Berndt and Harty classification system for OLTs [9]
Stage 1
Small subchondral compression fracture
Stage 2
Partially detached fragment of the cartilage
Stage 3
Completely detached fragment of the cartilage without displacement
Stage 4
Completely detached and displaced fragment of the cartilage floating in the joint space
The mechanism of injury to the ankle can often describe the location of the osteochondral lesion of the talus. An inverted and dorsiflexed position of the ankle causes damage to the anterolateral portion of the talar dome. A shearing force is created with the talus impacting the fibula creating a shallow, wafer-shaped lesion [14]. When the ankle is inverted and plantarflexed, a posteromedial lesion most often occurs. Talar inversion and rotation result in the medial talar dome impacting against the medial malleolus or the posterior aspect of the tibia [14]. Post-traumatic medial lesions are characteristically described as a deep, cup-shaped appearance.
The goals of treating an OLT are symptomatic pain relief and returning patients to work, sports, and activities of daily living. This can be accomplished through various conservative and surgical methods. Initial treatment options for OLTs often begin with conservative therapy, such as immobilization in a cast or prefabricated boot, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, bracing, corticosteroid injections, and activity modification [15]. Although nonoperative treatment methods initially alleviate pain in the short term, OLTs often recur due to inadequate healing of the lesion [16]. Therefore, surgical treatment is often indicated to restore the articular cartilage anatomy.
Surgical Treatment for Primary Talar Osteochondral Lesions
Operative treatment is indicated in those patients with symptomatic OLTs that have failed initial conservative treatment efforts and those with acute, displaced fragments. Reparative methods focus on bone marrow stimulation (microfracture), tissue transplantation with autograft or allograft transfer system, autologous chondrocyte implantation, hyaline cartilage grafts, and biologic augmentation.
Bone marrow stimulation techniques include debridement, microfracture, antegrade drilling, or retrograde drilling. These techniques are often considered first-line treatment for primary osteochondral lesions up to 15 mm in diameter [17–24]. This treatment is primarily performed arthroscopically and involves excision of the OLT to a stable cartilage border. Multiple drill holes in the subchondral bone spaced 3–4 mm apart then allow mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors to form a fibrocartilage cap comprised primarily of type I collagen [25, 26]. Native hyaline cartilage , however, is primarily comprised of type II collagen, while type I collagen contains different mechanical and biological properties that have been shown to degenerate over time [27]. This can be one of the primary reasons for a patient to have a failure of a primary microfracture procedure.
Outcomes of marrow stimulation techniques have been reported, with good to excellent results, in 65–90% of patients [15, 18, 22, 28–34]. Many clinical factors have been described to be predictive of patient outcome. These factors include size of lesion, patient age, bony edema on MRI, and cystic nature of lesion [35]. Size of talar lesions less than 15 mm in diameter has shown to have superior clinical outcomes. Patient aged less than 18 years old also has shown better outcomes than older patients with microfracture and drilling. Lastly, improved clinical symptoms postoperatively correlate when patients exhibit a lower intensity of bony edema on MRI.
Osteochondral autologous or allograft transplantation systems (OATS) are indicated in large primary lesions or failed secondary lesions [17, 36–39]. In the OATS procedure , the OLT is replaced with a single osteochondral plug or multiple plugs (mosaicplasty) with an intact hyaline cartilage surface. The graft can be harvested from the ipsilateral knee or from a fresh allograft talus. The advantages of this system include replacing the defect with hyaline cartilage rather than the formation of fibrocartilage with microfracture. Disadvantages, though, include an increase in donor site morbidity from an ipsilateral knee, healing of the host to graft interface, and the need for a malleolar osteotomy.
Favorable outcomes have also been reported with OATS, although most reports are retrospective studies. Hangody et al. reported a large case series of 1097 patients who received autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty , with 98 receiving the procedure in the talus [40]. Ninety-three percent of patients had good to excellent clinical results in the talus at a mean follow-up of 7 years.
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a two-stage procedure involving the transplantation of cultured chondrocytes into a defect and sealed with a periosteal patch. The first procedure harvests hyaline cartilage cells from the talus or the knee, while the second procedure involves injection of the cell suspension under a sutured periosteal flap harvested from the distal end of the tibia [41]. Recent advances to the technique include a procedure using matrix-induced ACI (MACI). This utilizes a porcine collagen membrane carrier for chondrocytes, which is injected into a defect and secured with fibrin glue. Reduced operative times, elimination of a periosteal patch, and an even distribution of cells are potential advantages of the MACI technique , although this is not available in the United States [42].
Particulated juvenile articular cartilage graft (DeNovo® NT Natural Tissue Graft, Zimmer, Warsaw, IN) is a new technique that was first published which is used in the patella in 2007 [43]. This novel product uses scaffold-free allogenic juvenile cartilage that can be implanted into a lesion with a fibrin sealant. The cartilage graft has shown the ability to migrate, multiply, and form new hyaline-like cartilage tissue matrix that integrates with the surrounding host tissue [44]. The largest study to date for use in the foot and ankle was published by Coetzee et al. and demonstrated 78% of patients with good to excellent functional results with an average postoperative AOFAS scores of 85 at mean follow-up of 16.2 months in patients with lesions greater than 125 mm2 [45].
Management of Specific Complications
Failed Microfracture
Tol and colleagues provided one of the largest systematic reviews of osteochondral lesions of the talus [15]. They demonstrated an 85% success rate when excision, curettage, and drilling were performed on primary osteochondral lesions of the talus. However, when this technique fails, the surgeon is faced with a difficult situation for appropriate second-line treatment. A variety of reasons have been implicated for the failure of microfracture, including age, gender, size of the lesion, body mass index, location, the presence of subchondral cysts or marrow edema, and other intra-articular pathologies [35, 46]. A study that evaluated cartilage repair after microfracture by second-look arthroscopy revealed that 40% of lesions remained abnormal at 1 year postoperatively with incomplete healing [47]. However, this study did show that all patients had an improvement in clinical outcomes despite the arthroscopic findings at 1 year postoperative.
Surgical options for the symptomatic, failed microfracture patient include repeat marrow stimulation and microfracture technique, cell transplanting, or direct grafting of the lesion. Savva et al. revealed that repeat arthroscopy and marrow stimulation with microfracture do lead to improved clinical results in 12 patients who failed a primary microfracture procedure [48]. One recent study also demonstrated an improvement in clinical outcomes in ten ankles that underwent an open osteochondral autograft procedure following a failed primary arthroscopic microfracture [49]. Additionally, Kreuz et al. found a significant clinical improvement in patients undergoing an osteochondral autograft mosaicplasty procedure to treat recurrent OCD lesions of the talus that previously underwent primary arthroscopic microfracture [50].
Moreover, a comparison study of osteochondral autograft transplant (OAT) to repeat arthroscopy and microfracture in patients with failed primary osteochondral lesions found clinical improvement with the OAT procedure [51]. These authors found that both repeat arthroscopy and OAT both give promising results early within the first year of follow-up; however, OAT was significantly superior to repeat arthroscopy and microfracture at long-term follow-up of 4 years. They also found that the size of osteochondral lesion affected the surgical outcome between the OAT procedure and repeat arthroscopy. Among patients with >150 mm2 lesions, 25% resulted in failure for the OAT group, while 100% of patients exhibited clinical failure with repeat arthroscopy and microfracture with large lesions.
When large lesions (greater than 1.5 cm2) are encountered in patients who have failed a primary microfracture surgery, fresh structural osteochondral bulk allografts can also be utilized. The benefit of this system provides a large surface area of intact hyaline cartilage with attached subchondral bone, the ability to match anatomic contour of the talus, and the avoidance of donor site morbidity in the knee. Recent studies have found encouraging patient outcomes when utilized for large talar defects, uncontained talar lesions, and large talar cysts and in revision patients who failed a primary arthroscopic microfracture procedure [52, 53].
Autologous chondrocyte implantation remains a viable option for a patient with a symptomatic, chronic osteochondral lesion of the talus. Since the introduction of ACI in 1994, the majority of literature has focused on chondral defects in the knee. Though, a recent meta-analysis for ACI use in the talus revealed a clinical success rate of 89% in 16 reviewed studies [54]. The mean defect size in the analysis was on considerably larger lesions of the talus at 2.3 cm2. The majority of the included studies evaluated patients undergoing surgery for failed primary microfracture lesions. The data available suggests an improvement in patient outcomes can be achieved with the use of ACI as a second-line treatment option for patients with chronic pain following primary microfracture surgery. Consideration should be taken into account, however, with increased time and cost with the procedure.
Additional surgical options for patients with a failed primary arthroscopic microfracture technique include the use of particulated juvenile cartilage grafting. The largest study in the foot and ankle, performed by Coetzee et al., found a 78% success rate of good to excellent outcome scores in 24 ankles treated with particulated juvenile cartilage grafts in symptomatic osteochondral lesions, with 14 (58%) of the ankles having a previous arthroscopic bone marrow stimulation procedure performed [45].
Biological adjuncts , such as platelet-rich plasma and bone marrow aspirate concentrate, have also been investigated to improve cartilage regeneration for osteochondral lesions of the talus [55]. Early studies with biological augmentation are promising because they exhibit high chromogenic activity as well as display anti-inflammatory properties that may improve poor cartilage healing in a patient with an osteochondral lesion with a failed primary microfracture procedure. An equine model demonstrated the benefit of performing microfracture with the use of concentrated bone marrow aspirate for the treatment of full-thickness cartilage defects [56]. They found an increased filling of the defects and improved integration of repair tissue into surrounding native cartilage when concentrated bone marrow aspirate was used compared to microfracture alone. Additionally, a greater amount of type II collagen content and a significant increase in the amount of glycosaminoglycan were found in lesions treated with bone marrow aspirate.
Case Reports
A 43-year-old male presented with chronic ankle pain over 1 year postoperatively following an arthroscopic microfracture procedure for a medial osteochondral lesion measuring approximately 10 mm in diameter at the initial surgery. After failing previous microfracture surgery and continuing to have pain with activities, a second surgery was planned. Repeat arthroscopy demonstrated an unhealed osteochondral lesion of the medial talus with a loose piece of cartilage present overlying the lesion (Fig. 26.1). Repeat arthroscopic microfracture was performed; however, additional grafting with particulated juvenile hyaline cartilage graft and bone marrow aspirate from the ipsilateral calcaneus were also utilized with success (Figs. 26.2 and 26.3).

Fig. 26.1
Repeat arthroscopy demonstrating an unhealed osteochondral lesion of the talus following primary microfracture procedure over 1 year prior

Fig. 26.2
Particulate juvenile hyaline cartilage graft with a fibrin glue and an arthroscopic cannula for delivery of graft

Fig. 26.3
Repeat arthroscopy and microfracture with additional grafting with particulated juvenile graft and bone marrow aspirate
A 50-year-old male presented with a large, chronic osteochondral lesion of the talus measuring over 2.5 cm2 in posteromedial aspect of his talus. He had also failed a microfracture procedure over 5 years prior. Due to the chronicity and size of his lesion, the decision was made to perform an open debridement and grafting with fresh osteochondral allograft talus (Fig. 26.4). A chevron-shaped malleolar osteotomy was performed, and a fresh donor-matched bulk allograft talus was transferred and fixated with bio-absorbable pins (Fig. 26.5).

Fig. 26.4
Fresh structural osteochondral allograft transfer for a chronic and failed lesion of the talus

Fig. 26.5
Final placement of the fresh structural osteochondral allograft
Osteochondral Autograft and Allograft Failure
Osteochondral autograft and allograft procedures raise concern over the viability of the transplanted cartilage and the ability to incorporate a large graft-host bone interface. A considerable risk of graft collapse, graft resorption, and joint space narrowing exists when performing these procedures. If this procedure fails, chronic pain and debilitation leave both the surgeon and patient with few options for salvage. Surgical reconstruction options for an osteochondral autograft or allograft failure include conversion to a total ankle replacement, ankle arthrodesis, or bipolar total ankle allograft.
When autograft and allograft transfer procedures are performed, long-term monitoring of the graft should be employed. Gross et al. reported a case series of nine patients who underwent fresh talar osteochondral allograft transplantation with a mean follow-up of 11 years [57]. Three of the nine grafts demonstrated radiographic evidence of fragmentation and resorption of over 50% of the graft with secondary osteoarthritic changes at an average of 58.3 months postoperatively. The three patients with graft failure required conversion to an ankle arthrodesis.
In 2009, Raikin reported his results on 15 patients who underwent bulk fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation for cystic talar defects [58]. Two of fifteen patients required ankle arthrodesis procedures following graft resorption and joint space narrowing at 32 and 76 months postoperatively.
Additionally, Adams et al. reported midterm results on talar shoulder lesions treated with fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation in eight patients [52]. They observed radiographic lucency at the interface of the allograft and host bone in five of the eight patients at an average follow-up of 2 years. No patients, however, were converted to an ankle arthrodesis, but one required two arthroscopic debridement surgeries. They also concluded that long-term monitoring of the grafts is required, and perhaps the radiographic lucency seen in their patients was due to early resorption.
Lastly, El-Rashidy et al. found graft failure in four of forty-two patients who underwent fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation for chronic talar lesions with an average follow-up of 37.7 months [59]. This resulted in two patients undergoing total ankle replacement, one ankle arthrodesis, and one bipolar total ankle allograft.
Malleolar Complications
Open exposure of the talus requires the use of a medial malleolar osteotomy or anterior plafond bone block. The medial malleolus typically heals well with a low incidence of nonunion; however, care must be taken to place the osteotomy in the correct position with protection of the adjacent neurovascular structures and tendons. Kim et al. revealed decreased patient outcomes on second-look arthroscopy when the tibial plafond at the malleolar osteotomy site was uneven [49]. Alternatively, an anterior access bone block window may be utilized; however, this limits the access to posterior talar lesions [60]. If a malleolar nonunion or malunion is encountered, revision surgery with anatomic alignment and bone grafting is often necessary. In these cases, additional medial anti-glide plate should also be employed for added stability.
Technique Pearls and Pitfalls to Avoid Complications
Debridement and microfracture of an OLT is a successful procedure; however, intraoperative technique may play a role in obtaining a favorable result. Enhanced arthroscopic equipment and instrumentation allow the talar dome to have increased visualization. At our institution, general inhalation anesthesia with a regional nerve block and a thigh tourniquet is used routinely. Noninvasive ankle distraction is also utilized for easy arthroscopic access to accomplish a proper microfracture technique (Fig. 26.6). Additionally, a cystoscopy thigh holder allows the ankle to be suspended for easy use with distraction (Fig. 26.7). Standard anteromedial and anterolateral portals are utilized with a 2.7- or 4.0-mm diameter and 30° or 70° arthroscope. Plantarflexion aids in exposure of posterior lesions; however, this maneuver requires caution to avoid damaging the branches of the superficial peroneal nerve. In cases with extreme posterior lesions, a posterolateral accessory portal can also be used. For most medial-based talar dome lesions, the arthroscope and inflow enter through the anterolateral portal, while the instrumentation for debridement is through the anteromedial portal. Lateral talar dome lesions are best approached with the arthroscope and camera in the anteromedial portal with instrumentation through the anterolateral portal. Instruments available to debride osteochondral lesions include blunt-tipped probes, pituitary graspers, gouges, full-radius shavers, ring curettes, and high-speed burrs (Fig. 26.8). Appropriate angled microfracture chondral awls or Kirschner wires should be used to ensure a stable drill is performed with the proper depth (Fig. 26.9). The surgeon should also be sure not to skive off the talus and cause damage to healthy cartilage with the chondral awl. Multiple drill holes of the talar lesion should be performed with a minimum of 3- to 4-mm intervals [61]. Additionally, the inflow pump can be reduced in order to visualize fat droplets and blood return out of microfracture holes to ensure adequate depth into the subchondral bone has been reached with the awl (Fig. 26.10).