Seating Systems as Enablers of Function

Chapter 4

Seating Systems as Enablers of Function

A comfortable position that promotes function is a prerequisite for involvement in any activity. Seating devices assist users to function in activities across all performance areas (self-care, work or school, and play or leisure) in many different environments; for this reason, they are considered to be general-purpose extrinsic enablers. Throughout this chapter, the role of the rehabilitation assistant in the use and maintenance of seating devices and the proper positioning of clients is discussed.

The first part of this chapter describes the needs served by seating systems, evaluation of individuals for seating, and biomechanical principles related to seating. The remainder of the chapter provides in-depth information on each of the three categories of seating needs (seating for postural control, tissue integrity, and comfort), including related principles and the technologies used for intervention. Seating components are typically used with some type of mobility base. For purposes of this text, however, these two systems are separated. Mobility is viewed as a specific-purpose extrinsic enabler (see Chapter 12).

The role of the rehabilitation assistant

The rehabilitation assistant (OTA or PTA) is often involved with clients on a more frequent basis than other members of the health care team. This frequency puts him in a strong position to know the client’s functional abilities and their use of assistive technology. The rehabilitation assistant is often responsible for setup and adjustment of the individual and her technology on a daily basis. Additional roles of the assistant in the use of technology are to ensure that the technology is used in a safe manner and that it is properly maintained, both on a daily and long-term basis; and also to provide feedback and information on any changes in the client’s function that would require an adjustment to existing technology or a change to new assistive technology.

Overview of needs served by seating

Three distinct areas of seating intervention have emerged, each serving a particular consumer need. These three categories of seating intervention are (1) seating for postural control, (2) seating for pressure redistribution, and (3) seating for comfort.18

Adults and children who have neuromuscular disorders such as cerebral palsy or stroke frequently require seating systems that aid postural control. Abnormal muscle tone, muscle weakness, or uncoordinated movements associated with neuromuscular disorders frequently impair the ability to maintain an upright posture when sitting. Impaired motor control affects the person’s ability to participate in activities of daily living, can compromise their general health status, and can result in skeletal deformities.

The primary population served by the category of seating interventions for pressure redistribution is individuals with spinal cord injury. These individuals can have partial or complete paralysis and reduced or absent sensation below the level of their lesion. As a result, they are susceptible to breakdown of the tissue (skin, fat, and muscle) over bony prominences on weight-bearing surfaces. Also benefiting from the technologies in this category are individuals with multiple sclerosis, those with muscular dystrophy, the elderly, and others who have limited mobility or cognitive function, or sensory impairment, and therefore a reduced ability to relieve pressure from weight-bearing surfaces.

The third category of seating addresses the need to improve an individual’s level of physical comfort through postural accommodation. Persons in this category include the elderly, individuals with limited endurance for walking (e.g., people with cardiac or pulmonary conditions), and individuals with amputations or arthritis. They may or may not use a wheelchair on a regular basis and typically have normal or near-normal sensation; however, any prolonged sitting causes discomfort from which they are unable to obtain relief. Therefore, they have unique needs and are not completely served by either category previously described. Specialized seating can help to alleviate this chronic discomfort and maximize function. Box 4-1 shows some of the potential outcomes of seating intervention for these populations.

Evaluation for seating

The process of assessing individuals for the purpose of recommending seating technologies requires a systematic method that includes consideration of many factors. The discussion of the design of an assistive technology system in Chapter 2 gave a general framework to guide assessment. The purpose of this section is to describe the factors that are considered when evaluating a client for seating technology. Figure 4-1 depicts a framework showing the process of this evaluation. The rehabilitation assistant’s role in this process is to provide information about the client’s daily activities, physical and cognitive function, and emotional state, particularly noting any changes that might affect the client’s seating needs.

Overview of Assessment Process

The first element of the HAAT model requires the team to understand the activities in which the client wants or needs to participate. Figure 4-1 lists the desired outcomes of the identification of needs. An ATP is usually responsible for completion of the assessment to determine seating needs and the most appropriate technology recommendation. However, others provide important information to support this information. Any assessment with the goal of identifying seating needs and recommended technology starts with discussion of the occupations the user wants and needs to complete while using the seating system. A general measure such as the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure28 provides a systematic means of discussing key occupations in the areas of self-care, productivity, and leisure. There are some measures that are specific to seating and wheeled mobility, including the Functioning Everyday in a Wheelchair measure37 and the Wheelchair Outcome Measure,34,38 that consider function in self-care, productivity, and leisure specifically from the view of an individual who uses seating and mobility devices.

Understanding the client’s abilities is a second important element in the process guided by the HAAT model. Functional skills, including transfers to and from different surfaces (e.g., bed to wheelchair, car to wheelchair), self-care skills (e.g., feeding, dressing), wheelchair mobility, written and verbal communication skills, and bowel and bladder care should be evaluated. Equipment the person will use while in the seating system needs to be taken into consideration. For example, respiratory equipment and augmentative communication devices are frequently mounted on the wheelchair and need to be in a position that is functional for the user. The level of assistance an individual requires to use the seating system is an important consideration in the assessment. Consideration must be given to whether an individual can transfer to the system and fasten any straps. The complexity of the system and the ease of access influence the demands placed on an individual providing assistance with a transfer. It is equally important to consider the abilities of the individual providing the assistance and their capacity to provide the support required. Many older adults who use assistive devices live with their spouses who may have conditions that limit their ability to provide assistance. Ideally, the individual’s ability to perform functional activities should be evaluated both in the existing system and in the proposed system. Here, a rehabilitation assistant can provide useful information by recording their observations of the client’s function in both systems as they go about their daily activities. These observations give context to the client’s function in different situations, where the client experiences limitations, and the strategies they currently use to complete functional activities. A rehabilitation assistant who interacts with clients for longer periods of time in situations such as a school setting or long-term care facility is in a unique position to understand how the client functions during the day and what elements affect their function. This information is highly informative in the assessment process.

Human Factors

Physical Skills or Mat Assessment

The physical evaluation includes assessment of orthopedic factors, postural control, and respiratory and circulatory factors (see Figure 4-1). It is recommended that evaluation of physical skills take place with the person both in a sitting position and supine on a flat surface such as a mat.

Musculoskeletal Factors

Orthopedic evaluation involves measurement of joint range of motion and assessment of skeletal deformities and skeletal alignment to determine optimal angles for sitting. Obtaining information regarding limitations in range of motion and deformities is necessary to determine whether the goal of the seating system will be to prevent deformities, correct deformities, or accommodate deformities.55

Starting with the consumer supine on the mat, mobility of the lumbar spine and pelvis are assessed, followed by range of motion measurements of the hips, knees, ankles, upper extremities, and neck. Joint angle and body measurements as shown in Figure 4-2 are made at this time. Alignment of the individual’s head, shoulders, and trunk with the pelvis is determined next. Range of motion and skeletal alignment should also be assessed with the individual in a sitting position to determine how the body parts are affected by gravity. Bergen, Presperin, and Tallman (1990) describe in detail a process for measuring joint angles and assessing skeletal alignment.

The skeletal deformities present may be fixed or flexible. In a fixed deformity, permanent changes have taken place in the bones, muscles, and other structures that restrict the normal range of motion of the particular joint. When fixed deformities are present, the alignment of the other joints is also affected. For example, a fixed deformity of the pelvis will affect spinal alignment. In such situations, the seating system is designed to accommodate the deformity. Muscle tightness can cause individuals to assume certain postures so that they may appear to have a deformity. When the joint is stretched passively in the opposite direction, however, it is possible to move the joint and reduce the deformity. In this situation, the person is considered to have a flexible deformity at that joint. Depending on the situation, the seating system may be designed to correct a flexible deformity. Specific deformities and their effects on sitting posture are described in the section on seating principles for postural control.

Postural Control

A key element to assess is the user’s postural control, particularly for children developing motor control, individuals recovering motor function after a neurological injury (such as traumatic brain injury), or someone losing motor control as a consequence of a progressive illness such as ALS. Two important aspects are considered: the individual’s ability to control their posture in a sitting position (i.e., how much support is required to maintain a comfortable sitting position with a reasonable amount of effort) and the response to various positional changes. The most effective way to assess these aspects is with the client seated on a mat, with their feet supported either on the floor or on other support such as a bench.

The client’s sitting ability is described by the amount of support required to maintain a seated position. Hands-free sitters are those who do not need to use their hands to support themselves to maintain sitting, whereas hands-dependent sitters do need to use their hands. These individuals could not perform a seated activity using the hands without some type of external support. A dependent sitter does not have sufficient motor control to support herself in sitting at all. A dependent sitter (or propped sitter) requires more support from a seating system in order to maintain the sitting position.54Box 4-2 defines these levels of postural control.

The amount of external control required to assist an individual to maintain a seated position is an important determination. Kangas (2006)24 recommends that only the minimal amount of external support needed by the client to remain in an upright position be used. This strategy enables the client to use the postural control they have and also gives them freedom of movement that they wouldn’t have when held more tightly with straps. Support may vary with the activity. Less support may be needed when the individual is engaged in a sedentary activity, such as watching television. Alternatively, more support is needed when the individual is using his hands for an activity and the focus of attention is on the activity. The individual should not need to divert attention to the maintenance of posture when engaged in an activity.

It is also important to understand the client’s response to changes in posture. The assessment considers the client’s muscle response and function when the pelvis is placed in various positions (e.g., neutral, anterior-tipped, or posterior-tipped); when the lower extremities are in different positions; or with different degrees of spinal flexion or extension. The client’s response to these position changes will influence the configuration of the seating system.

Respiratory and Circulatory Factors

The person’s respiratory status and circulation are other factors addressed during the evaluation. With skeletal deformities, pulmonary and cardiac function can be compromised. It is important to know whether certain positions enhance or limit respiration. For example, a client with weak trunk muscles may sit with increased trunk flexion, which makes it difficult to fully expand the lungs on inhalation. A seating system that helps the user maintain an upright trunk position will make breathing easier. Circulation, particularly in the lower limbs, needs to be considered as well. Some individuals may have a condition, such as diabetes, that predisposes them to circulatory problems. Care should be taken for these consumers that the seating system doesn’t cause pressure or restrict movement because these may compromise circulation, resulting in a pressure ulcer or edema. It is particularly important to observe the area around the knee to ensure that there is no pressure behind the knee and that the lateral aspects of the knee are not in contact with the wheelchair. Similarly, it is important to ensure that the ankles and feet are not exposed to excess pressure against any of the wheelchair components. Observe the position of the lateral supports on the trunk to ensure that they are not causing undue pressure on the trunk and to ensure that they are not too high, causing pressure in the axilla (armpit).

Sensory and Perceptual Skills

Vision and visual perception contribute to a person’s balance and sitting posture, and deficits in these areas are considered during the evaluation. The configuration of the seat can affect the user’s line of vision. For example, an individual with poor postural control who is unable to maintain spinal extension with consequent neck flexion may not be able to maintain her head in an upright position if the seat-to-back angle is set at 90 degrees. The user’s line of vision will be downward in this seating configuration as her head falls forward.

Proprioception and vestibular function influence body posture. With vision, these functions assist the client to keep the head in an upright and midline position. Further, they provide feedback to the client regarding the position of the trunk, with proprioception providing information about the position of the limbs. These senses assist the client to maintain an optimal biomechanical position for daily activities.

Tactile sensation is another factor to consider. Some individuals may react defensively to the touch of certain textures or positioning components on the body. Other individuals lack tactile sensation, which can contribute to skin breakdown. The assessment should provide the rehabilitation assistant with information about any known decrease in sensation, particularly in the buttock area, or history of redness, skin abrasions, or pressure ulcers.

Cognitive Skills

Cognitive skills such as problem solving and motor planning are not as much of an issue in seating as in mobility. However, there are a few areas that require consideration. Individuals with poor safety judgment may not be aware of the need to keep a positioning belt fastened, and special considerations may be necessary. When the seating system is complex, understanding the client’s cognitive abilities will aid the decision whether to teach the client or the caregiver about the proper use of the system. If a person relies on an augmentative communication device or on yes/no responses, these modes of communication should be used during the evaluation process. If it is known that the consumer is not reliable in his or her responses, then the ATP should seek assistance from a caregiver in interpreting the consumer’s responses to the seating system.

Psychosocial Factors

The meaning that technology holds for the individual is an important factor to explore with the user, although it is more significant for the mobility component of a seating and mobility system (see Chapter 12). Many clients prefer technology that does not draw attention to a disability. This preference will be a factor in the selection of a seating system. Aesthetics, or the appearance of the device, is an important factor in acceptance or rejection of the technology.36,4 Behavioral problems, such as an agitated person who throws himself against the back of the chair, can also present a safety problem that needs to be addressed. Working together with the consumer and the caregiver to address these concerns is essential.

Environmental Considerations

Physical Context

The extent to which the seating system will be used outdoors is an important factor to consider because extreme heat or cold will affect the function of many materials, limiting their ability to meet the goals set for use of the system. Extreme heat can soften some materials, limiting their ability to provide support. Other materials will freeze if left in a car for a length of time in cold temperatures. A more complete discussion of the effect of temperature on materials used in seating systems follows. Exposure to light sources may affect some materials used to cover a system component, altering their properties and, again, affecting the function of the system.

Social Context

The consumer may be assisted by many people during the day, including family, other caregivers, and rehabilitation assistants. The social context influences the instructions given to the users of the system and influences considerations with respect to the frame weight, complexity, and maintenance (e.g., cleaning and sanitation issues) of the system. Misuse or inadequate maintenance of the system will reduce its effectiveness in meeting the client’s needs. The user and any caregivers need to be familiar with proper use and care of the seating system. Adequate instruction reinforced over time is key to preventing misuse of the system. Often the rehabilitation assistant is responsible for ongoing education of the consumer and their caregivers.

Individuals who routinely lift and carry a seating system must be able to do so with good body mechanics to decrease the risk of injury. OTAs and PTAs spend a lot of time on caregiver training to ensure that proper technique is understood and used. Materials used to construct seating systems have changed in recent years, in part to decrease the weight. However, some custom-made systems (such as foam in place, which will be discussed later) can be quite heavy. Maintenance of the system is another consideration. Air-filled cushions require careful attention to ensure that they are properly inflated and free of punctures. As mentioned previously, the properties of some materials are affected by extremes of temperature, so whoever is responsible for maintenance of the system must take care to avoid damage to it by not leaving it in a location where it would be exposed to temperature extremes (e.g., in a car on a hot summer day or a cold winter night). An individual maintaining a system should also take care not to use harsh or abrasive chemicals when cleaning the device because these can also cause damage. In some situations, the system that is most ideal for the client cannot be recommended because of the inability of the caregiver to use and care for it.

Institutional Context

Funding implications are a key institutional consideration. General considerations with respect to funding were described in Chapter 3. The ATP has the responsibility for providing the necessary documentation to secure funding but may rely on the rehabilitation assistant to provide important information about the client’s function to include in the documentation.

Another type of legislation has unique implications for seating products: the use of restraints. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services define a restraint as “any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident’s body that the individual cannot remove easily which restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body.”9 Certain legal jurisdictions have legislation that regulates the use of restraints with individuals residing in institutional settings. The intent of this legislation is to limit inappropriate use of restraints, such as tying an individual into a chair simply to prevent him or her from moving around. This legislation has implications for the use of straps, pelvic belts, and sub–anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) bars, trays, and tilt systems (as part of the wheelchair set up) that are used in seating systems for positioning and safety reasons. The legislation typically regulates how restraints are used in institutional settings, requiring most institutions to have a plan and a documented process when restraints are used. Box 4-3 provides information on what to look for in an institution’s guidelines and care plan concerning restraint use.1,44 The rehabilitation assistant should be familiar with the restraint use policies of the institution, how these policies affect their practice, and what is required of them when interacting with a client whose seating system includes elements listed above that are considered to be restraints.

Box 4-3   Considerations for Use of Restraints with Clients in Institutional Setting

Restraint guidelines*

Alternative strategies

• Observe the client to determine if behavior that prompted the use of the restraint is triggered by something in the environment, for example:

• When possible include the individual in a group so they can be observed and assisted on an ongoing basis.

• Be aware of the effect of your style of communication and interaction on the client’s emotions as these may increase agitation.

• Use a positioning alarm on the bed that alert the staff when a client tries to climb out of bed.

• Enhance exercise programs.

• Ensure that staff is familiar with the client, their needs and abilities.

• Ensure that the client is comfortable in bed.

*Data from Collins LG, Haines, C, Perkel RL: Restraining devices for patients in acute and long-term care facilities, American Family Physician 79: 254–256, 2009; Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO): Risk assessment and prevention of pressure ulcers (revised), Toronto, ON, 2005: RNAO.

Restraints are frequently used to prevent falls. However, there is little evidence to suggest their use actually does result in any significant reduction in the incidence of falls.53 The rehabilitation assistant should monitor the client for any adverse outcomes to the use of restraints. These outcomes include increased agitation if the client becomes upset by the restriction of movement, redness, skin abrasion or pressure ulcer formation, or undue limitation of functional activities if the client’s movement is overly restrained by seating components.

Matching Device Characteristics to a Consumer’s Needs and Skills

The final component of the evaluation process involves the matching of the client and the technology. Box 4-4 lists a number of questions that are important in the determination of whether the recommended technology is appropriate. Because the rehabilitation assistant engages with the client for several hours a day, over several days, she is in an excellent position to provide information that contributes to the evaluation of the technology as it is used by the client. The rehabilitation assistant can observe the client over time to determine if he is able to maintain a functional position that is comfortable and minimizes the risk of pressure ulcer development. She can observe the client if various daily activities and note whether the seating technology enables their performance in these activities. Interaction with the client over the long term can provide information on whether the technology is sufficiently durable and flexible to meet the client’s changing needs. Finally, interactions with caregivers provide important information about their ability to cope with caregiving demands, including their ability to use and maintain the seating technology.

Biomechanical principles

It is important for the rehabilitation assistant to understand some of the aspects of body position and movement when they position a client in their seating system and interact with that client during the day. Biomechanics is the study of body position and movement. This section presents the major concepts of biomechanics that are fundamental to an understanding of seating and positioning systems for persons with disabilities. There are additional aspects of biomechanics that are pertinent to this area. A lengthier discussion of relevant biomechanical principles can be found in Cook and Polgar (2008).13

Kinematics: Study of Motion

When seating systems are designed, the position of the consumer, the position of the seating system components, and the movements of both the consumer and system components should be considered. The term kinematics describes movement. The term displacement is used to define the position of a body in space; a change in displacement results in a new position. For example, in a postural support system, one goal is to bring the trunk to a midline position. This action may require a displacement from the client’s preferred resting position to a midline position by application of an external lateral trunk support. The rate of change in displacement is called velocity. It is also important to know how fast the velocity is changing (increasing or decreasing); this change is called acceleration. One of the most common accelerations is that of gravity. The term gravity actually refers to the acceleration of an object toward the center of the earth. Acceleration of an object is directly related to the force generated by the object’s movement.

There are two fundamental types of displacement: linear and rotational. When all parts of a body move in the same direction, at the same time, and for the same distance, the movement is linear.30 For example, a person generates translational movement when walking. Displacements caused by external positioning components can also be translational. If the direction, distance, and time of the movement occur simultaneously, but the movement is through an angle instead of in a straight line, the movement is called rotational. Rotational movements occur around an axis called the fulcrum. The majority of body movements are rotational, such as hip or elbow flexion and shoulder flexion or extension. Some positioning components cause rotational displacements (e.g., reclining the back of a wheelchair causes rotation at the pelvis and hip).

Kinetics: Forces

Force is a major element in both biomechanics and seating for individuals with disabilities. Force is anything that acts on a body to change its rate of acceleration or alter its momentum.30 It is described by both magnitude and direction.49 Forces always occur in equal and opposite action-reaction pairs between bodies. Forces can be applied to the body internally or externally. Internal forces are generated inside the body, such as muscle contractions that cause movement of the joints. Externally applied forces (such as the shearing of skin against the wheelchair cushion during transfers) come from outside the body and act on it in some way. One example is the forces applied by a support surface and components of a seating system such as lateral supports. The force resulting from the acceleration of gravity is another external and ever-present force that acts on the body and influences its posture and movement.49 This force on the body acts along a line called the gravitational line, and its effect is localized around a point in the body called the center of gravity. The center of gravity changes as posture changes from standing to sitting and in different sitting positions. Figure 4-3 shows the change in the position of the center of gravity with different positions.

The four properties of force ultimately determine its result. These properties are magnitude, direction, line of application, and point of application. Magnitude is the amount or size of the force measured in newtons, pounds, or kilograms. Forces are applied in some direction, either pushing or pulling, and are applied along a particular line of application. The force acts at a particular point on the body, called the point of application.30

Types of Forces

There are three different types of force. Each of these types produces different effects on the body, and it is beneficial to understand these differences when considering the client’s use of seating and positioning systems. Tension forces act in the same line but away from each other (pulling apart), such as the force applied on the antagonist muscle during contraction of the agonist muscle. A tension force can be understood by considering the effect of gravity on the leg of someone sitting in a wheelchair. Gravity will exert a downward force on the lower leg, which is not supported by the seat cushion. When a contracture is present, for example a flexion contracture of the knee, the tension force resulting from the pull of gravity may cause discomfort. Adjustment of the client’s position may be required to minimize the effect of gravity on the lower limb.

Compression occurs when forces act toward each other (pushing together), such as the force of the vertebrae on the discs in the spinal column. Compression is the force experienced on skin and other tissues between bony prominences, such as the ischial tuberosities, and the seat cushion.

Shearing occurs when the forces are parallel to each other (sliding across the surfaces). This last force is increasingly recognized as an important cause of pressure ulcers. Shear occurs when the client is transferred from one surface to another or shifts his weight. Older clients with fragile skin may experience skin breakdown easily if they are not transferred with care. Shear forces may also be experienced on the buttocks and lower back when a client is moved into a recline position.


Every force is applied over a surface area. Pressure is defined as force per unit area, which means that a force applied over a very small area generates more pressure than the same force applied over a larger area. Imagine a 10-pound cat lying on your stomach. The force generated by the cat is applied over the entire surface of its body and the pressure is uniform. Now imagine the same cat standing on your stomach. The force of the cat is the same, but the pressure at each of the cat’s paws is much greater (and it hurts more) because the area of application (the paw) is much smaller than when the force is distributed over the whole surface area of the cat. This basic concept of distributing pressure by increasing the area of application is applied extensively in seating and positioning systems.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

The English scientist Sir Isaac Newton formulated three laws relating to forces on bodies at rest and in motion. Newton’s first law states that a body at rest tends to remain at rest and that a body in motion in a straight line tends to remain in motion, unless external forces act to change either of these states. In other words, a body likes to continue what it is doing, whether moving or resting. This law defines inertia. Newton’s second law defines force. Force is equal to mass (in kilograms) multiplied by the acceleration of the object (force = mass × acceleration). This means that the greater the force, the greater the acceleration; or, conversely, the greater the mass for the same force, the smaller the acceleration. Newton’s third law states that if one body exerts a force on another, there is an equal and opposite force, called a reaction, exerted on the first body by the second.30 This law is applied to seating systems with the assumption that every force exerted by the human body while sitting in a wheelchair or seating system is balanced by an opposite force exerted by the sitting surface on the person.49 The force generated by the body is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force generated by the seating system, a state often referred to as equilibrium. When a body is at rest and all internal and external forces are balanced, the body is then in a state of static equilibrium. When forces are balanced around a body during movement, resulting in a constant velocity, it is described as a state of dynamic equilibrium. Both types of equilibrium are important in seating and positioning systems.


Frictional forces exist between two bodies in contact moving in opposite directions.49 These forces result in resistance to movement between the two bodies. Two types of friction are defined: static friction and dynamic friction. Static friction is that force that must be overcome to start a body in motion. Static friction is proportional in magnitude to the perpendicular (compression) force holding the two bodies together. Static friction is independent of the area of contact between the two bodies. Once motion is initiated, the resistive force is generally smaller than when at rest, and it takes less force to keep the bodies moving relative to each other than to start movement. Friction during movement is called dynamic friction. Both of these frictional forces are affected by surface conditions such as moisture, heat, texture, and lubricants, and both are important considerations in the recommendation, design, and on-going evaluation of seating surfaces.

Sitting Posture and Center of Pressure

Stability and mobility are two related dimensions of seated postural control. For example, stability allows an individual to maintain an upright seated position while mobility allows movement that enables function. Mobility allows the individual to lean forward to reach out to shake a friend’s hand. Seating interventions for postural control must achieve an optimal balance between stability and mobility.

Two constructs are important to consider when discussing postural control: center of gravity and center of pressure. The location of the center of gravity is fairly well defined in the standing position. Its location is described as passing through the mastoid processes of the jaw, a point just in front of the shoulder, a point just behind the center of the hip joints, a point just in front of the center of the knee joints, and approximately 5 to 6 cm in front of the ankle joints (Figure 4-3). In this posture the pelvis is in a neutral position and there is a natural lordosis of the lumbar spine.59 The location of the center of gravity in sitting is more difficult to determine, but it is usually considered to be lower, with the buttocks and thighs forming the base of support. The individual must maintain the center of gravity over the base of support to maintain an upright posture in either sitting or standing. Seating interventions for postural control assist the client to keep the center of gravity within the limits of the base of support.

Typically, the center of gravity is defined by its position in the frontal, lateral, and coronal planes. However, in the clinic we are only able to capture the location of the center of pressure location in the frontal and lateral planes. This location can be identified and monitored in the clinic by using a pressure mapping system (see Figure 4-16). These systems use various technologies to monitor the pressure between the individual and a support surface (i.e., between the client’s buttocks and thighs and the seat cushion). They are most commonly used to show pressure distribution when pressure redistribution cushions are evaluated, so their function will be described in greater detail in that section.

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Sep 25, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Seating Systems as Enablers of Function

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