Fig. 10.1
A 38-year-old male who sustained an ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft fracture. (a) Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph at 4 months suggests nonunion. (b) A reconstructed CT image demonstrating a clear femoral neck nonunion
In the case of femoral neck nonunions, it is important to clearly establish the presence of osteonecrosis within the femoral head prior to surgery, as greater than 50% involvement of the head may herald eventual collapse and therefore preclude repair of the nonunion [19]. Diagnosis of AVN may be difficult with implants in place. If titanium implants are within the femoral neck and head, an MRI can be utilized to evaluate the hip for AVN. Otherwise a Tc99 bone scan or intraoperative laser Doppler flowmetry can be obtained [20, 21].
The presence of infection should be ruled out in any patient with a nonunion and history of previous surgery. Laboratory values including an erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein should be obtained preoperatively. Gallium scanning has been shown to be of limited value in these cases [22].
Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use have a risk of nonunion associated with it [23]. Patients should be counseled as to this risk, and all attempts to cease smoking should be made in the pretreatment phase.
Preoperative Planning
Preoperative planning should include the use of templates of the hardware to be used, superimposed on preoperative radiographs (Fig. 10.2). The normal side may be used as a template for the prospective end result of the surgery. Special implants or prostheses that may be used should be ordered well in advance of the planned surgery. Special tests such as a bone scan, arteriogram, or Doppler ultrasound for vascularity should be performed as part of the preoperative plan.

Fig. 10.2
The preoperative template for the patient in Fig. 10.1. All aspects of the surgical tact are accounted for
Consultations with anesthesia, vascular surgery, plastic surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, urology, psychiatry, and any other services necessary for diagnosis or treatment should be obtained well in advance of surgery.
Overall, preoperative planning should be thorough, thoughtful, and complete. It should include social services with consideration of financial and family concerns, in addition to the medical and surgical consultations listed previously. Only with proper preoperative planning can a successful result be obtained in a high percentage of elderly patients who have a nonunion.
The reported incidence of nonunion following fracture of the femoral neck varies from less than 5% to greater than one third of observed cases within the literature [24]. Its clinical significance is highlighted by the high rates of reoperation for cases of nonunion. In two randomized controlled trials, the rates of nonunion were 34.5% and 36%, with avascular necrosis occurring in 4.9% and 6%, respectively [25, 26]. In these trials, the reoperation rate after internal fixation was 40% and 42%, respectively, with 75% of those progressing to nonunion requiring surgery [25, 26].
In comparison, avascular necrosis of the femoral head following femoral neck fracture requires reoperation in one third of patients [24]. Certain factors have been repeatedly shown to be associated with nonunion of a femoral neck fracture. To date, these factors have yet to reliably demonstrate robust predictive capacity. The association between osteonecrosis of the femoral head and femoral neck fracture nonunion is important to discuss.
Development of osteonecrosis does not preclude the ability to heal a femoral neck nonunion. Prior studies have shown union in the face of established osteonecrosis of the femoral head as well as osteonecrosis that develops following surgical treatment of the nonunion [27, 28].
Certainly, the amount of initial fracture displacement has some bearing on the development of nonunion. There is a clear relationship with fracture nonunion and displaced femoral neck fractures compared to non-displaced fractures [29]. Fracture comminution , particularly of the posterior cortex, has been linked to decrease fixation stability and increased incidence of nonunion [30]. Timing of surgery and adequacy of the reduction may be more important for the development of osteonecrosis but may also contribute to the development of nonunion [27]. Furthermore, the type of implant utilized may have some bearing on the incidence of nonunion [31, 32].
The orthopedic literature is replete with studies that look at treatment of femoral neck fractures. In a systematic review of the literature and a meta-analysis of 106 studies, the incidence of femoral neck nonunion in displaced femoral neck fractures was reported to be as high as 33% [33]. Factors felt to be associated with development of fracture nonunion included inadequate reduction, poor internal fixation, premature weightbearing, and infection [34]. Individual studies of femoral neck fractures observed varied results. Banks reported on the 20-year experience in Boston. He reported on 301 femoral neck fractures, of which 296 were displaced. There were 34 nonunions in this series [35]. In their study of over 1500 femoral neck fractures, Barnes et al. found no correlation with length of time to reduction and the development of nonunion, but the adequacy of reduction was an important factor with regard to development of nonunion [36]. In a prospective, randomized study comparing sliding hip screw and divergent cannulated pins for the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures, the authors reported an overall incidence of nonunion of 28%, with the sliding hip screw group significantly higher. Interestingly, no correlation between adequacy of reduction and development of nonunion could be made [31].
Yang, Lin, and Chao et al. reported a series of 202 femoral neck fractures treated with three cannulated screws . Their nonunion rate was 21.7% with significant differences in nonunion rate among fracture type, reduction quality, and screw tip subchondral purchase [24]. Their study also reported a significant difference in rate of fracture nonunion based upon cannulated screw configuration. In a similar series reported by Cobb and Gibson, comprised of 65 femoral neck fractures with adequate reduction and technically sound fracture repair, the nonunion incidence was only 4.7% [37]. Garden reported the incidence of nonunion to be 16.6% in his series of 500 patients with subcapital femoral neck fractures [38]. Another report on 76 patients out of an initial 179 showed an incidence of nonunion with and without osteonecrosis of 21% [39].
In a prospective, randomized study looking at internal fixation of femoral neck fractures, 128 patients were treated with a sliding compression screw and 127 with a nail plate. Eleven percent of Garden 3 and 4 fractures went on to nonunion with the compression screw and 25% with the nail plate device [40]. These authors confirmed results of previous studies in which the presence of a varus malunion was associated with development of nonunion. Stromqvist et al. had 22 healing complications in 68 displaced femoral neck fractures. The rate was higher in the flanged nail group [41]. In a second report, Stromqvist et al. reported on 300 femoral neck fractures treated with “Hook Pins.” Of these 215 fractures were displaced, Garden 3 or 4. The incidence of nonunion was 25% overall and 35% in surviving patients [41]. Finally, Skinner and Pauwels reported that in a series of 107 displaced femoral neck fractures, 15 developed a nonunion by 1 year in fractures treated with a sliding hip screw [42].
The incidence of nonunion following surgical repair of an intertrochanteric hip fracture is rare, given the excellent blood supply and cancellous bone stock within the segment. Literature regarding intertrochanteric fracture nonunion and its treatment is limited. Limited case series regarding revision internal fixation and bone grafting following fixation failure have shown encouraging results [35, 43]. Most intertrochanteric fractures treated by conservative methods or internal fixation heal. In a large prospective study performed on over 500 intertrochanteric hip fractures, Kyle et al. reported a 2% incidence of nonunion. All of these occurred in the unstable type 4 fracture patterns treated with a variety of implants [44]. However, nonunion rates may approach 10% when excessive stripping of comminuted fractures disturbs bone nutrition [45]. Mariani and Rand reported on the treatment of ununited intertrochanteric hip fractures. Upon reviewing the initial postoperative radiographs, the authors noted an association with failed ORIF and poor reduction as well as medial displacement osteotomy [46]. Bogoch et al. reported a 6.5% incidence of nonunion following intertrochanteric hip fracture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [47]. The authors felt the condition of rheumatoid bone was a contributing factor in healing complications.
Subtrochanteric nonunion is more common than intertrochanteric nonunion, most likely owing to its high-stress region in the femur. The incidence of nonunion reported in the literature range from 0.5 to 5% [48–50]. Nonunion of subtrochanteric fractures may be related to poor fracture reduction, unfavorable fracture pattern, poor bone quality, loss of medial column support, and early weightbearing [51–53].
Seinsheimer reported the results of 56 patients treated for subtrochanteric fracture treated with a variety of methods and implants. There were eight failures of fixation and three persistent nonunions reported [49]. The authors associated failures and nonunions with fractures that had extensive comminution in the posteromedial cortex; thus, the lateral plate is subjected to excessive medial bending forces as well as a fracture length greater than 8 cm.
Zickel reported on 84 subtrochanteric femur fractures treated by one surgeon with a cephalomedullary device . He had only one nonunion in his series [54]. Wiss et al. reported on 95 subtrochanteric femur fractures. There was only one nonunion in his series (1%) of fractures all treated with an interlocking intramedullary nail [50]. The authors performed their surgery without exposing the fracture site, and thus there was no stripping of medial soft tissues.
In their series of 50 patients with subtrochanteric femur fractures, Velasco and Comfort reported a complication rate of 21%. However, only one patient (2%) developed nonunion of their fracture [55].
Treatment Options
Femoral Neck Nonunions
In most cases, a femoral neck nonunion requires operative treatment if a patient is to regain functional use of their lower extremity. However, if the patient experiences minimal discomfort and has a sedentary lifestyle, one should treat the patient nonoperatively with mobilization out of bed and ambulation using assistive devices as needed. Surgical options vary based on several factors, including preinjury functional status, patient age, condition of the articular cartilage, and the presence or absence of osteonecrosis.
Pauwels Osteotomy
The concept behind the intertrochanteric osteotomy in the treatment of femoral neck nonunion is the conversion of principally shear forces acting on the fractured femoral neck to compressive forces. At no time is the nonunion site exposed. Healing of the nonunion is purely due to alteration in the biomechanical forces at the femoral neck. The technique relies on careful preoperative planning and meticulous attention to surgical detail. Good-quality biplanar radiographs are essential. Classically, the amount of the wedge resection is based on the angle the fracture line makes with the femoral shaft. The operation is performed at the intertrochanteric level. A 30–60° wedge is removed from the lateral cortex, and the osteotomy site fixed with a 95–120° blade plate for fixation depending on the size of the wedge is removed. The blade should enter the proximal fragment 2 cm proximal to the osteotomy site, and its tip should lie in the inferior quadrant of the femoral head [56] (Fig. 10.3). Patients should be kept partial weightbearing for 6–12 weeks until fracture and osteotomy site union has occurred.

Fig. 10.3
A 21-year-old male is 6 months following ORIF of a displaced femoral neck fracture. He has developed a nonunion. (a) AP radiograph at 6 months. (b) Preoperative plan. (c) Immediate postoperative following osteotomy. D0 AP radiograph at 1 year following surgery, the osteotomy site and femoral neck have healed with no signs of AVN of the femoral head
Raaymakers and Marti reported on their experience with 66 patients treated with intertrochanteric abduction osteotomy of Pauwels performed in the setting of femoral neck nonunion [32]. Union of the femoral neck was achieved in 58 (88%) of the cohort and union of the osteotomy achieved in 65 (99%). Overall, a good or excellent result was achieved in 62% of patients. Of 30 cases requiring further intervention, 21 underwent subsequent total hip replacement for osteonecrosis. Healing occurred in the setting of femoral head osteonecrosis without the need for further treatment in 13 cases. Eight persistent nonunions following osteotomy required additional intervention, with only one final treatment failure.
Marti et al. reported on 50 patients treated with intertrochanteric abduction osteotomy of Pauwels [28]. The authors treated all patients less than age 70 with this operation regardless of the presence of femoral head necrosis. Eighty-six percent of their patients healed their femoral neck fractures. Seven patients went on to hip arthroplasty, but only three of these were for persistent nonunion.
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
The concern with open/closed reduction of the femoral neck following femoral neck nonunion is the creation of osteonecrosis, secondary to disruption of the blood supply during the surgical exposure and nonunion reduction. These procedures have been reported in small series mostly for neglected femoral neck fractures that have gone on to nonunion but also following failed internal fixation . Although neglected femoral neck fractures are rarely observed in Western society, the phenomenon persists in nations with limited medical resources. The technique involves an anterior approach to the hip (Watson-Jones) with removal of fibrous tissue from the nonunion site and placement cancellous bone graft. This is followed by screw fixation of the femoral neck under fluoroscopic control.
Elgafy, Nabil, and Gregory reported their experience with 17 cases of aseptic symptomatic femoral neck nonunions following open reduction and internal fixation [57]. These patients underwent revision internal fixation with nonvascularized fibular bone graft. Fibular autograft had a 69.2% success rate with a mean time to union of 4.8 months. Those receiving allograft had a 33.3% success rate with mean time to union of 13.3 months.
A meta-analysis by Jain, Mukunth, and Srivastava identified seven studies with a total of 406 patients undergoing internal fixation and nonvascularized fibular grafting for neglected femoral neck fracture [58]. The average time to union was 22.5 weeks (n = 170). There were 33 persistent nonunions and 11 incidences of avascular necrosis reported among 374 patients for an 11.3% complication rate.
Nagi et al. reported on 40 cases of neglected femoral neck fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation and free fibular grafting to act as a biological implant [59]. They had 38/40 patients healed. Seven of the eight patients who had preoperative evidence of AVN revascularized without collapse. Seven patients had radiologic evidence of AVN following surgery, four of which went on to complete collapse.
Vascularized Pedicle Grafts
The theory behind vascularized pedicle grafting is that the graft will bring blood supply to the region and promote nonunion healing. Sheng-Mou et al. described this approach with the utilization of a vascularized iliac crest bone graft based on the deep circumflex iliac vessels rotated into the nonunion site. All of their five cases healed and were without aseptic necrosis of the femoral head at 2 years. This technique achieves good final functional results, but requires greater operative expertise.
Leung et al. also reported on the use of a vascularized pedicle graft in 15 patients, 6 with established nonunion of the femoral neck and 9 acute fractures with delays in treatment [60]. Their patients mean age was 38 years. Technique involved laying the vascularized iliac crest pedicle graft in a trough perpendicular to the fracture site. The tightening of the screws locks the graft into place. All nonunion sites eventually united.
Another approach involves a pedicled graft of part of the greater trochanter and quadratus muscle. This technique is utilized via a posterolateral approach to the hip and involves meticulous dissection of the quadratus femoris from the hip capsule and transection from the greater trochanter with attached bone. The capsule is incised and the graft is fashioned to fit in a trough along the posterior femoral neck. Meyers et al. reported on 32 patients who were treated with internal fixation and quadratus muscle pedicle grafting for neglected hip fracture (more than 30 but less than 90 days following their injuries) and failed ORIF [61]. Eighteen patients had supplemental autogenous cancellous grafting to the posterior femoral neck. Seventy-two percent of cases achieved union. This procedure has received good results when a true synovial pseudarthrosis exists [13]. Nair, Patro, and Babu reported similar outcomes with their experience of 17 similar patients [62]. They encountered two cases of persistent nonunion and no cases of osteonecrosis. Their series supported the utility of quadratus femoris muscle pedicle bone grafting as adjunctive therapy, demonstrating good functional results comparable to other methods.
Bhuyan retrospectively reported on 48 patients treated for neglected femoral neck fracture by internal fixation and tensor fasciae latae-based muscle pedicle bone grafting [63]. Union was achieved in 41 (85.4%) patients who were followed postoperatively for an average period of 4.4 years. Three nonunions persisted and two patients experienced avascular necrosis.

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