Principles of injury management

Chapter Six Principles of injury management


The primary role of the sports trainer is to prevent injury and improve safety in sport. However, the risk of injury always exists in the sporting environment so, in the absence of more qualified medical personnel, it is the responsibility of the sports trainer to appropriately assess and manage the situation, at least until more qualified help arrives. The sports trainer should calmly approach the situation and apply established procedures based on up-to-date medical knowledge. This chapter describes a set of injury management principles that can guide the sports trainer in the management of sports-related injuries. These principles can be applied regardless of the type or severity of the injury. It is assumed that the sports trainer has a high degree of first-aid proficiency, which is a prerequisite for all sports trainers.

The basic principles of injury management that sports trainers should be guided by are:

DRSABCD principles

Basic life support (BLS) is emergency treatment to maintain life with little or no equipment. The guidelines for BLS in Australia are continually monitored and regularly updated by the Australian Resuscitation Council in line with the latest available medical research and scientific opinion. The current BLS guidelines are commonly referred to by the acronym DRSABCD. They are also often referred to as the CPR guidelines.

Regardless of the reason or circumstances leading to a person collapsing or becoming apparently unresponsive, the principles of DRSABCD apply to all first aid cases. They provide the starting point for sports trainers in their assessment and management of an athlete.

DRSABCD principles

D Dangers?
R Responsive?
S Send for help
A Open Airway
B Normal Breathing?
C Start CPR
D Attach Defibrillator

Sep 11, 2016 | Posted by in SPORT MEDICINE | Comments Off on Principles of injury management

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