Causes of FAI surgical failures
Bony under-resection
Femoral head-neck junction
Bony over-resection
Femoral head neck junction
Extra-articular impingement
Greater trochanter
Capsular insufficiency
Generalized ligamentous laxity
Failure to repair capsule
Labral insufficiency
Prior resection
Failed labral repair
Bony regrowth
Heterotopic ossification
Osseus regrowth of CAM
Postoperative adhesions
Extra-articular pathology
Misdiagnosed preoperatively
Developed postoperatively
18.3.2 History
The history should delineate between symptoms before and after the index FAI procedure. Ask the patient if their main complaint is pain, weakness, or stiffness/loss of motion and how these symptoms compare to their preoperative state. A distinct change in the quality, location, provocative positions, or timing of pain could indicate a new diagnosis or concomitant pathology. The temporal pattern of postoperative improvement – or lack thereof – can help to determine the cause of failure. A patient that has had no improvement should trigger an investigation into the original diagnosis and broaden the differential to extra-articular sources of pain. Conversely, a positive response to an intra-articular injection prior to the index procedure is usually reassuring that an intra-articular derangement such as FAI existed before the index surgery. Improvement following surgery, even if unsustained, should be investigated to determine the maximal amount of pain relief following surgery and the postoperative timing of maximal improvement. Activities that aggravated the hip symptoms during the recovery process can provide insight into the current diagnosis.
18.3.3 Physical Examination
A complete examination of the operative hip should be conducted and compared with the contralateral side. Standard aspects of the examination include gait analysis, hip range of motion, palpation of the muscular and bony prominences around the hip, and special tests for sources of referred pain including the spine and SI joints. Muscular weakness, which is common following hip arthroscopy, should be normalized to equal the opposite extremity when possible. Iliopsoas weakness from fractional iliopsoas lengthening can cause symptoms of early fatigue, abductor weakness may lead to peritrochanteric pain, and globalized weakness can exacerbate the symptoms associated with capsular instability. Residual impingement and labral stress signs are typically mild to moderately positive during the early recovery period, but, in the senior author’s experience, should be decreased compared with preoperative levels at 6 months postoperatively. Markedly positive impingement signs that reproduce the patient’s pain can indicate an incomplete bony resection, other types of impingement, or failed labral repair. Capsular instability may be suspected when generalized ligamentous laxity is present (>4/9 positive Beighton criteria) or specific examination maneuvers that stress the capsule elicit pain or subjective instability. The anterior capsule is stressed with external rotation and either abduction or neutral adduction-abduction with either neutral flexion-extension or hyperextension, whereas the posterior capsule is stressed with a posteriorly directed force in 90° of flexion and slight adduction.
18.3.4 Imaging
Radiographs should include an AP pelvis and lateral hip view. A Dunn lateral in 45° of flexion places the 1:30 position on the femoral head-neck junction on profile to evaluate for residual CAM deformity, which most commonly is seen at the 1:15 position in revision cases [6]. The false profile view can be helpful to determine anterior coverage and the morphology of the AIIS. Relief from an intra-articular injection of local anesthetic is useful to confirm an intra-articular source of pain, which can be performed under ultrasound guidance or fluoroscopy. Contrast injection during a fluoroscopically guided injection confirms an intra-articular location, but can result in a decreased negative predictive value due to contrast reaction. In the revision setting, 3D imaging with a CT scan or MRI provides extremely valuable information, and one should use a low threshold to order one or both of these tests. 3D imaging, in combination with collision software, helps to target incomplete resections, bony regrowth, and extra-articular sources of impingement (Fig. 18.1a–c).

Fig. 18.1
AP (a), cross-table lateral (b), and 3D CT image (c) of a 32-year-old woman who had persistent symptoms of FAI 1 year following incomplete resection; an easily identifiable transition between the resected and residual CAM deformity occurs at the 1:30 position extending anteriorly to 3:00
18.3.5 Operative Report
Obtaining copies of the operative report and arthroscopic images is essential. Cartilage evaluation with MRA lacks sensitivity for identifying lesions and is best evaluated from arthroscopic pictures. Iatrogenic injuries to the cartilage or acetabular labrum can be visualized in some cases. Some degree of iatrogenic cartilage injury has been reported anecdotally in up to 64 % of cases; labral puncture during initial portal placement is also relatively common (up to 20 %), but has been shown to have no effect on patient outcome at 2 years following repair [12]. McCarthy et al. reported that the sensitivity of MRA for chondral lesions was only 65 % in their series [13]. A patient with severe cartilage damage at the time of index procedure is less likely to benefit from a revision hip preservation procedure. The condition of the labrum can also be determined using the operative report, arthroscopic images, and postoperative imaging. Labral reconstruction may be indicated if operative reports or images indicate labral resection was performed without evidence of regrowth on current MRA or congenitally hypoplastic or attenuated labrum. Finally, the operative report will typically indicate if capsular repair was performed during the index procedure. Suspicion for microinstability is increased if no repair or plication was documented, though microinstability may exist even if the capsule was repaired.
18.4 Common Causes of Revision Surgery
18.4.1 Bony Under-resection
The most commonly reported reason for failure of FAI surgery is under-resection of the impinging bone (53–90 %) [5, 6]. Successful correction of FAI requires removal of the entire impinging area. Residual prominences following surgery can cause persistent symptoms even when much of the impinging location of the femoral head-neck junction has been resected. The most commonly reported location of residual FAI is the posterosuperior or lateral location along the femoral head-neck junction when an interportal capsulotomy is used [3]. It has been proposed that the substantial learning curve to perform hip arthroscopy could be culpable for this technical failure and need for revision surgery. Additionally, lack of recognition or ability to address acetabular over-coverage has been reported as another cause of undertreatment of FAI.
Philippon et al. found that 36 of 37 patients had persistent radiographic evidence of FAI in a series of revision hip arthroscopy cases between 2005 and 2006 [14]. Following correction, the modified Harris Hip Scores (mHHS) improved from 56 preoperatively to 77 postoperatively. Kelly et al. found that 79 % of early revision hip arthroscopies between 2003 and 2007 were due to under-addressed or untreated FAI [15]. Likewise, Clohisy et al. reported that 68 % of 60 revisions following primary hip arthroscopy were for residual or untreated FAI [16]. This series differs from the previously mentioned studies because all revision procedures – both open and arthroscopic – were included. In combination, these series report that residual FAI was the most common reason for early revision procedures; however, it is unknown if this trend has continued in recent years as more attention is placed on the underlying bony morphology responsible for labral tears and chondral injuries [17]. For example, in the series by Clohisy et al., osseous deformity was only addressed in 17 of 60 hips at the time of initial FAI surgery, which differs significantly from current practice. Further, as more surgeons are aware of FAI and more surgeons are more comfortable performing FAI surgery, it may be that lack of resection or under-resection of FAI bony anatomy is becoming a less prevalent cause of failed FAI surgery.
Open or arthroscopic methods can be used to address the underlying asphericity of residual bony impingement, but diligent preoperative planning is necessary to identify the location of the lesion. Three-dimensional CT- or MRI-based software can be extremely helpful to understand bony anatomy following previous FAI surgery. Static 2D radiographs show only shadows of the femoral head-neck anatomy corresponding to an orthogonal position from the direction of the X-ray beam. For example, an AP radiograph shows the 12:00 position, 45° Dunn shows the 1:30 position, and lateral views show the 3:00 position; however, the area of maximal deformity could occur anywhere between these positions. 3D reconstructions help map the bony topography and allow visualization of areas that can be missed on standard radiographic views. Figure 18.1 shows the AP, cross-table lateral, and 3D CT image of a patient who had persistent symptoms of FAI following incomplete resection; an easily identifiable transition between the resected and residual C deformity occurs at the 1:30 position extending anteriorly to 3:00. Milone et al. found that alpha angles were underestimated on plain radiographs by an average of 8.2° compared to 3D CT scan [18]. Software advances have recently enabled independent visualization of the femoral and acetabular sides, along with dynamic modeling of joint motion to locate potential sources of impingement. 3D CT evaluations should be considered part of the standard workup for failed FAI surgery to identify concerning areas for residual impingement. Reconstructed MRI images can be used in lieu of CT scans for younger patients where the lifetime risk of cancer from radiation exposure is higher.
18.4.2 Bony Over-resection
Although under-resection has been commonly reported as a source of failure, overaggressive bony resection can have its own set of detrimental consequences. Excessive deepening of the head-neck junction risks disruption of the labral suction seal that can reduce stability of the joint (Fig. 18.2). Biomechanical studies show an increased risk of femoral neck fracture if greater than one-third of the femoral neck is resected. Acetabuloplasty can change the contact pressures in the acetabulum resulting in edge loading and early wear mimicking developmental dysplasia of the hip. In extreme cases, instability and dislocation events are possible [19]. Correction of excessive acetabuloplasty may necessitate an open approach to the hip with osteochondral allograft or periacetabular osteotomy to restore normal contact pressures and joint stability. With time, joint damage can be unsalvageable necessitating total hip arthroplasty (Fig. 18.3).

Fig. 18.2
Cross-table radiograph of a patient that previously underwent FAI surgery with large resection of the bone at the femoral head-neck junction. This resulted in loss of hip suction-seal effect in early flexion

Fig. 18.3
Preoperative (a) and postoperative radiographs following acetabuloplasty at 3 months (b) and 1 year (c). Over-resection of the acetabular rim can result in altered loading properties. If recognized early, coverage can be restored through periacetabular osteotomy or bulk allograft. In this case, edge loading lead to accelerated cartilage damage necessitating total hip arthroplasty (d)
18.4.3 Extra-articular Impingement
Extra-articular impingement refers to locations besides the proximal femur with the acetabular rim where hip motion may be symptomatically impeded. The most common location occurs when the femur impinges on the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS), but can also occur between the femur and the ischial tuberosity as well as with the greater trochanter colliding with the acetabulum. Extra-articular impingement is rare, occurring in only 4 % of patients with hip pain, but frequently coexists with CAM morphology and traditional FAI [7]. Patients with documented findings of extra-articular impingement are more likely to be young, female, and those who have undergone previous surgery. These patient demographics overlap substantially with the typical patient who has capsular laxity and may result in markedly increased hip motion allowing extra-articular impingement. It has been hypothesized that extra-articular impingement could create a potential fulcrum that exacerbates capsular stretching and pain via mechanoreceptors within the hip capsule [20].
Patients who should be suspected of having subspinous impingement are those who have a low-lying AIIS and pain with hip hyperflexion in neutral rotation. Pathologic AIIS morphology, particularly when the AIIS extends below the level of the acetabular rim, are often caused by a malunited rectus femoris avulsion injury, though elongation of the AIIS may also be seen, and thought to be the result of sprinting and kicking activities as a child, resulting in overgrowth. A history of remote trauma from a previous hip strain can occasionally be elicited. In patients with suspected subspinous impingement, a false profile view or 3D CT scans should be obtained to evaluate AIIS morphology. Intraoperatively, the AIIS can be identified by tracing the direct head of the rectus back to its bony origin from either an extracapsular or intracapsular approach. An iliac oblique intraoperative fluorospot places the AIIS on profile and can be used to ensure adequate resection of the impinging area. Decompression of the AIIS was found to predict improvements in patient-reported outcomes in revision hip arthroscopy cases by Larson et al. [3].
Ischiofemoral impingement occurs when the quadratus femoris musculature is compressed between the lesser tuberosity and the ischium producing chronic groin or buttock pain. Pain is reproduced on physical examination by extension, external rotation, and adduction. Radiographs may reveal decreased femoral offset or evidence of altered bony anatomy such as previous ischial avulsion injury. MRI often shows increased signal within and around the quadratus on fluid-sensitive imaging indicative of compression injury. A diagnostic injection with local anesthetic using ultrasound or CT guidance is confirmatory for the diagnosis. Resection of the impinging bone can be performed endoscopically or through an open posterior approach.
18.4.4 Capsular Instability
The capsule is an important stabilizer of the hip joint that works in concert with static bony restraints, dynamic muscular forces, and the suction seal of the labrum to maintain the congruency of the joint throughout physiologic range of motion [21]. Hip instability results from an inability to maintain a concentric joint without undue stress [22]. Symptoms from instability range from pain only to hip joint unsteadiness or rarely joint dislocation [9]. The concept of hip instability is still early and somewhat controversial. Recent research confirms this evolving concept is a clinical entity. The term microinstability is used to denote pain without frank subluxation or dislocation.

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