Spinal Column Infections
Arya Varthi, MD
Comron Saifi, MD
Peter G. Whang, MD, FACS
Dr. Saifi or an immediate family member has stock or stock options held in Gilead, Novartis, and Vertera. Dr. Whang or an immediate family member is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of DePuy, A Johnson & Johnson Company, Medtronic, SI-BONE, and Stryker; serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Bio2, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Histogenics, Life Spine, Medtronic, Orthofix, Inc., Pacira, Paradigm Spine, Relievant, SI BONE, Simplify Medical, and Stryker; serves as an unpaid consultant to DiFusion and SAIL Fusion; has stock or stock options held in DiFusion and SAIL Fusion; and has received research or institutional support from Bioventus, SI BONE, and Spinal Kinetics. Neither Dr. Varthi nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this chapter.
Spinal infections are a common problem that often causes significant morbidity and mortality in affected individuals. When left untreated, spinal infections can cause mechanical instability and possible neurologic compromise. There are a variety of different spinal infections, including osteomyelitis, diskitis, spinal epidural abscess, spinal tuberculosis, and postoperative spinal infections.
Keywords: diskitis; epidural abscess; osteomyelitis; tuberculosis
Osteomyelitis represents an infection of the osseous spinal column. Osteomyelitis almost always affects the anterior spinal column and rarely involves the posterior elements.1 Diskitis is an infection of the disk space between vertebral bodies.1 The intervertebral disk has limited blood supply, with the majority of nutrient delivery occurring via diffusion from the vertebral body.1 Therefore, for an infection to invade the disk space, it usually originates from the vertebral body.1
Osteomyelitis/diskitis are common conditions that can cause significant morbidity and mortality if left untreated. The incidence of osteomyelitis of the spine is 2.2/100,000 people.2 There are several risk factors for osteomyelitis of the spine, many of which are similar to the risk factors for osteomyelitis of long bones. These include diabetes, smoking, immunocompromise secondary to infections such as HIV or hepatitis C, infections in other parts of the body, previous spine surgery, and skin compromise.1
Mylona et al performed a systematic review of 14 studies with a total 1,008 total patients suffering from pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis (PVO).3 The authors found that the median age of patients with PVO was 59 years.3 There was a male predominance (62%) of affected individuals.3 In terms of medical comorbidities, 24% of the patients had diabetes mellitus and 11% of the patients used intravenous drugs.3 The lumbar vertebrae were affected in 59% of patients, followed by the thoracic vertebrae in 30% of patients and the cervical vertebrae in 11% of patients3 (Figure 1).
The pathogenesis of spinal osteomyelitis/diskitis involves either direct inoculation of the spinal column or hematogenous spread from another organ site.4 Hematogenous spread is more common than direct inoculation and accounts for the majority of cases of osteomyelitis/diskitis.1,4 The multiple and redundant sources of vascularity to the spinal column provide a ready avenue for bacterial pathogens to seed vertebrae.1 Direct inoculation of the spinal column can occur secondary to skin compromise. For example, patients with chronic sacral decubitus ulcers are at risk for vertebral osteomyelitis because of exposure of the bony sacrum to the environment.5 Direct inoculation of the spinal column can also occur in patients undergoing spinal surgery or spinal procedures (epidural injection, diskography, etc), because
of iatrogenic contamination of the surgical site.1 Once a vertebral body is inoculated with a bacterial pathogen, the pathogen may spread to the adjacent disk space via diffusion and cause diskitis.
of iatrogenic contamination of the surgical site.1 Once a vertebral body is inoculated with a bacterial pathogen, the pathogen may spread to the adjacent disk space via diffusion and cause diskitis.
The most common source of bacterial osteomyelitis/diskitis is Staphylococcus aureus. In the previously mentioned systematic review of 1,008 patients with PVO, S aureus was the most frequently found organism, with the next most common pathogen being another gram-positive bacterial pathogen, Streptococcus.2 Gram-negative species are also a frequent source of osteomyelitis. Common gram-negative pathogens include Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia. These organisms are able to inoculate of the spinal column via hematogenous spread.6 Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been described as a common PVO pathogen in patients with intravenous drug abuse.7,8
Park et al compared the outcomes of 313 patients with either MSSA (methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus) or gram-negative hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis.9 The authors found that gram-negative bacteria accounted for 20.8% of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis cases over the 7-year study period and that clinical outcomes such as in-hospital mortality and recurrence rate were similar between the two groups.9 Patients with gram-negative organisms had decreased recurrence rates (2.1%) if antibiotics were given for over 8 weeks, compared with antibiotics given for 4 to 6 weeks (40.0%) or 6 to 8 weeks (33.3%).9
Patients with osteomyelitis/diskitis of the spine often have an indolent clinical course in which low-grade back pain increases in severity over several weeks to months.3 Back pain is the most common presenting report, followed by fever.10 Although many patients with osteomyelitis/diskitis do not present with neurologic deficit,3 in the previously described systematic review by Mylona et al, 34% of patients presented with some type of neurologic issue, ranging from radiculopathy to urinary incontinence. As the pyogenic infection spreads, it can cause neurologic compromise secondary to bony retropulsion or extension into the epidural space, causing an epidural abscess. In both of these settings, resultant central or foraminal stenosis can result in neurologic deficits.
Bloodwork can show a normal or elevated white blood cell count.1 Patients will have an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) secondary to the inflammatory response that the body mounts to counter the osteomyelitis/diskitis infection.1 Blood cultures should be obtained to assess for disseminated infection and identification of microbial pathogen.1
Radiographic examination of patients with osteomyelitis of the spine usually demonstrates changes in the architecture of the vertebral body, such as scalloping of end plates and sclerosis of the subchondral bone.1 Changes in the osteology of the posterior elements of the
spine are rarely seen because of the predilection of infectious pathogens for the vertebral body.1 Radiographic changes in the vertebrae usually take several weeks to develop and may not be seen in a patient with acute vertebral osteomyelitis.1 In patients with chronic osteomyelitis, loss of bone commonly causes focal kyphosis. Standing full-length scoliosis radiographs can be obtained to assess sagittal spinal alignment in greater detail.1
spine are rarely seen because of the predilection of infectious pathogens for the vertebral body.1 Radiographic changes in the vertebrae usually take several weeks to develop and may not be seen in a patient with acute vertebral osteomyelitis.1 In patients with chronic osteomyelitis, loss of bone commonly causes focal kyphosis. Standing full-length scoliosis radiographs can be obtained to assess sagittal spinal alignment in greater detail.1
Noncontrast CT scan of the affected part of the spine is commonly performed and can show the above bony morphologic changes in greater detail.1 Bony retropulsion into the spinal canal, subchondral sclerosis, erosion of the vertebral end plates as well as other bony changes secondary to vertebral osteomyelitis/diskitis are better delineated with CT scan imaging than with MRI.1 CT-guided bone biopsy can be performed to obtain a sample of the affected vertebral body to allow for guidance of antibiotic therapy.1
MRI of the affected area of the spine with and without gadolinium contrast allows for detailed imaging of the soft-tissue structures of the spine and should be obtained in all patients with suspected osteomyelitis of the spine.1 This imaging modality allows the clinician to assess for local spread of the infection, the development of epidural abscess/diskitis, and the chronicity of the infectious process.1 On T1-weighted imaging, a patient with vertebral osteomyelitis/diskitis will have hypointense signal at the affected end plate and disk. Meanwhile, T2-weighted imaging will demonstrate hyperintense signal in the vertebral body and disk space.1 If the infectious process has spread to the spinal canal, MRI will also demonstrate any associated epidural phlegmon or epidural abscess.1 The addition of gadolinium contrast allows for improved visualization of the infectious process, as the contrast will be taken up at the site of the infection, providing increased visualization of the boundaries of the infection.1
Isolated vertebral osteomyelitis/diskitis in a patient without neurologic deficit can be treated initially with nonsurgical management. Typical nonsurgical treatment regimens consist of intravenous antibiotics and mobilization of the affected patient. To maximize the efficacy of antibiotics, an organism should be identified to allow for appropriate targeting of antimicrobial therapy. Blood cultures that are obtained before the initiation of antibiotics can help identify an organism. CT-guided bone biopsy is commonly used for obtaining a sample of the affected vertebrae. The efficacy of this treatment modality is controversial. Sehn et al studied 323 patients with possible PVO who underwent image-guided biopsy of the vertebral body. The authors found that among 92 patients who had a high suspicion for infection before the biopsy based upon imaging and clinical data, the biopsy was positive for a bacterial pathogen 30.4% of the time.11 In patients with intermediate and low prebiopsy probability of infection, the biopsy was positive in 16.1% and 5.0% of cases, respectively.11
If a patient with suspected PVO has a negative CT-guided bone biopsy, the next step would commonly be to repeat the biopsy.12 Gras et al12 assessed 136 patients with suspected PVO and found that patients who underwent one biopsy only had a pathogen identified 44.1% of the time, whereas patients who underwent an additional biopsy if the first one was negative had a pathogen identified 79.6% of the time. The authors concluded that obtaining a second biopsy if the first biopsy is negative is a reasonable treatment strategy.
Consultation with infectious disease physicians regarding the length and choice of antibiotics should be performed. Typically, intravenous antibiotics are administered for at least 6 weeks with subsequent transition to PO antibiotics.1 Throughout this time course there should be tracking of WBC, ESR, CRP to monitor the patient’s response to the treatment. For non-MRSA gram-positive infections, IV cefazolin is a commonly used antibiotic, whereas IV vancomycin remains the most common antibiotic for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) osteomyelitis.10
Bracing treatment is typically performed for patients with osteomyelitis/diskitis as the architectural integrity of the spinal column is compromised from the infectious process, and external bracing treatment is thought to provide additional stability to the spinal column.1 The specific bracing treatment regimen depends on the level of the vertebral osteomyelitis. For lumbar osteomyelitis, a lumbosacral orthosis is commonly used, whereas for thoracic osteomyelitis a thoracolumbar orthosis or Jewett extension brace can be employed.1 Bracing treatment has the theoretical benefit of providing external support to the weakened vertebral column although long-term studies have not been performed to demonstrate the added benefit of bracing treatment in patients with vertebral osteomyelitis.
Surgical treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis is commonly performed for a wide spectrum of reasons. Patients who are surgical candidates include those whose infection progresses despite nonsurgical treatment, those who develop associated epidural abscesses/diskitis, those who develop neurologic deficit, and those who develop bony instability of the spinal column or significant kyphotic deformity.1 The goals of surgical
treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis are débridement of the infectious pathology, preservation of neurologic function, and stabilization of the spinal column. Secondary goals include the correction of any sagittal or coronal plane deformities caused by the infectious process.1
treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis are débridement of the infectious pathology, preservation of neurologic function, and stabilization of the spinal column. Secondary goals include the correction of any sagittal or coronal plane deformities caused by the infectious process.1
Because vertebral osteomyelitis affects the vertebral body, resection of the infectious process often requires subtotal or total corpectomy with reconstruction of the bony defect with autograft, allograft, or cage placement.1 This can be accomplished through a variety of anterior, lateral, and posterior surgical approaches depending on the level of pathology.1 Pedicle screw instrumentation is typically performed to stabilize at least two levels above and below the affected level.1 If there is a concomitant epidural abscess, a laminectomy can be performed to evacuate the epidural infectious collection.1
Dragsted et al performed a retrospective review of 65 patients diagnosed with osteomyelitis/diskitis related to recent spinal surgery.13 The authors followed up the patients for a median follow-up of 2 years and found that the overall 1-year mortality rate was 6%.13 Preoperative neurologic impairment was present in 36% of patients and at final follow-up the authors noted that patients with osteomyelitis/diskitis had significantly lower quality of life scores, as measured by EuroQol 5-dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) relative to unaffected individuals.13 Meanwhile, in a retrospective cohort analysis of 1,505 Danish individuals with osteomyelitis/diskitis who were alive 1 year after initial diagnosis and were sex/age matched with unaffected people, Aagaard et al14 found that osteomyelitis/diskitis patients had a 1.47 mortality rate ratio relative to the affected individuals.
Spinal Epidural Abscess
Spinal epidural abscess (SEA) is a serious condition with high morbidity and mortality if left untreated.1 It represents an infection that is inside the spinal canal in the epidural space.1 The close proximity of the infectious material to the neural elements can lead to devastating complications such as quadriparesis and paraparesis.1,15 The incidence of SEA is estimated to be 2 to 5/10,000 hospital admissions.15,16,17 The most common age for SEA is 50 to 70 years, and males are more frequently affected than females.16 SEA is uncommon in the pediatric population.16
There are several lifestyle and medical risk factors for SEA. Intravenous drug use has been shown in multiple studies to be a significant risk factor for SEA.15 Additionally, recent trauma and alcohol use have been shown to increase the risk of SEA.18 Patients who have undergone a recent spinal epidural or facet injection or spine surgery are at risk for SEA secondary to direct bacterial inoculation of the spinal column.18 Medical comorbidities that cause immunocompromise, such as diabetes and HIV, also place patients at elevated risk for SEA.18
S aureus is the most common bacterial pathogen that causes SEA.18 Both MSSA and MRSA SEA can occur, with MSSA SEA being the most common SEA pathogen in several studies.18 Less frequent sources of bacterial SEA include coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, Streptococcus species and gram-negative bacteria.18
In a recent review of 128 patients with SEA, the most common location of SEA was the lumbar spine (54.7%) followed by the thoracic spine (39.1%), and the most common risk factors for SEA were IV drug use (39.1%) and diabetes (21.9%).19 MSSA was the most frequently isolated bacterial pathogen, followed by MRSA (30%).19 Arko et al performed a systematic review of SEA patients treated with medical and surgical management.18 The authors included 12 articles with total of 1,099 patients.18 Similar to the above study, Arko et al determined that the lumbar spine was the most common location of SEA (48%), males were affected more frequently (62.5%), and the most common pathogen was S aureus (63.6%).18
SEA can occur secondary to direct bacterial inoculation of the spinal column or through hematogenous spread of bacterial pathogens.1 Direct inoculation occurs through recent spinal surgery, recent spinal injections, and skin defects close to the spinal column.16 Hematogenous spread occurs when there is a bacterial infection in another part of the body that subsequently spreads via the vascular system to gain access to the spinal column.16 For example, in IV drug users, bacteria can migrate from the needle insertion site to the spinal column via hematogenous spread.1 In a review of all SEA cases that occurred over a 10-year time period at a tertiary care hospital, Vakili et al found that hematogenous spread was the most common source of infection with the second most common route of SEA being recent surgery/procedure.17
SEA causes neurologic dysfunction secondary to spinal cord ischemia.15 Ischemia can occur secondary to the mass effect that the infectious collection exerts on the spinal cord or because of bacterial occlusion of local vasculature, which also results in cord ischemia.15 Commonly, ventral SEA occurs secondary to contiguous spread of bacterial pathogens from osteomyelitis/diskitis, whereas dorsal SEA is more likely to be a de-novo process.1