Orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques

Chapter 4. Orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques



Mobilization 52

General principles of orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques 53

Transverse frictions 54

Aims of transverse frictions 56

Principles of application of transverse frictions 59

Graded mobilization techniques 61

Peripheral graded mobilization techniques 61

Peripheral Grade A mobilization 61

Aims of peripheral Grade A mobilization 61

Peripheral Grade B mobilization 62

Aims of peripheral Grade B mobilization 62

Peripheral Grade C manipulation 64

Aims of peripheral Grade C manipulation 64

Spinal graded mobilization techniques 64

Spinal Grade A mobilization 64

Spinal Grade B mobilization 64

Spinal Grade C manipulation 64

Aims of spinal and sacroiliac joint manipulation 65

Discussion on the effects of spinal manipulation 65

Traction 69

Indications for traction at peripheral joints 70

Indications for spinal traction 70

Discussion on the evidence for the aims and effects of traction 70

Orthopaedic medicine injection techniques 73

Corticosteroid injections 73

Triamcinolone acetonide 74

Local anaesthetic 75

Contraindications to corticosteroid or local anaesthetic injection 76

‘No-touch’ technique 76

Needle size 76

Syringes 76

Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs 77

Epidural injections 78

Sclerosant therapy (prolotherapy) 78


Connective tissue structures are more responsive to a decrease in mechanical demand than they are to progressive increases (Tipton et al 1986). Therefore, depriving the healing soft tissues of motion and stress can lead to a number of structural changes within the articular and periarticular connective tissues that may be difficult to reverse. These changes may include all or some of the following:

• Disorganized fibre orientation

• Adhesion formation at the fibre–fibre interface (Fig. 4.1)

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Figure 4.1
Schematic diagram of the weave pattern of collagen fibres. A and B represent individual collagen fibres with cross-linkage in place to stabilize the structure. In normal tissue, represented by the left-hand diagrams, some separation is allowed between the fibres and the fibres can move apart. Adhesion formation at nodal intercept points at the fibre–fibre interface is represented in the right-hand diagrams at c and d; this adhesion formation will interfere with the free gliding of fibres and inhibit normal tissue function.

From Woo S L, Mathews J V, Akeson W H et al 1975 Connective tissue response to immobility. Arthritis and Rheumatism 18: 257–264. Reprinted with permission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

• Adhesion formation between ligaments, tendons and their surrounding connective tissue

• Reduced tensile strength of ligaments, tendons and muscles

• Loss of the gliding capacity of connective tissue, especially tendons

• Weakening of ligament and tendon insertion points

• Inhibition of muscle fibre regeneration by scar tissue

• Proliferation of fibrofatty tissue into the joint space and adherence to cartilage surfaces

• Decrease in the volume of synovial fluid with adhesion formation between synovial folds

• Cartilage erosion and osteophyte formation

It is noticeable that these connective tissue changes, associated with immobilization, are similar to the changes seen with the degenerative ageing process.

The length of connective tissue structures tends to adapt to the shortest distance between origin and insertion, which produces the consequences of immobilization that can lead to pain and long-term loss of function (Videman 1986).

Several authors have discussed the effects of stress and motion deprivation on healing connective tissues in animal experiments (Akeson et al 1967, 1973, 1986, Woo et al., (1975) and Woo et al., (1990), Arem & Madden 1976, Woo 1982, Akeson 1990). During a 9-week period of immobilization, dysfunction was not simply due to connective tissue atrophy, as there was no statistical difference in the quantity of collagen fibres, but due to an increase in collagen turnover and to other changes within the connective tissue matrix (Amiel et al 1982). Loitz et al (1988) noticed similar changes within a 3-week period of immobilization. The changes noted were:

• Development of anomalous cross-linking of existing and new collagen fibres

• Alteration of the dynamics of collagen turnover (synthesis/lysis)

• Random deposition of new collagen fibres within the existing collagen weave.

In explanation of the changes a difference was noted in the quantity and quality of the amorphous ground substance, consistent in all connective tissue structures, which amounted to a reduced concentration of water and glycos-aminoglycans (GAGs). As a result, the critical distance and separating effects between adjacent collagen fibres were reduced and the interfibrillar lubrication was lost. Friction developed at the fibre–fibre interface leading to the development of anomalous cross-links which altered the gliding function of the collagen fibres. This formation of cross-links was observed to be time-dependent and occurred when fibres remained stationary for a period of time, i.e. assumed a stationary attitude.

The incorporation of new, disorganized collagen fibres into the existing collagen weave physically restrains mobility. Overall this has an effect of altering the elasticity, plasticity and pliability of the connective tissue structures (Eliasson et al 2007). It is important to note that adhesion formation is a normal part of the repair process and it cannot be prevented entirely. However, it may be possible to prevent excessive or unwanted adhesions, or to mobilize them if they develop unwittingly. Treatment aims to maintain or regain the anatomy and biomechanical function of collagen fibres, enabling them to deal with tension, compression, shear and glide.

Collagen turnover (synthesis/lysis) is a normal, dynamic process that is influenced by stress and motion. When deprived of these physical forces through immobilization, the balance of collagen turnover is lost and a greater ratio of immature collagen fibres is present with a potential for the formation of increased anomalous, reducible cross-links. Pliable young scar tissue is ripe for early mobilization techniques that will reduce the formation of anomalous cross-links.

Stress and motion deprivation are also responsible for the random, disorganized deposition of new collagen fibres within the existing weave that results in an overall reduction in tensile strength. Collagen tissue has elastic properties, mainly by virtue of the weave of its collagen subunits, and it will become relatively inelastic if that weave is altered (Peacock 1966). The careful, controlled application of normal stress and motion will stimulate new collagen to be laid down in parallel with the existing weave and the collagen tissue will maintain its elasticity, plasticity and tensile strength. Wolff’s law, relating to laying down of trabeculae in cancellous bone along the lines of stress, could be broadened to encompass the response of the musculoskeletal system to stress as a whole (Akeson 1990).

Immobilization affects the gliding function of tendons and ligaments by virtue of the restricting adhesions failing to elongate to permit pain-free function (Weiner & Peacock 1971). In orthopaedic medicine the principles of mobilization, including transverse frictions, can be applied to healing tendons in tendinopathy, and tenosynovitis. The application of manipulation to rupture adhesions to permit normal gliding function may be necessary in lesions of tennis elbow and some chronic ligamentous strains.

In muscle lesions, collagen or scar tissue formation provides a necessary framework for muscle fibre regeneration. However, excessive scar tissue may form a physical barrier and hinder the progress of the regenerating muscle fibres. The connective tissue component of muscles is subject to the usual deleterious changes of immobilization, as described in Chapter 3. An adequate period of relative rest, depending on the injury and irritability of the lesion, is required to allow the muscle to regenerate sufficiently to combat the mechanical forces of mobilization (Lehto et al 1985, Järvinen & Lehto 1993). The benefit of early mobilization to the regeneration of muscle was explored by Faria et al (2008) who observed muscle fibre regeneration in the rat at 1 h and 3 days after injury, with daily swimming for 15 min and 45 min duration. They found that the earlier mobilization for 45 min showed improved regeneration. This would appear to support early mobilization for injured muscle tissue and the suggestion that early application of graded mobilization, including transverse frictions, will maintain muscle function and stimulate structural orientation without the excessive formation of scar tissue.

Articular changes during periods of immobilization depend on the restriction of the movement, the length of the immobilization period and the amount of contact, pressure and friction between the joint surfaces. The amount of synovial fluid is reduced, which renders the articular cartilage more vulnerable to injury by friction and pressure. Longer periods of immobilization of 45–60 days have shown cartilage erosion, subchondral cyst and osteophyte formation, consistent with the changes observed clinically in joints affected by osteo-arthrosis and age-related changes. Studies involving the immobilization of rat knee joints showed that if immobilization did not exceed 30 days the changes due to immobilization were reversible, but the longer the joints were immobilized, the longer it took to remobilize them, irrespective of the method used (Burke-Evans et al 1960). Degenerative changes occurring during immobilization can be partly inhibited by traction and continuous passive motion (Videman 1986).

The beneficial effects of intermittent and continuous passive motion have been well documented (Loitz et al 1988, Takai et al 1991). The original concept of continuous passive motion was developed by Salter in 1970 to reduce the harmful effects of immobilization (Salter 1989). Joints were moved continuously through a predetermined range of movement. This application of cyclical tensile loading facilitates the orientation of collagen fibres, providing tensile strength and a stronger functional and structural repair of connective tissue, including articular cartilage.

General principles of orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques

Protection is applied according to the severity of the injury and pain. Based on animal studies, the ACPSM Guidelines (CSP 1998) suggest that a moderate, second degree injury requires 3–5 days’ protection, while a mild or first degree injury requires a shorter period and a severe or third degree injury requires longer. Rest is required following acute injury to reduce metabolic demand and blood flow. However, a balance must be achieved with sufficient controlled movement of the injured and surrounding structures while avoiding any undue stress of the healing breach. Once it has been judged, based on irritability, that the newly formed fibrous tissue can withstand some controlled stress, increased movement is encouraged to stimulate the alignment of fibres. Healing within the presence of movement ensures the development of a strong mobile scar. Ice, compression and elevation can be applied in conjunction with the suggested treatment regimes given below.

Until recently, it has generally been assumed that there is an inflammatory component involved in chronic overuse tendon lesions, hence the term ‘tendinitis’. The work of Khan & Cook (2000) and Cook et al (2000) challenged this thinking based on the evidence of numerous studies which showed few or no inflammatory cells associated with such lesions. Instead changes consistent with the degenerative process (tendinosis) have been noted together with a poor healing response. Hence the term tendinopathy has been adopted to describe chronic overuse tendon lesions where the pathology has not been histologically confirmed.

This raises several issues, not least, how can corticosteroid injection, a known anti-inflammatory treatment, resolve pain in tendinopathy if there is no inflammatory component to the lesion?Khan & Cook (2000) highlight clinical experience together with reference to a number of studies which show corticosteroid injection to provide at least short-term pain relief, but the mechanism of that pain relief remains unknown.

Another issue involves the patient’s prognosis. Based on an inflammatory model, it is commonly suggested that the tennis elbow patient or the Achilles tendon patient will recover with treatment such as those suggested below delivered 2–3 times per week for 2–3 weeks. However, clinical experience shows such lesions to be generally resistant to treatment and the following offers a plausible explanation. If the pathological process of such lesions is degeneration rather than inflammation, this may alter the view on prognosis, with the patient being more likely to take many months to recover fully. The application of deep transverse frictions to chronic lesions clinically produces tenderness in the region, which takes time to settle. The work of Gregory et al (2003), discussed below, suggests that ultrastructural changes as a result of transverse frictions may take up to 6 days to resolve (although the study mentioned is an animal model) and this may have implications for considering the application of the technique on a weekly basis, for example.

In summary, the aim of mobilization treatment techniques applied in orthopaedic medicine, including transverse frictions, is to prevent or to reverse the connective tissue changes associated with a period of immobilization. It is important to recognize that stress deprivation causes rapid structural changes and recovery is much slower, and this must be taken into account when preparing treatment programmes.

Careful consideration should be given to the application of other treatment modalities, either simultaneously or consecutively with the application of appropriate mobilization. Abusive use of movement can produce mechanical forces sufficient to stretch or disrupt the healing breach, producing excessive scar tissue formation. Additional soft tissue trauma leads to secondary inflammation and the vicious circle of chronic inflammation (Noyes 1977). The correct amount of movement applied at the appropriate time is the key.

Mobilization should be used at optimum levels, with appropriate grade, range, force, direction, speed and duration to achieve the specific treatment aims (Arem & Madden 1976). Hunter (1994), however, correctly points out that, although soft tissue mobilization techniques are known to be clinically effective, no research has been conducted to establish the grade of mobilization required for each stage of the healing process. Orthopaedic medicine mobilization techniques (transverse frictions and the specific mobilization techniques, Grades A, B and C) are graded on the basis of patient feedback and observation against the under-pinning knowledge of the different phases of healing and the experience of the clinician. The appropriate depth and grade of mobilization technique is applied according to the severity of the lesion and this is determined in part by assessment of irritability, rather than in terms of length of time from the onset.


Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the hands using varying degrees of force (Carreck 1994) and a dominant theme in the literature shows massage to be a therapeutic art lacking scientific support. It involves the laying-on of hands and mimics natural gestures such as rubbing a painful area or soothing a child’s injury by kissing it better. As one of the oldest forms of analgesia, it conveys feelings of caring, touch and relaxation which indicate that both physical and psychological factors are relevant (Huebscher 1998, Braverman & Schulman 1999). Hemmings et al (2000) demonstrated a high patient satisfaction rate associated with massage. Techniques include effleurage (gliding movements), pétrissage (kneading) and tapotement (striking), all of which are generally accepted to have their effects in the superficial tissues such as the skin.

Mennell (cited in Chamberlain 1982) first introduced specific massage movements called ‘friction’ in the early 1900s. Cyriax further developed this technique, adding movement for the treatment of pain due to inflammation caused by trauma. He described ‘deep’ friction massage which reaches deep structures of the body such as ligaments, muscles and tendons, to distinguish it from the general massage described above (Cyriax 1984). The technique of transverse frictions has been further refined in recent years to allow the grading of the technique according to the irritability of the lesion and patient feedback.

Transverse frictions, therefore, are a specific type of connective tissue massage applied precisely to move the target tissue – of tendons, muscles and ligaments – for a specific purpose. They are applied prior to and in conjunction with specific mobilization techniques to gain their effects.

The term ‘deep’ transverse frictions has been deliberately avoided as the blanket term to prevent the abuse of this technique. Unfortunately, deep transverse friction has been taught to many therapists as just that, and the technique has not been adapted or graded to suit the lesion to gain specific purpose. Consequently, it has developed a reputation for being very painful for the patient and tiring for the therapist, often being abandoned for these reasons (Ingham 1981, Woodman & Pare 1982, de Bruijn 1984, Cyriax & Cyriax 1993). It is an underrated modality at our fingertips (pun intended) and, when applied correctly, it is an extremely useful technique.

Transverse frictions can be graded in depth and duration of application for acute and chronic lesions. If correctly applied, an analgesic effect is achieved and it does not have to be a painful experience for the patient. In this text, the terms gentle transverse frictions (for acute irritable lesions) and deep transverse frictions (for chronic non-irritable lesions) will be used to give an indication of the grade required for specific treatments. However, no attempts have been made to quantify this grade and it should be developed in response to patient feedback and according to the experience of the therapist.

The evidence base to support the use of transverse frictions needs urgent development, but a number of studies exist which suggest plausible reasons for the effects of the technique, paving the way for future research. With one exception, most studies use a small sample, making it difficult to generalize results to a wider population, and several involve animal models. No one treatment modality has been shown to be significantly better than another, and some studies use subjective terms such as ‘traditional’ and ‘standard physiotherapy’ to indicate the use of combined modalities. There is no consensus on a standardized method of application, with techniques varying from three 1-min applications to a 10-min continuous application in one session. J. Kerr (unpublished work 2006) conducted a survey in Scotland and analysed 86 questionnaires to establish musculoskeletal physiotherapists’ current practice in the use of frictions for treating soft tissue lesions. Frictions were used by 83.7% of those surveyed and treatment times ranged from 3 to 5 min for acute lesions and were consistent at just below 10 min for chronic lesions.

Stratford et al (1989) evaluated the use of phonophoresis (the delivery of drugs via the skin using ultrasound) and transverse frictions for tennis elbow but the lack of statistical power was deemed to be due to the small sample size. Vasseljen (1992) demonstrated that ‘traditional physiotherapy’ methods of transverse frictions and ultrasound performed better than laser in tennis elbow under subjective, but not objective, testing. However, the subjective interpretation in this study may have been more reliably evaluated using qualitative research methods.

Assessing the effect of the addition of transverse frictions to a ‘standard’ physiotherapy programme, Schwellnus et al (1992) showed no significant difference between comparison groups in the treatment of iliotibial band friction syndrome. This study was identified for the Cochrane Library by Brosseau et al (2002) as the only randomized controlled trial to meet investigation criteria. In providing a rationale for their research, Schwellnus et al suggest that the effect of transverse frictions is to realign fibres without detaching them from their origins. However, this is inconsistent with current physiological evidence which shows fibre alignment to occur along the lines of the applied stress. Therefore it is the applied mobilization technique following the application of transverse frictions which is important for realignment of fibres.

Verhaar et al (1996) conducted the only study to investigate the use of transverse frictions combined with mobilization, in this case a manipulation for tennis elbow. A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted with 106 patients divided into two groups, one receiving transverse frictions and Mill’s manipulation (see Ch. 6) and the other corticosteroid injection. Short-term follow-up showed significant improvement in both groups, with the injection group faring better than the transverse frictions group, while long-term follow-up showed no statistical difference between the two groups. An honest evaluation of the limits of this study is included by the authors, citing reasons such as failing to eliminate observer bias together with blinding and organizational difficulties. They suggest that as the conclusion of the study identified all methods of treatment as effective, then the least invasive, least expensive and most time-efficient should be used, in this case injection. However, injection is an invasive technique and the number of patients requiring surgery in the injection group in the long term was not addressed in the study.

Pellecchia et al (1994) demonstrate some support for ‘combined modalities’ including transverse frictions when compared with iontophoresis (delivery of drugs via the skin using electrical energy), but conclude that iontophoresis may be more effective and efficient. The study is limited by its small sample size of 26 subjects, scant discussion on how randomization and blinding occurred and a lack of analysis of the six subjects who dropped out. The authors discuss the limitations of their study, explaining that ethical considerations resulted in decisions which favoured the interests of the patients over a stronger experimental design. This study clearly illustrates the difficulties experienced in developing good experimental evidence.

Drechsler et al (1997) provide a clear rationale for an experiment to compare two treatment regimes for tennis elbow, while also adding to the current debate on the deficiencies of treatment regimes which address inflammatory rather than degenerative causes of tendinopathy. A ‘standard’ treatment group was exposed to several interventions including transverse frictions while a neural tension group was exposed to mobilization of the radial nerve. Results showed no significant difference for any variable tested; nevertheless, it is concluded that neural and joint mobilizations together were superior to the ‘standard’ treatment techniques.

In contrast to the above studies, Davidson et al (1997) and Gehlsen et al (1998) used animal studies to provide support for the application of augmented soft tissue mobilizations, applied parallel to the fibre direction, to promote the healing process in tendinopathy. These soft tissue pressures could be considered to be similar to the pressures delivered by deep transverse frictions. Controlled application of microtrauma through pressure in this way promoted fibroblastic proliferation and activation, dependent upon the depth of the pressure applied, leading to repair in the absence of inflammation.

Parallels could be drawn with a study conducted by Gregory et al (2003) who used an animal model to demonstrate the ultrastructural changes occurring in previously normal muscle tissue following 10 min deep transverse frictions. Obvious reddening of the skin was present immediately after deep transverse frictions, with inflammation and changes in myofibre morphology still apparent 24 h later. However, the ultrastructural changes described after 6 days were not those routinely associated with regeneration of muscle tissue after injury, such as haemorrhage, inflammation and macrophage activity, but more consistent with the repair process. It was also clear that the ultrastructural changes occurred locally under the area to which treatment had been directed. What the study was unable to clarify was whether or not these changes were potentially beneficial and would facilitate the healing process, or would aggravate the injury if present.

Kelly (1997) conducted a study specifically to test transverse frictions as a single modality, although this involved normal volunteers rather than symptomatic patients. The gastrocnemius muscle in 46 subjects received 5 min deep transverse frictions. An increase in the range of movement (dorsiflexion) and force of isometric muscle contraction (plantarflexion) occurred, indicating that transverse frictions may promote improved muscle function. Credit in this study was also given to motivational and psychological factors arising from the hands-on treatment; this has further implications for external validity.

Iwatsuki et al (2001) appear to corroborate the work of Kelly in an investigation into the biting force of the masticatory muscles in subjects diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident before and after transverse frictions. Improved function due to an increase in the biting force of these muscles was demonstrated. The reason for the result was deemed to be due to relaxation of muscle spasm, although the sample size was small.

Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al (2005) set out to prove that trigger pointing (ischaemic pressure technique) was better than frictions for treating myofascial trigger points. However, in their pilot study (with a total of 40 subjects split into two groups), both techniques were equally effective in reducing tenderness. The frictions were applied for less time than the 10 min currently advocated on the basis of clinical experience but the study may have implications in widening out the range of situations where the application of frictions could be beneficial.

Despite the paucity of evidence, good clinical results have been observed following transverse frictions and, until proven ineffective, its use is advocated according to certain principles discussed below. The above studies suggest that possible beneficial effects include improved muscle function, stimulation of an inflammatory reaction and repair due to proliferation and activation of fibroblasts in the absence of inflammation. If ultrastructural changes occur local to the applied pressure and take time to subside, this has implications for ensuring that the technique is delivered to the target tissue and for the timing of subsequent applications of the technique.

A snapshot of current practice is provided in Table 4.1 that lists the ‘top ten’ lesions treated with frictions drawn from a survey of 86 physiotherapists’ practice in the mid-Lothian area of Scotland (J. Kerr, unpublished work 2006).

Table 4.1 ‘Top 10’ lesions treated with transverse frictions (86 respondents)
1 Lateral collateral ligament of the ankle
2 Rotator cuff tendons
3 Tennis elbow
4 Medial collateral ligament of the knee
5 Achilles tendinopathy
6 Muscle strain
7 Patella tendinopathy
8 Tendinopathy
9 Golfer’s elbow
10 De Quervain’s tenosynovitis

Aims of transverse frictions

To induce pain relief

An in-depth discussion of the pain-relieving effects of manual therapy techniques is outside the scope of this book and the reader is referred to the work of Vicenzino & Wright (2002), who provide an account of the current evidence. Pain relief following the application of transverse frictions has been clinically observed and a number of working hypotheses are proposed to substantiate this. Farasyn (2007), for example, suggests that frictions applied to muscle releases stimulation of sensitized neurons and reduces referred pain.

The reduction in pain is experienced as a numbing or analgesic effect, i.e. a decrease in pain perceived by the patient who will often acknowledge this by saying you have ‘gone off the spot’. However, with faith in diagnosis and accurate knowledge of anatomy, this should be the signal to grade the friction more deeply to apply beneficial treatment appropriate to the lesion.

Following treatment the comparable signs can be reassessed and a reduction in pain and increase in strength is usually noted. This induced analgesia is utilized to allow the application of graded mobilization techniques in acute lesions. In chronic lesions, an initial analgesic effect is required through the application of a gentler grade of transverse frictions; the technique is then applied with increasing depth to provide a traumatic hyperaemia and pain relief to allow graded mobilization to be applied.

The traumatic hyperaemia induced by the application of deeper graded transverse frictions over a longer period of time in chronic lesions may produce analgesia through changes in the local microenvironment of the tissues via an increased blow flow. These changes may include removal of the chemical irritants that sensitize or excite local nociceptors, a decrease in local oedema and pressure, the production of local heat and facilitation of the repair process.

Pain modulation may be induced through several complex phenomena, including spinal and central nervous system mechanisms acting individually or in combination, to produce desired effects. The gate control theory proposed by Melzack & Wall in 1965 is a theory of pain modulation that affects the passage of sensory information at spinal cord level, especially nociceptive impulses. Within the spinal cord there are mechanisms which ‘open the gate’ to impulses provoked by noxious stimuli, and mechanisms which ‘close the gate’, thus reducing the awareness of noxious stimuli.

The reduction in pain achieved seems to be fairly long-lasting, possibly longer than expected. Transverse frictions, like rubbing or scratching the skin, are considered to be a form of noxious counterirritation that leads to a desired analgesic effect (de Bruijn 1984). Inhibition, which produces lasting pain relief, is believed to be through the descending inhibitory control systems via the periaqueductal grey area – the key centre for endogenous opioid analgesic mechanisms. Endogenous opioids are inhibitory neurotransmitters which diminish the intensity of the pain transmitted to higher centres (de Bruijn 1984, Melzack & Wall 1988, Goats 1994).

De Bruijn (1984) treated 13 patients with deep transverse frictions to various soft tissue lesions. The time required to produce analgesia during the application of deep transverse frictions was noted to be 0.4–5.1 min (mean 2.1 min) while the post-massage analgesic effect lasted 0.3 min–48 h (mean 26 h).

Carreck (1994) evaluated the effect of a 15-min general lower limb massage (effleurage and pétrissage) on pain perception threshold in 20 healthy volunteers and showed that the massage significantly increased the pain perception threshold for experimentally induced pain. Conversely, Kelly (1997), using deep transverse frictions on normal volunteers, reported no significant change in the pain pressure threshold, although there was an improvement in function that will be discussed below.

Massage in its various forms is considered to be a placebo, having a therapeutic effect on the psychological aspects of pain. There is no doubt that a professional attitude, including a thorough patient assessment and diagnosis, an explanation of the problem and the beneficial effects of the proposed treatment intervention, together with involvement of patients in their own recovery, has great effect. Transverse frictions as a form of massage may also have a placebo effect.

To produce therapeutic movement

Friction potentially exists whenever two objects come into contact with each other, which is why it is important that the depth of application of transverse frictions should ensure that the therapist’s finger makes contact with the target tissue, albeit via the skin and superficial tissues. A shear force is one that attempts to move one object over or against another and is applied parallel to the contacting surfaces in the direction of the attempted movement. The greater the contact force via the therapist’s finger on the target tissue and/or the rougher the contacting surfaces, the greater the force of friction. Imagine rubbing your hands together; the harder you press, the greater the contact force and the greater the friction generated (Levangie & Norkin 2001). Friction generates heat and may therefore promote movement of the tissues by reducing pain and viscosity.

A therapeutic to-and-fro movement aims to mimic the function of the target tissue to prevent adhesive scar tissue formation in acute lesions and to mobilize established scarring in chronic lesions. For this reason, muscle bellies are placed into a shortened position to facilitate broadening of the muscle fibres and ligaments are moved across the underlying bone. In the case of tendons, transverse frictions aim to move the structures passively, either within the surrounding connective tissue or between a tendon and its sheath. Tendons in sheaths are therefore put on the stretch to allow mobilization of the sheath around the solid base of the underlying tendon.

When applied in the early inflammatory phase, gentle transverse frictions (approximately six sweeps) cause an agitation of tissue fluid that may increase the rate of phagocytosis by chance contact with the macrophages (Evans 1980). It is a useful treatment to apply in the acute inflammatory stage following injury, depending upon the irritability of the condition. It is applied in this ‘gentle’ manner before scar tissue formation has truly begun, but should be graded appropriately to avoid increased bleeding or disruption of the healing breach.

In an experiment to evaluate pain and range of movement in acute lateral ligament sprain of the ankle, the effect of transverse frictions together with Grade A mobilization was compared to Grade A mobilization alone (Kesson & Rees, unpublished work 2002). The experimental group received transverse frictions and Grade A mobilization, while the comparison group received Grade A mobilization alone. The sample size of 16 was too small to allow statistical significance or generalization but the experimental group showed a greater overall increase in range of movement and a greater overall decrease in pain on single leg standing than the comparison group. However, it was noted that two subjects experienced a decreased range of movement and four experienced increased pain on single leg standing in the experimental group. The mean number of days post-injury for the experimental group was 4.4 and if this trend were upheld in a larger trial it could have implications for assessing the appropriate time to apply transverse frictions in terms of assessment of irritability. The suggestion is that the appropriate time for applying transverse frictions and Grade A mobilization cannot be determined in terms of number of days post-injury, but should be assessed in terms of the injury sustained and the irritability of the lesion.

In the chronic inflammatory phase, deep transverse frictions produce therapeutic movement, increasing frictional forces and generating heat to soften and mobilize adhesive scar tissue. This prepares the structure for other graded mobilizations that aim to apply longitudinal stress.

To produce a traumatic hyperaemia in chronic lesions

Increasing the depth of transverse frictions, i.e. the contact between the therapist’s finger and the target tissue, together with an increase in time of the application of the technique to approximately 10 min produces a controlled traumatic hyperaemia and is used exclusively for chronic lesions. The hyperaemia is caused by the mechanical action of the technique (Brosseau et al 2002).

A superficial erythema (redness) develops in the skin through dilatation of the arterioles and it is assumed that the same reaction is occurring in the deeper tissues where the effect is required (Winter 1968). The area of redness that develops under the finger may also be slightly raised and warm (a wheal), indicating increased permeability of the capillary walls that allows tissue fluid to pass into the surrounding area (Norris 2004). Massage, which increases blood flow in this way, changes the microenvironment of the tissues, producing local heat and decreasing pain by facilitating the removal of chemical irritants which sensitize or excite local nociceptors. This may also produce a decrease in pain by facilitating the transportation of endogenous opiates.

The work of Gregory et al (2003), described above, indicated that transverse frictions applied for 10 min produced ultrastructural changes in skeletal muscle initially consistent with the inflammatory process and ultimately with the reparative process. The observation of the redness and the wheal following the application of 10 min transverse frictions may be sufficient to stimulate a controlled inflammatory reaction which could be responsible for boosting the repair process in chronic lesions. Applying appropriate graded mobilizations after the friction technique aims to ensure healing within the presence of movement and the production of a strong mobile scar.

Although no clinical evidence exists to support the exact timing of 10 min after achieving an analgesic effect, it is the approximate time taken to induce and observe the skin changes described. However, tenderness in the target and overlying tissues may be a product of the induced inflammatory response; therefore at least 48 h (possibly 6 days, see the work by Gregory et al described above) is recommended between the treatment sessions in chronic lesions, in order for the tenderness to subside. The work of Davidson et al (1997) and Gehlsen et al (1998) suggests that in chronic tendinopathy (i.e. a degenerative process) repair may occur in the absence of inflammation by increasing the number and activity of the fibroblasts. Their work suggests that greater fibroblastic proliferation and activity occur with deeper pressures, indicating the appropriateness of deeper graded transverse frictions in chronic lesions.

Although the traumatic hyperaemia may be desirable in chronic lesions, this is not the case in acute lesions where the response is already excessive. Gentle transverse frictions applied to acute lesions for approximately six sweeps after achieving an analgesic effect are performed with reduced depth and time to avoid producing this traumatic hyperaemia. Such patients are treated ideally on a daily basis, or as often as possible, to ensure healing within the presence of movement and to encourage the formation of strong mobile scar tissue.

Principles of application of transverse frictions

Transverse frictions should be applied to the exact site of the lesion. This relies on clinical diagnosis and palpation of the lesion, based on anatomical knowledge and the structural organization of the tissue. Tenderness is not necessarily an accurate localizing sign, therefore palpation must reproduce the patient’s pain and be different in comparison with the other limb.

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Figure 4.2
Transverse frictions of: (a) a tendon (supraspinatus); (b) a tendon in sheath (peronei); (c) a ligament (medial collateral) in flexion and extension; (d) muscle belly (hamstring).

Transverse frictions are applied with sufficient sweep to cover the full width of the structure, theoretically aiming to move the connective tissue fibres transversely across the whole affected site. The therapist must be positioned to ensure that this sweep is maintained through the application of body weight.

With the transverse friction techniques demonstrated in the photographs within this book, the direction of friction usually follows the direction in which the fingers or thumbs are pointing. Arrows have been included where the direction of movement differs from that ‘rule’ or to emphasize the direction where it may not be clear.

Transverse frictions are applied with effective depth, aiming to reach and benefit the target tissue. Knowledge of anatomy is paramount. The depth is maintained by applying the technique slowly and deliberately, but it is the shear force between the superficial tissues and the underlying target tissue which generates friction and produces heat, as mentioned above. While this latter effect is desirable, care must be taken to maintain the depth of the technique, as increasing speed tends to lift the effect towards the more superficial tissues.

The grading and duration of application of transverse frictions is intended as a clinical guide, the depth of technique being dependent upon the irritability of the lesion and feedback from the patient. The depth of the initial sweeps should always be gentle to gain an analgesic effect before proceeding with the effective frictions. Application in this way will dispel the myth that transverse frictions are a painful treatment technique.

The patient is positioned taking into account the situation in which the structure is most accessible and the degree of stretch or relaxation appropriate:

• Tendons in a sheath are placed on the stretch to allow the transverse frictions to roll the sheath around the firm base of the tendon, facilitating functional movement between the tendon and its sheath.

• Tendons are placed into a position of accessibility, with the lesion commonly lying at the teno-osseous junction. Consideration is given to anatomy.

• Musculotendinous junctions usually respond well to transverse frictions and need to be placed in a position of accessibility.

• Muscle bellies are placed in a shortened, relaxed position to facilitate broadening of the muscle fibres, imitating function.

• Ligaments are put under a small degree of tension to tighten the overlying soft tissues, allowing the target tissue to be reached.

The therapist should adopt a position that utilizes body weight optimally, ensuring sufficient sweep and depth. Transverse frictions can place considerable strain on the hands (Sevier & Wilson 1999). Snodgrass et al (2003) looked at factors relating to thumb pain in physiotherapists and manual techniques in general were highlighted as the cause of pain for all symptomatic subjects studied. Whilst not ideal, handheld devices have been developed to help to prevent occupational injury but strain on the digits can be reduced by using body weight to perform the technique. Care should be taken to adopt a position that places the operator at a mechanical advantage. Sitting is possible, but the most effective position to apply body weight is with the patient situated on a plane lower than the therapist.

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Figure 4.3
Hand positions for transverse frictions. (a) Index finger reinforced by middle finger; (b) middle finger reinforced by index finger; (c) thumbs; (d) ring finger; (e) pinch grip; (f) hands; (g) hand guiding the flat of the elbow.

As a general guideline, transverse frictions are applied for an appropriate time to achieve the desired effects. For chronic lesions, 10 min after the analgesic effect has been achieved is suggested. However, due to the induced traumatic hyperaemia or local inflammatory response, treatment is repeated at a suggested minimum interval of 48 h to allow the tenderness generated in the target and overlying tissues to subside.

It is suggested that gentle transverse frictions are applied to acute lesions for approximately six effective sweeps once some analgesia is achieved and the target tissue reached. It may be necessary to work through soft tissue swelling associated with the injury, to be able to reach the target site. Treatment can be on a daily basis, if practically possible, to promote pain relief and therapeutic movement.

These guidelines are largely based on expert clinical opinion and, as discussed above, no clinical evidence has been found to support them. From the practical aspect, the duration of application usually fits in with appointment times and allows for both reassessment and the application of other modalities of treatment judged to be appropriate. This was not borne out by a survey by J. Kerr (unpublished work 2006) however, where respondents did not claim appointment times as a factor in the number of minutes they selected for the application of frictions.


Grade A, B and C mobilizations (Saunders 2000) are specific mobilization techniques applied to achieve a particular purpose. Each mobilization described below is an individual technique aiming to achieve specific effects and one is not intended to be a progression of the other. The terms are used in different ways when referring to peripheral and spinal joints and the similarities and differences will be highlighted throughout this section. Peripheral graded mobilization techniques will be explained first, followed by a definition of the spinal graded mobilization techniques.


Peripheral Grade A mobilization

Peripheral Grade A mobilization is a passive, active or active/assisted mobilization performed within the patient’s pain-free range of movement, aiming to provide or maintain mobility. It is applied within the elastic range. In peripheral lesions it is usually applied to irritable, acutely inflamed or painful lesions and it may be facilitated by the previous application of transverse frictions.

Aims of peripheral Grade A mobilization

To promote tissue fluid agitation

In peripheral lesions, Grade A mobilization, either active or passive, produces a gentle soft tissue movement agitating tissue fluid in the acute inflammatory phase and facilitating the phagocytic action of the macrophages (Evans 1980). The movements are of small amplitude, slow, pain-free, without force and repeated often.

To prevent a stationary attitude of fibres

Peripheral Grade A mobilization will promote movement within connective tissue structures to prevent a stationary attitude of fibres. In the acute phase of inflammation, the movement should occur without stress or disruption of the healing breach. The patient is instructed to exercise up to the point of discomfort, but not into or through pain, and must understand the importance of this controlled, precise movement. In this way a critical amount of movement is applied to encourage function but not to delay healing.

To apply a longitudinal stress to connective tissue structures

Peripheral Grade A mobilization aims to impart sufficient longitudinal stress to promote orientation of collagen fibres within the existing parallel collagen weave. As acute lesions subside, and once it is judged that there is sufficient tensile strength in the wound, the patient may begin to ‘nudge’ pain to provide longitudinal stress but without disrupting the healing breach. Grade A mobilizations performed in this way are of short duration, are not forceful and are repeated often. This form of mobilization is appropriate for the repair phase of connective tissue injuries, and as progress is made an increasing range of movement is encouraged. In this way the developing scar tissue is stressed, not stretched (to avoid over-stressing the healing tissues), aiming to restore full functional range. Tissues which heal within the presence of movement in this way should not require ‘traditional’ stretching into the painful range.

To promote normal function

Peripheral Grade A mobilization is applied early in the inflammatory phase to ensure that function is rapidly regained. Healing within the presence of movement promotes a return to function, i.e. form follows function. The range of movement is gradually increased, applying sufficient stress to the wound to promote orientation of fibres. Controlled mobilization of acute lesions should prevent the need for stretching tissue.

In chronic injuries, once the lesion is rendered pain-free by transverse frictions or corticosteroid injection, normal movement will promote remodelling and alignment of fibres and restoration of function. However, until signs and symptoms subside, it is suggested that overuse activity should be avoided in lesions aggravated by repetitive movements, and resisted exercise and stretching postponed until the scar tissue is fully mobilized and the selective tension tests pain-free.

To reduce a loose body or bony subluxation in a peripheral joint

To reduce a peripheral joint loose body (e.g. in the hip, knee or elbow) or a bony subluxation (e.g. carpal bone), a Grade A mobilization is performed under strong traction, the principal component of this technique, giving the fragment space to move.

Peripheral Grade B mobilization

A peripheral Grade B mobilization is a mobilization performed at the end of available range into the plastic range. It is a specific sustained stretching technique that aims to facilitate permanent elongation of connective tissue.

Aims of peripheral Grade B mobilization

To stretch capsular adhesions

In the early stages of arthritis, pain causes the joint to be held in a position of ease, restricting movement of some parts of the joint capsule. This promotes a disordered deposition of collagen fibres and the normal flexibility of the joint capsule is impeded by anomalous cross-link formation. The changes in the capsule contribute to contracture and the capsular adhesions severely restrict the range of movement, causing pain and altered function. The aim of treatment by Grade B mobilization is to lengthen the capsular contracture permanently, to restore normal movement.

Peripheral Grade B mobilization is applied at the end of available range, appreciating the end-feel and the patient’s pain response. To be successful, the end-feel should still have some elastic quality, but the sensation of muscle spasm may also be apparent as the technique is applied within a painful range. The technique is a slow, sustained and repeated stretch, performed at the end of available range for the duration of the patient’s pain tolerance. As soon as the end range position is released, an immediate relief of pain should be felt. If pain lingers at this stage, the joint may be too irritable and the technique inappropriate.

Successful treatment is dependent upon patient compliance as the management of the condition is long-term. Theoretically the tissue to be stretched needs to be taken into the plastic range to achieve permanent lengthening, with sufficient force applied to strain and break some of the collagen cross-links in the adhesive scar tissue, producing microfailure. However, as the capsular tissue possesses viscoelastic properties, this can be utilized to gain increased range of movement. The following factors relating to the behaviour of connective tissue under mechanical stress (see Ch. 2) can be applied to this mobilization, which is suggested for tough, unyielding capsular adhesions.

Prolonged immobilization produces joint contracture, with more involvement of the joint capsule than the soft tissues surrounding the joint (Usuba et al 2007). A static stretch of slow, sustained, low force, applied towards the end of the elastic limit of the scar tissue, utilizes the viscous flow phenomenon which enables the contracted scar tissue to creep or lengthen gradually (Amis 1985, Hardy & Woodall 1998, Usuba et al 2007).

Grade B mobilization is a static stretch applied to the patient’s pain threshold point. The increased length achieved is apparently due to cross-link disruption, fibre slippage and eventual structural changes (Hardy & Woodall 1998). Lengthening, under these circumstances, is inversely proportional to the velocity of the applied stretch with a slowly applied force meeting with less resistance or stiffness (it is easier to move slowly through a viscous medium). Hysteresis (the slower rate at which the structure recovers from the elongating force) may also play a role and can be linked to cyclical loading where subsequent applications of Grade B mobilization achieve a modest increment of increased length with each mobilization applied.

The structural changes occurring in the mobilized tissue may produce a low-grade inflammatory response and the patient should be warned about post-treatment soreness. The importance of continued movement to maintain the elongation achieved cannot be stressed enough, and the patient must be given an appropriate exercise programme to maintain the range achieved.

The optimum duration and frequency of the static stretch has yet to be determined, but the work of Brandy & Irion (1994) and Brandy et al (1997) suggests that in order to achieve an increase in range of knee flexion, a static stretch of 30 s applied to the hamstring muscles is sufficient. However, their studies fall short of determining how long the increased flexibility in the muscles lasted.

The application of heat relieves pain and lowers the viscosity of collagen tissue, allowing a greater elongation of collagen tissues for less force. Warren et al (1971) considered the effect of temperature and load on elongation of the collagen fibre structure of rat tail tendon. A range of loads was applied at selected temperatures and the greatest elongation with least microdamage was achieved with lower loads at the higher therapeutic temperatures. The mechanism of a combined application of temperature and load affected the viscous flow properties of collagen and increasing the temperature of a structure allowed lower sustained loads to achieve greater elongation (Warren et al 1971, Usuba et al 2007).

Raising local temperature to between 40 and 45°C (40°C is the temperature of a very hot bath) achieves this useful therapeutic effect. Ultrasound can be applied to produce this thermal effect as it has a preference for heating collagen tissue (Low & Reed 1994). Usuba et al (2007) found from their previous studies that heat combined with stretching was more effective than stretching alone and, to achieve its best effects, heat should be applied concurrently with the Grade B mobilization. However, for practical purposes it is usually applied beforehand.

To reduce pain

In arthritis, the inflammatory changes involve both the synovial lining of the joint and the fibrous capsule. The capsule develops small lesions that undergo scar tissue formation, producing adhesions or capsular thickenings. The adhesions are affected by joint movement which, through abnormal tension, stimulates the free nerve endings lying in the capsule, producing mechanical pain. The nerve endings also respond to the chemical products of inflammation – histamine, kinins and prostaglandins. Impulses are transported in the non-myelinated C fibres and a ‘slow’, aching, throbbing pain is produced which is poorly defined, i.e. chemical pain (Norris 2004). The pain and associated involuntary muscle spasm reduce movement, allowing healing to occur in a shortened position and resulting in reduced function.

Sustained or repetitive passive joint movement may modify the firing responses in large-diameter mechanoreceptor joint afferents, particularly when the capsular stretch is maintained at or near the end of range. This presents an explanation that accounts for the pain-relieving effects of end-range mobilization, including passive Grade B stretching techniques as well as manipulation.

The permanent lengthening achieved by Grade B mobilization reduces the mechanical stress and therefore inflammation, which in turn relieves pain. Normal movement patterns are restored. This provides a stimulus to fibre alignment and orientation within the collagen weave.

Jun 5, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques

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