Fig. 22.1
Periprosthetic humeral shaft fracture distal to the tip of a cemented stem in an RSA, the Worland type C fracture
Periprosthetic scapular fractures most commonly occur intraoperatively to the glenoid. Due to the rarity of these fractures, no generally accepted fracture classification exists. Acromion and scapular spine fracture is a relatively common complication of reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) and rates 2.2 % of all complications in RSAs [2]. In a series of seven patients (eight shoulders), Rittmeister et al. reported three cases of reoperations for nonunion of the acromion. These cases were all patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the authors utilized a trans-acromial approach with a sagittal osteotomy [20]. Crosby and Hamilton proposed an anatomic classification system based on the relationship of the fracture to the acromioclavicular joint [21]. According to this system of classification, the scapular fractures after RSA are graded as:
Type I: small avulsions of the anterior acromion that seemed to occur at the time of surgery
Type II: fractures propagated from just posterior to the AC joint through the anterior acromion
Type III: all displaced fractures of the posterior acromion or scapular spine
Recently, Otto et al. showed that the classification of Crosby and Hamilton has only moderate inter-rater reliability, which questions its validity and suggests that an alternative method of classifying these fractures is needed. The authors speculate that in many of type I fracture cases, the patients may have an os acromiale or preoperative acromial insufficiency or fragmentation; thus, the authors do not consider these to be fractures. The study also suggests that these fractures are not always detectable on plain radiographs and may require additional imaging studies to make a firm diagnosis [22].
Wahlquist et al. reported on five patients with “acromial base fracture” after RSA. The authors defined these fractures as a fracture occurring at the connection between the acromial process and the spine of the scapula at the level of the glenoid. This location is the foundation of the bony support for the entire deltoid, so a fracture of this region disables the deltoid function [23].
22.4 Surgical Techniques: Treatment Options and Outcomes/Results for Site
For shoulder arthroplasty, the preferred surgical approach is the deltopectoral exposure . When fracturing of the humeral shaft occurs during surgery or when periprosthetic humeral shaft fracture occurs after surgery and it requires to approach both the shoulder joint and the humeral shaft, this incision can be extended distally following the anterolateral aspect of the humerus. For displaced humeral shaft fractures associated with a stable implant, the preferred exposure is through a posterior approach. This exposure allows complete visualization of the humeral shaft and a clear identification of the radial nerve that can be protected during reduction, plating, and most importantly cable fixation in the zone of the prosthesis.
For primary RSA, some surgeons prefer the anterosuperior or transdeltoid approach . The main advantages of this approach during primary implant are simplicity, ease of axial preparation of the humerus, quality of the frontal exposure of the glenoid, and preservation of the subscapularis tendon. Its main drawback is the risk of neurological weakening of the anterior deltoid by damage to the distal branches of the axillary nerve in case of inferior extension incision to reach the humeral shaft for an intraoperative fracture [24, 25].
22.4.1 Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures
The majority of periprosthetic fractures of the greater tuberosity , type A according to the Worland classification, are stable [19]. They are usually non- or minimally displaced and, when occurring postoperatively, can be managed nonoperatively (immobilization in a sling or brace for about 4 weeks) with symptomatic treatment. Intraoperative stable fractures of the greater tuberosity can be managed similarly. Displaced, or otherwise unstable, intraoperative fractures are generally treated with a cerclage. Intraoperative fractures of the tuberosities have been considerably diminished by having the availability of trial humeral stems without associated heads that can be maintained in the humeral canal during posterior retraction of the proximal humerus during glenoid preparation. If there is an osteopenic bone condition that could weaken the greater and lesser tuberosity, it may be useful to perform a transdeltoid surgical exposure rather than a deltopectoral approach to avoid torsional stress on the tuberosities during performance of the procedure.
The Worland type C fractures are defined as being “distal” to the humeral stem. The literature demonstrates that these fractures with a well-fixed humeral component are similar to closed humerus fractures and may respond favorably to nonoperative treatment. Campbell et al. [13] reported on a multicenter series of periprosthetic humeral fractures. Each of the five postoperative fractures healed with nonoperative management. Four of these were distal to the tip of the humeral stem. When the humeral component of the prosthesis is loose, revision with a longer stemmed humeral component is the first choice. In case an acceptable closed reduction cannot be obtained with the use of a plastic orthosis, an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) could be considered. General principles are anatomic reduction and a stable fixation using a long plate to overlap the humeral stem. Fixation in the distal fragment is with multiple bicortical screws distal to the stem into the native bone and mono-cortical screws in the zone of the humeral prosthesis supplemented with multiple cables. Similar systems are generally used for periprosthetic fractures of the femur [5–8, 11–15, 26, 27].
Bone graft is also used in order to maximize the healing potential: allograft in acute cases and autograft (iliac crest) in cases with delayed healing or nonunion. In addition, one may consider supplementary fixation with a cortical strut onlay allograft in combination with a plate and screws/cables to obtain secure fixation. The specific revision strategy chosen depends on the quality of the remaining bone stock [28, 29].
In case of a periprosthetic humeral fracture with a loosening component, several strategies can be used, but all rely on obtaining secure distal fixation [30]. Only rarely a cemented long-stem component is used; the most effective strategies include noncemented distal fixation techniques. If the distal fragment maintains 5 cm of intact tubular diaphysis, then extensively coated uncemented long-stem prosthesis with or without plate augmentation could be used (Figs. 22.2, 22.3, and 22.4). The distal canal is reamed, and a trial stem is temporarily implanted. The proximal fragments can then be reduced using the trial component as a template. A lateral plate with cerclage cables is then applied in order to recover the normal length and obtain a stable fixation. Once length and stability are acceptable, the trial component is removed, and a definitive humeral stem is impacted; the cerclage cables are then retensioned and cut, and some screws are added to maximize the stability. The appropriate humeral length is selected combining different modular components (metaphysis and head), and a trial reduction is performed. After trialing, the definitive components are assembled and the shoulder reduction. These types of modular prosthesis have demonstrated excellent results in the revision setting and for periprosthetic fracture situations [30, 31]. This strategy is also effective for the Worland type B3 fractures (fractures about the prosthesis with an unstable stem).
Rarely, the proximal bone is so deficient that a modular proximal humeral replacement (so-called tumor prosthesis) could be used. In these situations, a cemented distal fixation is recommended. The proximal remaining bone and soft tissue can be cerclaged around the body of the proximal humeral replacing prosthesis with cable or heavy braided suture in order to maintain a stable shoulder.
For the Worland type B1 and B2 fractures with good alignment and a well-fixed humeral component, a nonoperative treatment could be considered. However, as reported in the literature, type B fractures treated nonoperatively have a high propensity to fail to heal and eventually require surgery. Wright and Cofield suggested that operative treatment should be considered for short oblique or transverse fractures that occur at the level of prosthesis tip. In addition, they recommended the use of autologous bone graft at the time of surgery. Type B fractures that have not progressed toward union by 3 months are also recommended for operative intervention.
For patients with a type B fracture and a well-fixed humeral component, the preferred current construct practice is a lateral plate with screw fixation in the distal portion and cerclage fixation in the proximal portion of the humerus. Distally, the plate should have a minimum of four to six holes covering the native humerus distal to the stem. If the diaphyseal bone is osteoporotic, as it is in many cases of periprosthetic fractures, locked screws are indicated. Locked screws should be placed after non-locked screws and appear to be most advantageous near the fracture site. Two or three equally spaced cables are used proximally between the surgical neck and the tip of the stem. The cables are sequentially tightened akin to the method of tightening a car wheel. This assures that tightening one cable does not result in loosening of an adjacent cable. Bone grafts are also used in order to maximize the healing potential, and strut allografts are reserved for situations with associated bone loss. The strut is secured with cables independent of an associated plate (cables over the strut and under the plate) and with cables around both.
The occurrence of humeral fractures after a shoulder prosthesis does not appear to significantly alter the final functional results.
22.4.2 Periprosthetic Scapular Fractures
Fractures of the glenoid usually occur intraoperatively when the glenoid is extremely osteopenic, such as in the patient with rheumatoid arthritis, and are related to the reaming or fixation technique. These complications concern only total shoulder replacements. Generally, the fracture fragments are small and comminuted and are not available to screw fixation. With inadequate bone support, the implant of a glenoid component should be abandoned and the defect bone grafted for a two-stage revision. After fracture healing, conversion of a hemiarthroplasty to a total unconstrained or RSA can be considered if symptoms require.
Postoperative acromial and spine fractures after RSA and their treatment have been described in the literature [32–35]. Because of the relatively brief history of the RSA, the management of these complications is poorly understood. The operative treatment is characterized by a high rate of nonunion due to the difficulty of stabilizing an osteoporotic bone under the increased tension of an elongated deltoid. The natural history of nonoperative management is characterized by reduced global shoulder function, but most of the patients who experienced this complication did not report chronic pain [36]. Given these patient outcomes, conservative treatment with an abduction splint for 6 weeks to limit pain and acromial tilt is a reasonable option for this complication.

Fig. 22.2
Treatment of the fracture in Fig. 22.1. The glenoid component was well fixed at the time of surgery, and thus revision of the component was not necessary. The humeral component was removed and replaced with an uncemented long-stemmed component. The fracture was further secured with cortical strut allograft and plate with multiple cables. The radial nerve is precisely located and protected

Fig. 22.3
Bone graft substitute was added at the fracture site in order to maximize the healing potential