Pain in adolescence

Chapter 11 Pain in adolescence

Case 11.4


A 15-year-old schoolboy, Lachlan, is accompanied by his mother to your office. Lachlan, who appears pale, tells you he awoke this morning with a stiff neck and headache and that both seem to be getting worse as the day goes on. He describes the headache as ‘all over his head’ as well as behind his eyes, and that the whole of the back of his neck and shoulders feel tight and heavy.

Whilst Lachlan can think of no specific reason as to why the symptoms came on, upon questioning he explains that a week ago he played several games of football whilst interstate at a school football carnival, but that he did not seem to injure his neck at the time.

Lachlan had previously sought chiropractic care last year when he awoke with an extremely painful neck on one side with very limited motion. While he responded quickly to treatment during that episode, he says that this time the pain and stiffness feels different. Upon questioning, he tells you that he feels generally tired and unwell. When asked where he stayed while playing football, Lachlan replies that he stayed at a boarding school dormitory with the rest of his team.

Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Pain in adolescence

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