Posterolateral Thoracolumbar Fusion with Instrumentation

Posterolateral Thoracolumbar Fusion with Instrumentation

Sreeharsha V. Nandyala

Alejandro Marquez-Lara

Junyoung Ahn

Kern Singh


  • Pedicle morphology is detailed in Table 1.


  • Standing posteroanterior and lateral radiographs should be obtained whenever possible.

  • Additional flexion-extension views may provide insight into subtle instabilities (FIG 1).

  • Full-length posteroanterior and lateral radiographs are obtained in cases of spinal deformity to assess for global balance (coronal or sagittal).

  • Lateral bending views can help determine the flexibility of the curve and levels for fusion.

  • Axial computed tomography (CT) images can provide invaluable information about pedicle morphology, particularly in the setting of deformity.


Preoperative Planning

  • Pedicle anatomy can be best assessed on CT (FIG 2).

  • A general assessment whether a pedicle is instrumentable can be gained by examining its size on an anteroposterior radiograph of the pedicle.

  • Pedicle diameter/length and starting points can be determined from the axial image.


  • Patients should be placed in the prone position on a radiolucent table (FIG 3).

  • Care is taken to ensure that the neck is in a neutral position and is not hyperextended.

  • The arms are positioned at 90 degrees or less of abduction to minimize the likelihood of rotator cuff impingement. The arms are allowed to hang down slightly in a forward-flexed position approximately 10 degrees. The axilla should be clear from any padding to prevent a brachial plexus palsy from occurring.

  • Elbow pads are placed along the medial epicondyle to protect the ulnar nerve.

  • The chest pad is placed just proximal to the level of the xiphoid process and distal to the axilla. In women, care is taken to tuck the breasts and ensure that the nipples are pressure-free.

  • The iliac pads are placed two fingerbreadths distal to the anterior superior iliac spine, allowing the abdomen to hang free and reducing any unnecessary epidural bleeding.

  • Proper placement of the chest and iliac pads allows for optimal restoration of sagittal alignment via gravity.

FIG 1A-C. Flexion and extension lumbar lateral spine radiographs can show evidence of spondylolisthesis as seen here at the L4-L5 level.

FIG 2A,B. Pedicle anatomy for screw placement can be assessed with CT scan.


  • Two approaches are used: the midline approach and the paraspinal approach.

  • The midline approach is used for most spinal procedures as it allows direct access to the spinal canal.

  • The paraspinal approach, also known as the Wiltse approach, was initially described for spondylolisthesis but is also used for far lateral discectomies and minimally invasive musclesparing techniques (eg, minimally invasive pedicle screw instrumentation or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion).

  • Specific screw entry points are detailed in Table 2.

FIG 3 • The patient is positioned prone on the Jackson frame.

Table 2 Pedicle Screw Starting Points


Starting Point

Proximal thoracic (T1-T3)

Junction of the midpoint of the transverse process and the lateral pars

Midthoracic (T4-T9)

Junction of the proximal transverse process and the lateral third of the superior articular process

Distal thoracic (T10-T12)

Junction of the midpoint of the transverse process and the lateral pars


Junction of the midpoint of the transverse process and 2 mm lateral to the pars


At the inferolateral aspect of the L5-S1 facet joint

Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Posterolateral Thoracolumbar Fusion with Instrumentation

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