




  20% (1%–67% depending on studies) in the general population

  1% of adults have disabling shoulder pain (in the United Kingdom; it may vary depending on the definition) (1)

  More common in women, middle-aged and elderly, smokers, those with previous trauma, and wheelchair users

  Common in 50- to 56-year-olds (may be due to normal aging process of the rotator cuff) and in 12- to 18-year-olds (possibly due to computer and mouse use)



  Varies, 3% to 8% in athletes overall and up to 60% in overhead throwing sports, swimming, or volleyball

  Shoulder: most injured body part in swimmers, third most common (MC) injured area in volleyball players

  Increases with the level of activity and competition (3)

  Signs suggestive of impingement syndrome and instability: very common among athletes

Risk factors

  Overuse/trauma, abundant soft tissue, sports requiring precise neuromuscular coordination

  SICK scapula syndrome: scapular malposition, inferior medial border prominence, coracoid pain/malposition and scapular dyskinesia (SICK), more common in overhead athletes (4)

  Tendon overuse, instability, and trauma in younger athletes versus degenerative changes: mainly in older athletes



  Common in the workplace, but less commonly caused by work (13% of all shoulder problems presenting to primary care providers are work related)

Risk factors

  High risk for shoulder problems: workers using upper limbs. For example, welders, musicians, sign and brick layers, and workers with pneumatic tools

  Increasing shoulder-related disorders in those who work with computers; especially in younger population

  No readily identifiable cause

Workplace modifications

  No effective ergonomic approaches focusing on primary prevention of shoulder pain at work

  Early return to work likely to have best chance of good vocational outcome



Surface anatomy   (Figure 3.1)

  Anterior and lateral

    image  Coracoid process: 1 inch below the clavicle (at the junction of middle and lateral thirds)

    image  Greater tuberosity of humerus: same coronal plane as the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, lesser tuberosity; anteromedial to greater tuberosity (expose with external rotation)


    image  Spine of scapular medially (at T3: root of the spine of scapular), superior angle: T2, inferior border of scapular: T7 level, medial border of scapular depending on the protraction and retraction; about 2 to 3 inches in anatomic position (from midline at T3)

  Superiorly: acromioclavicular (AC) joint



Surface anatomy of the shoulder (A) anterior and (B) posterior aspect of the shoulder region.



Differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal shoulder pain.





Subacromial space (1 in Figure 3.2)

Subacromial impingement syndrome

  Subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis: constant shoulder pain and night pain

  Rotator cuff (supra/infraspinatus) tendinopathy/tear: pain with movement (rather than constant). Calcific tendinitis: can be severe, constant temporarily


Acromioclavicular joint (3 in Figure 3.2)

Degenerative, trauma, distal clavicular osteolysis, and infection

Sup. labrum/supraglenoid tubercle

Superior labral tear from anterior to posterior (SLAP): often asymptomatic


Bicipital groove (2 in Figure 3.2)

Bicipital tendinitis and biceps tendon subluxation and tear

  Location of tenderness (on bicipital groove) changes with external/internal rotation

Coracoid process/subcoracoid space

Subcoracoid impingement syndrome Pain/tenderness immediately lateral to coracoid process


Tear, tendinosis, subscapularis bursitis

  Pain on resisted internal rotation (often not specific)


Sternoclavicular joint (5 in Figure 3.2)

Degenerative changes (6), trauma, or infection

  Pain on the joint with shoulder movement (especially cross-arm adduction)


Posterior edge of the acromion (6 in Figure 3.2)

Shoulder impingement; external (subacromial bursitis)

Internal impingement between humeral head and glenoid

Rotator cuff (infraspinatus) tendinitis/tear, calcific tendinopathy

Posterior subluxation of glenohumeral joint; often asymptomatic

Medial scapular border

Myofascial pain syndrome of rhomboids, trapezius

Scapulothoracic bursitis

Suprascapular notch (7 in Figure 3.2)

Suprascapular N entrapment at suprascapular notch: both supra and infraspinatus muscles involved

  Spinoglenoid notch: infraspinatus muscle atrophy (often without pain)

Poorly localized

Glenohumeral joint (4 in Figure 3.2)

Adhesive capsulitis (often diffuse, poorly localized pain), glenohumeral arthritis (OA, inflammatory arthropathy), osteonecrosis, glenoid labral tears, and fracture

Quadrilateral space (8 in Figure 3.2)

Axillary nerve entrapment (7)

MSK, musculoskeletal; OA, osteoarthritis.




Bony anatomy of the shoulder.


C5, 6 radiculopathy: neck pain more significant than shoulder pain ± sensory (paresthesia, tingling, rarely numbness) and motor symptoms

Brachial amyotrophy: initial severe pain (≥7/10, improved) followed by rapid/significant atrophy and weakness ± persistent sensory symptom

Suprascapular neuropathy: may be isolated atrophy (supra/infraspinatus) ± pain (deep, posterior)

Axillary neuropathy (at quadrilateral space): atrophy (deltoid and teres minor) ± pain (deep)

Mimickers: Myofascial pain syndrome of scapular stabilizer muscle (trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapular etc) with referred pain and cervical facet arthropathy (spondylosis, whiplash, worse with extension/rotation)


  Myofascial pain syndrome of neck (paraspinal/suboccipital) muscles (referred pain)

  Hepatobiliary disease

  Diaphragm irritation and pneumonia (atypical pneumonia), and apical lung tumor

    image  Risk factors: age, smoking, or constitutional signs/symptoms

  Metastasis; consider if + risk factors, for example, elderly smoker

  Coronary artery disease with known cardiovascular (CV) risk factor


Sensory symptoms (Flowchart 3.2)

  Cervical spine disease (radiculopathy, facet arthropathy), brachial plexopathy (diabetic amyotrophy; radiculoplexusneuropathy), suprascapular, axillary neuropathy (positive or negative symptoms), or cerebrovascular accident (CVA; stroke, if + CV risk factors)

  Myofascial pain (with paresthesia, positive sensory, or autonomic symptoms): negative symptoms (numbness) are rare

Motor symptoms

  Weakness and fatigue

  Weakness from MSK disorders: both active and passive range of motion (ROM) involved

    image  Tendon tear/rupture with pain

image  Mild weakness unless multiple tendons and muscles are involved. Supraspinatus; minimal contributor to abduction (compared to deltoid muscle)

image  Two heads of biceps brachii; long and short head. One tendon head rupture does not necessarily cause significant weakness

    image  Isolated weakness without pain (or minimal pain): decreased ROM presents



Differential diagnosis of neuropathic shoulder pain.

image  Adhesive capsulitis (after initial painful stage, decreased range of motion prominent), massive rotator cuff tear, and joint deformity with contracture

image  Osteoarthritis with decreased ROM: global decrease, including external rotation (less severe than adhesive capsulitis)

  Neuromuscular disorders: passive ROM intact unless secondary contracture/stiffness or concomitant MSK lesions exist

    image  Lower motor neuron disease: cervical (C5–6) radiculopathy, brachial plexopathy, axillary neuropathy, suprascapular neuropathy, rarely motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS], spinal muscular atrophy)

image  Significant weakness and atrophy present

    image  Upper motor neuron disease: stroke, brain lesion (tumor, inflammation, infection, vascular), cervical myelopathy (distal part of extremity than proximal part, inflammatory; multiple sclerosis [MS], tumor, infection, vascular, and idiopathic), ALS

    image  Muscle disease: minimal sensory symptoms although concomitant lesions or pain (myalgia) can occur with weakness

image  Hereditary (facioscapulohumeral muscular [FSH] dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy) and acquired (polymyositis, dermatomyositis, necrotizing myopathy, etc)

image  Polymyalgia rheumatica: older adults, usually bilateral, with myalgia

  Psychogenic: distraction results in inconsistent findings


Differential diagnosis based on location (9–11)

  Scapulothoracic articulation (posterior)

    image  Scapulothoracic dyskinesia with scapulothoracic bursitis, muscle atrophy (from nerve injury or disuse)

    image  Rotator cuff tendinopathy, tear, and glenohumeral (GH) joint pathology (labral tear, loose body)

    image  Bony abnormalities

image  Structural spinal deformities (including scoliosis and thoracic kyphosis)

image  Luschka tubercle (6%, a hook-shaped prominence on superomedial angle of scapula)

image  Tumor (including osteochondromas of the rib and scapula; MC benign tumor of the scapulae)

image  Healing fractures of ribs or scapulae with bony angulation or exuberant callus

    image  Tuberculosis, syphilitic lesions

  Anterior snapping (12)

    image  GH instability

    image  Labral tears and intra-articular (IA) loose body (GH joint)

    image  Chondral or osteochondral lesions

    image  Bicipital tendon instability and subscapularis tendinopathy

    image  Bursopathy: subcoracoid bursitis and calcific bursitis


Differential diagnosis based on etiology

  Traumatic: soft tissue (capsule, ligament, tendon/muscle) versus bony (Hill–Sachs or bony Bankart lesion)

  Atraumatic: multidirectional instability, neurological (unbalanced muscle pattern: lower motor neuron disease, muscle disease or upper motor neuron disease), generalized laxity

Differential diagnosis based on location

  Anterior instability: MC (≥95%), violent shoulder external rotation/ abduction, fall on outstretched hand

  Posterior: landing on forward flexed and adducted arm above shoulder level

    image  Often voluntary, associated with posterior Bankart lesion, and capsular laxity





  Head and tuberosity

    image  Anatomic neck (distinction between the tuberosity and humeral head, 6 mm above greater tuberosity)

image  Lost (flattened) in bony impingement (eg, rotator cuff arthropathy)

    image  Neck and shaft inclination: 145° (130–150), angle of inclination

    image  Humeral condyle (distal) and head angle; 30°; angle of torsion

image  Increased angle of torsion in retroversion (with decreased external rotation of GH joint in examination) and decreased in anteversion similar to the hip

image  Clinical implication: positive relationship between increased humeral torsion and recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder

  Bony landmarks (useful for imaging interpretation or MSK ultrasound [US] scanning)

    image  Greater tubercle has three facets for rotator cuff tendons (supraspinatus/infraspinatus/teres minor): from anterior/superior to lateral/inferior: upper, middle, and lower facet

    image  Lesser tubercle: subscapularis

    image  Intertubercular (bicipital) groove: biceps long-head tendon in the groove and distally attachment for tendons from laterally to medially (pectoralis major/latissimus dorsi/ teres major)

    image  Deltoid tubercle for deltoid M insertion anteriorly, posteriorly spiral groove for radial N located in the middle of the humerus

  Vascular supply: (13)

    image  Anterior circumflex artery; lateral to the biceps long-head tendon; avoid during injection to bicipital groove above surgical neck, main supplier to the humeral head (with posterior circumflex A)

image  Cautious of injury during rotator cuff surgery and open reduction


  Suprascapular notch

    image  Suprascapular nerve traverses from anteromedial to posterior-inferior-lateral direction

    image  Variant; ossified suprascapular ligament image suprascapular foramen; vulnerable to develop suprascapular neuropathy; supra and infraspinatus muscles involved

  Spinoglenoid notch; adjacent to the posterior GH joint; cyst/ganglion in the spinoglenoid notch often originating from labral lesion at the posterior GH joint

    image  Isolated infraspinatus muscle involvement

  Scapular tilt: ~30° from coronal plane (lateral side anterior than medial side)

Glenohumeral (GH) Joint

  Glenoid faces posteriorly (~7°) and upward (~5°)

    image  If angle decreased image increased risk of recurrent anterior subluxation/dislocation


    image  Wedge-shaped fibrocartilage rim attached to glenoid fossa

image  Superior and anterosuperior portion: less vascular; may be more vulnerable to pathology

image  Superior: biceps long head (to the supraglenoid tubercle)

image  Inferior GH ligament: attaches to labrum and glenoid

    image  Function: deepens glenoid cavity by 50% (passive stabilizer) and serves as an anchor point (GH ligament and biceps long-head tendon)

  GH ligament

    image  Superior GH ligament: superior labrum near biceps to superior part of lesser tuberosity (rotator cuff interval), resists posterior and inferior translation

    image  Medial GH ligament: most variable, resists anterior translation

    image  Inferior GH ligament: runs mediolaterally from the 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock position and resembles a hammock

image  Primary restraint of anterior-posterior translation in the abducted shoulder (especially 90° ABER [abduction and external rotation])

Acromioclavicular (AC) joint

  A diarthrodial joint with a meniscal homolog (fibrocartilaginous disk: degenerate after 40 years)

  An inherently unstable articulation

  Static stabilizers: AC joint capsule/ligament and the CC ligament (stronger than AC ligament)

    image  AC ligament

image  Prevent horizontal plane motion

image  The ligament inserts an average of ~18 mm medial to the AC joint on the clavicular undersurface

             Aggressive distal clavicle excision (DCE) can destabilize the AC joint and lead to symptomatic posterior impingement against the acromion

    image  The coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments

image  Prevent inferior migration of the scapulohumeral complex relative to the clavicle

image  If the AC ligaments are disrupted, the CC ligaments compensate by providing significant restraint to anteroposterior (AP) displacement

image  Composed of the conoid and the trapezoid ligament

             The conoid ligament: more posterior than trapezoid (important for support against superior displacement)

             The trapezoid origin on the mid-portion of the inferior surface of the clavicle

  The dynamic stabilizers: the deltoid and trapezius muscles

  AC joint innervated by suprascapular, axillary, and lateral pectoral nerve

Sternoclavicular (SC) joint (14)

  Diarthrodial joint, the articular surfaces of the SC joint covered in hyaline cartilage with an interposed fibrocartilaginous disc and highly incongruent



Glenoid cavity of the scapular and glenohumeral stabilizers (view from the anterolateral aspect).

  A “saddle” (convex in the AP plane, concave in the vertical plane) shape in clavicle and smaller convex shape of the manubrium

    image  ROM around the SC joint: nearly freely movable in all planes

image  35° of elevation, 35° of AP motion, 50° of rotation around its long axis

image  30° of rotation with shoulder elevation

  Unstable joint: only half of the medial clavicle articulates with the sternum

    image  Stability by ligament; the capsular ligament, the IA disc ligament, the interclavicular ligament, and the costoclavicular ligament

image  The capsular ligament is composed of anterior and posterior segments (stronger than anterior resisting superior translation of the medial clavicle)

image  The IA disc ligament resists medial displacement with compression

image  The interclavicular ligament resists superior migration of the medial clavicle

image  The costoclavicular ligament (also known as the rhomboid ligament) is the strongest of the SC ligaments

             Consists of anterior and posterior fasciculi with an interposed bursa

             A “twisted” appearance and stability is achieved during rotation and elevation of the distal clavicle

Subacromial/coracoacromial arch space (15)

  Borders of subacromial space

    image  The superior border (the roof): the coracoacromial arch—the acromion, the coracoacromial ligament, and the coracoid process

image  The inferior (the floor): the greater tuberosity of the humerus and the superior aspect of the humeral head

    image  The space between the acromion and the humeral head: 1.0 to 1.5 cm

image  Containing the rotator cuff tendons, the long head of the biceps tendon, the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa, and the coracoacromial ligament

image  The true height of this space is considerably less than that seen on radiographs (soft tissue is not visualized)

    image  The impingement zone: centered on the insertion of the supraspinatus tendon on the greater tuberosity

image  Impingement by the anterior one-third of the acromion, the coracoacromial ligament, and the AC joint rather than by just the lateral aspect of the acromion

Subcoracoid space

  The normal coracohumeral interval, defined as minimal distance between the coracoid process and lesser tuberosity, is in the range of 8.4 to 11 mm

  Involves subscapularis muscle/tendon, subcoracoid bursa and GH joint capsule (16)

  Subcoracoid stenosis: if coracohumeral interval <6 mm. Contribute to subcoracoid impingement syndrome

Rotator cuff interval (17)

  Between inferior edge of the supraspinatus and the superior edge of the subscapularis

    image  Medial: superficial; coracohumeral ligament (CHL), deep; superior GH ligament (SGHL) and joint capsule

    image  Lateral: four layers

image  First layer: superficial CHL fan to subscapularis and supraspinatus tendon

image  Secondary layer: subscapularis and supraspinatus

image  Third layer: deep CHL

image  Fourth layer: SGHL and lateral capsule


    image  Resistance to inferior and posterior translation of the humeral head (especially in flexed, abducted, and external rotated shoulder)

    image  Prevents excessive flexion, extension, adduction, and external rotation

    image  Increases stability of long head of biceps tendon

    image  Limits excessive GH motion

  Clinical implications

    image  Rotator cuff interval (RI) contracture: thickened and fibrotic RI capsule and CHL

image  Adhesive capsulitis: may be significant inflammation on the bursal side of the RI

    image  RI laxity: pain and instability (anterior shoulder instability)



Nerve innervation around the shoulder joint and common entrapment sites (A) posterior aspect and (B) anterior aspect.

NERVE (18)

Sensory innervation of the human shoulder joint and capsule (19; Figure 3.4)

  Ventral: lateral pectoral, subscapular, axillary, and musculocutaneous N

  Dorsal: suprascapular and axillary N

  Suprascapular N

    image  Articular (afferent sensory) branch from CHL, AC ligament and joint, GH joint, and subacromial bursa ± cutaneous branch in proximal lateral arm (5/35 in cadaver study)


Subacromial subdeltoid bursa (20)

  The largest bursa in the body (21)

  Innervated by suprascapular N. posteriorly and lateral pectoral nerve anteriorly

    image  Proprioception and nociception (free nerve endings, A ð and C fibers)

  Contains pressure sensitive Pacinian corpuscles and Ruffini endings (mechanical and pressure sensitive)

  Pain correlates with pro-inflammatory markers, cytokines, and substance P in the bursal tissue (6)

    image  Patients with inflammatory cells: constant shoulder pain and pain at night

    image  Patients without inflammatory cells: pain only with movement

Subcoracoid bursa (22) (Figure 3.2)

  Located under the coracoid process and the conjoint tendon (of the biceps short head and coracobrachialis), superficial to the subscapularis, and minimizes the friction between the coracoid and the subscapularis tendon

  The subcoracoid bursa occasionally communicates with the subacromial bursa

  It merges with the superior subscapularis recess known as subscapularis bursa (under the subscapularis) in ~30%

    image  Minimizes the friction of the superficial fibers of the subscapularis against the coracoid

Other bursae around the scapula (23,24)


Infra-serratus bursa

Between serratus anterior and the chest wall

Inferior angle of scapula

Supra-serratus bursa

Between subscapularis and serratus anterior

Scapulo-trapezial bursa

Between superomedial scapular and trapezius


Superomedial angle of scapula

Infraserratus and supraserraus bursae

Inferior angle of the scapula

Infraserratus bursae

Spine of scapula; trapezius

Between medial spine of scapula and trapezius


  Scapulothoracic bursa: commonly seen in overhead throwing athletes especially bursa at the inferior angle (pitching), weight training, swimming, gymnastics, football, or local trauma

    image  Pain under the scapular, crepitus, grinding, and snapping with/without pain


GH movement

  Humerus on the glenoid of the scapular; rotator cuff muscle with other extrinsic muscles


  Pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi: large muscles to adduct and medially rotate the humerus (compared to the small external rotator. Rationale for external rotator strengthening to balance, target for spasticity management)

  Deltoid: all motion of the shoulder

    image  Flexion: anterior deltoid, extension: posterior, abduction: middle, adduction: ant + post, internal rotation: anterior, external rotation: posterior

Scapulothoracic movement (scapula on the trunk/ribs)








  GH and scapulothoracic joint motion together to achieve the abduction movement

    image  Decreased GH joint movement compensated by excessive scapulothoracic movement: often underrecognized and it can cause secondary myofascial pain in the scapular stabilizer

  Normal shoulder abduction requires scapula rotating upwardly and externally, and tilting posteriorly

    image  Protracted scapular decreases subacromial space by decreased upward rotation and decreased posterior tilt of scapula image promoting impingement syndrome



Scapular plane and angle of torsion.

    image  In GH instability: decreased upward rotation and increased internal rotation of scapula

  Abduction requires external rotation to clear the greater tuberosity from impingement

    image  Decreased external rotation (in GH arthritis and adhesive capsulitis) limit abduction


Decreased distance between humerus and coracoacromial arch

  Supraspinatus tendon tear: elevates the humeral head to the coracoacromial arch (vicious cycle)

  Scapular stabilizer weakness; scapula protracts and depresses the acromion

  Scapular protraction and anterior tilting of the scapular common in impingement syndrome

Peak forces under acromion: occur between 85 and 135° of elevation (≈painful arc sign)

Main area of increased contact: anteroinferior part of the acromion (hooked or curved shape)

  The subacromial space is decreased when the anterior aspect of the acromion is more prominent


  The coracoid process impinges on the superficial surface of the subscapularis tendon, applying a tensile load (stretch) to the deep surface or undersurface of the tendon image tensile undersurface fiber failure


  Sling effect: under the suprascapular ligament

  Scapular protraction and abduction: increased distance between the cervical spine and suprascapular notch (especially if tethering exists)






Rotator cuff muscles: inactive during this phase



Early cocking: deltoid

Late cocking: high torque with supra/infraspinatus/teres minor activation

Anterior subluxation, internal impingement, glenoid labrum lesions

Increased risk with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit


Triceps: early activation

Late muscle activation

  Pectoralis major

  Latissimus dorsi

  Serratus anterior

Shoulder instability

Labral tears

Overuse tendinopathy

Tendon rupture

Release and deceleration

Eccentric contraction of all muscles is required to slow down arm motion

Highest torque phase

Most harmful

Labral tear (especially with biceps anchor, type 2 SLAP lesion)

Subluxation of the long head of the biceps by tearing of the transverse ligament

Lesions of the rotator cuff (teres minor), such as undersurface tears or tensile overload



Labral tear (with biceps anchor, type 2 SLAP lesion)

Abnormal glenohumeral kinematics caused by tight posterior glenohumeral joint structures forcing the humeral head anteriorly and superiorly into the acromial arch during this phase

SLAP, superior labral tear from anterior to posterior.



Six phases of the baseball pitch.


Static stabilizer (see Figure 3.3)

  Position of glenoid: face posteriorly and superiorly (cephalad)

  Joint capsule and negative IA pressure

  Labrum: deepens glenoid by 50%

  GH ligament

    image  Superior, middle, inferior GH ligament

    image  Inferior GH ligament: primary restraint of anterior-­posterior translation in the abducted shoulder (especially 90° ABER)

Dynamic stabilizer (more important)

  Rotator cuff muscles, biceps, triceps, deltoid, and scapular stabilizer

    image  Proprioception by joint capsule

    image  Muscle contraction: dynamic joint constraint (but can be joint dislocator from imbalance)

image  With rotator cuff tear, deltoid during arm elevation: increased joint reaction force to the superior and anterior direction (impingement and anterior instability)




Scapular position

  On seated and standing and inspect scapular positioning after undressing

  Asymmetry of the scapula or prominent medial border and inferior angle: winging of scapula



  Less common causes

    image  Brachial plexus injury: Erb’s palsy (arm internally rotated and adducted, “waiter’s tip”)

    image  Sprengel’s deformity: undescended scapular

  Normal variant: throwing athletes have slight depression of the scapular in the dominant side

Other physical findings

  Scar, ecchymosis, erythema, rashes, deformities, shoulder height, etc

  If spine of scapula is visible; consider possible muscle atrophy of either supra/infraspinatus or trapezius M


    image  Significant atrophy with weakness (in relative short time): consider neuromuscular causes (disuse atrophy in chronic rotator cuff tears, not dramatic)

image  With trauma/acute event: traumatic root avulsion, radiculopathy, brachial plexopathy, suprascapular N injury or other mononeuropathy, and chronic tendon rupture

image  Without trauma: brachial amyotrophy or diabetic/nondiabetic radiculoplexus neuropathy

image  Symmetric atrophy or winging: limb girdle muscular dystrophy, fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, acquired myopathy, and peripheral neuropathy (diabetes [DM] cachexia), etc

image  Asymmetric: DM amyotrophy, cervical radiculopathy, suprascapular neuropathy: infraspinatus atrophy if lesion is at spinoglenoid notch

  Swelling: often difficult to recognize the swelling depending on the body habitus

    image  Often indicated by loss of clear bony landmark in lean person

    image  Joint effusion; usually subtle vs bursal effusion; more prominent, or symptomatic on either impingement position or direct palpation


Bony landmarks

  On sitting with forearm neutral

  Anterior: bicipital groove (often difficult to palpate), lesser tuberosity (subscapularis, externally rotate to expose, orthogonal to the medial epicondyle), and greater tuberosity (supraspinatus insertion, usually same plane with lateral epicondyle)

    image  Internal/external rotation will help to differentiate the tuberosity vs fixed acromion/coracoid

    image  Antero-medial: coracoid process (about an inch below the clavicle)

    image  Anterolateral: supraspinatus insertion

  Superior: AC joint (palpation with gradual flexion or extension of the arm)

    image  Palpate the dislocation and gap of the joint (may be difficult to palpate the gap with effusion and osteophyte; bump)

image  Start palpation from medial one-third of the clavicle

  Posterior: scapular (resting position: medial border; ~3 inches from the midline, superior angle of scapular; second rib and inferior angle; seventh rib), spine of scapula: third thoracic vertebra, GH joint

  Medial: SC joint; clavicle protruded normally

Trigger points

  Look for specific referred pain pattern (see Figure 2.3 in Neck section)


Normal and functional ROM (31) (see following table)


Apley “Scratch test”

   Abduction and external rotation (ABER) to reach opposite scapula: be cautious in patients with anterior subluxation/instability)

  Adduction and internal rotation to reach the inferior angle of the scapula: pain in impingement syndrome

Normal scapulothoracic motion and GH joint articulation

  GH painful arc: 45 to 60° to 120° (when surgical neck strikes the acromion; full abduction is possible when humeral external is rotated), usually at 85°, AC joint painful arc: 170 to 180° abduction

    image  If paradoxical, exaggerated scapulothoracic movement image adhesive capsulitis and GH osteoarthritis

  Cautious of trunk rotation when evaluating shoulder ROM (eg, trunk rotation instead of shoulder externally rotation)

GH internal rotation deficit

  Loss of internal rotation >30 to 40° relative to the expected gain in external rotation, compare it to the opposite site, common in overhead throwers

  Tight posterior capsule and anterior capsule stretched

  Associated with internal impingement, GH instability, and increased incidence of SLAP lesion

  Check the AC joint (AC sprain) and SC movement/pain and pain on GH joint movement



  Open (full) can test: resisted abduction with thumb up rather than thumb down

  Jobe’s test: resisted abduction to 90° on the scapular plane; with ~30° tilt (anteriorly) from frontal plane and thumb down (internally rotate the arm): often limited with pain from impingement


  Resisted arm external rotation

Teres minor

  Resisted arm external rotation with the arm in 90° abduction


  Arm internal rotation with elbow at side in 90° flexion

  Lift off test: hand brought around back to region of lumbar spine, palm facing outward

    image  Test patient’s ability to lift hand away from back (internal rotation). Confounded by other muscles. More accurate if the tested hand can reach the contralateral scapula





Subacromial Impingement Test (33)

Neer’s test

Stand behind the patient and passively elevate the arm in the scapular plane while stabilizing the scapula. Positive with pain elicited in the arc between 70–120°

Sen: 75–88

Spe: 31–51

Hawkins’ test

The patient is examined in sitting position with shoulder forward flexion at 90° and elbow flexed to 90°, supported by the examiner. The examiner then stabilizes scapular holding the spine of scapula while internally rotating the arm. Positive with pain or symptom reproduction

More specific for impingement under the coracoacromial arch

Sen: 83–92

Spe: 38–56

Empty can

To assess the deltoid and supraspinatus M strength as well as impingement

With the arm at 90° of abduction and neutral rotation, the shoulder is then internally rotated on scapular plane with the thumb down. Apply downward force against resistance. Check side to side

Sen: 18–79

Spe: 38–100

Painful arc

Actively elevate the arm in the scapular plane until full elevation is reached then bring the arm down in the same arc. Positive if pain or painful catching occurs between 60° and 120° of elevation (34)

Sen: 60–70

Spe: 40–80

Drop arm test

The examiner abducts the patient’s shoulder to 90° and then asks the patient to slowly lower the arm to the side

Positive if the patient is unable to return the arm to the side slowly/smoothly or has severe pain when attempting to do so

Sen: 10–25

Spe: 70–80

PPV: 100

+ Hawkins’, painful arc test, decreased infraspinatus M strength: very high likelihood for impingement

+ Drop arm test, painful arc test, decreased infraspinatus M strength: likelihood ratio of 15 for full-thickness tear

Glenohumeral Instability

The apprehension test

The patient in the supine position and the involved shoulder in 90° of abduction, the arm is externally rotated beyond 90°

Positive when the patient is apprehensive or feels as if shoulder will dislocate as the humeral head begins to subluxate anteriorly

Sen: 69

Spe: 50

The relocation test

Patient with shoulder in 90° abduction and external rotation (apprehension position), a posteriorly directed force applied on the humerus. Positive if the sensation of apprehension is relieved (Fowler’s sign) (35)

Sen: 30–68

Spe: 44–100

The sulcus sign

Apply axial downward traction with the arm at the side. Positive if a gap is observed between the humeral head and anterior-inferior aspect of the acromion indicating multidirectional instability

High false positive in asymptomatic patients

Sen: 90

Spe: 85

Anterior and posterior drawer tests

Patient supine and the arm abducted to 45°, neutral rotation, and elbow flexed. The examiner grasps the proximal arm at the deltoid insertion and stabilizes the limb by grasping the patient’s wrist with the opposite hand.

Grade 0: mild translation (0%–25%), grade I: 25–50%, grade 2: reducible translation over the rim (50%), and grade III: locking of the humeral head over the rim

High false positive (up to 50%) (36)

Sen: 20–50

Spe: 70–80 in traumatic anterior

instability (37])

Load and shift test

The patient is seated or standing with the arm to be tested fully relaxed at the side. While stabilizing the scapula with one hand, the examiner grasps the proximal humerus with the other hand and applies force anteriorly and posteriorly. The degree to which the humeral head shifting over the anterior and posterior glenoid rim is measured. Comparison with the contralateral side for side-to-side variation (32).

Sen: 91

Sep: 93

Biceps Tendon

Speed test

Resisting shoulder flexion with the elbow fully extended and supinated

Positive if pain is generated in the bicipital groove

Higher sensitivity and specificity for anterior SLAP lesion (38)

Sen: 68–90

Spe: 13–55

Yergason test

With the elbow pronated and flexed at 90°, the examiner resists the patient’s attempt to supinate and externally rotate the arm, while palpating the bicipital groove

Positive if dislocation of the biceps tendon is felt or pain occurs in the bicipital area without dislocation

Sen: 37

Spe: 86

Ludington test

Place both arms behind the head and isometrically contract the biceps

Positive if pain or subluxation is reproduced

The “Popeye” sign indicates biceps tendon rupture


SLAP lesion

O’Brien test

With the arm forward flexed to 90°, adducted 10–15°, and maximally internally rotated (thumb down), the examiner applies a downward force to the fully extended arm

Positive if pain or clicking is “inside” the shoulder and pain is reduced with the arm maximally supinated


No relief of pain in maximally supinated image suggests AC joint pathology (39)

Sen: 32–100

Spe: 13–98.5


Anterior slide test

Place the patient’s hands on lateral hips with the elbows facing posteriorly

The examiner stabilizes the scapula with one hand, and with the other hand placed on the patient’s elbow, applies an anteriorly and superiorly directed force to the arm

Positive with pain, pop, or click in the anterior shoulder (40)

Sen: 8–78

Spe: 84–91

Crank test

With the patient standing or supine, the arm is elevated to approximately 90° in the scapular plane, and the elbow is flexed. While applying an axial load to the humerus with one hand, the examiner’s other hand maximally internally and externally rotates the arm image Positive with pain, pop, or clunk

Positive predictive value: 94%, negative predictive value: 90% (41)

Sen: 46–91

Spe: 56–100

Clunk test Compression-rotation

The patient is supine with arm fully abducted. The examiner circumducts the humeral head in an attempt to entrap a torn labral fragment. One of the examiner’s hand is placed posterior to the humeral head to apply anterior pressure while the other hand is placed at the level of the humeral condyles to provide rotation and axial loading image Positive with clunk or grinding reproducing the patient symptoms

Sen: 80

Spe: 19–49

The Kim test for posteroinferior labral lesion

To evaluate posterior instability (posterior inferior labral lesion)

Patients are seated and shoulder is abducted to 90° and then moved to 45° forward diagonal flexion while simultaneously applying a downward and posteriorly directed force to the upper arm and pushing the elbow towards the shoulder joint (42)

Positive if a sudden onset of posterior shoulder pain occurs

Sen: 90

Spe: 94

Acromioclavicular Joint

Cross arm adduction test

Shoulder is positioned in 90° of forward flexion and is forcefully adducted across the body toward the opposite shoulder. Positive with reproduction of patient’s pain

Sensitive to shoulder impingement syndrome (sensitivity: 82, specificity: 27.7) (43)

Sen: 77

Spe: 79

Paxinos test

Places the thumb over the posterolateral corner of the acromion and the index and long fingers of the ipsilateral or the opposite hand superior to the mid portion of the ipsilateral clavicle

Then, the examiner applied pressure to the acromion with the thumb, in an anterosuperior direction, and inferiorly to the midpart of the clavicular shaft with the index and long fingers

Positive if pain is felt or increased pain in the AC joint

Sen: 79, Spe: 50(44)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Roo’s test

With the forearms flexed to 90°, the arms laterally abducted to 90° and externally rotated, the patient opens and closes the hands every 2 seconds for 3 minutes. Positive if the symptoms are reproduced, if the patient is unable to maintain the position, or the radial pulse is diminished


Adson maneuver

The radial pulse is palpated as the patient inspires while maintaining the symptomatic extremity at the side, the neck hyperextended, and the head rotated toward the symptomatic side

Positive for vascular thoracic outlet syndrome with alteration or obliteration of the radial pulse or change in blood pressure. Often positive in healthy asymptomatic persons


Wright maneuver

The radial pulse is palpated while the symptomatic limb is held overhead and abducted (to 180°) with the elbow flexed and the upper extremity externally rotated. This position is maintained for 60 seconds. Positive if the patient’s symptoms are reproduced (may be more sensitive in the lesion between the pectoralis minor and rib cage)


PPV, positive predictive value.


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Feb 21, 2018 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on SHOULDER

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