This article reviews common causes of upper and lower extremity pain problems, including bone pain, osteoarthritis, tendinopathy, and muscle pain problems. These common conditions affect many areas of the body; knowledge of their diagnosis and treatment guides the rehabilitation of many patients who have musculoskeletal complaints.
Musculoskeletal pain problems have a wide variety of causes. They range from acute sports injuries to chronic overuse problems. Because of the large scope of this topic, covering all of these areas in even minimal detail is impossible. Instead, this article reviews some common pathologies that affect many areas of the body and their appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Common musculoskeletal conditions that affect the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles are discussed. An understanding of these broad categories guides the rehabilitation of many musculoskeletal conditions commonly seen in clinical practice. However, readers should also be aware that many joint- and region-specific conditions will not fall within these major categories. Because of this, the practice of musculoskeletal medicine can be both frustrating and rewarding. Physicians must understand a multitude of diseases and injuries that affect many different areas of the body, and the pathology varies depending on factors such as age of the patient and medical comorbidities. It is also wise to remember that in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain problems, the person who has the condition often has a much bigger impact on the final outcome of treatment than the pathology involved. Disability correlates only loosely with pathology in musculoskeletal pain problems, and those who report severe disability have a poorer prognosis for response to treatment, independent of medical factors . Lifestyle choices, the ability to comply with ongoing exercise, and social support systems all have a major impact on the outcome of treatment for musculoskeletal pain problems. Despite this, the correct diagnosis and a thoughtful, well-executed rehabilitation plan can significantly decrease the suffering and disability associated with of many musculoskeletal conditions.
Assessment of patients who have musculoskeletal pain
A thorough history is essential in determining the cause of patient complaints. Practitioners should ask patients questions such as (1) where exactly is the pain located, (2) what makes it better or worse, (3) was the onset of symptoms acute or insidious, (4) was trauma involved, (5) has activity recently increased or changed, and (6) are any red flags present, such as unexplained weight loss, symptoms of joint inflammation, or progressive weakness. These factors and many others help practitioners determine the source of symptoms. In addition, the history should also explore comorbidities, medications, and patient beliefs and expectations, all of which may influence the cause of the pain and outcome of treatment. Once the history is completed, the physical examination can help confirm or exclude likely causes. Imaging or laboratory tests sometimes help further narrow the differential diagnosis.
Pain from the bone
Bone pain is commonly caused by trauma (which is not covered in this article), cancer, infection, metabolic disease, or repetitive stress. The typical symptom suggesting that bone is the source of pain is a deep aching pain that begins insidiously and slowly progresses and is not improved by rest.
Physicians must first rule out serious causes of symptoms. The history should be explored for red flags, or signs of serious illness, such as a history of cancer, unexplained weight loss, malaise, fever, or other systemic symptoms. These symptoms suggest bone metastases or infection. Bone metastases are common because bone is the most common site of cancer metastases, especially for the most frequently occurring cancers: lung, breast, and prostrate cancer. Bone metastases are also common with other cancers, such as thyroid cancer, lymphoma, renal cell cancer, myeloma, and melanoma . In a patient who has known cancer, new onset of this type of pain should be considered cancer until proven otherwise. However, many patients present with bone metastases who do not know they have cancer, so physicians must keep a high index of suspicion. If cancer is suspected, bone scan and MRI are both sensitive for these lesions.
Osteomyelitis can also cause symptoms similar to metastases. Patients at risk include those who are immunocompromised, have tuberculosis, have had a recent medical procedure that could have infected bone, and have had recent systemic infections such as a urinary tract infection. It is not uncommon for patients who have osteomyelitis have a normal temperature and white blood count, and therefore these can rule out infection. Bone scan and MRI are both sensitive for detecting infection in bone .
Other types of bone lesions commonly seen by physiatrists who care for elderly or immobile patients are osteoporotic fractures and insufficiency fractures. A full discussion of these is beyond the scope of this article, but is available in rehabilitation medicine text books.
In the physiatric practice that treats mainly athletes, bone stress reactions and stress fractures are common. These injuries are usually found in athletes who participate in endurance sports, such as running. Risk factors include poor nutrition, lack of or irregular menses in women, biomechanical abnormalities, and training errors, such as too rapid increase in intensity, poor shoe wear, or training on improper surfaces . Similar to other bone lesions, MRIs are much more sensitive than plain films for small and early stress fractures. The treatment of bone stress fracture depends on the location and extent of the fracture. Most stress fractures heal well with conservative care, which consists of modifying activity until symptoms improve, correcting identified risk factors, and progressive increasing in loading that is pain-free. However, certain stress fractures need more attention. Femoral neck stress fractures, which can lead to displacement and avascular necrosis; navicular and proximal fifth metatarsal fractures, which are prone to nonunion; and middle third of the tibia stress fractures, which can progress to complete fracture and nonunion, should be treated with much more care by physicians experienced in this area .
Pain from the joint: osteoarthritis
Joint pain has many causes, several of which are joint-specific, such as knee pain caused by patellar femoral syndrome and meniscus tears. Because all causes of joint pain cannot be listed or discussed here, this article focuses on osteoarthritis (OA), because it is the most commonly seen cause of joint pain throughout the body. The incidence of OA increases with age. It is a particularly common cause of knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, and hand pain in the middle-aged and elderly population and should be high on the differential when these patients are seen in a clinic. Besides pain, it has significant functional implications for patients. Knee OA is the leading cause of mobility problems in elderly individuals .
Pathophysiology of osteoarthritis
Understanding of the causes of OA is increasing. OA affects the entire joint: hyaline cartilage is lost, bony remodeling occurs, and capsular stretching and periarticular muscle weakness occurs. It is believed to be caused by aberrant local mechanical factors, such as injury, misalignment, and muscle weakness in a joint vulnerable to degeneration because of factors such as aging and genetics. To think that OA is simply “normal wear and tear” of the cartilage is incorrect. Normal cartilage, like other tissues, becomes healthier with use. For example, some evidence in animal studies and small human studies shows that immobilization causes a decrease in cartilage volume, and exercise causes an increase in cartilage volume . However, injury to the cartilage can occur from abnormally high or repetitive loads across joints, because successive cartilage injury overwhelms the ability of the cartilage to regenerate. Once damage begins, a degenerative cascade continues, which may be partially from wear but seems to be caused more from increases in the lysosomes and matrix proteins that break down cartilage, and decreased rate in the synthesis of new proteoglycans.
Once cartilage damage occurs, other parts of the joint also become affected, and sclerosis of the bone, ligamentous laxity, and muscle weakness around the joint is seen.
High repetitive forces across a joint are a risk factor for OA. For example, a high prevalence of OA occurs in specific sites related to vocational and sports overload, such as in the ankles of ballet dancers and the elbow of baseball pitchers . However, joint malalignment, which causes excessive loading in an abnormal location, seems to be the most important risk factor for structural deterioration of the joint . For example, OA is more common after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and meniscus injuries, most likely because of changed biomechanics of the joint. OA is also more common in the weight-bearing joints of obese people, probably because of both increased joint forces and changes in biomechanics. For example, for those in the highest quintile for body mass index at a baseline examination, the relative risk for developing severe OA of the knees in the next 35 years was 1.9 for men and 3.2 for women .
It is likely that the source of pain in OA is the synovium and joint capsule (because the cartilage does not contain nociceptive fibers) . A poor correlation exists between the severity of OA as judged on radiograph and clinical symptoms. Up to 40% of those who have severe OA as judged with radiograph are symptom-free . Why some patients who have minimal imaging findings have severe pain whereas others who have severe joint degeneration have no symptoms is unclear; most likely it is a combination of local biochemical factors, central and peripheral pain processing, psychosocial issues, and other factors that are not well understood .
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Because of the poor correlation between imaging and symptoms, the diagnosis of OA is made on clinical grounds. Symptoms include joint pain related to activity. As the disease progresses, patients often experience pain also at night or at rest. A history of the joint giving away or feeling unstable is common.
On physical examination, usually joint-line tenderness and pain to palpation occurs in associated areas, such as over nearby bursa, muscles, and tendons. Signs of other joint degeneration often are present, such as meniscus tears and ACL tears in the knee . Often alignment issues are noted, such as varus or valgus deformities at the knee, which are strong risk factors for worsening disease and are associated with functional limitations . The muscles surrounding the joint are often weak, such as quadriceps weakness in those who have knee OA. Often balance and proprioception around the joint are abnormal. However, the remainder of the neurologic examination, such as sensation and reflexes, should be unaffected.
Treatment of osteoarthritis
Several recent meta-analyses have confirmed that exercise helps to improve strength, decrease pain, and improve function and quality of life in patients who have OA . The benefit of joint-specific strengthening seems to increase when combined with a general strengthening and flexibility program. Because aerobic exercise has also been shown to decrease pain and improve function in patients who have OA, when an exercise plan includes this, it will be most beneficial. The main drawback to exercise as a treatment for OA is that it requires continued patient effort and compliance. The beneficial effects of exercise are lost if the patient stops exercising . Because of this, physicians must try to assist patients with compliance. Studies that have looked at exercise compliance in patients who have OA have found that social support, having a partner to exercise with, organized group exercise activities, and familiarity with the task all increased compliance . Patient beliefs also strongly affect compliance, and therefore patient education is important. In one study, patients who were less compliant had more perceived symptoms, believed arthritis was caused by age or wear, and did not see physical therapy as effective .
Some evidence shows that exercise may help prevent OA or slow its progression. In one study, increased muscle mass was associated with better medial and lateral tibial cartilage volume. This relationship was significant for both muscle mass in the legs and arms . Several studies found that women who had stronger quadriceps had a reduced risk for developing hip or knee OA. This finding is believed to be because quadriceps may help absorb shock at heel strike . Knee load is also a significant factor in disease progression. Certain factors evaluated through gait analysis, such as an increased external knee adduction moment generated during walking (which forces the knee laterally into varus and compresses the medial joint compartment), have been shown to lead to accelerated progression of knee OA . Exercise may help change some of these patterns, for example through strengthening the gluteus medius to change proximal forces and training patients in different gait strategies.
Other joint-specific treatments for OA have been developed to address biomechanical forces across the symptomatic joint, including shoe modification for knee OA, the use of a cane to unload the joint in lower-extremity OA, and a variety of braces.
For treatment of OA pain, both acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been shown to be modestly effective. Because of the greater toxicity of NSAIDs, acetaminophen is usually the first medication recommended. However, in a large crossover study, patients who had been treated with NSAIDS first showed no benefit when crossed over to acetaminophen for 6 weeks . Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are commonly used to treat OA. The efficacy of these is unclear. Several randomized controlled trials have shown them to be helpful, but others, including large multicenter trials, have not shown them to be effective. They may be more effective for moderate to severe pain than for mild pain . Other medications have also been found effective in the treatment of OA, such as tramadol .
Intra-articular corticosteroid injections are commonly used to treat OA. Although they are administered to many joints in the body, their efficacy has been best shown in the knee. They have been found to be more efficacious than placebo for short-term pain relief (2–3 weeks), but have shown no difference for long-term pain relief .
Viscosupplementation injections are approved in the United States for knee OA; however, they are also often used to treat hip and shoulder OA. Recent meta-analyses have shown them to be effective for pain relief and to improve function, particularly 5 to 13 weeks after the injection. Risks of the procedure include a small chance of infection and an inflammatory response to the medication .
Acupuncture is another needle therapy commonly used for pain associated with OA. Sham-controlled randomized controlled trials have found this technique to be therapeutic with little risk for side effects .
Pain from the tendon: tendinopathy
Tendinopathy is another very common musculoskeletal problem seen by physiatrists. The most common locations include rotator cuff tendinopathy, particularly supraspinatus tendinopathy, and patellar and Achilles tendinopathy. In certain populations, other tendinopathies are common, such as posterior tibialis tendinopathy in runners and flexor hallicis longus tendinopathy in dancers. The term tendonitis has fallen out of favor, because it suggests inflammation, and biopsies of diseased tendons do not show inflammatory cells. The term tendinosis is used to describe the structural or radiologic findings of tendon degeneration. Symptomatic tendinosis (ie, pain and dysfunction caused by a tendon) is called tendinopathy .
Pathophysiology of tendon disease
The pathophysiology of tendon disease is not well understood. One major cause seems to be aging. As individuals age, tendon fiber content changes and tendons lose the strength and ability to regenerate and repair as quickly. The incidence of tendinopathies, such as rotator cuff and Achilles tendinopathy, increases with age . Another major factor in tendinopathies, at least in some areas of the body, seems to be overuse. This effect may be caused by repetitive microtrauma that may not allow enough time for the tendon to repair . For example, symptomatic Achilles tendinopathy is 10 times more likely in runners than nonrunners . Tendinopathies are often associated with too rapid an increase in activity; for example, a sedentary person beginning a vigorous exercise program or a runner increasing mileage and intensity too quickly. Another factor believed to influence tendinopathies is faulty biomechanics and structural deficits. For example, runners with Achilles tendinopathy are more likely to have excessive pronation, limited mobility of the subtalar joint, and limited ankle dorsiflexion .
Why some patients have pain in an area of tendon degeneration and others do not is unclear. Just as in OA, patients can show changes on imaging indicating severe disease and experience no symptoms. Sher and colleagues performed MRIs of 96 asymptomatic shoulders to determine the prevalence of rotator cuff tendon disease. They found that 34% of the asymptomatic shoulders had rotator cuff tears, including 20% with full-thickness tears. The frequency of tears increased significantly with age. In subjects older than 60 years, 54% of the asymptomatic shoulders had either full or partial rotator cuff tears. Some evidence supports that asymptomatic structural changes may become symptomatic with extensive tendon loading. Fredberg and Bolvig used ultrasound to study the Achilles and patellar tendons of elite soccer players, finding that 29% of the asymptomatic tendons showed structural changes of tendinosis at the start of the season. The players were followed up weekly, and the investigators found that those who had tendinosis changes in the patellar tendon had a 17% risk for developing symptoms of tendinopathy during the next 12-month season, and those who had tendinosis changes in the Achilles tendon had a 45% risk for developing symptomatic Achilles tendinopathy. Only one player in the normal tendon group developed symptoms during the season. Several theories exist as to why some tendinoses are painful and some are asymptomatic. One theory is that biochemical changes within the tendon cause pain. For example, researchers have found significantly higher levels of glutamate, a pain mediator, in tendons with tendinosis compared with normal tendons . Another possible cause of the pain is the neovascularization and accompanying neural network seen in tendinosis.
Diagnosis of tendinopathy
Clinically, tendinopathy presents as pain at characteristic sites within the tendon. It is generally made worse with activity and is better with rest, although it can become constantly painful as it progresses. A history of recent change in activity, such as increased sports training, is often found. Physical examination generally reveals pain over the tendon with palpation, pain with passive stretch of the tendon, and pain with resisted action of the tendon. A biomechanical evaluation often reveals structural issues that place the tendon at risk, such as muscle imbalances, poor flexibility around the injured tendon, and less-than-ideal alignment.
Most often, tendinopathy can be diagnosed clinically and imaging is not necessary. To confirm a diagnosis, MRI and ultrasound can show tendinosis and tendon tears. Several studies have examined the sensitivity and specificity of these tests using either clinical symptoms as the gold standard or cadavers in which tendon damage was inflicted. MRI is approximately 77% to 95% sensitive and ultrasound sensitivity has been reported to range from 57% to 100%. Specificity of both procedures has also been reported in a wide range (50%–100%). Because structural changes can be seen in asymptomatic tendons, clinical correlation is essential . Ultrasound has poorer interrater reliability than MRI because even slight alterations in the probe or patient position can change the appearance of the tendon.
Treatment of tendinopathy
Treatment of tendinopathies is varied. Regarding pain relief, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used clinically. Several studies have shown them to be beneficial for acute symptoms, but they are less helpful for chronic tendinopathy . Regarding the effect of NSAIDs on tendon structure, several studies have shown that they may have a favorable effect on tendon healing, whereas others show that they may be detrimental to healing . Other modalities are also often used. Ice and heat most likely help relieve pain just as in other painful musculoskeletal conditions. Ice is particularly therapeutic for acute tendon pain . Clinical trials have not yet proven if ultrasound and electrical stimulation are helpful for either tendon healing or pain relief, although they are frequently used clinically .
The mainstay of treatment in tendinopathy is the correction of training errors and implementation of an appropriate exercise program. In the acute phases, relative rest is encouraged and alternative training to maintain fitness is encouraged (eg, deep-water running for runners who have a lower-extremity tendon problem). Biomechanical and muscle imbalances are addressed, such as poor scapular upward rotation in swimmers who have overdominant latissimus dorsi and rotator cuff tendinopathy or overpronation in runners who have posterior tibialis tendinopathy. Flexibility problems are corrected, such as with limited dorsiflexion in those who have Achilles tendinopathy. As symptoms improve, strengthening is added in the subacute phases of rehabilitation. Once this phase can be accomplished with few symptoms, dynamic exercises that load the tendon and challenge balance and proprioception are added, such as plyometrics to train the tendon and promote proper landing technique in volleyball players who have patellar tendinopathy. Gradual return to sports and sport-specific drills are added as tolerated. For chronic tendinopathy that has failed to improve with these treatments, painful eccentric strengthening has been shown to be effective. The most beneficial programs use twice-daily heavy-load eccentric muscle training 7 days per week for 12 weeks. These programs have been shown to both decrease symptoms and cause tendon healing, as demonstrated through normalization of tendon structure on ultrasound and MRI .
Injections are also often used to treat tendinopathies. Steroid injections have been used for many years to treat these conditions. The efficacy of steroid injections for tendinopathy has been best studied in the shoulder. Subacromial injections have been shown to have a small benefit over placebo in reducing pain at 4 weeks .
Clinically, steroid injections into the tendon sheath at various other sites are often performed, although studies have not yet proven their efficacy. For example, one study comparing peritendinous sheath injections for Achilles tendinopathy found no difference between corticosteroid injections and bupivacaine injections at 6 weeks . Intratendinous injections have traditionally been avoided, because animal studies have shown that these can weaken the tendon. However, recent studies have shown that injections near the tendon (in one study into the retrocalcaneal bursa) also weakened the tendons, and bilateral injections caused even more weakening, most likely from systemic absorption of the steroid . Prolotherapy is another injection used for tendinopathies. Some small preliminarily studies have shown promising results with injections of polidocanol, a sclerosing agent, into areas of diseased tendon that show neovascularization on color Doppler ultrasound, although this has not been widely practiced clinically .
Some clinical trials have reported extracorporeal shockwave therapy to be effective, particularly for calcific tendinosis of the rotator cuff .
Surgery may be considered for tendinopathy that has not improved with conservative care. Currently, adequately randomized control trials measuring the efficacy of surgery are scarce. Surgery has mixed results, with most patients experiencing some pain relief and increase in function . For certain tendinopathies, such as rotator cuff, a high percentage of patients experience recurrent tears within 2 years of surgery .
Pain from the ligament: sprain
Ligamentous injury can occur at any joint, but the ankle is the most commonly encountered in the clinical setting. Ankle sprains account for 25% of sports injuries. The usual history is a sudden inversion of the ankle, and past sprains are common. Physical examination usually shows tenderness over the anterior talofibular ligament, the most commonly injured area. Swelling is common. Bruising and instability on the ankle anterior drawer tests indicate the ligament is torn. Besides the ligament, injury to associated structures should be ruled out. Tenderness over the fifth metatarsal suggests an avulsion fracture resulting from the pull of the peroneus brevis tendon, and radiograph can confirm. Syndesmotic injury is suggested if the patient experiences pain when the tibia and fibula are compressed at the midcalf. An understanding of the general treatment approach in this area can guide the management of other ligamentous sprains.
Sprains are graded as small or no tear and no instability (grade 1), partial tear with some instability (grade 2), or complete tear with instability (grade 3). Radiographs are only necessary if more than a simple strain is suspected.
Rehabilitation consists of protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (PRICE) in the acute stage. As soon as it can be tolerated, balance and proprioception training can begin, followed by muscle strengthening with emphasis on peroneal strengthening and advanced range of motion, especially dorsiflexion. As the patient progresses, dynamic drills such as lateral movements, hopping, and wobble board activities are added.
For patients who have joint instability and do not experience improvement with this approach, other treatments are sometimes used, including prolotherapy injections, in which a small amount of an irritant is injected into the painful ligament in the hopes of creating an inflammatory response, causing hypertrophy and strengthening of the ligament. More research is needed to show if this method is effective .
Pain from the muscles: acute strain and chronic muscle pain
A third major category of musculoskeletal pain problems is muscle-related pain. This category can be divided into acute muscle strain and chronic muscle pain. The cause and treatment of these two conditions are very different.
Acute muscle strain
Acute muscle strain is a common sports injury. Clinically, it presents as sudden onset of localized pain during a strenuous action. Two mechanisms of injury seem to contribute to muscle strains: overuse of a muscle at the end of its range (as can be seen in dancers or martial artists) or an incoordination of muscle action leading to muscle injury (as can be seen in sprinter hamstring strain). The injury usually occurs when a rapid change from eccentric to concentric contraction occurs during the late swing phase. On physical examination, tenderness over the strained muscle and often pain-inhibited weakness of the involved muscle are experienced. If the muscle is torn, bruising may be present over the affected area. Acute muscle strains are classified into three grades: mild (some pain, no loss of strength), moderate (pain, clear loss of strength), and severe (large tear, clear loss of muscle function). Treatment in the acute stage consists of rest and ice. In the subacute stage, which usually begins 3 days after the injury for mild and moderate injuries, gentle concentric strengthening at submaximal levels is begun. By the end of the first week, gentle stretching is added and, as symptoms improve, the eccentric component of strengthening is added. Sport-specific training is added as symptoms allow.
Although each episode has a good prognosis, a high rate of reinjury exists. For example, the rate of recurrent hamstring strain is 12% to 31%. Risk factors for the development of muscle strains include fatigue (most likely to occur near the end of a sporting match), insufficient warm-up, history of previous injury, and, in the case of hamstring strains, hamstring tightness and low hamstring-to-quadriceps strength ratio . Most of these risk factors can be improved with appropriate training, and evidence shows that muscle strains can be prevented. For example, Hartig and Henderson studied military recruits divided into two groups. One group performed the usual fitness program and the other group added three hamstring stretching sessions a day. The group that stretched experienced 16% hamstring strains and the group that did not experienced 29%. In another preventative approach, Askling and colleagues added a specific hamstring concentric and eccentric strengthening program to the regular preseason training in a group of elite soccer players and compared them with the regular training group. Results showed that the hamstring strengthening group experienced significantly fewer hamstring strains and had faster running times. These studies may have wider implications for muscle strains associated with work-related injury or other sports.
Chronic muscle pain
In contrast to acute muscle strains, the cause of chronic muscle pain is often unclear and the pain is resistant to treatment. Although the term muscle pain is a broad descriptor, the term myofascial pain describes a much more specific regional problem characterized by the presence of myofascial trigger points. Because of space limitations, this article focuses only on the broader term of muscle pain. However, many concepts on the origin and treatment of chronic muscle pain also apply to myofascial pain.
To better understand and treat muscle pain, experimental models have been developed. Usually, a substance such as hypertonic saline is injected into the muscle to cause pain and its effects are studied. Researchers have found that subjects usually report pain at the site of injection and distal to the injection in a predictable pattern of referred pain that varies with the muscle studied. Subjects also develop hyperalgesia in the affected areas. Individuals already experiencing pain in the area have additional findings. For example, when the tibialis anterior is injected in patients who have knee OA, the muscle pain is more severe, the area of referred pain is larger, and symptoms are also seen on the contralateral side . These findings can be explained by theories of how the nervous system processes pain. It also explains many of the phenomena seen clinically, such as the difficulty in localizing muscle pain because of the inability to distinguish primary from referred pain and the hyperalgesia to palpation. In addition to pain that begins in muscles, other structures can refer pain to muscles and cause identical symptoms to those caused by muscle irritation (eg, cervical zygapophyseal joints can cause referred pain into the trapezius muscle, whereas visceral structures such as the gall bladder may cause referred pain to the shoulder mimicking that of muscular pain, and nerve injuries can cause pain and even trigger points in the muscles they innervate) .
All of these factors make diagnosing chronic muscle pain difficult. Treatment should target these underlying causes, but treating the muscular component of the pain with evidence-based techniques that have been known to reduce muscle-based pain is also appropriate.
First-line treatment for chronic muscle pain is exercise. Similar to the treatment of OA, it is generally a combination of aerobic conditioning to increase overall fitness, and focal strengthening and stretching exercises to correct biomechanical deficits so that the central and peripheral mechanisms that may influence the pain can be addressed. Medications are also often used for muscle-based pain. NSAIDs are often used for their analgesic effect, because inflammation is not considered to play a major role in muscle-based pain. Tricyclic antidepressants have been found to be efficacious for treating many chronic pain conditions, including muscle-based pain. These agents are usually used at doses well below those required to treat depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants have not been shown to be helpful in treating pain, but some of the dual reuptake inhibitors, such as duloxetine and venlafaxine, have been shown to be helpful in treating fibromyalgia, a disease that manifests as muscle pain . Injections and dry needling are also common treatments for muscle pain. Dry needling and local anesthetic injections into trigger points have been found to be efficacious for treating myofascial pain. Some practitioners inject botulinum toxin into trigger points, and small case series have described this procedure as therapeutic . Acupuncture is also commonly used to treat muscle-based pain .

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