Fig. 14.1
(a, b) Avulsion amputation of the left forearm. (c) Radiograph showing the level of amputation and the proximal fracture in the humerus. (d) Rupture of the brachial artery (between arrows) at the site of fracture. (e) Brachial artery reconstructed with a vein graft after fixation of the humerus and the replant completed (f). (g) Preparation for secondary reconstruction of elbow flexors; the line of the brachial artery marked using the Doppler before raising the skin flaps. (h, i) Bipolar transfer of pectoralis major for elbow flexion. (j, k) Reinnervation of thenar muscles due to nerve recovery occurred at 12 months. (l) After recovery of thenar muscles and adductor of the thumb (4/5), finger flexors were reconstructed by free functioning gracilis muscle transfer with artery attached to end to side to the brachial artery and nerve to a fascicle of the median nerve. (m, n) Patient has Chen grade 2 recovery with good elbow flexion and finger flexion capable of good hook grip and gross holding power
The incidence of secondary procedures in replantation varies between 2.95 and 93.2 %. These secondary procedures are more common with proximal injuries, multiple digit amputations, and more severe injuries [2]. Yaffe et al. in their series of 22 successful arm and forearm replantations found that each replantation required around three additional secondary operations. Fufa et al. in their series of 121 successful replantations found that 59 % of their digits required at least one secondary procedure, with an average of 1.7 procedures per replantation. In their series, the most common secondary procedure was actually revision amputation, followed distantly by tenolysis and contracture release [3]. Just as the indications for replantation in children are much wider, surgeons should have a lower threshold for performing secondary procedures in younger patients. The possible need for secondary procedures must be made known to the patient at the time of the primary procedure itself [4].
We are entering an era of many advances in the treatment of upper extremity and hand amputations, including elaborate patient-controlled prostheses, and hand transplantation [5]. However, upper limb prosthesis technology has not advanced as much as that of the lower limb, and reconstructed upper extremities continue to score higher functional outcomes than the best available prosthesis on the long term. The alternative of hand transplantation is yet to become a routine procedure. Hence, proficiency with replantation and the required secondary procedures remains critical.
Classification of Secondary Procedures
Most authors divide secondary procedures into early and late according to the timing of the procedure relative to the time of injury. Yu et al. found that early procedures (within 2 months following replantation) were mainly for soft tissue coverage (92 %), while late procedures (after 2 months) were mainly for tendon reconstruction (67 %) [6]. Sabapathy et al. preferred to classify secondary procedures based on the type of procedure performed, rather than its timing, as similar procedures may be done at different time points [7]:
Group 1: Procedures to restore continuity of structures that were not repaired during the primary procedure. This mainly involves bridging gaps in soft tissues, nerves, and tendons. This is usually done early but could be performed later such as when a skin grafted area is replaced by a flap to gain access for bony or tendon procedures.
Group 2: Procedures to promote healing or enhance function of structures repaired during the original procedure. The most common procedures in this group are tenolysis of repaired tendons and bony procedures for the correction of malunion and nonunion.
Group 3: Procedures not part of the normal steps of replantation but which are done secondarily to enhance function and cosmesis. This usually involves altering the normal anatomy of the replanted part and includes selective arthrodesis of joints, bone lengthening, tendon transfers, and free functioning muscle transfers.
General Considerations
Maintaining Good Records of the Primary Procedure
Detailed documentation is critical during the primary replantation as it will facilitate the planning of secondary procedures. This should include a detailed note of the structures repaired as well as the type and the location of repair. Equal emphasis must be given to recording the structures that have not been repaired, the reasons thereof, and the location of the proximal and the distal ends if known. These data must be documented and not be trusted to memory. While the proximal end of the nerve could be located based on the Tinel’s sign, it is not possible to preoperatively localize the distal nerve end while planning a secondary neurorrhaphy. Inclusion of photographs in the medical record is another possible option that further helps in planning the incisions for secondary exploration and facilitating the dissection. In particular, the course of the repaired vessels and nerves needs to be documented. The repaired vessels may not be in their anatomical location, particularly if vein grafts are used. Many replants are dependent on the repaired blood vessels for a long time or even permanently, and it is important to avoid vessel injury during the secondary procedure. Griffin et al. described a report of late arterial occlusion 9 years after replantation of a thumb, requiring the excision of a segment of the thrombosed arterial vein graft to restore blood flow [8]. A Doppler study may be done to mark the course of the vessel prior to the secondary surgery. A good operative note becomes even more valuable if the secondary surgery is done at another center.
Timing of Secondary Procedures
Adequate soft tissue coverage is critical in hand replantation and is the most common type of early secondary procedure [6]. If the site of vessel repair is exposed, it must be covered with a flap as part of the primary procedure. Delay in such instances can be disastrous. In situations where the vessels are not exposed, timing depends upon the nature of the defect. If the raw area could accept a skin graft, it can be done within 72 h. Recently, VAC dressings have been applied to the raw areas at the end of replantation. Zhou et al. compared the progress of 18 wounds after replantation treated with regular dressing change to 26 wounds treated by VAC therapy. The intervals between wound treatment and secondary wound coverage procedure were 12.0 ± 1.7 days in the dressing change group and 6.1 ± 0.7 days in the VAC group. Flaps were applied for wound coverage in 50 % of wounds in the dressing change group and in 19.2 % of wounds in the VAC group (P < 0.05) (the remaining wounds were covered by a skin graft). The results showed that VAC therapy could promote the growth of granulation tissue of the wound, decrease the need of flap for wound coverage, and did not change the survival of replantation [9]. There are obvious concerns with the negative pressure jeopardizing flow in the repaired vessels and the difficulty in applying the VAC and securing a seal around the wound. The authors do not have personal experience in using VAC after replantation and continue to rely on early soft tissue coverage appropriate to the wound condition.
Among the secondary procedures in replantation, achieving bone union is a priority. We cannot operate on other structures unless bone union has occurred or is progressing satisfactorily. If bone grafts are needed, they are usually done between 8 and 12 weeks. We usually do not combine bone grafting procedures with tendon and nerve graft procedures for two reasons. First, adhesions may be more common if performed together. Second, tendon graft rehabilitation protocols are easier to adhere to if they are performed in isolation.
The timing for secondary repair of tendons and nerves follows the same principles as any other complex injury management. The status of the soft tissue at the proposed surgery site is the most important factor in determining the timing of the secondary surgery, and the skin and the suture line must be soft and supple prior to secondary procedures. To reduce the induration which accompanies any surgical procedure, anti-edema procedures like hand elevation, massage of the suture lines, and regular use of compression garments are instituted early on in the postoperative period [10]. Normally, the wound becomes supple by about 2 months from replantation, and that is when secondary procedures become feasible.
Group 1 Procedures: Surgery for Bridging Gaps in Tissues that Were Not Repaired During the Original Procedure
Bridging Gaps in Skin and Soft Tissues
Skin and soft tissue cover after replantation is done either early (at the end of the primary procedure or within a few days of the surgery) or late (to cover a tendon or bone reconstruction or for esthetic reasons). Skin grafting of the raw areas at the edge of replantation is the most common procedure performed [2]. If critical structures like nerves or vessels are exposed, we do not advocate skin grafts over them even as a temporary procedure. If performed, the skin graft must be replaced with a flap before the skin graft is adherent to the underlying structures. An adherent graft is very difficult to shave off the deeper structures should a flap be needed at a subsequent stage. Local flaps such as random transposition or rotation flaps can be used, but they are limited in their size and reach. The posterior interosseous artery flap is a useful flap to cover the wrist and the dorsum of the hand after replant. It is not dependent upon any major vessel and can be safely used in wrist- and transmetacarpal-level amputations (Fig. 14.2a–g). For circumferential defects, proximal defects, and volar defects, a free flap is often necessary. The recipient vessel is chosen well proximal to the level of the replant, and most often an end-to-side anastomosis is done. In the forearm, if one vessel is used for replantation, the other vessel can be used for the free flap. The gracilis muscle flap is our free flap of choice. Unlike a skin flap, it does not require accurate planning of the size and shape, can fill deeper cavities, drapes well, and can cover a wide area. Finally, pedicled abdominal flaps still have a role in these difficult cases, and we have used abdominal flaps to cover the raw area after replant. A common indication is a raw area on the dorsum of the hand without exposed vessels. Our distant pedicled flap of choice is the hypogastric flap, based on the superficial inferior epigastric vessels. The vessel is constant, and large flaps can be raised while keeping the base as small as 4 cm, centered on the line of the femoral artery. This flap is preferable to a standard groin flap, since the replanted hand can be well supported on the abdomen (Fig. 14.3a–h).

Fig. 14.2
(a–c) A transmetacarpal amputation. (d) Replantation required vein grafts to veins, and due to soft tissue loss, they were exposed at the end of the procedure. (e) A reverse pedicled posterior interosseous flap raised to cover the vital structures. (f) Donor area skin grafted without narrowing to avoid tension. (g) After healing of the wound

Fig. 14.3
(a, b) A transmetacarpal near total amputation with non-salvageable thumb. (c, d) The raw area on the dorsum is covered by the axial pattern flap based on the superficial inferior epigastric artery. (e) The type of restraint used in the immediate postoperative period. (f–h) The final result with a well settled flap
There is no objective evidence in the literature about the effect of tourniquet use shortly after replantation on vessel patency. In the absence of definite evidence, we have used the tourniquet during procedures for flap coverage within 48–72 h after the primary procedure without complications. A bolus dose of heparin (50 units/kg body weight of the patient) is given 5 min before the inflation of the tourniquet. The tourniquet can also be used during the initial replantation surgery while raising the flaps from the same limb. We allow an interval of 20 min after reperfusion of the limb following microvascular repair before reinflating the tourniquet for raising the flaps.
Delayed soft tissue coverage may be needed to facilitate secondary procedures on the bone or tendons. At that time, the general principles practiced while providing soft tissue coverage in any complex injury are followed, with additional precautions taken not to injure the repaired vessels. One of the most common indications for flap coverage of the hand in the delayed situation is a first web contracture. We commonly use the pedicled groin flap or the posterior interosseous artery flap in these situations; these flaps share the benefit of not requiring any proximal dissection to identify recipient vessels.
Bridging Gaps in the Tendons
These procedures will vary depending on the level of the replant.
In avulsion amputations of the arm, the biceps and brachialis muscles often avulse proximally and hang on the distal tendon. The muscle in such instances does not get revascularized after replantation and likely is removed with the debridement. In other cases, the musculocutaneous nerve may be avulsed. In either case, elbow flexion needs to be restored. In contrast, the triceps muscle rarely needs reconstruction, because proximal innervation of the triceps typically allows preservation of function following repair. In the very rare instance that both biceps and triceps are lost, preference is given to the reconstruction of the flexors of the elbow.
The most common procedure performed for elbow function is the transfer of the latissimus dorsi or the pectoralis major muscles. Both transfers can result in a good outcome. These muscles have also been transferred at the time of replantation both to restore flexion and to provide soft tissue cover for the blood vessels and nerves [11]. In upper third arm replantations or when vein grafts for vessel reconstruction have been used near the axilla, routing of the latissimus dorsi muscle may be difficult. In these cases, a pectoralis major muscle transfer is a reasonable option. It has the advantage of obviating the need for position change for flap harvest, albeit the expense of an unsightly scar in front of the chest. In lower arm replants, we prefer the latissimus dorsi transfer, which seems to generate more powerful flexion of the elbow than the pectoralis major. The line of the brachial artery is marked with the Doppler before marking the skin incision, and the vessels are protected while insetting the flaps. Bipolar technique of transfer of these muscles yields better results, by allowing for a direct line of pull [12]. The detached insertion of the latissimus dorsi or the pectoralis major is attached to the coracoid process and the other end is woven into the biceps tendon. A few centimeters of rectus sheath is harvested along with the pectoralis muscle to provide a more secure attachment to the biceps tendon. If the humerus has been shortened considerably during replantation, there may be a slack in the muscle. The upper attachment of the muscle in such circumstances is moved more proximally onto the clavicle. Establishing correct tension of the muscle while insetting the transfer is important. To accomplish this, we focus on reestablishing resting tension that was present prior to muscle harvest. After dissecting the entire muscle and before detaching the origin and insertion, marks are placed at 4 cm apart on the muscle with the arm abducted to 90°. The distance between the marks must be measured with the shoulder fully adducted and abducted. During transfer, the tension is adjusted such that the distance between marks during flexion and extension of the elbow nearly matches that observed during shoulder adduction/abduction prior to harvest. Elbow is immobilised in 100° flexion for 4 weeks, and then a detachable splint is used to maintain the position for a further period of 4 weeks when gradual loading and strengthening exercises are started.
Proximal third forearm-level replantations need more secondary surgery than distal forearm replants or lower third arm-level replants [13]. In traction or crush amputations, there may be segmental loss of muscle secondary to either injury or debridement. If the loss involves the motor nerves to the muscles or the neuromuscular junction, then all function is lost. Chuang et al. retrospectively studied 27 patients who had replantation after crush or traction avulsion amputation and recommended immediate free tissue transfer for soft tissue coverage and delayed free functional muscle transfer for the patients whose injuries resulted in denervation. Delayed free functional muscle transfer is performed after the patient’s condition has stabilized, and the limb is no longer swollen, which can be as early as 3–6 months after replantation. In two-stage reconstruction of both flexor and extensor motor units, the extensor reconstruction should precede the flexor reconstruction by 4–6 months [13].
Sabapathy and Elliot have classified the long flexor loss in complex injuries into three zones for the purpose of reconstruction (Fig. 14.4) [14]. Direct reconstruction of flexor loss in zone A may not be possible and free functioning muscle transfers are recommended. The procedure is usually performed 3 months after replantation. The gracilis musculocutaneous flap is our preferred free flap. The skin island not only serves for flap monitoring in the immediate postoperative period but also allows for a tension-free skin closure. Most replantations at this level are not able to accommodate the volume of the free muscle flap, and the skin island obviates the need for skin graft and permits easy skin closure.

Fig. 14.4
Classification of complex flexor tendon injury. Zone A: From flexor muscle origin to musculotendinous junction. Zone B: From the musculotendinous junction to the proximal margin of the carpal tunnel. Zone C: Flexor tendons in the hand
The free flap can receive its blood and nerve supply from the forearm or the arm, depending on the extent of the injury. The anterior interosseous nerve or the motor branches from the median nerve to the flexor muscles have been recommended as the donor nerve, with the radial or ulnar artery supplying the blood flow. In our experience, we have found it difficult to identify a good motor nerve in the scarred forearm, particularly after proximal third replants. We often anastomose the free flap end to side to the brachial artery and isolate a suitable fascicle of the median nerve at the level of the elbow and use it to innervate the free muscle transfer. The principle of this is akin to the ulnar nerve to biceps transfer procedure advocated by Oberlin to obtain elbow flexion in upper trunk brachial plexus palsy [15]. Proximally, the muscle is attached to the lower end of the humerus and distally to the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons proximal to the carpal tunnel. Ideally, a separate free muscle transfer should be used to restore thumb flexion. We have not been satisfied with the functional outcome when using the same muscle to power the flexors of both the fingers and the thumb. In spite of obtaining good range of movement of the fingers and the thumb, adjusting tension to synchronize the movement of the thumb and the fingers for pinch is difficult. Because a separate free muscle transfer for thumb flexion may be impractical or impossible, we prefer using a free functional muscle transfer to restore finger flexion coupled with selective arthrodesis of thumb joints in a functional position.
Zones B and C
In our series, 70 % of forearm replant patients have good intrinsic recovery. This is attributed to the shortening of the bones during the primary procedure that allows for a proper and tension-free nerve repair and a shorter distance for the axons to travel to their final destination. In lower third forearm- and wrist-level replants (zone B), direct tendon repair is possible resulting in substantially better functional results. Tenolysis may be required at this level secondarily.
In transmetacarpal-level amputations, after the repair of the flexor tendons, it can be sometimes impossible to repair the extensor tendons. While many patients will be functionally competent without extensors [16], we prefer to reconstruct the extensor tendons when possible. In such instances, extensor reconstruction is carried out secondarily. Tendon grafts are frequently required, and fascia lata is a good source for tendon grafts. Tension in the grafts during extensor reconstruction must be adjusted in such a way that flexion is not compromised. The authors maintain the interphalangeal joints in flexion, with both the metacarpophalangeal joints and the wrist in neutral position while suturing in the tendon grafts. In this way, the flexion of the fingers will not be compromised. In crush amputations, the skin on the dorsum of the hand may not be adequate and a flap for soft tissue coverage may be needed prior to tendon reconstruction.

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