Fig. 7.1
Graphical representation of three- or four-part fracture without varus or valgus deviation. The DiPhos PEEK Lima Corporate plate is represented (Anatomical School of Anatomical Imaging, University of Bologna, Italy). (a) shows the reduction of the greater tuberosity and of the humeral head. Once an acceptable reduction is achived a temporary fixation is performed using wires. (b) The plate is then secured to the humerous using screws and non reabsorbable sutures
The tendons of the rotator cuff dislocate the bone fragments. The deltoid and the pectoralis major muscles stabilize the position of the humeral shaft if there are no distal lines of fracture.
The shape and the position of the fragments have to be analyzed on CT scan before surgery.
In three-part fractures the humeral epiphysis is continuous with the greater or the lesser tuberosity, and this determines respectively an external or internal rotation, while the fractured tuberosities are dislocated along the line of traction of the supraspinatus-infraspinatus (greater tuberosity) or of the subscapularis (lesser tuberosity) (Fig. 7.1a).
After excision of the hemorrhagic bursal tissue, the fracture is opened. The hematoma should be gently removed, taking care not to discard minor bony fragments. If present, minor fragments are not always amenable to conservation and fixation, but it is important to consider them when performing the reduction to avoid the research of an impossible bone congruence. It should be borne in mind that the bone fragments are always brittle, and it is easy to further complicate the fracture pattern producing new lines of fracture during the reduction maneuvers, even in young patients.
Before attempting a reduction it is necessary to obtain the control of the greater and lesser tuberosities, placing sutures which can aid in tractioning the tuberosities to the shaft. For this purpose reinforced sutures size 2 (FiberWire, HiFi, ORTHOCORD, ULTRABRAID, etc.) can be used or in alternative nonresorbable sutures of higher caliber (size 5) which have the same resistance but lower cost and less tendency to cut the bony fragments when tractioned, due to the higher diameter.
When the tuberosities are consistent enough, the sutures are better placed through thin holes made in the bone by a 1.6 mm K-wire that allow an easier and less traumatic passage through. The fragments should be carefully debrided only along the fracture line, not to interfere with the healing process with a too aggressive debridement. Never tear out any rotator cuff tendon from the fragments in order to achieve a better reduction.
The next step is attempting the fracture reduction; for this purpose it is useful to place a Lambotte bone-holding forceps around the proximal humerus shaft. To do this it is useful to open a narrow space in the area of insertion of the latissimus dorsi tendon, at the level of the released deltoid tendon, and to insert a 2.5 mm K-wire through the humeral head as a joystick to move it in a less traumatic way.
With a combined progressive action on the bone holder that tractions and rotates the shaft, on the sutures and on the joystick wire, the fracture fragments are reduced.
Once a satisfactory alignment is achieved, temporary K-wires can be employed to fix it (Fig. 7.1b) while the plate is applied. The K-wires can be drilled in several ways, but it is important to keep the space for the plate free. Percutaneous placement of the K-wires is discouraged, as this increases the risk of infection. By internal rotation of the limb, it is possible to place the plate on the lateral humeral surface, just lateral to the bicipital groove below the bone holder. Temporarily fix it by K-wires inserted through the plate dedicated holes.
The rotator cuff tendons hide the boundaries of the greater tuberosity, and this can induce the surgeon to place the plate too proximally. It is useful to probe the superior edge of the tuberosity by a needle through the supraspinatus tendon and put the plate at least 5 mm lower.
When the type of fracture does not allow to obtain a temporarily stable reduction by K-wires, it is possible to use the plate as a tool for the reduction (Fig. 7.1c). The bone sutures can be passed through the proximal holes of the plate if they are placed in the correct position. The plate should lie in the central part of the shaft; a screw is inserted in the oval hole and gradually tightened while the joystick wire controls the position of the humeral head; at the same time a traction on the bone sutures progressively pulls the tuberosities under the plate to the shaft. When the alignment of the fragments looks satisfactory, placing some K-wires through the plate holes can stabilize the reduction.
The quality of the reduction and the height of the plate can now be checked by the image intensifier. Having placed one screw in the center of the oval hole allows to slide the plate up or down by about 5 mm without removing it.
Radiographic images are obtained in different degrees of internal and external rotation.
The following step is placing the proximal screws. All the available holes should be exploited using locking screws, which should reach the subchondral bone mainly in the calcar region and in the upper part of the humeral head, where the bone density is higher.
The final step is the distal screw placement. In young patients the cortical screws’ holding power is strong enough to ensure stability. If a plastic plate is used and the possible future removal of the screws is therefore free of risks, it is advisable to select locking screws for all of the holes except for the oval one.
The bone sutures if necessary can be tightened to the plate holes. The fixation should be stable when moving the shoulder in all planes in order to allow an early rehabilitation (Fig. 7.1d).
The length of the head screws should be closely checked by the image intensifier both in the anteroposterior view in different rotation angles and in the axillary view. Three- or Four-Part Fracture with Valgus Deviation (Fig. 7.2)

Fig. 7.2
Graphical representation of three- or four-part fracture with valgus deviation. The DiPhos PEEK Lima Corporate plate is represented (Anatomical School of Anatomical Imaging, University of Bologna, Italy). In some cases of complex fractures (a) the plate can be fixed to the humeral head first (b) and than a pre-countor plate is used to reduced the humeral head to the dyaphisis (c)
These are very complex, mainly four-part fractures in which the humeral head is separated from the tuberosities and the epiphyseal cancellous bone is crushed between the head displaced in valgus and the metadiaphysis (Fig. 7.2a).
In order to obtain the fracture reduction, the head should be levered up with delicate movements acting on the calcar as a hinge, which is often comminuted and weak.
After removing the fracture hematoma, the greater and the lesser tuberosities which stay over the epiphysis deviated in valgus are identified. As described above, the fragments have to be carefully prepared and bone sutures applied. An incision of the rotator cuff between the fragments of the greater tuberosity is necessary in order to expose the humeral head and push it in varus (Fig. 7.2a part). Several authors suggest to open the rotator interval rather than the cuff. Controlling the head reduction through the rotator interval in our opinion is more difficult and the surgeon’s manipulations therefore more aggressive, so this is advisable only in case that the greater tuberosity is a single large fragment separated from the lesser tuberosity. On the other side, a limited section of the supraspinatus allows to avoid surgical lesions of the pulley and of the richly vascularized area of the long head of the biceps, gaining a direct lateral view of the epiphysis and the diaphysis, which makes the reduction easier.
After placing the Lambotte forceps as described above, it is possible to proceed to the reduction, which requires a combined action. While the assistant tractions the shaft acting on the Lambotte forceps, the surgeon by a straight retractor gently elevates the head (Fig. 7.2b). The bone loss in this area often prevents the maintenance of the reduction and needs augmentation. No type of graft has proven superior to others in this setting; anyway its application is necessary [33].
The graft should be mechanically strong to support the head, correctly sized in order to get stuck in the medullary canal without sinking, easy to pass through by the screws which have to reach the humeral head, and easy to remove in case of late failure. The type of graft that best fulfills these requirements is a homologous cancellous bone wedge, to be adapted to the patient’s anatomy (Fig. 7.2b part).
The graft has to be introduced in the upper part of the medullary canal while adduction of the arm. Maneuvering the shaft below the head and adapting the size and shape of the graft allow to keep the head in the correct degree of varus (the graft can be impacted inside the canal if too proud or trimmed by a Luer or a saw if too thick). Additional small cancellous homologous grafts can be placed around the wedge for a better filling.
If the tuberosities are mechanically strong, the bone sutures can be tractioned in order to place them between the head and the shaft, overlaying the graft (Fig. 7.2c). Only at this point can the fracture be provisionally stabilized by the smaller possible number of K-wires.
These steps are quite delicate in the more comminuted fractures. If the bone sutures fail or the K-wires create additional fractures in the tuberosities or in the head, there is a high risk to have to shift to a hemiarthroplasty. It is therefore recommended to use the plate for obtaining a gradual reduction exploiting its strength and anatomic shape, as described above. Hertel [5] well describes the principles of this reduction; in his paper he suggests the use of a simple one-third tubular plate with cancellous bone screws. Nowadays the new plates have added the great advantage of the polyaxial locking screws, while the anatomic contour proves extremely useful for the reduction acting like a template.
Once the plate is fixed by one cortex screw in the oval hole, the bone sutures are provisionally knotted to the plate, some K-wires or proximal screws are inserted, and image intensifier images are obtained before definitively fixing the fracture (Fig. 7.2d).
The cuff incision has to be closed by resorbable sutures, even though tightening the tuberosities to the plate often pulls the edges so close as to make it unnecessary. It is not always possible to close the rotator interval, if it was opened and if the fracture reduction is not perfect. Three- or Four-Part Fracture with Varus Deviation
This fracture pattern often occurs in younger patients. The comminution of the tuberosities is less severe; there is a better bone stock and usually a better calcar length.
The reduction however is not easier, and there is always a risk that the surgical manipulation can make the fracture more complex.
Once the fragments have been identified and the bone sutures prepared, it is useful to expose by a delicate dissection the lower part of the subscapularis to get access to the calcar. A smooth retractor can gently push the head to place it in valgus. Unfortunately this procedure can induce two risks:
The axillary nerve lies very close and its course may have been modified by the fracture.
The anterior circumflex artery and its ascending branch which have an important role in the head vascularization can be damaged.
It is therefore advisable to try to use the plate for obtaining the fracture reduction (Fig. 7.3).

Fig. 7.3
In some cases of complex fractures (a) the plate can be fixed to the humeral head first (b) and than a pre-countor plate is used to reduced the humeral head to the dyaphisis (c). Graphical representation of three- or four-part fracture with varus deviation. The DiPhos PEEK Lima Corporate plate is represented (Anatomical School of Anatomical Imaging, University of Bologna, Italy)
The surgeon should try to set the tuberosities on the sides of the head deviated in varus by gentle traction on the bone sutures and to connect them to the head by K-wires (Fig. 7.3a).
The plate is then placed on the aligned fragments and provisionally fixed with other K-wires through its dedicated holes. If the anatomy reconstruction looks macroscopically and radioscopically acceptable, the fixation is performed placing the proximal screws (Fig. 7.3b), then the plate can be used like a joystick in order to move the proximal humerus in valgus and align it with the shaft. The fixation goes on with a cortex screw in the oval hole before obtaining new images with the image intensifier. The reduction can then be refined with additional bone sutures, possibly loosening and then tightening again some screws for the corrections before completing the fixation (Fig. 7.3c).
7.5 Important Tips
The long head of the biceps is a key structure in proximal humerus fractures. It is first of all an important landmark for anatomy comprehension during surgery. Locating it distally and following it proximally help find the lesser tuberosity and the rotator interval. Its bony groove is a crucial area for the vascular supply of the bony fragments and should be respected as much as possible. Restoring the continuity of the bicipital groove is extremely helpful for assessing the fracture reduction before radioscopic checking.
The surgical manipulation should not be extended beyond the medial edge of the long head of the biceps to minimize the risks of lesion of the anterior circumflex artery and of its branches, even though recent clinical evidences and angiographic studies suggest a major role of the posterior circumflex artery in the vascular supply of the humeral head, in contrast with what was thought [34].
At the end of the surgery, the long head of the biceps can be left in place if undamaged (the sharp edges of the bony fragments often cause severe damage) and if its bony bed has a smooth continuity. If this is not the case, a proximal tenotomy and possibly a soft tissue tenodesis (depending on the patient’s age) are advisable.
The good balance between the quality of the fracture reduction and the soft tissue damage to achieve it is the key point of the operation. The clinical results after conservative treatment of borderline fractures show that even non-perfectly reduced fractures can allow a satisfactory functional result. This balance is however quite hard to define in the form of guidelines. This is why these fractures are better treated not in emergency, not by unexpert surgeons, and not with insufficient radiographic pictures. It is better to take the time to obtain an accurate planning and to have an adequate surgical team available and the best surgical instrumentation (dedicated plates, bone grafts, and a shoulder prosthesis).
Codman realized the importance of the rotator cuff tendons in keeping proximal humerus fractures in mutual apposition. He emphasized “how tenaciously the short rotators with their periosteal prolongations cling to all the fragments, and tend to hold them together.” Plate fixation of these fractures should be intended not as a strong construct depending on the holding power of the screws in bone, but rather as a solid bridge/scaffold connecting the various bony fragments to the plate and the plate to the humeral shaft. The tension of the tendons counterbalanced by the scapular glenoid will keep the fragments “loaded.”

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