ratio [13, 14]. Approximately 41 % of the patients with an acute spinal cord injury have a complete injury on initial evaluation [13].

Table 9.3
Incomplete spinal cord injuries




Central cord

Incomplete cervical white matter injury

Cervical injury with sacral sparing and greater weakness in arms > legs; usually from hyperextension injury

Anterior cord

Anterior gray matter, descending corticospinal motor tract, and spinothalamic tract injury with preservation of dorsal columns

Causes loss of pain and temperature sensation with preserved proprioception; usually from vascular insult to cord

Posterior cord

Posterior white matter and ascending gracile and cuneate fascicule

Causes loss of proprioception with preserved pain and temperature sensation


Injury to one lateral half of cord and preservation of contralateral half

Causes ipsilateral weakness and loss of proprioception and contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensibility; most commonly from penetrating trauma

Cauda equina

Injury to the lumbosacral nerve roots within the neural canal

Characterized by saddle anesthesia, bowel/bladder dysfunction, diminished reflexes, weakness, and pain

Conus medullaris

Injury to the sacral conus and lumbar nerve roots

Similar presentation to cauda equina syndrome but weakness and sensory disturbances are rare

Acute management of spinal cord injury is controversial. The results of the third National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Randomized Controlled Trial (NASCIS III) showed that steroid administration begun within 8 h of injury is beneficial. From that trial, the guidelines established are as follows: for injuries within three hours, an initial bolus of 30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone is given followed by 5.4 mg/kg/h infusion over the next 24 h, and if steroids are begun 3–8 h after the injury, the infusion is continued for 48 h [2931]. Some have abandoned steroid administration claiming no benefit and increased pulmonary complications and infections. The decision to administer steroids has largely become a medicolegal one.

Radiographic Evaluation

White and Panjabi state that “the major practical consideration in the determination of clinical instability is the evaluation of the patient’s radiographs” [16]. While determination of spinal stability is more nuanced, accurate and meaningful interpretation of radiographic imaging is still central to diagnosis and helps guide management.

Plain Films

Cervical Spine

Systematic and reproducible evaluations of plain film radiographs are crucial to preventing missed injuries. In the subacute trauma setting, a complete radiographic series of the cervical spine should include a minimum of AP, lateral, and open-mouth odontoid views, with oblique images obtained as necessary. Flexion–extension views in the acute setting are generally deferred as they are often nondiagnostic and may even be dangerous. When in pain, patients may have limited mobility related to muscle spasm, limiting cervical spine motion on dynamic views, leading to false negatives. More concerningly, unsupervised or forceful flexion in a patient with an occult ligamentous injury may precipitate a neurologic injury.

Radiographic assessment should proceed in a proximal to distal fashion beginning with the occipitocervical junction and proceeding distally to the cervicothoracic junction. Plain radiographs may reveal fractures or dislocations at the occipitocervical junction, upper cervical spine or subaxial spine. Fracture characteristics such as displacement and angulation can be measured from plain films and may help dictate management.

Spinal stability may generally be assessed by evaluating for segmental kyphosis or vertebral translation, both of which may indicate compromise of the posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) and instability [16].

In the subaxial cervical spine, plain radiographs or CT scans can be used to screen for injuries, but it is absolutely necessary to fully visualize the cervicothoracic junction. Failure to evaluate this area radiographically represents an incomplete evaluation. When regular lateral films do not reveal the junction, a swimmer’s view, performed by placing one of the patient’s arms above their head and one below, may provide better resolution (Fig. 9.3).


Fig. 9.3
Standard cervical spine radiographs. (a) Open-mouth odontoid view, (b) AP view, (c) lateral view

Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

Standard thoracic and lumbar evaluation includes AP and lateral projection. An AP view may reveal coronal malalignment or interpedicular widening characteristic of lateral displacement of burst fracture fragments, while lateral radiographs may be used to quantify sagittal deformity through measurement of Cobb angles.

As in the cervical spine, instability and posterior ligamentous disruption should be suspected with increased vertebral translation, angulation, or collapse.

In addition to the acute setting, plain imaging is also frequently used to monitor posttreatment follow-up. For example, for stable burst fractures managed with bracing, standing radiographs in the orthosis are obtained to ensure stability and that there is no progression of deformity once the patient is mobilized [32] (Fig. 9.4).


Fig. 9.4
Standard radiographs of lumbar spine. (a) AP view, (b) lateral view

Computed Tomography

Plain radiographs may be limited by soft tissue shadows and preexisting spondylosis, while computed tomography (CT) displays high-resolution imaging of the spinal column that provides more information about the extent of a thoracolumbar injury than radiographs alone. One study found that for thoracolumbar trauma, plain radiographs alone may yield an incorrect diagnosis in as many as 25 % of individuals with burst fractures and underestimate their amount of canal compromise by 20 % [33, 34]. CT allows for more accurate assessment of comminution and perhaps, more importantly, the ability to detect retropulsed bony fragments which may influence treatment options. Because of its greater sensitivity and efficiency, a single helical CT scan has been shown to be preferable to a series of plain radiographs for screening polytrauma patients who may have spinal injuries [35].


Cervical Spine

If there are no contraindications, an MRI scan is obtained in cases of cervical spine trauma when any of the following criteria are met: (1) the patient presents with a neurologic deficit; (2) the integrity of the PLC is unclear, and injury to this structure would have a direct influence on treatment, such as determining the need for surgery; and (3) the patient presents with a facet dislocation where there is concern regarding disk herniation into the spinal canal that may prevent safe reduction and cause difficulty in deciding on the correct approach for surgical intervention. T2-weighted images provide the best initial MRI review of cervical trauma. These studies have a so-called myelography effect, in that the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is bright and the discoligamentous structures are relatively dark or isointense. T2-weighted images may demonstrate increased signal within the disk, facet capsules, or posterior interspinous process region, indicative of edema or frank disruption.

Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the “gold standard” technique for visualizing soft tissue injuries associated with thoracolumbar fractures including disk herniation, epidural hematoma, ligamentous injury, or intrasubstance injury to the spinal cord itself. In the thoracolumbar region, integrity of the PLC is crucial for determining stability, and MRI is the optimal modality for discernment [36]. On sagittal views of the spine, any edema involving the posterior supporting structures may be interpreted as a sign of a traumatic insult to the PLC, and the presence of a discrete stripe of fluid extending through these tissues on fat-suppressed T2-weighted images is indicative of a frank disruption of the posterior tension band (Fig. 9.5).


Fig. 9.5
MRI of lumbar spine. L3 Chance fracture with edema between L2 and L3 spinous processes suggestive of a PLC injury

C-Spine Clearance

To reduce routine cervical spine imaging in trauma patients, two competing prediction rules have been developed and validated: the National Emergency X-ray Utilization Study (NEXUS) criteria (Fig. 9.6b) and the Canadian C-spine Rule (Fig. 9.6a) [37, 38]. The Canadian C-spine injury prediction rules have better sensitivity and specificity and reduce unnecessary imaging to a greater extent, but they are more complex to apply routinely [3739]. Applying the Canadian C-spine Rules in the field may prevent 38 % of out-of-hospital spine immobilizations [40]. Many centers use these guidelines to help clear the cervical spine, and if the patient meets the NEXUS criteria or Canadian rules, then the cervical collar is removed.


Fig. 9.6
(a) Canadian and (b) NEXUS criteria for traumatic cervical spine imaging and cervical collar clearance (From Stiell et al. [38] and Hoffman et al. [37], respectively)

Cervical Spine Injuries

The cervical spine is injured in about 2–3 % of all patients sustaining blunt trauma, and about two-thirds of those patients sustain injuries to the subaxial spine, with fracture of C7 or dislocation at C7–T1 accounting for almost 17 % of all injuries [41, 42]. In addition to the usual anatomy shared with the rest of the spine (i.e., anterior and posterior bony elements, intervertebral disks, joint capsules, ligaments), the cervical spine also houses the vertebral arteries in the transverse foramen (usually from C1 to C6).

The unique anatomy of the upper cervical spine, i.e., the atlas and the axis, lends it to unique fracture patterns (Table 9.4).

Table 9.4
Summary of upper cervical injury characteristics and treatments




Occipital condyle fracture

Types I–III depending on stability

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