

Group A (BMI ≥ 25) (N = 440)

Group B (BMI < 25) (N = 161)


64.90 ± 7.70

66.70 ± 8.78


224 F, 216 M

95 F, 66 M



30.52 ± 4.66


22.52 ± 2.15


%BF ± SD


38.51 ± 5.51


34.70 ± 5.61


BMI body mass index, %BF body fat percentage, SD standard deviation, F female, M male

Figure 1 and Table 2 show the regression analysis between BMI and BF%.


Fig. 1
Linear equations relating % BF to BMI in Groups A and B. BMI body mass index, % BF body fat percentage

Table 2
Linear equations relating body fat percentage and body mass index

Standardized coefficients beta

r 2

Adjusted r 2


p value






SEE standard error of the estimate

The 69 % (N = 303) of Group A and the 48 % (N = 78) of Group B had a rotator cuff tear (Table 3). Patients with RCT had a BMI value higher than subjects with no RCT in both groups (p = 0.031 in Group A; p = 0.02 in Group B).

Table 3
BMI and % BF of the two groups

Group A (BMI ≥ 25) (N = 440)

Group B (BMI < 25) (N = 161)
RCT (N = 303)

Control (N = 137)

RCTs (N = 78)

Control (N = 83)



31.18 ± 4.71


30.23 ± 4.62


22.23 ± 1.54


21.86 ± 2.42


BF% ± SD


37.64 ± 5.71


36.70 ± 5.63


38.09 ± 5.87


37.68 ± 6.19


BMI body mass index, %BF body fat percentage, SD standard deviation, RCT rotator cuff tear, N number

Chi-square test demonstrated significant relationship between BMI value and the presence of the RTC (chi-square = 21.17, p < 0.001). In particular, significance was achieved for subjects of Group A (odds ratio = 2.35; 95 % confidence interval = 1.63–3.40; p < 0.001).

Moreover, significance was achieved for both men (odds ratio = 2.10; 95 % confidence interval = 1.27–3.52; p = 0.0036) and women (odds ratio = 1.94; 95 % confidence interval = 1.18–3.18; p = 0.0082) with a BMI between 25.00 and 30.00 kg/m2 as well as for both men (odds ratio = 2.49; 95 % confidence interval = 1.41–3.90; p = 0.0037) and women (odds ratio = 2.31; 95 % confidence interval = 1.38–3.62; p = 0.0071) with a BMI of ≥ 30.00 kg/m2 (Fig. 2 and Table 4).


Fig. 2
Relationship between rotator cuff tear and body mass index according to gender

Table 4
Risk estimates for RCTs according to body mass index for men and women

Men (N = 283)
Women (N = 318)

BMI (kg/m2)


95 % CI

p value


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Jul 14, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Obesity

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