Reproductive disturbances in women

Chapter 26 Reproductive disturbances in women

Case 26.1

4. For each disorder named in question 2, explain how it could cause her symptoms.

  Possible mechanism for irregular menstruation Possible mechanism for heavy blood loss
Perimenopausal changes Variations in the levels of FSH/LH Variations in the levels of FSH/LH effect oestrogen levels which affect growth of the endometrial lining and hence menstrual flow. (Oestrogen stimulates the growth of the endometrium)
Miscarriage Bleeding is delayed while the pregnancy is viable, due to the influence of hormones When the pregnancy becomes non-viable, the endometrial lining will shed due to removal of its hormonal support
Fibroids Does not usually cause irregular cycles Fibroids which protrude into the lumen will increase the surface area of the endometrium. There is hence more endometrium which will thicken under the influence of oestrogen, thus more which will eventually shed. The result is an increased blood loss
Stress The hypothalamus is part of the limbic system. It influences FSH/LH levels via gonadotrophin regulating factors  
Functional ovarian cyst The irregularity is determined by the duration over which the oestrogen from the functional cyst is released. If oestrogen continues to be released, it will continue to support the endometrium and promote its thickening, hence delaying its shedding (ie: a delayed period results) Oestrogen is available for a longer period of time due to its continual release from the functional cyst. This causes more growth of the endometrium, thus there is more to shed when this finally takes place
Malignancy of reproductive tract Not common, but may occur if it is large enough to interfere with normal reproductive structure or function May occur if the tumour invades a blood vessel

Case 26.2

Case 26.5

Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Reproductive disturbances in women

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