Open Treatment of Radial Head Fractures and Olecranon Fractures

Open Treatment of Radial Head Fractures and Olecranon Fractures

Radial Head Fractures

Patient Selection


Figure 1Illustration depicts the Mason classification of radial head fractures.

  • Mason classification (Figure 1)

    • Type I—Nondisplaced; no mechanical block to motion.

      • Treat with sling and early range of motion (ROM)

      • Can be assessed after injection of lidocaine through the soft spot

    • Type II—More than 2 mm of displacement and more than one-­third of radial head involved.

    • Type III—Comminuted, multifragmented fractures.

  • Options for management—Fragment excision, open reduction and internal fixation(ORIF), radial head excision, or arthroplasty.

    • Consider fragment excision if elbow stability is not compromised and fragments are less than 25% of the head.

    • May perform ORIF by fixation within the safe zone or lateral area, with arm in neutral position.

    • Consider arthroplasty or radial head excision in cases with severe comminution.

Preoperative Imaging


Room Setup/Patient Positioning

  • Supine position with arm table or with arm over chest

  • A tourniquet helps with visualization

  • Mini C-­arm for intraoperative imaging

  • Use regional or general anesthesia

  • In the presence of other bony injuries, can use universal posterior incision

  • For isolated injuries, lateral incision is preferred

Special Instruments/Equipment/Implants

  • For ORIF, have a radial head replacement on standby

  • Kirschner wires (K-­wires) and suture anchors

Surgical Technique


Figure 2Illustration shows the muscle-­splitting approach. The radial head may be approached easily through a split in the tendon origin of the extensor digitorum communis (blue line).

May 13, 2023 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Open Treatment of Radial Head Fractures and Olecranon Fractures

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