Fig. 11.1
Medial cartilage damage can be seen in early protrusion of the hip of a 19-year-old basketball player during hip dislocation surgery to correct a pincer-type FAI
11.4 Classification of Pincer Impingement
The classification of pincer–type hip morphology rests on acetabular radiological reference values defining acetabular depth including the lateral center-edge angle (LCEA) [39], the acetabular index known as the Tönnis angle [40], the femoral head extrusion index (FHEI) [41], the retroversion index [42–44] also known as the crossover overlap ratio [45], the crossover sign (COS) [15, 18], and the posterior wall sign (PWS) [18, 22, 43]. The retroversion index, the crossover sign, and the posterior wall sign will be affected by pelvic position and tilt during the radiographic evaluation [46]. It is unclear how these radiological signs relate to each other in the presence of a deformed acetabulum and how sensitive they are to pelvic position. As an example, the PWS can exist in hip dysplasia and in the absence of any acetabular malrotation. First, an adequate radiological investigation must be conducted respecting current best clinical practices [14, 17] (Fig. 11.2). Second, one must recognize that the acetabular retroversion is a condition on a continuum of acetabular deformity. Werner et al. [47] have shown that as the COS appears alone, the retroversion index has a mean value of 20.5 %. With the combination of the COS and the PWS, the mean retroversion index value raises to 25.1 %, while the presence of a COS, a PWS, and a prominent ischial spine [48] leads to a mean retroversion index of 32.3 %. In fact, the retroversion index may represent a better radiological reference to quantify acetabular retroversion given that the AP pelvis radiograph measured is without rotation.

Fig. 11.2
Acetabular depth and wall position relative to the femoral head center of rotation can be defined by the following parameters (from left to right): lateral center-edge angle, angle between a vertical line drawn from the center of the femoral head and a line going to the most lateral point of sclerosis of the acetabular sourcil; acetabular index, plane of inclination of the acetabular sourcil represented by the angle between a line drawn from the most medial point of sclerosis to the most lateral point of sclerosis of the acetabular sourcil and the horizontal plane; extrusion index, proportion of the femoral head uncovered by the acetabulum as referenced by the measured segment of the femoral head lateral to the most lateral point of sclerosis of the acetabular sourcil (A) divided by the sum of the uncovered (A) and covered portion of the femoral head (B); retroversion index, degree of severity of the retroversion as defined by the measured distance from the most lateral point of sclerosis of the acetabular sourcil to the point of crossover between the anterior and posterior wall projections (a) as a proportion of the overall size of the acetabular opening (b); crossover sign, condition encountered when the projection of the anterior and posterior edges of the acetabular walls meet over the femoral head instead of at the most lateral point of sclerosis of the acetabular sourcil; and posterior wall sign, condition encountered when the projection of the posterior acetabular wall lies medial to the femoral head center (Figure adapted and reprinted with permission Tannast et al. [49])
Subdividing pincer–type bony anatomy into subgroups can help the surgeon better understand the acetabular morphology leading to the development of a possible impinging anatomy [50]:
Global overcoverage
Focal overcoverage
Focal cranial (superolateral) retroversion
Acetabular retroversion
Total acetabular retroversion
Global overcoverage is the classically described deep acetabula. It can be better defined as a hip with a LCEA >40°, an acetabular index >0°, and the absence of a posterior wall sign. Such deformity can reach the protrusio position when the acetabular line crosses the ilioischial line by >3 mm (male) or >6 mm (female) on the AP pelvic radiograph [51] (Fig. 11.3c). The anterior wall and the posterior wall extend equally farther lateral to their normal position medial and at the center of the femoral head, respectively (Fig. 11.3b, c).

Fig. 11.3
Hip morphology is qualified via specific radiological reference values pertaining to acetabular depth: (a) normal hip, (b) moderate global overcoverage with LCEA >35° to <40° and acetabular index of 0°, and (c) severe global overcoverage with LCEA >40° and acetabular index of <0° (Figure reprinted with permission Leunig et al. [38])
Focal overcoverage is, by contrast, defined as a hip with less than global overcoverage. This category can then be further subdivided into focal cranial retroversion when the overcoverage is concentrated in the proximal one-third of the acetabulum. According to its radiographic definition, the crossover sign is visible [15, 18], the posterior wall is within normal limits, but the retroversion index is less than 30 % while the LCEA is above 25° and less than 40°[52]. Focal cranial retroversion is more common in men [53] and has been shown to increase with age [54]. The observation of the crossover sign on the AP pelvic radiograph must be performed with care since the downward projection of the anterior inferior iliac spine may misleadingly interfere with its interpretation [55]. A CT measurement may provide supplemental information on the degree of cranial versus central versus caudal acetabular version [18] to properly guide the clinician at the cost of more radiation to the patient and without significant advantage over plain radiographs [52, 56, 57].
Acetabular retroversion results in a crossover sign along with a posterior wall sign with a retroversion index that can be variable but greater than 10 %. True retroversion of the acetabulum thus involves the central portion of the socket and is the representation of a developmental maltorsion of the distal hemipelvis. Acetabular retroversion occurs in 5–7 % of the population [7, 58, 59] and coexists in 12–37 % of hip dysplasia [7, 60–64], proximal femoral focal deficiency [65], and in 42 % of Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease [7]. Some authors have suggested that a deficiency in the posterior wall of the acetabulum [58] is required to produce such entity but recent work tends to counter such theory [15, 48, 64, 66, 67]. Moreover, this morphology can be the result of previous pelvic osteotomy [8, 9, 68].
Total acetabular retroversion is finally the ultimate pincer–type hip morphology. This rare condition will result in the combination of a posterior wall sign, a retroversion index of 100 %, and a misleadingly absent crossover sign. The anterior and posterior rims of the acetabulum typically converge at the most cranial part of the acetabular opening to form an obtuse angle [10]. It occurs when the entire acetabular opening is oriented posteriorly [10, 65]. All patients described in the literature had previous pelvic surgery and presented with less than 90° of hip flexion and weak abductors.
11.5 Exacerbating Factors
The different types of hip morphology discussed at this point in this chapter are mostly bony conditions affecting the pelvis and acetabulum. Certain associated conditions may affect how the hip morphology will express its pathology. Previous chapters have described the pathophysiology of FAI and impact that a lack of anterior femoral head–neck offset or cam–type morphology has on hip biomechanics.
11.5.1 Soft Tissue Laxity
The soft tissue envelope surrounding the hip is complex and includes tendons, ligaments, and joint capsule. As the ability for these structures to respond to repetitive stresses and loads depends mostly on their composition, ligamentous laxity has been shown to influence hip biomechanics [69]. Focal laxity in the anterior capsule as a result of repetitive external rotation and/or extension has been suggested to create an instability and thus potentially subject the acetabular labrum to abnormal stresses [70, 71]. Poor abdominal muscle control may fail to stabilize the pelvis during hip range of motion during activity and may also worsen anterior impingement symptoms by affecting dynamic pelvic tilt.
11.5.2 Femoral Version
Proximal femoral version will dictate the position of the anterior aspect of the femoral neck in space relative to the femoral shaft. Hence, depending on hip flexion, the greater the femoral anteversion, the later the acetabular rim collision with the anterior femoral head–neck will occur. Femoral retroversion is considered relative when <15° and absolute when <0°, in the axial plane, to the posterior femoral condyles [72, 73]. The recognition of femoral retroversion is capital in understanding the dynamic interaction between the femoral neck and the anterior acetabular rim during flexion–internal rotation activities. For example, in the setting of a large cam-type morphology associated with a focal overcoverage and relative femoral retroversion, it may be more appropriate to consider addressing only the cam lesion [74]. On the other hand, in cases with the same amount of focal overcoverage and femoral retroversion <0°, but without head–neck offset abnormalities, the most appropriate surgical treatment would include a femoral derotation osteotomy [72, 75] (Fig. 11.4). Similarly, an elevated femoral anteversion would be protective or even adaptive [76] to acetabular retroversion. Final decision to perform adjunctive femoral osteotomy should be based on perioperative impingement-free range of motion of the hip.

Fig. 11.4
Femoral retroversion has a direct effect on hip range of motion in internal rotation; left retroversion, right normal version (Figure adapted and reprinted with permission Sutter et al. [73])
11.5.3 Femoral Varus
In Legg–Calvé–Perthes-related deformity, it has been well established that the varus femoral neck, known as coxa vara, will increase the ease of impingement of the femoral head and greater trochanter on the superior anterior acetabular rim [75, 77]. This situation will be made even worse if retroversion is present [7]. Femoral varus defined as a neck–shaft angle of <125° is also common after childhood hip disease treated with varus intertrochanteric osteotomies (ITO) [77], after femoral neck fractures [78], and in patient with global overcoverage [38]. Thus, if the affected Perthes hip abduction is restricted to less than 20°, a proximal femoral osteotomy should be considered [77]. A final decision dictating whether a valgus-producing ITO [79, 80] or a relative femoral neck lengthening (RFNL) [81, 82] is most appropriate warrants evaluation if extra-articular impingement is present and if femoral offset is enough for adequate abductor muscle tension. The valgus ITO is designed to lateralize the femur to restore normal mechanical alignment of the hip joint [83] while facilitating femoroacetabular clearance. The RFNL procedure is intended to address both extra-articular impingement by advancement of the greater trochanter and intra-articular impingement by head–neck offset improvement via osteochondroplasty [84] (Fig. 11.5). In a study on femoral osteotomies in Perthes hips, Novais noted that 20 % of cases required a valgus-producing ITO, while 61 % underwent a RFNL procedure during the open FAI correcting surgery without increasing complication risks [85]. The overall hip comfort and function has been shown to improve postoperatively [85] with only one posttraumatic femoral neck fracture occurring postoperatively [82]. Midterm OA progression has been noted in 36–40 % of cases with a conversion to a total hip replacement in 7–10 % of cases [84, 86, 87]. Albers et al. have subsequently demonstrated, in a series of 41 isolated RFNL procedures for Perthes disease at a minimum of 5 years of follow-up, that the intervention can reduce pain and improve hip abduction and function [84].

Fig. 11.5
During surgical dislocation of the hip, careful dissection of the retinacular soft tissue flap on the superior femoral neck allows for resection of the deepest segment of the greater trochanter remaining on femur. Once the femoral head–neck osteochondroplasty is completed and has reshaped the anterior part of the head, the greater trochanter fragment is mobilized distally and re-anchored with cortical screws (Figure reprinted with permission Tannast et al. [88])
11.6 Contemporary Open Surgical Techniques
The mainstay of any hip preservation surgery is the protection and maintenance of the vascular supply of the non-arthritic femoral head as well as the preservation of cartilage, labral, and capsular tissues in order to stop or slow the progression of early osteoarthritis [89]. The secondary goal is then to relieve the femoroacetabular impingement by improving hip clearance in the functional range of motion defined by the patient’s anatomy and function in order to avoid a pathological cascade of injury to the hip joint to continue. One should aim at obtaining 110–115° of hip flexion [90] and a minimum of 20–30° of internal rotation with the hip at 90° of flexion [91] after surgical correction although no strict guideline has been published at this time. Surgical decision-making at the first clinical encounter with a patient with a complex hip morphologic abnormality warrants poised wisdom. Despite knowing that an intra-articular impingement secondary to anatomic causes is unlikely to respond to conservative management, surgical candidates should have undergone proper activity modification and/or physical therapy. The physical therapy is aimed at improving core stability and movement control, with strengthening hip external rotators and abductor for at least a 3-month period before considering a surgical intervention [92].
In addition to considering all the abovementioned diagnostic radiological parameters, the extent of articular cartilage damage must be evaluated. The posterior inferior joint space must be studied for joint space loss with the false profile view of Lequesne and de Sèze [93]. The posterior inferior joint space loss is an indirect measure and secondary sign via contrecoup of the extent of damage created by the lever effect of the pincer morphology [1, 4, 38, 94]. Moreover, an increased LCEA and the presence of a crossover sign have been associated with significant changes in cartilage health [58, 95], suggesting a relationship of these specific mechanical differences with evidence of early cartilage degeneration [96]. It remains unclear how hip pain at the initial clinical encounter can be a reliable predictor of future hip osteoarthritis [97]. The mere presence of more than one radiographic parameter describing pincer morphology may imply that the hip cartilage may be in a more fragile homeostasis than the remaining joint space width would suggest. Magnetic resonance imaging techniques can supplement radiographs and CT imaging to better characterize cartilage damage before undergoing surgery [71, 98–100].
Surgical candidates of pincer–type FAI thus will present failure to improve after a minimum 3-month course of conservative management and complete investigation highly suggestive that the pincer morphology is contributory. Most patients will have persistent anterior/anterolateral hip pain for a minimum of 6 months, restricted hip flexion (<105°), and/or internal rotation in 90° hip flexion (<15°), with a positive impingement maneuver on physical exam [101, 102]. Moreover, an adequate surgical candidate should have no or minimal articular damage with no signs of advanced degenerative joint disease (more than 2 mm of joint space) [103, 104].
11.7 Surgical Dislocation of the Hip
Detailed knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the proximal femur [105–107] has allowed surgeons to safely perform open surgical dislocation of the hip [108]. While there is no report of avascular necrosis in the literature, the complications associated with this technique are well known [109, 110]. The surgical hip dislocation technique (SDH) is a versatile approach providing 360° access to the femoral neck and acetabulum and allowing complex surgery to the proximal femur safely. This technique has been utilized in traumatology for open reduction and internal fixation of femoral head fragments [111, 112], posterior acetabular walls [113], and in tumor surgery for safe excision of juxta-articular benign tumors [114–117].
11.7.1 Indications
The main indication for SDH in pincer-type impingement is to address the acetabular rim resection and manage the resulting labral damage. Secondary intentions would include RFNL procedures and/or concomitant femoral redirection ITO. In cases of global overcoverage, a circumferential access to abnormal acetabular rim is required and is well addressed via SDH. In cases of focal overcoverage, isolated cranial retroversion can be well suited for the SDH for selected rim trimming. In acetabular retroversion, the SDH is indicated if the retroversion index is less than 30 % or concomitantly to an anteverting periacetabular osteotomy in order to address proximal femoral anatomy such as in patients with sequel after Perthes disease.
11.7.2 Surgical Technique [108, 118]
The patient is positioned in lateral decubitus on the operating table with the operated leg free, disinfected from last ribs to toes, and draped accordingly. A 20 cm skin incision is made in line with the femoral longitudinal axis, centered on the greater trochanter. Subcutaneous fat is approached until proximal fascia lata is opened longitudinally along the anterior border of the gluteus maximus muscle as well as distally, centered on the femur, for the length of the skin incision. In muscular individuals, dissection is carried further anterior from the midpoint lateral and under the fascia lata, to free the hypertrophied gluteus maximus muscle fibers. This plane is further liberated proximally toward the iliac crest, in the interval between gluteus maximus and fascia lata in order to maximize exposure for later. Gluteus maximus muscle is then reclined posteriorly through gluteus medium fascial sheath, to expose the posterior border of the gluteus medius muscle and allow proper identification of piriformis and short external rotators. The posterior border of the proximal vastus lateralis muscle is elevated on a segment of 5 cm. Careful and precise dissection will allow protection of the inferior gluteal artery which runs along the piriformis muscle and tendon and is aiming to anastomose to the ramus profundus originating from the medial femoral circumflex artery [105]. The greater trochanteric osteotomy will leave a few muscle fibers from the most posterior aspect of the gluteus medius attached to the stable trochanter along with the insertion of the piriformis tendon to protect the extension of the gluteal tributaries to the ramus profundus. The osteotomy should be no greater than 1.5 cm deep and parallel to the leg when the knee is flexed at 90° and the hip in 20° internal rotation. The trochanteric osteotomy can be performed with a 6 mm step cut at its center, and with the saw blade excursion going from posterior to anterior, and just a few millimeter shy of breaking through anteriorly in order to obtain a triplanar trochanteric flip osteotomy [119] (Fig. 11.6). This simple modification from the original technique will allow for increased stability of the trochanteric fragment at closure and earlier weight bearing during recovery. This trochanteric osteotomy is elevated anteriorly (with gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and vastus lateralis attached) to expose anterior capsule once the interval between gluteus minimus and the cranial border of the piriformis tendon is developed. Bringing the hip in slight flexion and external rotation will expose the joint capsule so a Z-shaped capsulotomy can be performed and the femoral head dislocated posterosuperiorly.

Fig. 11.6
Posterior view of a patient in a lateral decubitus position with the right hip exposed. (Top image) The greater trochanter is approached. (Middle image) On the right, the gluteus medius tendon is retracted to show the piriformis tendon. Once the posterior border of the vastus lateralis has been incised, the proximal osteotomy is performed with a slightly inclined pitch and leads to the distal osteotomy via a vertical limb created with a 6 mm straight osteotome. (Bottom image) The greater trochanter is then lifted off femur pediculated by both the gluteus medius and minimus, as well as vastus lateralis
Complete dislocation requires section of the ligamentum teres with long curved scissors while taking care of avoiding acetabular or femoral head cartilage damage in the process. A bone hook placed on the femoral calcar may help in mobilizing the femur in external rotation and flexion to place the leg into a sterile bag on the opposite side of the table. Acetabular rim, labrum, and acetabular cartilage is, at this point, fully accessible for surgical treatment [118, 120]. Labral and cartilage integrity is evaluated carefully. In cases of simple labral tears, labral base can be debrided down to bleeding bone for refixation using bone anchors. Suture knots are typically tied on the capsular outer surface of the labrum to avoid direct contact with the femoral cartilage. When overcoverage has been diagnosed, acetabular rim trimming with a curved osteotome and labral refixation has been described (Fig. 11.7). If the labrum attachment to the acetabular rim is intact, a sharp dissection is required to detach labral tissue for subsequent rim trimming. However, if labrum tissue has been damaged or avulsed, the degenerative labral base is debrided before refixation after appropriate rim trimming. When the labrum is severely damaged or ossified, over a given segment or its totality, and its functional integrity compromised, labral reconstruction has been recommended [121] using ligamentum teres autograft [122], iliotibial band autograft [123], or semitendinosus allograft [124]. Acetabular rim trimming should be conducted with attention to avoid over or under resection. Rim trimming would only be indicated if the lunate surface is oversized [67]; otherwise, it would render the weight-bearing surface smaller, thus increasing joint contact pressure or render the hip unstable [125].

Fig. 11.7
Posterior view of a patient in a lateral decubitus position with the right hip exposed. (Top left) The Z-shaped capsulotomy allows for full anterior exposure of the hip joint. (Top right) Once the anterior capsular flap is retracted, the anterior pincer lesion is evaluated and good-quality labrum preserved. (Bottom left) Once the bone–labrum interval has been sharply developed, the labrum is retracted as rim trimming is performed along the dotted line. (Bottom right) After labral refixation using bony anchors and sutures, the hip joint is evaluated through full range of motion for labral seal quality as well as for residual cam-type impingement
Once the acetabular rim has been decompressed and labral lesions addressed, the residual focal acetabular cartilage injury can be addressed by debridement and microfracture techniques. On the femoral side, the lack of head–neck offset can be evaluated using transparent spherical templates to locate exactly where the head becomes out of sphericity and to guide how much osteochondroplasty is required. The zone of resection is delimited, and a sharp curved osteotome is used to initiate the bone resection from proximal to distal at the head–neck junction. Careful resection is dictated to avoid injury to the retinacular vessels on the superolateral femoral neck. Furthermore, over-resection is discouraged since it may lead to a break in the sealing function of the labrum as it rests onto the femoral head during hip flexion [126]. The femoral head cartilage can also be treated for central osteochondral defects [112, 127–129]. Upon finalization of acetabular rim trimming and femoral osteochondroplasty, a perioperative hip examination under direct visualization should confirm impingement-free full range of motion.
Capsular closure is performed loosely and the trigastric trochanteric osteotomy repositioned on the stable trochanter for fixation with two 4.0 or 4.5 mm cortical screws oriented parallel to each other and toward the lesser trochanter. In cases where subsequent trochanteric distal mobilization, RFNL procedure, or femoral reorientation ITO are indicated, the trochanteric osteotomy would be performed flat to avoid the triplanar deformation at reattachment. Since the vastus lateralis can be safely dissected off the femur distally, surgical exposure for ITO is the same as described above with the addition of an extended skin incision. In rare cases of combined periacetabular osteotomy during the same surgical day, Ganz et al. suggest to perform the ischial osteotomy under direct visualization in a dissection window between inferior gemellus and obturator externus/quadratus femoris (Fig. 11.8).

Fig. 11.8
(a) Illustration of the short external rotators during SDH focusing on the interval to dissect for completion of the ischial osteotomy before performing a periacetabular osteotomy; piriformis (P), sciatic nerve (SN), inferior gemellus (IG), obturator externus (OE), quadratus femoris (QF). (b) After splitting the interval between inferior gemellus and obturator externus/quadratus femoris, careful sciatic nerve retraction will allow for adequate visualization to complete the partial ischial osteotomy (Figure reprinted with permission Ganz et al. [77])
At closure, the posterior aponeurosis of the vastus lateralis is closed. The fascia lata and subcutaneous tissue are meticulously closed. No drains are necessary. Postoperative mobilization is allowed with 25 % weight bearing, while hip flexion >80° is avoided as well as active abduction. Continuous passive motion of the hip from 0 to 70° has been recommended to avoid intra-articular adhesions for at least 48 hrs. Thromboprophylaxis should also be considered. Weight bearing on the operated leg is progressed when greater trochanter shows signs of healing at 6–8 weeks.
11.7.3 Outcomes
The complication rate for the SDH has been evaluated at 9 % in a retrospective multicenter study when SDH was the surgical approach of a multitude of hip FAI morphologies at 1 year of follow-up [110]. This rate was diminished to 4.8 % if heterotopic ossification was excluded. Of 355 SDH, one complete sciatic paralysis partially resolved, nine patients suffered trochanteric nonunion, one deep infection, and two deep vein thrombosis in the calf that resolved with medical therapy [110]. In the original publication by Ganz et al. on 213 patients, two cases of partial neurapraxia and three cases of trochanteric nonunion were reported. Other authors have subsequently published a 1–1.5 % rate of complications [130, 131].
In patients with overcoverage, the critical part of surgery is the acetabular rim trimming. Removal of an excessive amount of acetabular rim will render a deep socket into a dysplastic one. This complication has never been reported following SDH but has been seen after arthroscopic rim trimming that led to postoperative hip dislocation and the LCEA angle <23°[125, 132]. Steppacher et al. identified a higher failure rate of hips with excessive rim trimming (acetabular index >14°, LCEA <22°), osteoarthritis (OA), increased age (>40), or weight (BMI > 30) at the 5-year mark [133]. There are no guidelines for acetabular bone resection. Preoperative planning is key while some have proposed a mathematical rule [ΔLCEA° = 1.8 + (0.64 × Δmm)] dictating that one millimeter of bony resection corresponds to a 2.4° decrease of the LCEA and five millimeters corresponds to 5°[134]. Others have debated the accuracy of this method and proposed an alternative formula [ΔLCEA°= 1.5 – (1.3 × Δmm)] by studying normal cadaveric hips [135]. The clinical validity and applicability of these calculation methods have not been evaluated to date.
When looking at revision FAI surgery, Ross et al. [136] noted that 13/50 patients presenting for recurrent FAI symptoms had a LCEA equal or greater than 40°. Another center reported on 152 hips undergoing revision FAI surgery, of which 3 had an isolated pincer and 74 had combined lesions [137]. Identified risk factors for revision surgery included female gender and younger age. Moreover, increased anteversion (>20°) was present in 30 %, while femoral retroversion (<5°) was present in 13 % in the revision patient cohort [137]. In a series of 93 hips undergoing SDH, undercorrection and persisting pincer impingement (LCEA >32°) was an important predictor of failure [138]. At the latest follow-up at 10 years, 80 % of patients avoided THA and OA progression, while 38 % had a persisting positive impingement sign.
Systematic reviews conclude that early evidence in the treatment of FAI has proven beneficial for hip function and hip pain with clinically good to excellent results in 68–96 % of the cases [139–141]. Current literature is limited concerning such evidence for pincer–type FAI treatment in isolation. Most of the studies reporting on FAI treatment do so by classifying pincer in combination with cam lesions as mixed type or as pincer alone which represent typically 2–4 % of the total cohorts [139, 141]. SDH has shown improved function in 73 % of pediatric and adolescent patients with FAI where 31/71 hips had rim resection and labral reattachment. No femoral head osteonecrosis was observed at the average of 27 months of follow-up despite having 30 % of patient reoperated for hardware removal [142]. In patients with mixed FAI (cam lesion and crossover sign), Hingsammer et al. evaluated the need for acetabular rim trimming during SDH according to intraoperative hip flexion of >100° and 20° of internal rotation at 90° flexion [143]. If this objective was obtained after the femoral osteochondroplasty, no rim trimming was performed. At a short (1.6 years) follow-up time, all patients achieved 90° hip flexion, there was no difference in patient-reported outcome measures, and half of the impingements sign resolved whether the rim trimming was performed or not. This finding supports Larson et al. [52] who reported on a high prevalence of the crossover sign and/or posterior wall sign in asymptomatic hips (37 %) suggesting that these radiological signs are not necessarily pathognomonic for pincer–type impingement. Contemporary research thus encourages a more conservative approach with surgical resections on the acetabular rim in the presence of cranial retroversion.
11.8 Anteverting Periacetabular Osteotomy
The extensive knowledge on pelvic osteotomy developed for developmental hip dysplasia has served hip preservation surgery well. The periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) technique can be slightly modified to reorient the acetabulum in order to decrease the femoral coverage. Such technique is regarded as reverse or anteverting PAO.
11.8.1 Indications
Anteverting PAO is indicated in overcoverage when the acetabulum would risk diminishing the size of its weight-bearing articular surface if adequate rim trimming is underdone. Hence, a reverse PAO would better serve global overcoverage with short, down-sloping acetabular sourcil or a negative acetabular index. As for focal overcoverage, the anteverting PAO is indicated in acetabular retroversion with a retroversion index of >30 % [144] or if one aims at a correction of at least 10–20° of anteversion [18]. In rare cases of total acetabular retroversion, the anteverting PAO is the only treatment option. If complicated acetabular reorientation revision surgery is required, one may consider the possibility of arterial compromise of the supra-acetabular arcades from previous surgeries and thus opt for a Tönnis-type triple pelvic osteotomy in order to avoid acetabular fragment osteonecrosis [10].
11.8.2 Surgical Technique [44, 145]
The modern PAO is performed through an abductor-sparing Smith–Peterson approach with the patient positioned supine on a radiolucent operating table [146]. A 5 cm skin incision is made obliquely from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to laterally over the iliac crest, and a longitudinal distal extension is made over the medial edge of the tensor fascia lata for 10 cm. Careful subcutaneous dissection is warranted to avoid injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. The sheath of the tensor fascia lata is opened longitudinally and entered in order to retract its muscle fibers laterally (see Fig. 11.9). The aponeurosis of the abdominal muscle, the inguinal ligament, and the sartorius muscle are surgically detached from the anterior third of the iliac crest. After mobilizing the iliacus muscle subperiosteally down the iliac bone, the hip is brought into flexion to relax tension on rectus femoris and iliopsoas muscle.

Fig. 11.9
Representation of a patient in a supine position with the right hip exposed. The iliac bone is drawn in a dotted line and the skin incision outlined by the continuous line. Puncture wounds from the intra-articular exploration via hip arthroscopy are seen. (Bottom Left) Once skin is incised, the superficial fascia of the TFL is open and the plane of dissection shown by the electrocautery tip. (Bottom Right) A Hohmann retractor is positioned medial to the descending iliac wing, below ASIS, and above AIIS and retracts the sartorius, while the TFL is exposed
Deep dissection down the iliac crest to the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) exposes the origin of the rectus tendon and its reflected head. Special attention must be brought to the cauterization of the ascending branches of the lateral femoral circumflex artery as they appear in the intermuscular interval between tensor and rectus femoris. From the AIIS, the rectus femoris is medially retracted in order to free the capsular attachment of the iliocapsularis muscle from lateral to medial. The iliocapsularis can then be mobilized medially to the rectus, en bloc with the iliopsoas/iliacus muscle complex (see Fig. 11.10). The origin of the rectus is only detached when intracapsular work is indicated which is mostly for femoral head–neck offset correction. Peters et al. have described a modification of the surgical approach that avoids the rectus takedown by approaching medial to rectus femoris and lateral to the iliocapsularis/iliopsoas/iliacus down to medial hip capsule [147]. At this point, the anterior ischium is accessible for the placement of a curved osteotome for the ischial osteotome after blunt dissection down into the infra-articular space between psoas and capsule. The superior pubic ramus is also accessible through this window after retraction of the iliopsoas medial to the iliopubic eminence. The preparation of the outer iliac bone can then be conducted by undergoing a subperiosteal dissection between ASIS and AIIS, in line toward the apex of the greater sciatic notch, for a very limited width to allow for saw motion and positioning. Then, medially over the pelvic brim and down the quadrilateral plate but avoiding the greater sciatic notch, a blunt subperiosteal dissection will allow free motion of osteotomes during the retroacetabular osteotomy.

Fig. 11.10
(Top images) The ASIS (A) is center to the exposure with a Hohmann retractor on the pelvic brim and a Hibbs retractor mobilizes the iliopsoas muscle along with the sartorius, inguinal ligament, and abdominal wall. (TFL tensor fascia lata) (Middle images) The origin of the rectus femoris tendon (RF) is shown distal to the AIIS (B). (dh direct head, rh reflected head) (Bottom images) The muscular portion of the proximal rectus femoris muscle is elevated off the hip capsule with a Cobb (C) along with fibers of the iliocapsularis muscle. This dissection will allow for the safe development of the interval between rectus and iliopsoas muscles, distal to AIIS and medial to the hip capsule. Once detached laterally, the iliocapsularis muscle fibers mobilize much easily along with the iliopsoas muscle
The first osteotomy is usually the inferior ischial cut. This osteotomy can be performed blind by going medially into the lateral obturator foramen or under fluoroscopic guidance with a false profile view of the hemipelvis [146]. One aims at initiating the bone cut at a 1 cm distance inferior to the articulation and going 15–20 mm deep with the osteotome. Care must be taken to avoid a complete ischial bone cut in order to preserve the posterior ischium in full integrity with the posterior column. The second cut will be conducted at the pubic ramus and as close to the acetabulum as feasible and medial to the iliopubic eminence. The bone cut should be performed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ramus to facilitate acetabular fragment motion. Retractors can be introduced in the superior obturator foramen to protect its content from osteotome injury. A sharp osteotome or a Gigli saw can be used for this osteotomy [146] (see Fig. 11.11).

Fig. 11.11
(Top center image) Instruments develop an entry point at the superior and lateral corner of the obturator foramen allowing the passage for a Satinsky clamp (middle left) from distal to proximal. A Gigli saw can then be guided into place using a long 1-0 silk suture (bottom left). Others may elect to hold the retracted structure medial to the osteotomy site with a 2.4 mm K-wire unicortically fixed onto the pubic ramus and use a Ganz osteotome to perform the transverse pubic ramus cut (bottom right)
The third osteotomy is the supra-acetabular osteotomy. It can be performed with an oscillating saw under direct vision while assuming proper muscle protection medially and laterally from the iliac bone. The starting point is just below the ASIS and aiming at the apex of the greater sciatic notch but should end 2 cm from the pelvic brim. At this point, the iliac bone osteotomy travels down the quadrilateral plate to become the retroacetabular osteotomy at equal distance from the greater sciatic notch and the acetabulum as visualized on the false profile view under fluoroscopy. Thus allowing the preservation of the pelvic integrity and safeguarding from intra-articular osteotome penetration. At completion, the retroacetabular osteotomy shall meet the ischial osteotomy to free the acetabular fragment. In very hard bone, a high-speed burr may help in cutting through the pelvic brim turn from the iliac osteotomy into the retroacetabular osteotomy.
Once the acetabular fragment is fully osteotomized, it can be manipulated using a Weber clamp on the pubic rami stump and a 5 mm Schanz screw positioned in the iliac bone, 15 mm above the superior articular line. Initial flexion of the fragment is aided with laminar spreaders and the Schanz screw to distract the iliac and retroacetabular osteotomy. Later, traction upward from the table, followed by rocking motion from medial to lateral with the Schanz screw, will free the residual retroacetabular bony attachments. Then, the acetabular fragment is extended and internally rotated to obtain the desired reorientation of the fragment (Fig. 11.12). In order to mobilize the acetabular fragment into position to correct a retroverted socket, a bone wedge may have to be removed from the iliac bone to allow fragment motion proximally.

Fig. 11.12
This is a view of the surgical field from the head of the patient for a right hip. The iliac bone osteotomy is performed using a sagittal saw. Then, the acetabular bony fragment can be mobilized and freed using a laminar spreader
Before final fixation with bone screws running from the top of the iliac crest down into the fragment, K-wires stabilize the fragment (Fig. 11.13). A careful radiologic assessment is then required to judge the acetabular fragment position. One aims at obtaining a horizontal acetabular sourcil, appropriate anteversion with the disappearance of the crossover sign and the absence of a posterior wall sign. Moreover, overt medialization or lateralization of the femoral head should be avoided. The acetabular coverage should correspond to a LCEA of 23–33°. Upon finalization of acetabular fragment fixation, a perioperative hip exam under direct vision should confirm impingement-free full range of motion. Otherwise, a capsulotomy should be performed and osteochondroplasty undertaken accordingly.