Reduction and Fixation of Lateral Condyle Fractures of the Distal Humerus

Reduction and Fixation of Lateral Condyle Fractures of the Distal Humerus

Patient Selection


Figure 1Illustrations show the Jakob classification of lateral condyle fractures. A, Type I: displaced less than 2 mm with no violation of the articular surface. B, Type II: displaced 2 mm or more with no violation of the articular surface. C, Type III: displaced 2 mm or more with disruption of the articular surface.

Preoperative Imaging

  • AP, lateral, and internal oblique views of elbow

  • Oblique view helps visualize true displacement

  • Often larger than visualized on plain films due to cartilaginous component

  • Hinging is difficult to assess on plain radiographs; MRI or magnetic resonance arthrography can help

  • Most treatment decisions are made from plain radiographs; advanced imaging rarely used because of cost and required patient sedation


Special Instruments/Equipment/Implants

  • Fluoroscopic unit

  • Sterile tourniquet

  • Small right-­angle retractors for open reduction

  • Kirschner wires (0.062-­in); a small cannulated screw/washer can be used for older children with a bony fragment

Surgical Technique

Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning


Figure 2Illustrations of the anterior (A) and lateral (B) aspects of the elbow demonstrate optimal pin placement for a lateral condyle fracture.

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May 13, 2023 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Reduction and Fixation of Lateral Condyle Fractures of the Distal Humerus

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