Fig. 12.1
A typical modern ram-air design paraglider (Photo courtesy of
In 1965, David Barish, while developing the Sail Wing for NASA space capsules recovery, conducted tests on Hunter mountain, New York, after which he went on to promote a summer activity for ski resorts called “slope soaring.” The term “paraglider” was first originated by NASA in the early 1960s, and “paragliding” was first used in the early 1970s to describe foot launching of gliding parachutes.
The first flight manual – The Paragliding Manual – was written and issued in 1985 by Patrick Gilligan from Canada and Bertrand Dubuis from Switzerland, officially coining the term “paragliding.”
Since 1978, when “parapente” (“pente” being French for slope) was born in Mieussy/France, there has been consistent evolution in terms of equipment and different terrains and altitudes paraglided from, leading to continuous increase in the number of paragliding pilots and along side, a growing popularity of the sport.
The evolution of the sport has created a separation between recreational and competitive flying and brought about the need for a platform for competitive pilots.
The first World Championship was held in Kössen, Austria, in 1989, emphasizing the popularity this sport has gained.
The paraglider, an advanced form of the parachute, consists of an upper and lower sail, with “ribs” dividing it into numerous separate compartments (“cells”) that are stabilized by air pressure. Accurate maneuvers are possible with the aid of two steering lines (also known as “breaks”) attached to the rear corners of the parachute. Incoming air (through ram-air pressure) keeps the wing inflated and maintains its shape by leaving most of the cells open only at the leading edge. Once inflated, the wing’s cross section is formed into the typical teardrop aerofoil shape.
There are more modern paragliders, known as inflatable parafoils. These are usually ones composed of higher performance wings, in which the cells of the leading edge are closed, forming a cleaner aerodynamic airfoil. These cells are kept inflated by the internal pressure of the wing, similar to the wingtips.
The pilot is supported underneath the wing by a network of strings (“lines”), gathered into two sets (left and right risers) and are connected to the pilot’s harness by two carabiners (Fig. 12.2a, b). The harness offers support in both the standing and sitting positions. Modern harnesses are designed to be as comfortable as a lounge chair in the sitting position and can even arrive with an adjustable “lumbar support.” A reserve parachute is also typically connected to the paragliding harness.

Fig. 12.2
(a) The pilot is supported underneath the wing by a network of strings (“lines”), divided to left and right risers, and connected to the pilot’s harness by two carabiners. (b) Using the lines to steer (Photos courtesy of
Paraglider wing typically consists of a surface area of 20–35 sq. m (220–380 sq. ft.) with a span of 8–12 m and weigh 3–7 kg. The total weight of the wing, harness, reserve, helmet, and other related instruments varies from 12 to 22 kg.
The speed range of paragliders is from 20 to 75 km/h. Beginner and recreational wings sitting in the lower end of the range while high-performance wings are in the upper part of it. The glide ratio of paragliders (the ratio between the horizontal and vertical distance the glider travels at a given speed) ranges from 6:1 for recreational wings (10 m of vertical/altitude lost for every 60 m of forward flying) to about 10:1 for modern competition models. For comparison, a typical skydiving parachute will achieve about 3:1 glide ratio. A hang glider will achieve about 15:1 glide ratio. An idling (gliding) Cessna 152 (a small airplane) will achieve 9:1. Some sailplanes can achieve a glide ratio of up to 72:1.
Modern paraglider wings are made of high-performance nonporous fabrics with ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene fibers or Kevlar/aramid lines – a class of heat-resistant and strong synthetic fibers.
Tandem paragliders, designed to carry the pilot and one passenger, are larger but otherwise similar. They usually fly faster with higher trim speeds, are more resistant to collapse, and have a slightly higher sink rate compared to solo paragliders.
Paragliders, in contrast with skydiving parachutes, are used primarily for ascending. Paragliders are categorized by canopy manufacturers worldwide as “ascending parachutes” and are designed for “free flying” – meaning flight without a tether (as opposed to flying with a tether – in parasailing). However, in areas without high launch points, paragliders may be released after being towed by a ground vehicle or a stationary winch, in order to create a similar effect of “face wind” to a mountain launch. Such tethered launches can enable a paraglider pilot to gain major altitude and use higher starting points (even higher than many mountains offer), creating similar opportunities to catch thermals and remain airborne by “thermaling” and other forms of lift.
As with other forms of free flight, paragliding requires the significant skill and training required for aircraft control, including aeronautical theory, meteorological knowledge and forecasting, personal/emotional safety considerations, adherence to applicable US Federal Aviation Regulations, and knowledge of equipment care and maintenance.
Variometer – When gliding, humans can sense the acceleration when they first hit a thermal but cannot detect the difference between constant rising air and constant sinking air (as opposed to birds). A variometer is a device used to inform the pilot of the near instantaneous (rather than averaged) rate of descent or climb. Variometers measure the rate of change of altitude by detecting the change in air pressure (static pressure) as altitude changes. Modern variometers are capable of detecting rates of climb or sink of 1 cm/s. A variometer indicates climb rate (or sink rate) with short audio signals and/or a visual display and helps the pilot to find and remain in the “core” of a thermal in order to maximize height gain. The more advanced variometers have an integrated GPS, which also enables to record the flight in three dimensions, download, and store it after landing. GPS digitally signed tracks are now used as proof for record claims, and that way, points have been correctly passed (sets of coordinates that identify a point in physical space), replacing the former methods of “above the spot” photo documentation.
GPS – In addition to the above, GPS (Global Positioning System) enables to analyze flying technique by viewing flight tracks when back on the ground, determining drift due to the prevailing wind when flying at altitude, avoiding restricted airspace by providing position information, and location identification for retrieval teams in cases of landing in unfamiliar territory. GPS data, in a more recent use, has enabled pilots to share 3D tracks of their flights on Google Earth, allowing detailed “postflight” analysis and comparisons between competing pilots.
Radio – Radio equipment is used by pilots to support their training, communicate with other pilots, and to report and alert landing intentions and locations. Paraglider pilots often install microphones controlled by a Push-To-Talk (PTT) switch in their helmets either fixed to the outside of the helmet or strapped to a finger. Not frequently, pilots use radios to communicate with airport control towers or air traffic controllers. A cell phone is also very useful, in case of a land away from original point of destination and the need for pickup.
Control, Maneuvers, and Basic Terms
The steering lines provide the primary and most general means of control in a paraglider and are used to adjust speed, to steer (in addition to weight shift), and to flare (during landing).
The risers connecting to the rear of the wing, via multiple lines, can also be manipulated for steering if the brakes have been severed or are otherwise unavailable.
The “speed bar,” also termed “accelerator,” is a kind of foot control which attaches to the paragliding harness and connects to the leading edge of the paraglider wing, used to increase speed, by decreasing the wing’s angle of attack.
Pilots may encounter descending problems as in cases of thermals with exceptional lift potential or in cases of unexpected weather changes. In this case, the pilot will need to rapidly reduce his altitude in one of various possible techniques. One of these would be a spiral dive, which although being very efficient, places greater loads on the wing than other techniques do. It is initiated by constant pulling and holding down of the brake on one side. This action narrows the turn radius and forms a spiral rotation in which high sink rates can be reached. It offers the most rapid rate of descent at 10–15 m/s and requires the highest level of skill from the pilot to be executed safely. This technique puts/subjects strong G-forces on the wing and glider and might induce blackouts, as well as disorientation caused by rotation.
There are three methods of launching: forward, reverse, and towed launch. Each method is suitable for different wind conditions and landscapes. In a forward launch, in low winds, the pilot runs forward so that air pressure generated by the forward movement inflates the wing (Fig. 12.3). In a reverse launch, used in higher winds, particularly ridge soaring, the pilot faces the wing to bring it up into a flying position and then completes the launch by turning under the wing. Reverse launches have a number of advantages over a forward launch. In the presence of wind, there is danger of being tugged toward the wing, and facing the wing makes it easier to resist this force and safer in case the pilot slips. Reverse launches are normally attempted with a reasonable wind speed making the ground speed required to pressurize the wing much lower – the pilot is initially launching while walking forward (as opposed to running backward). In flatter landscapes, pilots can also be launched using a tow (towed launch). A release cord is pulled at full height, and the towline falls away. This requires separate training. There are two major towing methods: pay-in (stationary winch that pulls the pilot in the air) and pay-out towing (the line is payed out by a moving car or a boat). “Static” towing is another form of towing involving a moving object, like a car or a boat, attached to a paraglider with a fixed length line. This is a very dangerous method because now the forces on the line have to be controlled by the moving object itself, which is almost impossible. Static line towing is forbidden in most countries and should be avoided at all cost, as it comprises great risk of injury.

Fig. 12.3
Forward launching: The wing is inflated by air pressure(a) generated by the pilot’s forward running movement (b) (Photos courtesy of
The pilot sets up for approach into wind, and just before touching the ground, “flares” the wing to minimize vertical speed. The aim is to gently go from 0 % brake at around 2 m to 100 % brake when touching the ground. Some pilots apply momentary braking (50 % for around 2 s) at around 4 m before touching ground, then released for forward pendular momentum to gain speed for flaring more effectively and reducing vertical speed before final approach to the ground. Adjustments are to be made according to wind intensity.
Slope Soaring
Whether its a dune or ridge, air is forced up as it passes over the slope, providing lift. Pilots fly along the length of a slope using the lift created. Very little wind and slight lift are enough just to stay airborne as with too much wind, there is a risk of being “blown back” over the slope.
Thermal Flying
The sun tends to warm some features more than others (such as rock faces or large buildings), and these create thermals which rise through the air. These can be simple rising columns of air, or, more often, they are blown sideways due to the wind, breaking off from the source, with a new thermal forming later. Pilots try to find the core of the thermal, which is its strongest part, where the air is rising the fastest. Thermals are not innocent from danger, as there is often a strong sink surrounding thermals and also strong turbulence which might result in wing collapses while trying to enter a strong thermal. Once inside a thermal, shear forces decrease and the lift tends to become smoother.
Cross-Country Flying
Cross-country flying (“XC”) is basically gliding from one thermal to the next. After gaining altitude in a thermal, a pilot can glide down to the next available thermal. Potential thermals can be identified by land features, which typically generate thermals, or by cumulus clouds (clouds with noticeable vertical development and clearly defined edges) which mark the top of a rising column of warm, humid air. Pilots are also required proper familiarity with air law, flying regulations, aviation maps indicating restricted airspace, etc., in many flying areas.
Collapse (In-Flight Deflation)
The shape of the wing (airfoil) is formed by the moving air entering and inflating the wing and in turbulent air, part or all of the wing (airfoil) can deflate (collapse). In severe collapses, experience is of essence and pilot training and practice regarding correct response to deflations is necessary. For the rare situations when recovery from a collapse is not possible (or in other threatening situations such as a spin), most pilots carry a reserve parachute. If a wing deflation occurs at a low altitude, i.e., shortly after takeoff or just before landing, the pilot might not have enough altitude remaining to successfully deploy and stabilize by a reserve parachute (the minimum altitude for this being approximately 60–120 m).
Low altitude wing failure can result in serious injury or even death due to ground impact velocity. These complications and other dangers are minimized by flying a suitable glider and choosing appropriate weather conditions and locations for the pilot’s skill and experience level.
Competitive Flying Disciplines
Cross-country leagues – annual leagues for the greatest distance “XC” flying.
“Comps” – competitive flying based on completing a number of tasks such as flying around set way points.
Accuracy – spot landing competitions where pilots land on targets with a 3-cm center spot out to a full 10-m circle.
“Acro” – aero-acrobatic maneuvers and stunt flying; heart-stopping tricks (i.e., “helicopters,” “wingovers,” “synchro spirals,” and “infinity tumbles”) (Fig. 12.4).
Fig. 12.4
A tumble – an aero-acrobatic maneuver and stunt flying (Photos courtesy of
National/international records – despite continually improving gliders, new records have become ever more difficult to achieve. Aside from longest distance and highest altitude, examples include distance to declared goal, distance over triangular course, speed over 100-km triangular course, etc.
Competitive flying is done using high-performance wings which demand far more skill to fly than their recreational counterparts, but which are far more responsive and offer greater feedback to the pilot, as well as flying faster with better glide ratios.

The growing popularity of the sport has brought a consequent risk of injuries. Paragliding accidents present a completely new injury pattern, which is not comparable to injuries associated with other air sports or even traffic accidents [2–4]. Most accidents are caused by pilot errors (Table 12.2), unpredictable meteorological changes, or wrong appreciation of environmental conditions; material defects are a rare cause. These accidents may occur in difficult terrain making rescue operations often beyond the capacities of ground rescue services, thus requiring helicopter rescue operations.
Only few publications had been carried out to cover paragliding injuries.
The majority of injuries in paragliding accidents are spinal injuries, located most frequently in the thoracolumbar region, followed closely, and in some reports even exceeded, by lower extremities injuries (Table 12.1). This is attributed to the fact that most accidents occur during the landing phase, in which large axial compression forces bear on the pilot upon ground contact, predisposing to compression fractures of the thoracolumbar spine and hindfoot (Fig. 12.7). The cervical spine is uncommonly involved as whiplash injuries do not occur in a typical paragliding crash.
Table 12.1
∎Paragliding injuries distribution
Publication year | Years (injuries) | Country | Accidents | Injuries (n) | Spinal injuries | Pelvic injuries | Lower-limb injuries | Upper extremity injuries | Head injuries | |
Kruger-Franke et al. | 1991 | 1987–1989 | 218 | 283 | 34.9 % (99) | 41.3 % (117) | 13.4 % (38) | 5.3 % (15) | ||
Zeller et al. | 1992 | Germany | 376 | 489 | 25.6 % (125) | 3.7 % (18) | 46.1 % (221) | 17.3 % (84) | 5.4 % (26) | |
Fasching et al. | 1997 | 1987–1991 | 70 | 70 | 48.5 % (34) | 54 % (38) | 21 % (15) | 24.2 % (17) | ||
Schulze et al. | 2000 | 1994–1998 | Germany, Switzerland | 64 | 62.5 % (40) | 18.8 % (12) | 28.4 % (18) | |||
Lautenschlager et al. | 1993 | 1990 | Switzerland | 86 | 36 % (31) | No data | 35 % (30) | No data | ||
Gauler | ||||||||||
Schulze et al. | 2002 | 1997–1999 | Germany | 409 | 34.7 % (142) | |||||
Hasler et al. | 2012 | 2000–2009 | Switzerland | 144 | 219 | 51.3 % (74) | 9.7 % (14) | 14.5 % (21) |
Ankle injuries, which are also common, are usually a result of a combination of compression and rotation forces such as pronation/supination of the joint.
It is not uncommon for paragliding accidents to present as a combined multiple trauma injuries, following the high energy underlying mechanism [5].
Spinal Injuries and Related Mechanism
An analysis of 218 paragliding accidents (283 injuries) in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland between 1987 and 1989 revealed a rate of 34.9 % (99) spinal injuries [6]. The majority of these injuries were located in the lumbar spine (61 fractures, 10 neurological complications). The thoracic spine followed with 25 fractures and 3 neurological complications. The cervical spine was involved in 5 cases (4 fractures, 1 fracture-dislocation which was fatal) and the sacrum in 3 (all fractures). Fasching et al. reported a distribution of 48.5 % spinal injuries (with an 85 % vertebral fracture rate and the lumbar spine being, again, the most injured region) in 70 paragliding accidents in Austria between 1987 and 1991 [5]. Forty-six percent of the involved pilots suffered from combined/multiple injuries. A similar distribution of spinal injury rate (46 %) was reported also by Krauss and Mischkowsky [7]. Lautenschlager and fellows gathered a series of 86 injuries associated with paragliding during 1990 in Switzerland, out of which 36 % (31) were spinal injuries [8].

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